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Messages - Tenko Kuugen

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Graphical / Re: Change On-Screen Character?
« on: 2013-07-22 11:06:33 »
It's possible to do it, without massive working on the script. With the mod manager from Iros (here), it is possible to replace  a model and its animation completely.

not every model ( and model type ) has enough animations to actually supply all needed animations the fieldscript calls for
a lot of models use clouds model TYPE but if you replace him with tifa, aerith or someone else that uses a different type, animations get all screwed up

Graphical / Re: Change On-Screen Character?
« on: 2013-07-21 19:53:50 »
possible? yes
probable? also yes
But it's a lot of work to make this actually work with everything, especially story related events.
I suppose one way to make it easier would be to add a script command that forces cloud as party member for story events just prior to them.

General Discussion / Re: FFVII steam release
« on: 2013-07-20 20:03:18 »
if you can play a game window mode, the overlay really is pointless

Been following the FFVII remake/tweaks/addons since the steam release. Like many I am sure, have finished FFVII numerous times (Love the game) however are looking for challenge. Hints why I am here on your Thread :D

I must say I do enjoy the added scenes (Controlable Aerith hiding Barrett's Daughter, shinra troops Kissing..., and other tid bits).

I have a few questions and concerns /bugs to report.

Bug First:
1. Finding the Hardedge by the weapon dealer in walmarket place, misses to always miss targets when used in combat. Don't know why, but basic attacks simply don't connect... =/

2. After the Sector 7 Plate falls, heading back to Aerith's church and walking into the room where you threw barrels down upon Shinra Soldiers is a glitch trap. The player will no longer be able to escape this area.

1. How does your Mod run for? (Really up to only the end of disc 1?)

2. How do you gain more Limit Breaks? After leaving the shinra HQ, Cloud still is on "Jump Attack" (Braver) and still hasn't learnt Cross Slash... =/  Old play Throughs, I should almost have Lvl 2 Blade Beam Ulocked for the amount of kills and Limit Breaks Preformed.

3. While we are on Limit Breaks, Did you add any new LB (Limit Break) to your mod? Since you changed the names of the few I have seen (Clouds and Tifas). Could you provide a list of your LB and what they do please :)

Thanks for your Time in Advance!! I know the challenges of Modding myself (I create Minecraft Mods) and I am enjoying your 300+ hrs work. Keep it up!!

Bug 1:
I fixed this multiple times. Why in the world is this still happening? My kernel says there are no problems, unless the enemy is immune to the Cut element. is your kernel up to date?

Bug 2:
Players shouldn't even be able to go in there. I need to disable the gateway after the storypoint. I don't know why it still exists to begin with.

It took a lot of time to balance things, fix bugs ( and still fixing bugs ) and so on. Right now it only extends to the end of CD1, yes. You can always keep saves of just before you leave midgard and end of CD1 for when I update this.

Limits are vastly more powerful now and take a lot longer to get. Unless you grind a lot, you're not supposed to have level 3 limits before CD2. If you speedrun, you won't even get lvl 2 limits before CD2.

Most have dramatically changed power, added effects or do something entirely different.

Jump Attack: Single target, def ignoring null element attack with 8x base power ( i.e. no element, means no enemy can resist it ). Also breaks Shield status on enemy
Seal Slash: Single target, cut element, ignores status immunities, causes paralysis, double attack power
Mako Beam: 6x base power, cut element, otherwise same as before
Hellsplitter: 6x base power, 100% critical, ignores defense, cut element
Celestial Rain: 6 hits at 8x base power per hit, Hit element, targets only 1 enemy
Death Spiral: 100% death chance unless immune, Hit element, hits all enemies. If Immune to death, 15x base power hit on all
Omnislash: 15 hits at 8x base power, ignores defense, 100% critical, cut element

Mega Blast: 8x base attack, fire / shoot element
Erase Magic: 100% max MP damage, shoot element
Explosive Shot: 8x base attack, shoot element, hits all enemies
Impact: Single target 4x base attack, ignores defense, ignores status defense, 100% critical, causes paralysis 100%, punch element
LOIC: 8x Base attack, holy / shoot element, always critical, ignores defense
Maximum Rage: 2x base attack, shoot element, 18 hits, single target
Meltdown: Single target, 10 hits, 15x base attack, ignores def, 100% critical, shoot element, removes regen, haste, barrier, mbarrier, reflect, shield, berserk, peerless, deathforce and resist from enemies

Tifa ( Unless it says 'ignore STATUS defense, if the enemy is immune to the status, even 100% causing a status won't do anything )
Triple Hit: 100% slow, 2x base attack, 100% critical, ignores defense, punch element, random target
Upheel: 2.5x base attack, 100% confusion, 100% critical, ignores defense, Hit element, random target
Low Tide: 4x base attack, removes Reflect, 100% critical, ignores defense, hit element, random target
Megaton Throw: 4,5x base attack, 100% blind, 100% critical, ignores defense, hit element, random target
Tsunami: 6x base attack, 100% silence, 100% critical, ignores defense, punch element, random target
Hyper Impact: 8x base attack, removes barrier / mbarrier, ignores defense, 100% critical, punch element, random target
Lifestream Judgement: 15x base attack, 100% slow, ignores status defense, ignores defense, 100% critical, holy / punch element, random target

the others had their limits changed, too.

FF7 Tools / Re: 7thWrapper
« on: 2013-07-16 15:24:54 »
That sounds really exciting. I would advertise the heck out of this feature on YT if it were to come to fruition.

Imagine beach clothing for the Costa Del Sol area  ;)

OR!!! Traditional Japanese clothing for the Wutai area  ;D

thats not difficult at all
all you need to do is replace cloud's model with a different model for just that area. for that, you have to have the 'new' model separately in the char.lgp and then add it in the field script instead of cloud's.

Yeah, after the elevator, that function doesn't work anymore...  Strangely, I can run through the first gate while its closed, but the second I talk to Jesse, she opens the door, Cloud moves slowly on his own (doesn't let you run), and he just walks into a wall, and I lose complete control of my character.

The only command that responds, is the menu button.

Any clues? 

P.S.: This is the version that came with the latest Bootleg install.

That's a pathing issue I kept forgetting to fix. In essence, you have to approach Jesse while standing 'below' ( as in, towards the bottom of the screen ) her. If you're too high and cloud tries to cut too sharp an angle through the door, he gets stuck.

Hello, first off I would like to say I am loving your mod. Great work and keep it up! I was unsure if I should PM this bug to you or post, but assumed you check both.

In the Sector 5 Slums the "wandering guy" asks you to pick up Bisnafitoral from the Wall Market. If you can complete the task, you can continue speaking to him and consequently keep receiving your reward item.

Quick edit: You can only do this before you leave Sector 5 after you obtain your reward. After that if you go back he is no longer wandering. I am no coder / modder, but I figure the more details I can provide, the better.

the wandering guy in the living quarter area of slums 5? in green clothes? what is the reward item?

Beginning of game, Seventh Heaven. "Chests will have different items depending on when you open them" or something like that. Right after closing the Materia tutorial before you gain control of Cloud again.

oh, thats basically a randomizer for chests that runs off the second count of the game time.
depending on the outcome, it varies what you get out of it.

context needed
time chest in what context? where did you come across the term or mechanic?

General Discussion / Re: Let E3 2013 begin!!!
« on: 2013-06-20 06:48:04 »
they still fucking hate their customers
they're not doing this because they admit they were wrong
they're doing this because they don't want Sony to rip out their arm and beat them to death with it. for the next 10 years.

General Discussion / Re: FF7 Difficulty Mod Recommendation
« on: 2013-06-19 06:21:45 »
I'm playing on PC. I didn't like Hardcore b/c it changes all the materia. My master magic materia suddenly turns into "banish". Not sure how Nightmare works, but I think that requires a full game re-install, since it doesn't show up for mod switching.

N7 requires a clean install, yeah. It's not finished yet though.

If you leave the Red Wizards of Thay, then you could make a FF9 in FF7PC mod.Just find a serf that rewrites every rooms field script.

pretty sure FF9 has more fields total than FF7, making FF9-in-FF7 impossible without cutting or merging fields.

Is PHS disabled on these save points even after you come back to midgar?

I haven't gotten to the point where that would be relevant, so right now, yes, disabled.
It's just a matter of adding a gamemoment check though.

well, my savepoints have, depending on where they are, some functionality disabled. all-preleaving Midgar savepoints have PHS disabled for obvious reasons, for example
The letter quest wouldn't be too terribly difficult to re-create. ( unless you wanna include the moogle HQ part.. )
maybe something for the planning board

I already did this in N7 ( save, tent, PHS, check hidden items ) except the good night music but didn't replace them with moogles.
if we had a tent model, we could even imittae the blue overlay and showing the tent while the rest

they're not incompatible per-se
I include both of those mods in Nightmare 7 without any problems
Unless you manually edit and replace scenes, they're incompatible though.

General Discussion / Re: Let E3 2013 begin!!!
« on: 2013-06-13 19:01:03 »
MGS writing is still better than the nonsense Nomura produces nowadays.

General Discussion / Re: Let E3 2013 begin!!!
« on: 2013-06-13 17:18:17 »
Im amazed MGS is even still a thing
Kojima seems to try really hard to make it a not-a-thing-anymore with the hilarious writing

General Discussion / Re: Let E3 2013 begin!!!
« on: 2013-06-13 02:13:26 »
its not a remake in the traditional sense

because that would mean changed content, not just changed visuals.

General Discussion / Re: Let E3 2013 begin!!!
« on: 2013-06-11 02:08:48 »
>PS4: BUY A VITA PLEASE OH MY GOD PLEASE BUY A VITA WE CAN'T EVEN BUY FOOD, also: some games, some mediocre games, some genuinely funny stuff and some actual game footage. also, a lot of lies. and a DVD player that looks like a dimension mutated xbone

General Discussion / Re: Let E3 2013 begin!!!
« on: 2013-06-10 20:20:50 »
Buying a stupid console:

General Discussion / Re: FF7 Difficulty Mod Recommendation
« on: 2013-06-10 20:19:28 »
the hardcore mod is somewhat hard
Nightmare 7 is eat your fingernails hard

people still care about ff13? jeeeesus

Gameplay / Re: FFVII Mod Difficulty Settings
« on: 2013-05-19 20:15:03 »
most if not all of these mods have their own thread
Nightmare is the hardest version followed by Hardcore
dont know about the others

you can just check the skill with wall market and when/how a chocobo uses it with proudclod.

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