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Messages - Sega Chief

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Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-10 22:49:03 »
I don't think that's a good idea; the save editor works off the default stat arcs so changing stats at all might reset them to those arcs. It's likely better if I just finalise an .EXE, but I'll need to do a balance run of Arrange + EXE before I can do that properly.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-10 22:44:03 »

Edit: No wait, it's job search from no more heroes.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-10 22:14:55 »
What a shame... I was looking forward to play the new content...
The rank up system seems far-fetched. They could level up with new curves for stats, but depending on the main story kinda makes you run for it... Going half way to an FFX-like stats customization doesn't cut it for me.
Everything else seems great. Loved the new 10 minutes to escape and the second battle. The specific abilities for each char also... and pretty much everything else really.

It'll be more periodic than FFX's system; something that only happens once in a while. The two major problems with the current build is that there's no way to track SP directly and that the option is available from the get-go, even though it's not going to be of any use until a little later. The plan for 1.4 is to let SP be won from random encounters in addition to bosses and to only unlock the option itself after the party leaves Midgar. After that you'll only be visiting the screen now and then to give your team an upgrade.

We'll see if it pans out for the new build or not; if it doesn't then I'm not averse to just ditching it altogether. There is a lot to be said for the convenience of automatic stat gain, but I'm hoping that this system can get players more involved with how they build their team.

Yeah, I've done it. In the formation screens for all the possible encounters are boxes called 'next arenas'; this is basically a roulette that randomly picks the next enemy formation to be used in sequence. What I did first was refer to the listed possible encounters in the Wiki (it's best to find the initial encounter first; this is the one that starts the 'chain') and then located each of them in turn to make alterations.

For stats, Battle Square gives any enemy that appears a 25% boost or something to HP, Attack, and Magic but you can get around this by manually 'fixing' the enemy's stats through it's pre-battle AI. If you do it that way, they won't gain the 25% bonus which is much more dangerous in mods where enemy stats have been raised.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-10 21:31:59 »
Ah, looks like we've got a combination of Arrange and the .EXE. If I remember right, the .EXE had a problem with Limit Break damage but I thought I'd updated it. Also, that .EXE changes the materia status bonuses/penalties on Materia but this was made before the Rank Up was brought in and character starting stats were changed (that's why the Dex has hit rock bottom).

I'd recommend not using NT's .EXE and playing it on Original mode; I need to do a lot of balancing to Arrange mode and probably to make a new .EXE to make it more compatible with the mod. Fair warning, I'm also working on the mod's overhaul, 1.4, which'll be out later this month.

I've very slowly been playing through the game and I noticed some other dialogue issues that I thought should be mentioned:

1) In the beginner's hall on the second floor of the weapons shop outside Tifa's bar, when you talk to the muscle men about status ailments, these explanations appear:

Double damage.  Accuracy is reduced.  A Tranquilizer will restore you to normal.

Damage is reduced.  A Stimulant will restore you to normal.

The thing with these is, it isn't clear whether that means "double damage inflicted on enemies" for Anger and "damage inflicted on enemies reduced" for Sadness, or whether it means "double damage inflicted on party members" for Anger and "damage inflicted on party members reduced" for Sadness.  I never actually stopped to figure out how Fury and Sadness worked when I first played the original game in the 90's other than changing how quickly your limit bar filled, so I'm actually confused about the meaning myself, as probably would anyone just picking up the game for the first time or who also doesn't fully understand its mechanics.  I ASSUME the dialogue means damage inflicted on your party is changed because doubling the damage inflicted on enemies for free for as long as you want to keep that status on your party seems pretty unbalanced, but I think a lot of players out there wouldn't necessarily be able to easily suss that out.

Unless DLPB has changed the way Fury works in this, the default effects of Sadness and Fury are:

Sadness: 30% reduction to physical/magical damage taken (doesn't reduce fixed damage/%-based attacks), slows Limit gauge.

Fury: Reduction of 30% in hit% for character's physical/magical attacks, accelerates the afflicted character's limit gauge.

So with Sadness you're trading Limit Break output for some extra damage mitigation (and 30% is pretty OP when stacked with the other forms like Barriers, Back Row, and Defend; again assuming that these mechanics haven't been changed here). While with Fury you're getting a lot more Limit Breaks but will miss more often with regular physical/magical attacks.

If the effect was changed for Reunion, then I'd assume it'll be your afflicted character that's taking double damage. Best get that Esuna'd off- ah, I mean Status Nulled ASAP :I

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-10 21:11:19 »
1.4 is on the way; what might delay the estimate now is how work looks next week. There's a very suspicious block of empty shifts and someone on night-shift is on holiday for that week. May need to hide my phone.

Reno, along with every other boss and enemy, has been tweaked and/or overhauled for the new build. The fight wasn't changed drastically, but you can check it out here:

The Turks have finally lost their red suits from the very first build :l

Bosses in general are losing their Morph + Rare Steal; this is to remove any temptation from going for those in-battle and let players focus on just fighting the boss instead. Let me know if this is a problem and you want them brought back or something.

I like how he says it maybe once during the entire game and then it's treated like his catchphrase all of a sudden. I maybe peppered it into the game's dialogue a couple more times because of that.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-10 14:01:03 »
You'll find Poison Materia in it's original location, the treasure chest up on Floor 67 of the Shinra HQ. You can inflict Poison earlier using a new item called Dirty Bombs which can be bought in item stores (Wall Market for instance); they replaced Eye Drops.

You can get rid of Refraction's Reflect by bouncing your spells off the afflicted character four times; they'll bounce onto Reno rather than back at the caster.

I'm putting together a change-log for the 1.4 build; it'll list everything that's new/different, and why it was put in. I'll make a proper database for all the equipment, possible character stats, etc. as well.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-09 23:42:07 »
Oh, in the battle menu? That might be Menu Overhaul; I think it changes the way spell lists are displayed. In the regular game, spells should be condensed down to an extent (but there might be spaces off to the right of a spell; it's sorted by Materia equipped rather than spells actually available, I think).

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-09 16:20:39 »
The NT crash is fixed and updated to Catalog version 2.1. Here is the post for it in the 7th Heaven forums:


Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-09 07:04:38 »
Yeah, but I PM'd a temporary fix for the problem.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-09 06:18:58 »
Just off night-shift; looks like some stuff to catch up on so let's see:

@sega chief
I just tried to play your nt mod - same here it crashes and in app.log i get this message at the end:
ERROR: failed to find file char/ZZZY.HRC (LGP) (path: )
ERROR: offset error: ZZZY.HRC
ERROR: could not open file ZZZY.HRC

We're missing a new field model from that screen; in the dark cave sidequest, you go through this screen again and have an encounter with the Turks. This means that the ZZZY model, and perhaps the others as well, are either missing from the 7H IRO for NT or the Char.lgp isn't being patched.

Only question is what version would we get, standard or arranged.

As far as any build before 1.4 goes, always go for standard/original. Arrange needs rebalanced.

Edit 2: hah success i saved just past that scene in normal mod, loaded scene after in nt mod and no crash. but if i try to come back to previous scene it crashes again... so i asume something there messes up the game, not any char model as i thought previously...

Hold yer horses folks. Every time you start a new game in FF7, initial settings for characters are loaded from the kernel. In other words, if you start a new game without NT installed then it means you're going to be starting off with end-game weapons for Barret, Tifa, and Aeris (I turned their starting weapons into triple AP ones and gave them their next-in-tier instead to start) and you'll be missing some Materia when those characters join your party; you'll have no Barrier from Aeris, and Enemy Skill will be unobtainable because Red XIII won't join with it equipped.

It'd be better to leave NT for now until the source of this char.lgp problem is identified. I'll let Alyza know about it so she can check NT's char.lgp files in the catalog and we'll go from there.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-08 20:11:40 »
Best bet is to deactivate everything except NT; then add each extra mod one at a time; loading the game with each new mod applied so you can check to see if the save point script is present. If it vanishes and gets replaced with default script, then you'll have found the conflicting mod.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-08 19:38:19 »
I guess it could be a conflict? Do you have anything else in there that alters either field screens or the game's dialogue installed?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-08 16:07:51 »
I believe I am using the latest catalog, I did the check subscriptions now check and it said it got the updated list. I'm using the sub link provided in the 7th Heaven installation readme.  Also I haven't notice a rank up system in 1.35 as in I haven't been able to choose what stat I level, unless I'm not doing it right or I am supposed to use an item or something.
I might be using an older version as you stated about it being 1.3 and not 1.35. Any suggestions?

You should be seeing this option (and it should be enabled) at every save point:

If that option (Camera button/L2) isn't working then it must have been disabled, which means 1.3. If the option isn't there at all, and Save Points are normal, then we might still be on 1.2...

I have more of a technical question. What are your limitations when modding? Like for example, adding another playable character besides the original nine, or adding an unlimited amount of new monsters or materia. I know on the PSX side you're limited to the size of the iso. Does the same principle apply for the PC version?

For PC, there's a finite number of slots for Materia, spells, equipment, items, enemies, formations, etc. There's actually 255 character slots but only the original 9 are usable, with Cait Sith and Vincent sharing their slots with Sephiroth and Young Cloud. The .exe would need to be heavily altered to allow for another character; as the save map would need to somehow account for another set of stats, look-ups for the battle model, etc.

We can swap in temporary characters using 7H, but that's about it.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-08 08:36:16 »
@segachief While waiting for 1.4, i always wondered about that clouds 6-7lvl start game. What happened to him before that how did he reach that lvl? I know we have crisis core, but it mostly tells Zacks story? I see you're more than capable of making wonders in this game, so would a pre ff7 clouds story be possible? Like acquiring his first limit, bolt materia etc?

And is there still a lvl 40/70 cap in 1.4?

There's some discussion about that now and then. Where Cloud got his starting Materia from, his level, the irregular pieces of armour he wears, etc. My understanding of it is that Cloud probably did actually work as a mercenary briefly before ending up with AVALANCHE, which would likely account for all of the above.

The counter-argument comes from a new scene added into the NA/EU releases of the game where Cloud appears to be too sick to actually do anything like that until Tifa comes across him at the train station (this scene isn't present in the JORG version of the game). Stuff like this can happen a lot when making stories; a small change later creates unforeseen inconsistencies earlier on, etc. There might be more detailed info about this in those lore things (ultimanias?) but I can't remember.

There is no Level cap in 1.4; there is an AI calculation that affects level once it's past Lv.44 but I'm changing that to be less static, so that it still allows levels beyond 44 to affect damage output.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-08 06:13:17 »
That's 1.3; I can't remember exactly, but I think it was using the old level cap of 40 for Disc 1-2. Are you using the latest 7H catalog? It was updated very recently and should have 1.35 on it.

I think you need to update the catalog URL; the old one was removed, and now it uses a new one for the updated mod list.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-07 20:08:51 »
Remove the TIMER?


Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-07 19:32:16 »
I dunno; ten minutes is kinda the only time it can be. I can't have it be '12 and a bit minutes to detonation!'

The world map .lgp should be using three-letter designations for it's files; maybe that's a left over? As for the others, the char.lgp should only be able to use one, unless there's something like 7H that can dynamically swap in different files during the game's run-time.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-07 18:48:20 »
I'd been thinking about it a couple times but there's already that 2nd X-ATM fight and people were mentioning escaping with only seconds to spare so an extra thing to take care of might be a bit much.

Edit: Oh, could do it for Arrange; instead of Jessie, you save Biggs.

Troubleshooting / Re: keyboard not working after mod
« on: 2016-01-07 18:26:46 »
Are you using a laptop? In the 1997 version of FF7 PC, the default buttons are mapped to the Num-Pad:

To get around that, you'll need a file called ff7input with the keys mapped to different buttons (this file gets generated when starting a new game for the first time, it's basically your custom keys + sound settings). I don't know if you can just use someone else's file, but just in case try this one:

Unzip that folder and drop the ff7input file into the Final Fantasy 7 folder (the one that contains a bunch of other folders called data, etc). If it does work, then it'll map your buttons to the keyboard to the settings that I have:

WASD (movement)

HJKL (Square/Switch, Confirm, Cancel, Menu)

YUIO (L2, R2, L1, R1)

Enter/Space (Start, Select)

With that you should be able to start the game and set your own button preferences through the Config screen in the party menu. Just remember to have the option set to 'Custom' rather than default otherwise the next time you start the game it'll set the buttons back to the num-pad.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« on: 2016-01-07 18:20:01 »
For completely deleted, there's only a few bits and bobs. There was a unique battle background which used a sunset + Shinra Logo as the floor for debug fights in JORG, but it's gone now (replaced with a black void). Beyond that it's mostly just scrubbed text that's only pointed to by fragments of old scene code and the pre-release tech demo shows some more deleted stuff (Cloudiar remade some of these early Midgar scenes such as Biggs needing to be rescued during the Reactor 1 escape).

Got around some weird problem where parts being added in through Kimera weren't opening correctly and I think I've guessed this bluer hue Mr. Bloodshot used for the clothes. So...

Edit: Noticing a lot of little details he added like studs on the glove, etc. Wish I could do that.

Edit 2: Ta-da -

I put in the hi-res parts and recoloured them to try and match Bloodshot's colour, but it's tricky without notes. I also removed the weapon files from the 2nd Cloud model so it doesn't clash with weapon mods for the final battle.

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