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Messages - Kudistos Megistos

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FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-16 18:34:45 »
Quote from: NeoCloudstrife
Question. Can the kernel(s) determine how many people are in and who is in the party at particular points in the game, and also what stats they have at random intervals. so say for instance i was recreating a different game based on the FF7 engine. Would editing the Kernel allow me add characters when you meet them, give them X stats, remove them when they are removed from the party and make them return freely, and with different stats, just like Aeris and sephiroth are? I'm simply curious to see how this is done, if it anything to do with the kernel, and if so, would WM be able to do this in the future? something tells me the code in the scene files denotes this, however...

Listen to that something. If you are talking about having more characters (instead of replacing them for the whole game), you'll have to edit a lot more than the kernel, including but not limited to flevel.lgp and battle.lgp. You'll either have to make some other character IDs shared or add more slots. I'm not sure which will be harder, but neither will be easy.

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-16 17:28:47 »
That's a shame  :cry:

So, other than the things that can be changed in the kernel, can anything about them be edited? Is modding them just very hard and complicated or is it impossible to do without making huge changes to the way the game works?

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-16 16:29:59 »
There isn't much that one can do with commands right now :-(; I don't think anyone knows where the data determining how they work is. The only things one can really change by editing kernel.bin0 is the targeting info and the camera, not that that isn't useful: I made my "flash" command hit one enemy only and my "slash-all" toggle multiple targets so that it works like magic + all materia (i.e. one can choose whether to attack one target or all, and the damage is reduced by 1/3 when targeting all).

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-15 21:17:11 »
Quote from: NFITC1
Sadly, no.  :-(  (you spelled my name wrong. Prepare to Die! ......or not)

Sorry :oops:. Sometimes I get strange ideas into my head about how things are spelt or pronounced, and once they are in, it is very hard to get them out. ;-)

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-15 21:01:08 »

That was quick! Are you a robot? ;-)

But there are a couple of things...

An unhandled exception occurs when I open my modded scene.bin; the program seems to work, but doesn't open any of the scenes from EA onwards. It doesn't happen when I open my unmodded backup, so it may be a problem at my end; I'm going to do a bit more experimenting.

And wallmarket doesn't recognise changes to the names of spells, weapons etc. that were made to kernel2.bin after I first used version 1.0; interestingly, it does recognise changes made with Teioh before that. The changes do show up in the game.

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-15 16:24:45 »
Well, it's an attack editor; how about giving it a name like Scarlet or Heidegger?

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-15 15:55:49 »
Just downloaded it; the formerly messed up materia slots on the initial data/character data screen look right now. So, how's the enemy attack editor going, and what exactly will it do?

Archive / Re: Replacing Cloud with Aerith?
« on: 2008-12-14 17:37:48 »
Aeris has a few extra parts, because her hair moves and I think her dress does as well; that makes things tricky :-(

I imagine that there is some way to get around this, but if there is not, you'll have to edit the field files to make Aeris appear instead.

Are you putting one of the 3 game discs in instead of the installation disc? If so, that's your problem. Put the installation disc in and see what happens...

I'm using a vista laptop too, and for the most part the game plays wonderfully.

Archive / Re: Replacing Cloud with Aerith?
« on: 2008-12-14 00:03:30 »
I don't know much about swapping models, but to change starting levels you can use WallMarket, as the above poster says.

As for limit breaks, you can swap them, but the number of times they will have to be used in order to get the next ones will still be the same. To change this, you have to edit the growth data in the kernel. At the moment you will need to use a hex editor to do this, but later releases of WallMarket should allow you to edit this part of the kernel as well.

If you want to stop Cloud & co. appearing when you don't want them, you'll have to do some editing of the flevel files. I'm also learning how to do this at the moment as part of my battle square project.

You might be able to get some use out of another save file editor called ff7se10, or you could directly hex edit the save files.

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-13 21:13:10 »
Quote from: NTIFC1
What about the Character data is messed up? Is it the materias and the links? If that's the case I'm gonna have to say live with it because there's little/nothing I can do about it.

Yes, the coloured orbs do not line up completely with the slots and I can't see the links, but it's not a big problem.

Quote from: NTIFC1
And I'd switch Aero2's and Aero3's animations, but I'm glad there are finally wind and water attacks.

The Aero2 animation does look a little more dramatic, but the Aero3 animation is actually from an enemy attack called Aero3 (Rapps and Wind Wing use it). By the way, did you notice the music I used? ;-)


If anyone wants to know how to use enemy attack animations for player spells, read this.

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-13 20:36:19 »
I've noticed that the materia display on the Initial Data/Character Data screen is a little bit messed up, but it's only cosmetic.

In other news, I've used WallMarket to make some new materia and spells!

Releases / gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2008-12-12 18:04:59 »
I have noticed that some people are having trouble with the battle arena in this mod. At the moment I am investigating how the battle arena works. Hopefully I'll be able to let the player use a full party, which should make things much more reasonable.

Releases / gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2008-12-12 12:50:34 »
Quote from: gjoerulv
I think the problem lies in the fact that some scenes uses new battle models that can't possibly be in the original psx battle.lgp, 'cause I made 'em lol. I've more or less made 1 new enemy in every place. I only made new enemies where it was room for one (or 2) in the scene.bin. And for the sole exception of Jumbo Cactuar I never replaced any enemies with new ones.

Ah, that was the robot, wasn't it? They caused quite a few problems.

Archive / Re: Battle Square Mechanics
« on: 2008-12-12 12:46:08 »
Yeah, that's a pity. I changed the first byte of the opcode that causes this from 40 to 20; the battles took place in their normal location, the exp. etc. received screens came up and I was back in battle square after one fight.

It also seems that some of the information on the wiki is wrong. The opcode I changed to make this happen was 72 BTLMD, not 22 BTMD2.

Still, there should be some way to have all three members of the party fighting, shouldn't there? I'm going to try out a few more things today.

EDIT: I can get three members of the party into the battle arena fights by changing the bytes after the CA PRTYE opcode in the field file for the lobby of battle square (coloin1), but at the moment I am limited to using three specific characters rather than whichever three are in the party. I'm sure that if I spend enough time staring at numbers and reading the opcodes section of the wiki I'll be able to do this, or to disable the "select party member to fight" part all together. In the meantime, does anyone know whether one can put in variables to the effect of "whoever is the third member of the party" after the CA PRTYE opcode, or can one only put in character IDs 00-0B?

Releases / gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2008-12-10 23:31:23 »
I'm not sure exactly what would happen if you tried to play the mod without the right flevel files, but you certainly wouldn't be able to fight the new enemies, and there might be some other problems with encounters as well, since the field files have all the data on what battles happen in what area.

Hmmm, I've just thought; field files are not stored the same way in the PSX version as in the PC version, are they? That might cause a few problems :-(

Releases / gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2008-12-10 21:42:41 »
Just one little question...

To use your Scene.bin in the PSX version, gjoerulv, I had the idea to completely remove some scene files that aren't used in the first disc, such as the scene files holding the enemies you only meet in Midgar disc 2, and the final dungeon's monsters and bosses. This allowed me to make your scene.bin go below the original's size limit and thus, to make it fit into the game ISO.

It worked great until I defeated Guard Scorpion. But then, while going back to the save point, a random encountered occur in the beginning of which the game just crashed. Impossible to go farther. So, my question is : did you hack one of these random encounters in some way that would crash the game if the last few little scene files were missing ?... ...In other words, is some new enemy supposed to ambush the party, as soon as Guard Scorpion is defeated ?

If not, then this surely sucks - as that would mean that my own scene.bin has chances to randomly crash on the PSX version, too...

I don't think that there are any new encounters in the reactor, so I can't think of any reason why the game is crashing. Could there be a problem with the kernel.bin file not being updated? Have your field files been updated as well as your scene files? Have you tried this a few times, or has it only happened once?

If the mod doesn't work for the PSX version, that really does suck :-(

Archive / Battle Square Mechanics
« on: 2008-12-10 21:14:51 »
This question was asked by someone else a while ago, but wasn't answered, so I'm asking it again in case anything new has been discovered.

What is known about the battle square mechanics? How, for example, could the handicaps be disabled? Is there any way to have three people in the battles instead of one? Or get Exp. and AP from fights?

General Discussion / Re: Patch Location - Help
« on: 2008-12-10 19:05:56 »
They might (and I repeat, *might*) be downloadable here, but one can only download them directly (i.e. possibly not from filefront) if one signs up, and it's not free. I make no guarantees.

BTW I like your avatar.

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-10 18:15:25 »
Man, that 2 minute intro movie gets old fast. :(

Can't you use GyptInstant from dziugo's YAMP and skip the opening movie with Ctrl+S? I'm having a little trouble with playing movies on my new machine, which has actually come in handy for when I try things out with kernel.BIN3; it means that I can double click on my ff7 shortcut and be playing within 30 seconds :-)

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-09 19:32:52 »
I noticed that the "adjusted max" for HP and MP in the screenshots is 65535, and wondered whether this would cause any problems. I seem to remember reading somewhere on this forum that this value is signed, and the maximum is 32767. I could be wrong.

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-08 16:29:54 »
Either that, or the makers planned to have some other status changes remain after battle and later decided that only fury or sadness would stay. I'll have a look at those flags tonight.

UPDATE: I put 01h (death) and 08h (poison) in there and nothing happened, but fury and sadness worked as usual. I'll try a few more things later.

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-08 15:54:51 »
Looking good!

Now, I wonder what those missing flags are...

the only value i edited was the 3rd materia slot for cloud i didnt even attempt to change barrets stats at all. but can some one email be the kernal files so i can try again? [email protected]

i just baught a copy from

So, have you got hold of a kernel.bin file yet? If you have the discs, couldn't you copy the kernel.bin file from one of those?

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-05 18:41:57 »
Unfortunately, I think that armour and accessories can only have one level of resistance to elements, i.e. they can not absorb one and halve another, or be immune to one and weak against another. Still, you can have a lot of other double edged swords, such as something that gives the player a high evasion rate but is weak against all physical attack elements or that causes instant death when one particular element is used, or something that raises stats very high but makes the wearer absorb the "restore" element (i.e. he or she will be harmed by "cure" and "life" spells and items). Actually, one might be able to make the latter already...

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