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Messages - Armorvil

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This is already the case, in a sense. In each area, there are up to 4 enemy formations, and each of those have their own camera position. But if you mean adding different camera angles to the same formation, I'm afraid that's not possible. Or easily possible, because you can always do whatever you want with enough knowledge and time.

I uploaded a new video. Here is what replaces the Guard Scorpion in my mod. I like this camera angle, but it is only possible thanks to Aali's extended battle screen and transparent menu. On a PSX (or another configuration), I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to see the party. I'll try to reduce the camera's Y coordinate so the characters are above the battle interface.

Graphical / Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
« on: 2010-07-09 16:49:52 »
I read everything KM said, and I still think Pyro's scene is great.

Getting rid of the mountains is not being authentic to the original and is simply a case of getting rid of something that one happens to dislike personally.

Yup, and what's wrong with that ? It is logic to do what one likes, during one's free time. I like you KM, you're a great guy and all, but pretending that your opinion has more value than someone else's is quite pretentious. This is subjective matter we're talking about, here.

A view from the ground, just behind a lone enemy. I think I'm getting the jist of adjusting battle camera.

Yeah, I set the camera as fixed in the menu.
Here is another one.

I'm working on my own difficulty mod (which also changes a lot of things, but it's a little too early to talk about IMO), and I decided to rework some battles' camera angles, thanks to Proud Clod.

So, I made this one. 2 MPs appeared !!

I always loved over the shoulder cameras, especially in RPGs. Makes you right into the action ! ...Sadly, with three characters in the team, close-ups will be difficult to implement. I will try to be creative, and post my findings here (if I do find some...).

Anyways, if you like this camera angle and want it in your game, type this in PrC's formation editor (select the formation you're looking for, and it's the first line under "camera positions") :

00A0  FD50  0AA0 0000 FDA0 0000

Obviously though, if you want all battle formations, in all scenes, to have this camera angle, then you'll have to type this approx. 1,000 times :P But I wouldn't do that - with more than one character, chances are it would look ugly.

Releases / Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2010-07-07 21:11:12 »
W-item isnt cheating to me lol.

Well, W-item's purpose is to allow the use of two items in one turn, not to get infinite items. Making use of bugs and glitches to fit your needs is cheating.

okay now i'm lost , i've downloaded kranmer's lgp installer but i don't know how to use it to change the buster sword's model into masamune's model please can someone help me here ? please .
No double posting.  User was warned for this post

You're too nice, Obesebear. I vote for an immediate ban.

Graphical / Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
« on: 2010-07-06 23:37:59 »
I love this scene without mountains. It's beautiful. And besides, I've always seen the world map in RPGs like a a symbolic representation of the world. The game strongly hints at things this way by the way (character as big as a city, small mountain, random battles, ...). When you think of Cloud on the world map as just a piece that you move on a paper map, Pyrozen's battle scene is perfect. Because to walk from Kalm to the Chocobo Farm in reality (for example), it doesn't take 5 minutes, but weeks. There is no doubts the party met people on the way, visited unimportant settlements, and the random battles show the rare times the party couldn't resolve a problem without using brute force.

With this logic in mind, it makes sense that the mountains are so far away you can't see them, since walking up to them actually takes days.

And [off-topic] this kind of symbolism is what I think is missing from most games today. By going the realistic route, everything ends up feeling narrow. With the details allowed today, developpers work on the infinitely small, instead of working on the infinitely grand. But enough of my rant [/off-topic].

Releases / Re: [WIP] New sound effects for FFVII
« on: 2010-07-06 20:43:42 »
By the way, i forgot to tell you that I heard Tifa's normal attack sound when the girl punches Big Bro at the gym (after he lost to the squats, he's hit by his boss), and when Barret hits the debris in despair, just after the plate fell and crashed sector 7. The former is not really a problem (the voice fits her, and it's hilarious ^^), but the latter... ...Let's just say I didn't know that Barret has such a feminine voice :P

I managed to do it anyhow :

True, I haven't tested this in-game yet, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.


Tested in-game, and it works perfectly  :D

To tell you the truth, I had some trouble deciding on what to do with Cait Sith... ...Its physical attack being ridiculous, and it being a little cat made me choose the mage path. True, it could be a mage with high HP, but since I already made its defence quite high, I had to give him some drawback.

Here are the HP and MP I'd like my characters to have when they reach level 99 :

Barret : ~9999 HP, ~100 MP
Cid : ~9200 HP, ~200 MP
Cloud : ~8500 HP, ~300 MP
Red XIII : ~7700 HP, ~400 MP
Tifa : ~7000 HP, ~500 MP
Cait Sith : ~6300 HP, ~600 MP
Vincent : ~5500 HP, ~700 MP
Yuffie : ~4800 HP, ~800 MP
Aerith : ~4000 HP, ~999 MP

With Wall Market, this is possible. There are enough growth curves so I could choose the ones I like. The only problem is that the curves most of the time aren't straight lines. Let's take Aerith's HP growth, for example :

I noticed that curve #30 is the best there is, for her. But the problem is, the curve goes up a lot at the beginning, and slows down afterwards. Consequently, her HP growth is very high from lv 1 to lv 14. So, when she reaches lv 14, she has ~1250 HP. Let's compare her with the other characters at lv 14, shall we ?

Cloud : 1014 HP
Barret : 1279 HP
Tifa : 970 HP
Red XIII : 950 HP
Yuffie : 1118 HP (!)
Cait Sith : 1850 HP (ridiculous...)
Vincent : 1950 HP (we got a winner)
Cid : 1143 HP

See the problem ?... ...If I'm balancing all characters' HP and MP growth, this is to bypass this kind of aberration. Aeris should never come close to Barret's HP, and "magicians" like Vincent and Cait Sith should never become such HP monsters. Of course after some time, this problem disappears since their growths slow down, but it's highly annoying.

I guess I could start the game with everyone at level 50+, so you'd never witness such atrocity, but I noticed that Wall Market allows one to edit the growth curves. Most excellent, since it would allow me to create perfect straight lines for each character. The problem is, it looks like this :

Does anyone know how this works ?


Okay guys, I figured it out. Sorry for creating once again a topic before putting my ass in gear, but like before, I really thought I could never understand it by myself. And it turned out I was wrong, once again.

You see, each of those lines is a curve. And what I had to modify were the bytes in the G columns. In G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7 and G8, enter the same value. The higher the value, the higher the line will climb (and the more HP/MP/whatever the character will gain at level up). For example, putting 12 in all those columns, for curve #29, creates a straight line that allows Barret to reach 108 MP at level 99.
As for the B columns, my guess is they're for the min values - so they shouldn't be very important.

Sorry again for creating a new topic so fast...


Apparently, the B columns are more important than that. It's also important to enter the same value in them.

The very high # of uses is because limits 1-3, 2-3 and 3-3 don't exist - hence the data is not referenced, hence it is FFFF in hex (=65535 in decimals).

As for the HP divisor, it is what decides how much the limit bar fills, when someone takes a hit. The lower the number, the faster the gauge fills.

About your other questions, I don't know.

Releases / Re: [WIP] New sound effects for FFVII
« on: 2010-07-04 19:54:25 »
Tifa's splash sound I just created, as well as a sound for casting magic I forgot to upload earlier.

As usual, tell me what you think. As I did, an honest opinion - don't hesitate to tell me it's crap :P

Releases / Re: [WIP] New sound effects for FFVII
« on: 2010-07-04 19:08:33 »
Er... ...I didn't test it in-game either, but did you listen to it ? I mean, it doesn't sound like water at all. Actually, to be frank, I think the SFX you used is just one big mess, since it doesn't sound like a hit either  :|
And her voice is... ...well. No offense, but it sounds like the scream of a harpy or another monster. I think you'd have to torture Tifa quite a lot to get such a sound out of her, lol.

I just hope you won't take my criticism badly. Discouraging you is absolutely not the goal, and I hesitated a lot on writing my honest thoughts about this one. The previous voices you posted were absolutely excellent, and I'd love to get more from you. I'm just surprised you posted one as bad as this one. I'll try to look for a nice sound, but since it's a water splash one, chances are it's used somewhere else (from Mr Dolphin, maybe ?).

Releases / Re: [WIP] New sound effects for FFVII
« on: 2010-07-04 09:42:24 »
Sadly, no. Many enemies, like the MP, use it too. Not to mention this machinegun sound is also heard on the field (when climbing the pillar in Sector 7, for example). And silly me, #540 is not Ungermax, it's Highwind.

Releases / Re: [WIP] New sound effects for FFVII
« on: 2010-07-04 01:17:02 »
I don't remember other Tifa sounds in there, but here is my updated list. The sounds that don't have numbers, in the end, are sounds located between #0 and #30. I started numbering the sfx from #30 onward, and was too lazy to number those later.

Image 1

Image 2

And sorry for the rare french words tossed in there :P [actually, I think there's only one : étouffé, which means muffled]. Also, I think I remember me mixing up both Yuffie's and Sephiroth's attacks/critical attacks.


Also, I think I remember that #540 is Barret's Ungermax/Angermax. I suck at recognizing Limit sounds - especially since my team is often the same : Tifa & Yuffie.

Releases / Re: [WIP] New sound effects for FFVII
« on: 2010-07-03 23:12:32 »
I modified some of your existing character attacks sounds and added voices to them.

see if it sounds ok :

The voices came from some Mugen(Free customizable fighting game engine) characters.

Cloud voice from "Cloud" by Yamakichi
Tifa voice from "Tifa" by Yamakichi
Barret voice from "Khan by BadDarkness"
Aeris voice from "K.M.Mioh by Cerenas"

Of course all of them were ripped from other games by their respective authors(not sure with the cloud and tifa one) So if this violates the rules or anything, please kindly remove the link.
I hoped I helped add a few ideas. :)

LOL ! Great voices ! I particularly like the Big Shot one, as well as the girls. Cloud, not so much. I'll have to try those in-game ^^

Would it be possible (perhaps with some AI modding, I dunno exactly how) to add NEW sounds to the game, instead of just replacing existing ones?

Obviously, you don't want to use a punching sound for an explosion, but a generic one wouldn't be nearly as good, but being able to separate them would be great if possible.

I have no clue about the possibility of adding new sounds, but what you can do is change the impact sound of the enemies' abilities, with the help of Proud Clod. Some SFX also seem to be unused in this huge list, so it's possible to change those completely, and to assign them to specific monster abilities. Heck, I'm sure you could also add voices to the Turks, for example (by the way, I'm pretty sure that Reno's stick sound is never used anywhere else in the game) ...

By the way, here is the sound for the claw attacks. Way better than the "DJAH" original, IMO. And on a side note, since I'm back to actively working on my mod, I won't be mad if somebody else takes my place in this project.


Okay, I tested the voices in-game, and... ...they're excellent !!  :o I can't believe how much they improve the feel of the game. It feels less autistic somehow. And this is from someone who doesn't like the Japanese anime-style voices usually. Hey Sicatrix, if you've got plenty of voices like those in store, don't hesitate to create more sounds ;D
*Armorvil triggers Tifa's limit over and over with a smile on his face*

I'm glad both of you are interested and desire to help, but I already got what I wanted ;)
My formations are arranged so there's only one MP-killable enemy at a time, so Titeguy's code is perfect  ;D

I just tried your code in the formations' AI, NFITC1 (pasted it in the 4 formations, to make sure), and it doesn't work : the battle goes on as usual. And I also tried to insert it in the enemy's general counter script to no avail. :( Same with the code I got, putting it in the general counter of an enemy doesn't work either  :cry:

If you're planning to release something, throw it in Game Tweaking.  If you just have a question that you think someone else will easily have the answer to, General.

And then if it's a question where you will need to delve into the game's code and discover something new (and plan to do so) Tech-Related.

OK, thanks for the clarification Obesebear.


Sorry, I finally found the original thread. Titeguy3 was the one who managed to find a working script ^^ Kudos to him :)

I can't believe I couldn't find the thread yesterday, and that I didn't save the right script in my HDD... ...Sorry about that, it's the second time I create a useless topic in a couple days  :-[
Anyways, thanks for trying to help, NFITC1 ;)

Urgh, I never really know if these kinds of topics go in Game Tweaking or General... ...Feel free to move it if I made the wrong choice.

Anyways, this topic was brought up before, but a long time ago. I tried to search for the info, but it's nowhere to be found (I think they got purged when a bunch of AI-related posts, in the Proud Clod thread, were deleted). And I lost the info I need.

Basically, I need help in coming-up with an AI code that would make an enemy die if it has no MP left. I remember that someone found a code, and it worked - even though all enemies in the formation that shared this code also died, when one of them was MP-killed. This is no problem though, I already planned to only make MP-killable, enemies that appear only one at a time in a formation (I edited my scenes' formations to that end).

I thought I saved the info on my comp, but the only code I found is this :

Code: [Select]
02  2060
03  4180
60  00
70  0035
12  2060
10  4022
60  00
12  2060
10  4020
60  00
12  2060
10  4023
60  00
12  2060
10  4024
60  00

But I tried to type this in Post-attack (with an older version of PrC, the newest versions being plagued with an Out of range exception when you try to add more than one line), and it didn't work. Once again, any help would be appreciated.

AERITH : "You won't keep killing me !"
SEPHIROTH : "But I will. I will kill you until you die !"

Releases / Re: Editing the sound effects in FFVII
« on: 2010-07-01 20:21:16 »
Ah, yes. It's true that the new sounds are a bit louder than the originals because of the conversion to adpcm, but it is barely noticeable. I'm currently playing through the game with them, and I noticed no such problem - aside from the fact that the sfx I gave to sound effect #34 isn't adequate. When the Motor Ball battletank tries to run over your characters, it sure shouldn't sound like a punch !

Since SFX #34 is used for many different attacks (the MPs' tonfa, Motor Ball's Highway & Deadly Wheel, ...), we (I ?) have to find a hit sound more generic.


What do you think about this sound, for #34 ? I think it's nice and does the job pretty well :) It's a bit much for damage from just a Tonfa, but it fits to more powerful creatures (Jenova Hojo and his combos...) or machines. Me likey physical attacks that sound powerful ^^

Releases / Re: Editing the sound effects in FFVII
« on: 2010-07-01 09:02:32 »
Ha, I didn't think about this. It's true that converting a sound to an ADPCM slightly increases its volume, but I think they shouldn't blow out anyone's speakers. Still, since I don't have a laptop I can't test them (they sound normalized on my computer), so feel free to report any problem if you encounter one.


New version. 30 sound effects inside. I also changed Tifa's normal attack sound and gave the previous one to the enemies. Sounds a lot better.

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