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Messages - Shankifer

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Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-09-13 02:06:01 »
Don't stop! I was just asking :P

I love your work. Just didn't know about the originals.

best way to make that happen is to do it yourself. I don't believe it's that difficult.

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-09-12 12:31:34 »
Is there grass in the original?
Haven't played in a while, don't remember it :P

Well since religion was spawned by man, it is quite clear that man is at ultimate fault.  If not religion man would find another way to create trouble.  Humans are the real problem.

True dat. :P

I told a bio teacher who asked "What is the best way to stop pollution" that the best way would simply be to just kill everyone, and then yourself  ;D

Similar discussion on another forum spawned this.
LOL-ograph here

I find this hilarious.

Too bad there aren't as many pictures like this for all the other religions too, you know just to be fair. To criticize everyone justly in our jokes...

and of course to have serious lolz :P

On a serious note, I think it's another thing that goes to show how much of a grip Christianity has on society.

I heard a seriously awesome thought today and I figured this thread might like to get in on it.

Someone mentioned that instead of fighting about which religion is better, in the maybe-not-so-far future, the top religious argument will be between believers and non-believers.

I thought this was seriously interesting to think about.

I also wonder what it would be like (not supporting a bias here, just pondering) if the whole government as a whole did not have any religion.

I just wonder how many things would be changed.

and how many things like this Koran burning could be avoided (seeing as our government leans to protect christian churches still [little bit of bias there, but not too much. Hope you can handle it :P]) with an Atheist government.

Every Villain has an ulterior motive, simply because he/she/it has to, the villain must have goal to accomplish and a reason for completing that goal.

A game where a guy/girl/thing gets up one morning and says "You know what? Today, I'm going to do my best to kill everyone on the planet!" would be fun to play for shits and giggles when you're bored. The most similar game I can think of at the moment is Castle Crashers.

In my own personal opinion, the best villain in gaming is probably Arthas Menethil (better known in World of Warcraft as The Lich King) from the Warcraft 3 series. He was the original Hero of the game, turned evil by lust. Yes, he did ultimately want to kill everything, and it was a fun game to play with a great story.

Getting back on-topic, Games without story won't last long. War-game players love Halo and/or Call of Duty because they have a campaign with a decent story (personal opinion) that appeals to the players.

A game has to be able to answer questions like "Why am I killing these people?" or "Why are these people trying to kill me?"

A game also must consist of some drama. Life is drama. People like something that they can relate to or understand. You know that (usually) there is a hero and a villain. You also (usually) know that the hero will overcome the villain's obstacles no matter what. Drama is the way those events are played out. If it was just a game where a guy steals your bagel, and immediately after he does it you kill him and take your bagel back, it would be entertaining once or twice (I mean come on, it would at least be humorous to play a few times) but it will never make it in the industry.

Edit: Also, a game with no emotional impact? That isn't a game, that's a program. I'm not being biased to games with intricate stories, just saying that no matter what the game is it should invoke emotional responses. Whether that response be anger, love, curiosity (if you can call that an emotion), joy, sadness etc., is besides the point because it is an emotional response.

A statement that the Koran is a "racist" text is nothing new in religious material. The Koran is racist. The Bible is judgmental about homosexuals, and also about Atheists. The Bible claims that I (Shankifer), as an Atheist, do not exist. In fact I am truly just one of many incarnations of the Devil trying to sway people to my evil.

Anyone want to come join the dark side? ^.^

But overall, you find really harsh judgments in all religious texts.

You do realize State and Church have not been completely separated yet, right?

I can accept that America was founded on the Christian belief, and maybe it was good at the time. Now days, though, people's attitudes have changed. Now it seems that major religions are turning to "All who do not believe us are blasphemers."

FDITC1, I understand your view on Christianity, but there are so many different viewpoints in Christianity, It really isn't fair to lump them all into the same category anymore. There are the "Fire and Brimstone" preachers who will tell you, "If you do not accept the love of Jesus Christ into your heart, then you will spend an eternity an the lake of fire, with nothing but constant mental and physical torment to keep you company," and they DO kind of push people into becoming religion-pushers and over-judgmental.

Yet, as you say, none of these teachings promote violence between religions or people in general. It is not the Value of the Koran that makes me uncomfortable, as it as just as burning a Lord of the Rings novel: Pointless, what appalls me is the fact that they are breaking the rights of the constitution "The right to peacefully assemble," and yet the government wants to protect their "Freedom of Religion".

These same people who are burning the Koran are probably the same people that have a problem with a Mosque being built very close to Ground Zero. It's all pointless bickering.

What these people are doing is encouraging violence. If it is okay to burn their books, why not harass the people themselves? If that is okay, why not physically hurt them?

Damn the government for not immediately stopping this, although I see their reasons not to.

Most of all, damn the churches for acting so childish. They think they're doing justice, little do they know, they are passing judgments much to quick. If I believed in God and prayer. I would pray that they all get sent to the worst possible hell they can imagine for abusing their precious time in life with the act of discriminating other religions.

It's a free country (to an extent)

So they need to shut their mouths and just get on with the service.

People simply have too much time on their hands, they have nothing better to do than fight.

Couldn't have said it better.

It's an outrageous decision. It's people letting their emotions take over. The government gives churches way too much leniency. The Church can burn historical text? and blame the death of soldiers on homosexuals? and still be a center of Enlightenment?

I hate saying this, because I don't have a religion and it makes me seem like a supremest, but these churches need to be disbanded, or made an example of. We're currently sending a message that's telling people "Freedom of Religion means as long as you're part of a church, you can do whatever you want aside from murder."
That's a general statement but you get my point.


BTW - I'm not sure what version these are from, but here are some screens a guy put up a while back:

Before pic
 After Pic

Is there a reason why the window was set to be transparent?
In all honesty that doesn't seem like an "Improvement" simply because anyone that had trouble reading some of the things before are going to have it worse off with this. Not saying many people with horrendous eyesight play FF7, just noting that the original slightly gradient blue contrasted perfectly with the white.
Just a thought.

I know this project has been up for a while now. Just never seen Screenshots. 

General Discussion / Re: Dissidia II announced
« on: 2010-09-08 18:24:14 »
Dear lord, what if Cait Sith was the hero!?  :o And Palmer the Villain  :-o

Imagine a spinoff game based on Cait Sith - The man who works for shinra (tool) and spends the main portion of his part in the game playing with puppets... Dirge of Blue Megaphone!

Just a thought :P

As for Dissidia II, I've never played the original, as I don't have a PSP. Looking at Game guides for it made it seem rather confusing. But since I haven't played I really can't pass judgement lol. I do like the Models for Dissidia though, more cartoony. Hope they stick to that!

For writing Dialogue, I'm interested. Is there anyway you can post or post a .txt containing the Script as it is, and I will do my best to transform it to fit.

Hahaha, I would assume so   :P

It's been said that after Diablo 3 is released. WC4 will be next.

About 2 or 3 years ago I read that it was in the "Infant Stage" Hoping they're planning to hit us with a shocker.

Warcraft had one of the greatest story-lines ever in my book, and the game was so well put-together.
Not to mention Blizzards CGI crew (even back in the days of WC2) is totally off the charts. Square-Enix can step aside to Blizzard.

Granted FF13 Graphics are good, but they're empty, they feel incomplete. Go watch the Warcraft 3 Cinematics. There's so much personality to those movies.

Word on the street (and at blizzcon in 2006 or 7) is that Legendary is teaming up with Blizzard to create a movie. Live action and CGI. Fingers crossed that one day it actually gets done lol.

If you compare Square's Cinematics from 7 to 10 to 13

You notice that 7 is the most original

in ff10 the characters became more stereotypical, and in 13 they were just people that you had no connection with.

That moment when Aeris dies is probably one of the single most real elements of gaming, and movie business. The fact that she dies and everyone experiences a great loss is only half the show. The fact that FF7's characters are designed to look like cartoons and not real people is the other half. Statistically, it has been proven that people in general, while watching animated movies, like it when things that are noticeably different from humans, go through human situations. See: Toy Story V.S. The Polar Express. Look how much people hate AC (aside from the fact that they messed up their own storyline). Notice how people Liked Avatar so much? Everything that was animated was noticeably separate from life as we know it.

It's a statistically proven thing. The reason I bring it up is because I have a Film-Fiction&History class and that's a topic that comes up a lot. "Why do we enjoy it when inanimate objects like cars have lives in the animated world, but not animated people?"

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-09-07 00:02:17 »
I like it, consider my work trashed lol.

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-09-06 23:25:03 »
This Square Enix Logo In place of the Squaresoft. It makes Final Fantasy seem more up to date. It's just a thought though.

That link doesnt work.

Try again please. I apologize, new to docs and keep forgetting to set the sharing to public.

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-09-06 22:44:15 »
This Square Enix Logo In place of the Squaresoft. It makes Final Fantasy seem more up to date. It's just a thought though.

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-09-06 22:35:46 »
this is in xvid, do you have it in a lossless format, like huffyuv or lagarith?

I don't, sorry. That's the best version I could find.

I do not wish to have any text for team avalanche in the video. I feel it takes away from it somehow.

So what's your take on using Square Enix's Logo instead of Squaresoft?
Pros: Cleaner, Shorter, Simpler, stays true to the FF series creator
Cons: Not the Original, No little Chocobos

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-09-06 21:13:02 »
the original logo has same thing, but as I said this is designed purely for simpleness.  I was told not to add any fonts or any writing so I didn't.

A cleaner copy of eidos would be good though (assuming it doesnt come from FF7 game)

Here is Eidos: Eidos Remastered

I think a logo requires some text. It gives that label, so you can say "Oh, yeah, that's Team Avalanche's logo" lol
Seeing the logo itself is only going to be good for the people who know that is their logo.

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-09-06 20:57:46 »
EDIT:Second try Team Avalanche


My effort is designed to be simple.  It uses the original music and original frame count.  It is as simple as it gets because The simpler something is, the better it is.

I think this one has a punch.  Let's see what you think...

Obviously small modifications can be made if people are happy with this.  This is not the final quality or size and the logo is not yet centred.
Needs a "Team Avalanche"

Also, I'm not too sure about the speeding up of eidos so much, it seems rushed. Btw if you want a cleaner copy of the Eidos let me know and I'll post somewhere.

Theres also a lot of emptiness after the Logo arrives

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-09-06 20:27:32 »
Thank you for the feedback  :D

I wasn't sure about the Team Avalanche thing, I really wanted to put something about Qhimm Forums in there but I decided against it.

Music sounded good, I suppose if it was actually like an opening credits it would work, you know, like the kind that flow right into the game afterwords. But I'll remove it and shorten it up a bit.

Squaresoft Logo is just the original from the PSX, I looked all over for a decent version that maybe someone cleaned up but to no avail.

Square-Enix - If I get the go-ahead, that would eliminate need to render Squaresoft logo because Square Enix ones look good, as they are more recent. We would lose those chipper little chocobos though   :'(

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-09-06 20:05:00 »

30 Seconds. Includes Eidos (Revamped), TA, And Squaresoft (could be better)
Song used in background after Eidos is Barret's theme. It's my 2 Cents for now.

I have Adobe Premier but I haven't taken the time to set it up yet. When I do I might be able to get some cool sh*t going.

The original vid is in AVI 1080p so if you want it, let me know.

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-09-06 16:37:34 »
If anyone wants the layered PSD file let me know, it could help with more advanced effects.

I could use a PSD file, I'm thinking Adobe Flash might be able to make a nice video, with decent sound affects. What format should it be in when put it up? FLV or AVI? I'm wondering what's going to be easier to work with

Just checking, pot-laws are weird depending where you go.

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