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Messages - ChaosControl

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Ty ^^

I played FF7 on the last Vista Beta.. worked for me.

Completely Unrelated / Need some help with Java
« on: 2006-05-10 07:20:35 »
As I stated in the "Whats your level of experience??" thread, I'm on the path of learning Java.

Does anyone happen to have some Ebooks which could be helpful or some tutorial site?

I have a book now (Java for the Newbs, It's Dutch but it means something like that) but it doesnt seem to cover every aspect of Java.

Thanks for the help in advance.


Yesh i was thinking the same thing and thus fully agree with your statement. The thing is.. If nintendo doesn't survive this generation of console gaming, what'll happen to the console gaming industry?

Given that Nintendo was making the biggest profit of all three console manufacturers from the last round of console gaming, with the alleged "failure" of the 'cube ... the question you should really be asking is: if the Revolution/Wii actually takes off big time, how much trouble do you think that puts Sony in?
Frankly, I don't care.. I hope Sony Playstation dies! Then the 3rd party dev's are forced to make games for an innovative console like the Wii.

It’s Sony; what can you expect?
If their products reflected their own minds we would get a black box with a hole on top between some fake breasts and a sticker that reads, “We give you sex, now insert money into hole”.

Meanwhile Microsoft would just ship a big dollar sign with two slots on top where the user can insert money.

There is difference between wanting money to survive and wanting money out of pure greed.
Nintendo takes profit cuts to uphold their quality standards, while Sony and Microsoft don’t care what kind of games are made for their systems; anything based off sex and blood is good because it sells.

You’ll never see Dead or Alive: Beach Volleyball on Nintendo and you’ll never see Brain Age on PlayStation or Xbox.
One cares about innovation, quality entertainment, and family, while the others just care about money.

L. Spiro
Yesh i was thinking the same thing and thus fully agree with your statement. The thing is.. If nintendo doesn't survive this generation of console gaming, what'll happen to the console gaming industry?

Lol the facts tell me this:

- It stole the motion sensor of Nintendo
- Its too pricey (600 euros isnt even competetive)
- it stole some xbox stuff

so its really gonnu suck imho, but you're right we'll see how it turns out.

Completely Unrelated / Re: How, umm, l33t am I.
« on: 2006-05-09 07:04:33 »
OMG NOES 1337 |-|/\|<Z0|2!!!!~!~1`1 one eleven!!

(You guys need a reaction like that every now and then to stay imune to those reactions.)

I just came in the world of "programming"
I started about 6 years ago by making a small app in Qbasic with my dad, he gave me big book and told me to figure out how to do some simple thing which I really enjoyed.

Then 1 year later (after my cat pissed on my 386 and fried it) I got a 486 DX4 100Mhz (WOW!!) with Windows 3.11. I started writing some simple batch files and after a while when I got the hang of it I planned on making something for our comp downstairs so my little brother would fuck up... My great invention of a menu (redirecting to a menu redirecting to a menu etc... till you get to the desired one like "games" and boot a game from there) came to life and thus my brother (who could now only get this menu thing instead of windows when he logged on) never fucked up again, yay!

The 1 year after that i got a P3 1GHZ state of the art 1337 |-|/\|<Z0|2 machine. Thats when I started doing Visual Basic which was fun but somehow I got distracted and haven't payed much attention to it till about half a year ago and I'm playing with it once we speak.

The main thing I did while I was "distracted" from VB was HTML & PHP. I really like what you can do with some html, php and a small acces database. So now I'm thinking of web-based JAVA ^_^!

Yay, my life has returned -narf-...

Well, I'm glad the forums are back online. Kinda got boring at work without it ;P

lol at smiley --> :mrgreen:

Archive / Always Run patch?
« on: 2006-04-29 14:15:30 »
Quote from: Sad Jari
Dear Topic,

Thank you for removing what little faith I might have had in humanity.

Yours truly,

Even sadder Jari


The sad part sure is true.

P.S: No one likes you, go home. Psssssht!!

Troubleshooting / ChocoTweak soon !
« on: 2006-04-29 00:18:23 »
Quote from: Myonosken
I know this might sound like Im being quite obtruse, but wouldn't it be simpler just to use a gameshark?

Good point. But this can come in handy for the PC users too.

Archive / Re: Always Run patch?
« on: 2006-04-29 00:16:25 »
Quote from: skyhopper88
I hardly just walk in game and I get tired of holding cancel all the time, even with a gamepad. Would this be hard to implement?

You are one lazy mother fucker.

Completely Unrelated / Nicknames.... why?
« on: 2006-04-29 00:07:03 »
I once got something called the internet and then i was on msn (first time ever) because a friend of mine told me i could go online and chat with friends... then i came online and he was like "why dont you have a nickname?" and the first thing i heard when reading that was "CHAOSCONTROL!!" so i chose it. thats like (when was the dreamcast era again?) i think something about 6 years ago, dun think its the best nick but i kinda attached to it.

Quote from: halkun
AKAO is related to sound. It's the name of Square's sound guy and has the honor of even having a fieldscript command named after him.

Wasn't the sound guy Nobuo Uematsu?

Completely Unrelated / Argument
« on: 2006-04-23 16:22:01 »
Quote from: Sad Jari
Quote from: AOD
EDIT: Damn, I tried to resist, but it wouldn't be right not to warn him.

Quote from: Otokoshi
I value the friendships I hope I have made here

Don't. This is not the place form bonds. Unless you have like a really huge desire to get hurt.

Trust me on this. :weep:

This isn't quite right now is it. I think that if he thinks he made some friends, he has made some friends, it's not like we're here to hurt peoples feelings are we?

Completely Unrelated / Post Your Desktop
« on: 2006-04-21 13:05:45 »
Quote from: L. Spiro
I was not aware of its relationship to vitamin A.

Isnt that the reason they say Bunnies have good eyesight, cus of all the carrots they eat?

Completely Unrelated / Post Your Desktop
« on: 2006-04-21 08:07:34 »
I think I learn more on this forum then on my college...

Completely Unrelated / Post Your Desktop
« on: 2006-04-19 09:17:09 »
omgz0r i cnot undrstad whut u say!!!11!!eleven

Yes, it IS annoying...

Completely Unrelated / Corrupt-A-Wish
« on: 2006-04-17 22:39:19 »
granted, I lack the braincells to be angry at someone anyway ;P

I wish my new Hardware would actually arrive!

Completely Unrelated / Corrupt-A-Wish
« on: 2006-04-16 23:38:51 »
granted, but we'd have no more toes and everyone will be wanting to put up their middle finger because you wished for it not to happen anymore and now they're even more mad and massively kill themselves and you will be left alone on the planet to rot a few years till your corps is gone and eaten by some beasts...i dunno, chickens perhaps...

I wish I could still read what I just typed but it seems too confusing because I didn't use any intelligence on it or anything.

Completely Unrelated / DragonForce!
« on: 2006-04-09 22:26:48 »
A friend of mine has been "spamming" me this for quite some time now so i got the time to listen to it and i must say, i like how the one dude with the keyboard does the things he do, and 3 guitarists?! awsome  8)

Completely Unrelated / Corrupt-A-Wish
« on: 2006-04-09 00:48:05 »
granted, but every other exam will be a failure.

I wish i could think of more wishes.

Completely Unrelated / Corrupt-A-Wish
« on: 2006-04-08 17:07:52 »
granted, but your mom will beat it up again. (or maybe you will actually prevent it from happening this time, like normal people would)

I wish my mom tried to break my comp :P

General Discussion / Shavings from the Rumor Mill
« on: 2006-03-23 14:13:30 »
Quote from: Otokoshi
Quote from: Emerald Weapon
Would be absolutely great, however I'm not getting my hopes up just yet. It could very well be a way of promoting the PS3. No wait, it is a way of promoting the PS3. If people think they might be able to play a FFVII remake that sure is a boost for sales.

I agree with you completely.  If it is redone, it looks as though history is going to repeat itself.  The original Final Fantasy VII was the only reason I bought a Playstation.  :)

I think it would even have greater sales then FFVII originatly did.
Final Fantasy VII was sold many times and the people who bought it, liked it (No doubt about it right?) and they told their friends and they played it etc...

But even now, people still want a copy of Final Fantasy VII cus they heard it was good but unfortunatly FFVII isn't for sale anymore (well some are, but usually high priced). So they will buy the game if there where happen to be a remake (thus more copies, thus lower price)!
And the're people who didnt like the graphics of the game (fucktards, game aint only graphics) but knowing square well as I do, I know a remake would look fucking sweet, so they too will buy it!

Eventually you get:
FFVII original was bought by:
- A lot of Gamers
- Friends of those gamers
- And well, prolly the rest of the people who bought an original copy :P

FFVII Remake would be bought buy:
- The three mentioned above
- Graphic lovers
- People who didn't have a chace to buy one of the first original game.

I think it would be a GREAT marketing thing to do, and kinda obvious cus there is a shitload of demand (demand/offer thing). And it's their game so they can!

Anyway, I hope they do.

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