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Messages - NeoS

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Of course they would. It's still the same game from the same company. If i'd produce something here (Netherlands) and i get it copyrighted, it is copyrighted over the whole world. It's still MY product. (don't know EXACTLY how it works, but that's one thing i know for sure...)

General Discussion / Slight change of location
« on: 2004-09-08 21:03:33 »
Quote from: Bunnie-Maru
I cant help what the man drinks  :P

I am suprised, its so damn popular over here it seems for it so get such low scores (I even noticed alot of the reviews were from the U.S.). Maybe its just the commercials. It might not taste good, but those lizards are very humerous. There, a lesson to you overseas:

Americans like Iquanas.

You could be selling water at 20 dollars a bottle, you put some Iguanas in your commercial, people will rush for the stores.

And to you answer your question: American beers suck. I cant vouch for that (Dont really want to go near the stuff), but I'll take everyone else's word.

That's why Heineken rulez!  :love:

First post.

Quote from: Ged
Take notice - Mideel Cloud's Mako poisoning is not his first case. After the Nibelheim reactor scene when Cloud throws off Sephiroth, Shin-ra decides to mask everything up - Nibelheim lives again, and both Cloud and Zack are taken into experiment. Zack being exposed to Mako, and being an ex-SOLDIER withstands it, and becomes quite powerful.. Cloud however reacts with Jenova Cell's, and togheter with Mako poisoning and what happened at Nibelheim, he is completely devastated both physically and mentally.

Could be i'm wrong, but i really thought Cloud had mako poisoning, that's why he's so sick in the truck when they escape Shinra mansion.

Archive / FFVII won't start
« on: 2004-09-08 20:53:58 »
I used the k-lite codec pack, and it works great. And of course the chocobo patch. Didn't need the upside down patch though...

O, i just thought you needed to get past the elevator.
Sorry.  :oops:
Well, i'll try when i get the time. Now i need to study (exams) but i'll try later this week.

mailed it, hope it works.

He had mako poisoning when Tifa found him, didn't he?

So, that explains why I could never beat safer seph!
Just kiddin'  :wink:
Is there some kind of lucky 8 in ff8 too?

But, correct me if i'm wrong, isn't there like, a time period on copyrights? I heard of something a while ago, when someone discussed about some Deejay using samples from an old Elvis album.
Anyway, i'd hate being in their shoes right now...  :P
Aren't there any laws about fanwork?
That trailer looks very cool by the way. :D

:lol: Nothing to say  :lol:

can't you upload it somewhere? I completely BARRED my hotmail, and i'm not giving my private mail here, so...

General Discussion / Slight change of location
« on: 2004-09-06 22:54:45 »
Hey, nothing beats a Heiney... :wink:
Sorry.  :oops:

Well, they kind of did make a remake, with the port to the PSX, but that sucked more due to the loading time the PSX has. The FMV's were pretty nice though.

But ontopic: These guys were doing a hell of a job recreating the game. If i were a big boss @ Square, i'd hire these guys and let them do the remake. Why not? There are a lot people who seem interested.
And Square Enix could earn a buck or two...

Ok, i have a theory of my own.
Sephiroth died when he fell into the lifestream, but his strong will/consciousness somehow survived and merged with the "memories" in the lifestream itself. And as you know, Mako is refined from lifestream.

Hojo used Jenova cells to create clones of Sephiroth. Cloud however had suffered Mako poisoning due to the experiments Hojo performed on him and Zack, so he lost his own memories and was forced to the will of sephiroth (due to the mako) to follow him to the crater where Sephiroth most likely wanted his revenge on what Cloud did to him in the Nibelheim reactor. (whew)
Sephiroth just had to let him have some memories of Zack (which Sephiroth had access to, since Zack died and went to the planet) and mixed it with some of his own memories. So he let Cloud drag himself to the sector 7 slums. That's when Tifa found him at the station in sector 7, and Cloud regained his consciousness.

Hope you understand my bad English...

General Discussion / Slight change of location
« on: 2004-09-06 19:00:04 »
Why Germany?
Germany is the dullest country I've ever been to...

I'd like to visit Jamaica once, just to taste the atmosphere. :wink:

check this out:
Doing such a good job at remaking and copyright kills the dream...
Like FF7, Chronotrigger used to be one of my favorites so i feel this is a big loss. :weep:

And don't forget Yuffie, unlockable if you beat the game within some time. Well, I kinda liked the (few) FMV's included. Especially the one with Sephiroth in it. One winged angel sounded really cool! (since I only played the pc version of FF7... MIDI -_- ) I actually played it for nostalgic reasons i guess... And the dungeon thing in Ehrgeiz was kind of fun.

yeah, you're right.  -_-  But you people have to admit, only since Kingdom Hearts for PS2, the FF7 characters looked cooler in Ehrgeiz.  8) Ok, the game sux a$$ if you count the (absent) storyline in, but still I liked the game for the graphics 3 years ago. And for gameplay, it still is a fine game to play.
(still kinda hoping Square-enix would find it in their hearts to make an Ehrgeiz 2 or something...)
l8tr, N.

Believe me, if you're a FF7 fan, you should at least play it ONCE.

Isn't there a way to import models from Ehrgeiz into FF7? (or using it for something else) I'm a total n00b to programming, but the games are both on PSX so i figured the quality isn't that different, is it? Maybe helpful... :wink:
Anyway, great work on modeling and stuff guys. (I'm kinda jealous for not knowing how it works) :oops:

cheaters...  :wink:

The only thing worth of playing battlesquare is getting the w-summon i guess. Omni-slash is a nice limit break and you DEFINITELY need it with the weapons. I kinda missed it in Kingdom Hearts though.  :(

Is that neccessary with Red XIII? He already was 128 years old or something... I believe that the only reason Hojo had to inject J-cells into someone was if he/she/it was a potential Sephiroth clone.

Archive / 1.02 patch doesn't fix a thing?!?
« on: 2004-08-15 21:05:29 »
Well, in that case, wouldn't it be wise to try other converter programs? Maybe you won't find what your specifically looking for, but there is a chance you will.
And is there someone out there who's busy tracking bugs and stuff? because i encountered a few, and i see there are lots of others out there too...

So, correct me if i'm wrong, can the FF anthology and Chronicles etc. be a rom too? I haven't tried reading the CT psx version on my pc yet, but if that's the case, Square "was" definitely catching a lotta dough for an old rom brushed up with not too much work. Clever! :)

YEAH! Cid is one BAD MF! This movie's gonna ROCK!

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