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Messages - Elitist1

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General Discussion / perfect on ruby weapon without kotr
« on: 2003-05-02 16:20:56 »
wow, what have i done to earn the honor of your reply?

General Discussion / perfect on ruby weapon without kotr
« on: 2003-05-02 15:56:52 »

General Discussion / perfect on ruby weapon without kotr
« on: 2003-05-02 15:29:57 »
with two of your characters dead and cloud with a full limit bar:

1. omnislash on the tentacles.

2. w-summon:

mp-turbo pheonix first, then mp-turbo hades.

3. enemy skill- pandora's box

4. w-summon:

mp-turbo hades, mp-turbo hades.

5. repeat step 3 first, then repeat step 4.

if ruby does any move except retract his tentacles one time, or if you hit ruby with kotr, you're not doing it right.

suggestions are welcome, especially qhimm.

General Discussion / ruby weapon
« on: 2003-05-01 17:25:13 »
i set this up:

" I think you have to eq with:
Elemental with poison and with few other materias (with enemy materia)

During the battle Ruby will be infect with poison (which isn't easy)
Also Ruby's hit points will decrease; furthermore,
You really don't have to use final attack with phoenix anymore!

Just keep attack Ruby's two craws after that main body
(You know how BIO and Poison works…) "

and i have been playing him for hours.

does he heal himself ?

does sense work on him ?

what is his max hp ?

General Discussion / ruby weapon
« on: 2003-04-30 20:36:44 »

General Discussion / ruby weapon
« on: 2003-04-30 19:56:12 »

General Discussion / bahamut/ ultima weapon
« on: 2003-04-30 19:50:08 »
so only omega weapon and ultimecia have 1 million hp + ?

how much hp does the lionheart take?

shouldn't they have good enough defense at level 100 so that even if you were to use powerful moves they would only hit for half of what they're supposed to?

thats the way i remember it on playstation; i stayed up late at night and early in the morning trying to beat them and i didn't beat them until days later.

now i say boo and they offer to spit-shine my shoes.

long live the playstation.

can anyone help, please?

General Discussion / ruby weapon
« on: 2003-04-30 19:41:00 »
i'm not trying to insult you.

i'm also not saying that my attacks should hit for 9999.

but kotr is like watching a 5-10 minute movie each time and it hits for 130-260 thousand hp.

beating an enemy with it is wack- like dialup.

General Discussion / bahamut/ ultima weapon
« on: 2003-04-30 16:03:49 »
ye-roon wouldn't using something as cheesy as the end be counter-productive to the entire topic of this post?

General Discussion / bahamut/ ultima weapon
« on: 2003-04-30 16:01:29 »
i used an editor " after " they were even easier to raise my level to 100 so that they would be level 100.

i can try to lower my stats but leave my level at 100 but even if that works it doesn't solve the hp thing.

i'm believe ?????? means 1 million hp or more because only ultimecia, ulitima weapon and omega weapon scan like that and tiamat scans at about 800,000 hp at level 100.

if there anyone else who might be knowledgeable about hp?

General Discussion / ruby weapon
« on: 2003-04-30 15:54:22 »
you're missing the entire point; i can beat him easily with summons but it's boring.

when i use physical or magic attacks they hit for about 100 hp instead of the thousands that they're supposed to.

my characters are dead and his tentacles are buried in the ground.

when they're not in the ground even kotr will hit for 0 because he's invincible.  

on my game he can still do whirlwind even if you're characters were already dead.

how do i remove his super defense ?

General Discussion / bahamut/ ultima weapon
« on: 2003-04-30 15:47:55 »
i remember ultima weapon having more (doesn't ????? at the scan screen instead of an actual number mean a milion or more hp ?), but the real issue is their defense; i tap them on their pinky toes and they lose 9999 hp.

that isn't right.

also,  mega flare, quake, and meteor used to almost kill me every time.

now it hits for about 12 hp. yes i said 12; what's with that?

how do i fix this problem?

General Discussion / ruby weapon
« on: 2003-04-30 15:35:42 »
[ff 7 windows pc version]

how do i remove ruby weapon's super defense so that i can beat him with physical or magic attacks ?

its really boring hitting him with summon spells over and over again.

if his defense can't be lowered, is there a way to increase my physical and magic power enough so that i can actually cause some decent damage ?

General Discussion / bahamut/ ultima weapon
« on: 2003-04-30 15:27:13 »
[ff 8 windows pc version]

something is wrong with my game and bahamut and ultima weapons's difficulty level is set at extremely easy.

bahamut's scanned hp is 90,000 (isn't it supposed to be more ?), but he dies after i hit him for about 15,000 hp and utima weapon's supposed to have a million hp or more but he dies after i hit him for about 100,000 hp.

besides that, despite being scanned at level 100 they act like they're level 1; bahamut doesn't do mega flare over and over again and ultima weapon doesn't try to instakill my characters over and over again like they're supposed to.

its destroying all the fun of the game; how do i fix this ?

Archive / The Big Two
« on: 2003-04-26 21:08:02 »

Archive / final fantasy viii ( ff 8 ) pc save file
« on: 2003-04-26 20:37:35 »
where exactly do i get the converter from?

it works for the pc version of ff 8?

you would'nt happen to be able to get a save file for me, would you?

my game won't work without one and i really want to play it.

Archive / final fantasy viii ( ff 8 ) pc save file
« on: 2003-04-25 12:43:59 »
will a ff 8 pc save file from someone who has the european pc version of ff 8 work with the american pc version?

if not, does anyone have the american pc version?

i'm dying to play this game after beating ff 7 pc and the game crashes before the see d test results are announced every time.

i'd really appreciate some help please, thank you!

i have dual boot windows 2000 and xp.

i have an ati radeon 9500.

the game has direct 3d hardware acceleration enabled and its looking real good.

and i'm missing a ton of drivers like gru32.dll and glide.dll.

the key is:

" 3. click the nvidia box, then the tnt box. "

what does pandora's box do?

is it elemental or non-elemental?

what is the most powerful magic spell including enemy skills?

how do i get enemy skills to hit multiple enemies at once?

how do i get enemy skills to work with w-magic, quadra magic, or some similar repeat magic materia?

how do i get enemy skills to work with mp turbo?

ok, as long as it works i don't care.

ok, aaron.

ff7 configuration 1.02 uses open gl.

if you want to get ff 7 to work with an ati 3d accelerator video card:

1. download the nvidia riva patch.

2. set ff 7 configuration v 1.02 in win 95 compatibility mode.

3. click the nvidia box, then the tnt box.

4. set the renderer to direct 3d hardware acceleration.
5. then desktop, right click, properties, display properties, settings, advanced.


the open gl settings in order from top to bottom are:

optimal performance

custom settings

application preference

2x- quality

application preference

high quality

high quality

always on

application preference

force 24-bit
ktx buffer region- enabled


the direct 3d settings in order from top to bottom are:

optimal performance

custom settings

application preference

2x- quality

application preference

high quality

high quality

application preference

application preference

dxt texture formats- enabled
alternate pixel center- disabled

[Edit by Aaron]
Edited three posts into one, please don't make seperate posts when you could just edit your previous one... thanks.

after hours of guessing at settings i finally got it. thank you.

please write the link for where i can get these patches for the american version or send it directly to me.

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