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Messages - Borde

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Thanks Alhexx. Now I'll stop spending time in usless code.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2005-07-08 11:03:31 »
WHAT?! Type mismatch? Man, there must be a serious bug in my code. Could you detail how did you trigger that error?

Are p colors and edges actually used for something in FF7?

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-07-06 23:13:06 »
Man, sure you've been busy!
Great to see how far this patch has gone.
Thanks for your great contribution.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2005-07-05 15:38:55 »
Oh, it's easy. It can take you about 5 minutes to do it:
First open the file which defines the model field skeleton (HRC file, in this case aaaa.hrc). Open it with notepad or wordapad or whatever you want, it's a text file. Here you will see a list of "bones". Bones are defined by their 2 ends (the joints they connect), lenght and a list of RSD files (preceded by the total number of files in the list). If you want to do an SD character or something like that, you should divide the lenght of the bones by 1.5 or so.
Now, look for the RSD files that define the limbs and torso. This files are also plain text and they point directly to the P files. You have to scale those P files to 75% or so.
And that's all. :-P
Anyway, I'm working on a little program to make SD characters automatically (I just love the SD style).

Archive / FF7 - Reactor RELOADED Project
« on: 2005-07-05 08:50:38 »
Men, sure you two are good 3D artists. But I agree with what has already been said: doing it on an completly new engine would far easier than inserting it on the original FF7.
The hi-res background would be a very nice addition if someone ever figures out how to force the game to render them at the correct resolution, though.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2005-07-05 08:35:45 »
Well, here is it. It took me longer than I expected, but here you have the new version. The most important feature added is the direct polygon painting.
By the way chocomog, are the files edited with my program still usable as battle models?

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-07-01 19:16:14 »
Not yet :-P
At least for my part.
And I think that Reunion has already done all the main characters.
It's just that I must add a few more features to my program in order to continue the conversion.
The problem here is that we need more people working on this project.
Belive me, it's not as hard as it looks like.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2005-06-28 18:30:11 »
jejeje... yeah, the reposition option hasn't got any use for battle models because they are like 40 times larger than the field models. Actually, the reposition sliders only range from -10 to +10 (yes, it divides the value of the slider by 100) in order to provide values that make sens while working with field models. Maybe I should make this based on the size of the object. Well, maybe next time.
In order to avoid overflow problems, I think it would be enough to reduce the models. But maybe I'm worng.
Oh, and there is actually a problematic bug when saving. The normals aren't well calculated and the group 1 polgons should allways be white . I should do a quick release soon in order to fix it.

DOH! You are right Reunion. That makes much more sense. Thanks.
But I still don't get why the color of the polygon must be blended with the texture.

Archive / Debug Room
« on: 2005-06-27 10:53:35 »
You must get that file from Ficedula's site:
And that's right, you need the program to install the patch.

now i understand where the problem is. It looks like the FF7 engine blends the first color found in the model with the colors found in the texture. In my case, since the first color found was black, the textures loked entierly black. if I repaint the hair to red, that's what I get:

I don't understand what's the purpose of all this.
Since Bitrun does exactly the same, could you give us a brief explanation about why is this necesary, Mirex?

The texture I applied to this model es simply the one that was suposed to fit with the original one (that is "giac", just that I changed the name to "giac.tex"). Palmer's head has only one texture and that's why I set the number of textures to 1.
Ok, I didn't explained myself well, I meant that I MODIFIED the existing RSD file for the head model.
Did you have any problem with textures when you converted Cloud's hi-res model to a field model?

Wops, right, I meant RSD. Yes, I'm using part of palmer's Battle model to build a new field model. I already checked offset 0x8 and it's set to 1. I think I'm not explaining my problem clearly enough. Let's use an imge:

In-game it looks the same.
This is what I wrote on the RSD file:
# Output by SGI RSD fileset library libRsdObj.
# Texture files
Anyone has an idea why is this happening?

ok, thanks both.
But I still have the problem that inside the silhouette of the texture everithing is black. The original file p file is called "giao" and the texture is called "giac". I did an rsb file where i told that giao use un texture (giac).

General Discussion / FF7 PSP?
« on: 2005-06-22 23:23:47 »
I also began with FF7. It's for sure one of my favourite games. I had never played an RPG (I was a fan of graphical adventures until then) but 5 minutes of gameplay were enough to make me fall in love with this game. then i played FF6 and it turned out to be even better. Then FF8 appeared and i found it... boring. Well, maybe I've been a bit unfair with this game, but it was a major disapoint. Not a big problem. By that time, I already had a pretty large list of RPGs to play. Then FF9 was a good surprise. It was childish and the story kidna crappy, sure, but it was pretty fun so I'm happy I played it.
I haven't been able to play FF10 or 10-2 yet, but they don't look very charming (and 10-2 seems to be a complete mess, acording to what I heard).
About the movie, Spirit Within... ughh. better not to talk about it.
Will Square surprise us once more with FF12 and with advent of Children? Well, lets hope so.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2005-06-22 22:36:27 »
Ok ice_cold513. I've got the desktop set to 1280x1024 and sometimes I don't realize the real size of the GUIs I do. I've done a somewhat mopre compact version. Hope it's enough.

I've got a little problem when using Palmer's head in a field model. The textures look black in-game (and even in Bitrun, in fact). The silhouette is rendered correctly, but inside it there is only blackness. What could be causing it?
Oh, one more thing: how can I use a custom texture in a model? I tried importing a BMP to TEX using Bitrun, but the game crashed when it tried to load the texture.
I'd like to thank you Mirex for your great program. It's comming very handy.

I'm using ForceWare 71.84.
FSAA= controlled by aplications
Antisotropic Filter= x16
Sistem preformace= Great quality.
In the FF7 configuration I've checked the NVIDIA fix and TNT.
Hope this helps.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2005-06-20 13:58:34 »
Third release ready.
Sorry for the delay.
Let's see if there are no more overflows this time  :roll:

Hey Locutus, I have a GF 6600 GT and the game runs perfect for me .The grid-lines only appear if I turn on FSAA. Maybe it's a drivers issue.
Oh ice_cold513, I supose you refer to the Zack model. I'll post the few models I've done so far (well, only 3 actually :-P) when I finish renaming the files (ugh... sure that's boring). Hope It won't take long.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2005-06-18 20:36:23 »
Well, first of all, it SHOULD (but, as we have seen, it doesn't) work with any P files. P files doesn't necesarily have .p extension (which is another error in my program). They can be found at chars.lgp, battle.lgp and magic.lgp (maybe somewhere more, don't know). The files at battle.lgp have no extension at all, but you can list them just typing *.* on the "Name" field and pressing enter. You can try for example "ehap" (Dyne's head). Take care that, even though most files in batte.lgp are p files, some are textures or skeleton files. If you try openning one of those, you will provabily get an out-of-index error.
PD.: I know I said that i ws going to release a new version soon and I'm kidna late, but I've been busy with the exams. I'll provabily release it before the end of this week-end though.

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-06-18 19:59:49 »
Come on xspudx, It was done way before Reunion discovered how to use battle models in the field. He simply did what he could. It was a nice idea back then, just like the hands patch.

Nope, the hi-res cloud doesn't involve any change in the FF7.exe, so it can't have modified the CRC. Are you using the Ficedula's audio patch? Because it's incompatible.
By the way, even if you can use just the US 1.02 patch, you can still play in any language (I have the spanish version and it works). It's just that you must change the name of some files (in my case, the files ending with "_sp" had to end with "_us" in order to match what the EXE expects to find).
PD.: here you have an image with Line smoothing set to maxium:
I think it behaves just as always.
PD.: Oh, by the way, I found another little glitch. At Reactor 8, after fixing the bomb, the count-down is a bit messed while you are on the field (in battles looks just right, though)

Mod Edit: If you post bigger images like this one, post a link to the image instead of the image itself. Remember: There are still users with 56K connections.

Yep, the shops are wrong for me, also.

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