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Messages - mirex

Pages: 1 ... 32 33 34 35 36 [37] 38 39 40 41 42 43
General Discussion / At last I found this site back.....
« on: 2001-12-10 11:47:00 »
In this I just hate microsoft. I have one account on hotmail, and i get announcements & stuff from them, and m$ Outlook wont allow me to delete them !
Anyhow i think this site is fine about mails, so i gave yous mine private mail.

Edeas: wow, new avatar. Pretty. Btw that previous one was good too.

damn it, what's up with logging in ?

General Discussion / Starcraft Discussion Thread...
« on: 2001-12-07 11:48:00 »
if they would put audio in mp3s it would save space, but it would take more processor time to play it, so it would go slower.

What secret duran level are you talking about ? Are there more secrets that I dont know about ? I know only about secret Zeratul level.

I would gladly play sc with yous, but i have lame net connection. Maybe if I would go to some inet cafe ...

fice: If i remember right, air teame storm gives (1111 * materias equipped) damage. But I didnt know that when i beat the emerald one. Probably I got lucky (surely not on first time). I had about 10 materias equipped with all characters, to get HP high.

But on Ruby there is good thing to cast that Death Guy summon (odin?). It can stop Ruby.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / PRS files?
« on: 2001-12-06 12:30:00 »
Send some of those files to me and I could include that format in my convertor, so you could convert them to something viewable, like bmp.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Data Flow Diagram's
« on: 2001-12-06 12:29:00 »
What do you mean by 'womans language' ? That women are something less ? hm ?

There  are  procedures in assembly, with call and ret. But youre right, it is all messy. But it is good language anyhow.

Alhexx: you know, there is a popup on your own page too. Couldnt you remove it somehow? It is really anoying (fullscreen)

General Discussion / Question - Which RPG for a Movie?
« on: 2001-12-05 12:20:00 »
Dark: yea, starcraft episodes have pretty storylines.

Have you played Sc: Antioch Chronicles?

don't be so happy. Maybe she wont.


Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Tifa's weapons, etc...
« on: 2001-12-05 12:12:00 »
What list of all known P extensions ? never seen it. Where is it, where is it ? :eek:

I thought that everybody in the western world can afford to have his own server running in livingroom. Looks like life is not like i imagined it. :smile:

General Discussion / Question - Which RPG for a Movie?
« on: 2001-12-04 12:31:00 »
FallOut would be great

General Discussion / Umm, no subject really
« on: 2001-12-03 12:18:00 »
Welcome back Simon. :smile:

I would recommend you one web server, its great, but it got slow.
So nothing from me.

There was one thread about this some time ago, but it dissapeared during moving of the forum.
[edited] 171 2001-12-03 13:20

General Discussion / Got Win XP now...
« on: 2001-12-03 12:02:00 »
Darkness: to your post on previous page, about dual booting: you can make dual boot to any system, when you have some boot manager, like OSL2000. It will give you choice what partition do you want to boot.

General Discussion / Starcraft Discussion Thread...
« on: 2001-12-03 11:47:00 »
You know it just cant be done, 7 meelee. I dont know that map, but looks like there is only one bridge to your base ? If so, you can hold on for some moments. In start. But later on, when cpus start to attack with flyers .. no chance.

You know meelee means that computers sees whole map and they play as they are one player (they help each other). So no chance. When they have some small group of force, lets say 8 zealots they send it to you. Mutiply it by 7 players ... total carnage. You cant hold that. Or you have to only defend yourself, no expanding.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Tifa's weapons, etc...
« on: 2001-12-03 11:31:00 »
All these files are stored in battle.lgp;

So take a look at Allhex's page, he has there description of files inside battle.lgp

There you'll find that tifa's files start with 'ru'.
:Wait now I see that Alhexx removed some text from that file. So here it is from some older version:
4. Here's an example of a model (Tifa), so you can see how it is build:
   ruaa   *unknown*
   ruab   *unknown*
   ruac   *eye texture*
   ruad   *mouth texture*
   ruam   chest
   ruan   head
   ruap   hair1
   ruaq   hair2
   ruar   hair3
   ruas   hair_band
   ruat   hair4
   ruau   pelvis
   ruaw   l_ass
   ruax   l_thigh
   ruay   l_lower leg
   ruba   l_foot1
   rubb   l_foot2
   rubd   r_ass
   rube   r_thigh
   rubf   r_lower leg
   rubh   r_foot1
   rubi   r_foot2
   rubl   l_upper arm
   rubm   l_lower arm
   rubn   l_hand
   rubq   r_upper arm
   rubr   r_lower arm
   ruck   r_hand_weapon1
   rucl   r_hand_weapon2
   rucm   r_hand_weapon3
   rucn   r_hand_weapon4
   ruco   r_hand_weapon5
   rucp   r_hand_weapon6
   rucq   r_hand_weapon7
   rucr   r_hand_weapon8
   rucs   r_hand_weapon9
   ruct   r_hand_weapon10
   rucu   r_hand_weapon11
   rucv   r_hand_weapon12
   rucw   r_hand_weapon13
   rucx   r_hand_weapon14
   rucy   r_hand_weapon15
   rucz   r_hand_weapon16
   ruda   *unknown*
So tifa's gloves are files 'ruck' - 'rucz'. Extract these files from battle.lgp and you have all tifa's fighting glovez.

For other characters do the same thing. Look into Alhexx's database for first two characters of filename and add 'ck' - 'cz' to it. These are weapons of that character.

General Discussion / Starcraft Discussion Thread...
« on: 2001-11-30 11:52:00 »
Living enemies are allways bettter than cpus. But if you think that cpu is too easy in multiplayer, try meelee with two or more cpus (i cant handle 2 of them, only if there is some geological advantage in map)

And it this misson protoss are really terrible. They still build their units, if i attack in mass they freeze or storm or mealstorm me.
But those scourges work. (thx seph)

General Discussion / 100 Greatest movies.
« on: 2001-11-30 11:37:00 »
We are speaking about those things like this: 'The day with big d'. Thats something like D-day.
That special day.

ThreeSixty, ID: it is possible to free more mem in dos when you load things in high mem. I once had 620k free (i think). And you can't exit into dos from windows, because some drivers has to be in config.sys, and that one wont be loaded in 'exit to dos'.

There is a way to configure it into menu in autoexec.bat, but now i forgot how to create those menus. If somebody would like to know, i can dig my documents.

And key to get into plain dos without nothing is shift+F5

btw, welcome ID :smile:

As the help says, isdigit returns nonzero if it is a number, else returns 0.

In c++ false = 0. true = anthing else.

fix that line to: if ( x )
or make it:
if (x == 0)
   cout << "Character is not a Digit";
   cout << "Character is a Digit";

Main suggestion: dont install every program you see on your computer. Windows will keep some of dlls from these progs even when programs are uninstalled.

Wallpaper consumes some memory. Small or none is better.

There is proggie, Memturbo, which cleans unused memory. Good to run it after some complex program(game). It is good as restart.
(I dont use it, I restart :smile: )

Then, set your swap, to exact size. They say it is faster than variable size. And it should be about 2,5 x size of your ram they say. ( Anyhow i have 32mb ram, 180 swap )

When you have lots of programs in background, or loaded after start, performance will go down. Like i turned off some Office quick start crap.

Hmm. That is about what i know. hope it helps :smile:

General Discussion / And you thought you were worthless...
« on: 2001-11-26 12:06:00 »

Anyhow I still would like to know what is that size. Is here somebody from europe, who could transfer it to our sizes ? (0-4)

I just want to know what are we talking about.

General Discussion / Ali G Interview with Elton John
« on: 2001-11-26 11:56:00 »
Anyhow it is a good lesson of english language to me

General Discussion / Starcraft Discussion Thread...
« on: 2001-11-26 11:53:00 »
I have now a problem with zerg vs protoss, Im in last mission of Broodwar. Situation: im in the middle of map, above me and to left are terran, below me to right are protoss. I want to kill protoss first, coz they were nasty to me before :smile: But I still cant. Any suggestions ?
I try with zerglings - they come with carriers, reavers & archons or mealstorm.
Flyer attack - mealstorm or Ice.
Hydras - storm or ice.
What should I do ?

General Discussion / And you thought you were worthless...
« on: 2001-11-23 11:46:00 »
:grin: :grin:

but, how huge ? compare to something.

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