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Messages - The Great Sephiroth

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FF7 Tools / FF7 trainer
« on: 2023-04-16 15:36:10 »
Is there a trainer for PC version that allows for no random battles (world map + elsewhere) and to change/force your party to have certain characters you want at anytime (for example in battle)?

So I tried modding FF7 PS1 version with various succes rates. I am only doing some changes to KERNEL.BIN. Once I managed to make perfectly working image. I made slight changes to KERNEL.BIN. After that Windows showed that KERNEL.BIN is 21.5 kB (don't remember it in bytes). After that I increased its size to 21.8 kB (22376 bytes, exactly as in original) by zeroing at the end. And I inserted this file to CD images. And the game was working perfectly fine in every area. But now I tried it again. I tried modding the game again by modding also the KERNEL.BIN only. But this time there were more changes in KERNEL.BIN. Not much more. But very slightly more. KERNEL.BIN ended with 21.6 kB (don't remember in bytes) in Windows. I increased the size to 21.8 kB (22376 bytes as in original) by zeroing at the end and inserted the file to CD images. So I did basically the same thing. But first modification works perfectly and the second hangs/freezes. So what is wrong with PS1 FF7 modding? Why it is not working? Are there any other hidden necessities? Why it is so hard and complicated? On PC version I can do anything with KERNEL.BIN and then copy and paste it and it always works. On PS1 it is not so easy. What is needed to make it work?

How to mod PS1 version of the game? I tried modding some files and then reinserting them to CD image, recreating CD image using program called psx mode2 or something like that. Everything worked at first but after some playtime it seems the game hangs/crashes at certain parts/moments whereas original CD image will not crash. Tried it the second time modding the same files (but slightly different) and then creating CD image the same way. Effect was pretty similiar. The game crashed/hanged but in different parts/moments whereas with original image it would be OK. So what is the deal with PS1 modding? How to do it effectively and which program to use to create CD image?

General Discussion / Switch modding
« on: 2022-11-30 11:36:37 »
How to mod the game on Switch?

General Discussion / FF7 android Magic Defense Bug
« on: 2022-11-30 11:33:30 »
How to fix Magic Defense bug on Android version?

In the "Weapon" tab checking "Sellable in shops" does not work. Instead it checks "Miss if not Dead".

General Discussion / Re: Some Sephiroth questions
« on: 2022-11-04 19:51:57 »
Yes, i never tried, but in the practice, Sephiroth its like any other character, more or less.
If you answering about copying Sephiroth's AI-controlling scripts on other characters then I agree and I think mostly the same.
For the stats, i dont know, i suppose that  Sephiroth use the same curve as Vincent
Don't suppose because that supposition is incorrect.
or that information its inside the FF7.exe file
I am starting to think the same and leaning towards it but I would like confirmation. I thought that after over 25 years people found everything about this game hidden mechanics. It looks I was wrong.
Sephiroth, has some conditional restrictions that i think are in that file, for example, that you cant touch his items in the past of Cloud.
Restrictions? What do you mean by that? The only restriction I know is that stats-increasing sources do not work on him. He consumes them but they do not increase his stats. The thing you mention is not a restriction of Sephiroth. It is restriction/feature of the Nibelheim flashback sequence. It is not "past of Cloud". It is Zack's past which Cloud tells as his own. Outside of this Nibelheim flashback sequence you can touch his items and materia. But you can't do much with items other than changing Masamune for another Masamune (the only weapon assigned to him in KERNEL.BIN) and remove Tough Ring with Triangle. You can't change his armor or accessory. And if you remove Tough Ring you can't equip anything and he becomes accessory-less. It is not because of the restrictions but because he has no assigned armors and accessories in KERNEL.BIN and his only assigned weapon there is his Masamune. Other than that he also lacks some battle animations (death animation for example and for most commands) so it is sometimes funny to watch him execute some commands but he can do everything in battle (maybe except limits but his limit bar is not supposed to fill) so not restriction there again, just lack of some battle animations.

General Discussion / Some Sephiroth questions
« on: 2022-11-03 21:32:12 »
Is it possible to copy Sephiroth's AI-controlling script on other characters? Did anyone figure out after 25 years the mechanics of Sephiroth (and Young Cloud/Zack) stats growth curve and why stats increasing sources do not work on Sephiroth (do not increase his stats)?

General Discussion / FF7 PS1 remove battle swirl
« on: 2022-11-03 21:29:05 »
Is it possible to remove battle swirl effect?

General Discussion / Re: [Switch] How to mod?
« on: 2021-05-28 00:36:33 »
Switched to atmosphere. But still I can't get it to work. But when I downloaded NT mod I found here it worked. But when I want to replace just a single file it does not work. WTF? Seems that this LayeredFS modding is stupid and there is something wrong it. Is there something that could be done about/with it?

General Discussion / Re: [Switch] How to mod?
« on: 2021-05-26 14:29:12 »
When I change it to lower case, the letters are still upper case.

General Discussion / Re: [Switch] How to mod?
« on: 2021-05-25 23:27:46 »

General Discussion / Re: [Switch] How to mod?
« on: 2021-05-25 04:23:08 »
Root of microSD card\sxos\titles\0100A5B00BDC6000\romfs\ff7\workingdir\data\lang-en\kernel\KERNEL.BIN

General Discussion / [Switch] How to mod?
« on: 2021-05-24 22:06:16 »
I want to mod Switch version or rather just replace one (force the game to use another) file. That file is of course KERNEL.BIN. I used LayeredFS method and the same folder structure as other mods (I assume it it correct?) but I deleted all files there and only kept (placed) KERNEL.BIN I want to use. And it is not working (not using it). Do I need to place all the other game files for the game there (even though I do not want to replace them)? Or there is something other that I am doing wrong? BTW I am using newest SX OS on Switch Lite (with SX Lite chip installed) on 10.2 EmuNAND.

Vincent will look like this. So he will become Sephiroth. I would need that when I have Sephiroth in my party Vincent comes out of Cloud and talks during all events. Because when I have Sephiroth the game crashes. But if the game would thinks its Vincent during those talk events it would be ok. We would get the best Sephiroth patch that way. We would have Sephiroth in battle and menu becasue he would be actually in our party. Only during events Vincent will come out of us but it will be Sephiroth as in the movie. So we would have completely replaced Vincent with Sephiroth. Only few text changes and it would be best Sephiroth patch out there. Because it will use Sephiroth data. I do not want to swap his data to Vincent because it is impossible to fully recreate him in the Vincent place. There are still a lot missing data about Sephiroth and he has interesting behavior. Maybe because he has less data than others. And I want to recreate this behavior. And then is no better way to recreate Sephiroth than using Sephiroth. Sephiroth will be still the main villain. There would be almost no alteration to the story only some minor text changes. We will only lose Vincent. But I am stuck as I have no idea how to force the game to pull out Vincent from Cloud during event in place of Sephiroth when I have Sephiroth and to put Sephiroth in PHS and other party chosing moments and unlocking Sephiroth instead of Vincent when you unlock Vincent.

Support / Re: FF7 always have specific battle team mod
« on: 2020-04-07 15:38:30 »
I hope it would be easier than hot air ballon. I have a field model that changes Vincent into Sephiroth and made some text changes. Now I only would need that change that Vincent appears in all talks when you have Sephiroth and Sephiroth is in PHS and other party picking moments instead of Vincent. I think it would be nice mod.

Support / Re: FF7 always have specific battle team mod
« on: 2020-04-07 14:59:04 »
Sounds hard. Then what about something easier. Would it be possible to make something like this: Whenever you have Sephiroth in your party the game thinks it is Vincent and he comes out to talk but in menu and in battle he is himself (Sephirorh) and only in the events with a lot of talking game treats him as Vincent. It should be possible and not that hard since they share a lot data.

Support / FF7 always have specific battle team mod
« on: 2020-04-06 13:36:04 »
Is it possible to mod/hack game to always use specific team/party in battle and have and show them in the menu? But in reality have another team for all the events when character come out and speak and manage and see that real team you have in events in PHS/USO and every other time you can/have to choose party? But in battles and menu you have your specific team and on victory screen you have and level your battle team (the rest you have unlocked gets 1/2 exp like normal). Is something like that possible?

WIP / Sephiroth mod
« on: 2019-11-12 20:04:03 »
I made a Sephiroth mod. It looks like this:
The purpose of it is to give you very close Sephiroth-like experience.
All battle models are changed to Sephiroth and there are some interesting changes.
Unfortunately only Sephiroth and Cloud field models are swapped. I wanted to give more characters Sephiroth field models. But I am not good with this. I wanted to use another mod which I thought changes Vincent field model to Sephiroth's. But in my case it changes it to Cloud. So it uses some weird method to tell the game which model to use. And it probably tells game to use villain model but in my case Cloud is the villain so it did not worked as expected. I don't know how it is done. If someone could enlighten me how it works maybe I could change more field models to Sephiroth.
This mod is designed to work for PC and android. I am thinking about uploading android *.obb file of this mod if someone would be interested. But where should I upload it?

You need to mod the *.obb file. Inside it there are all the files.

Troubleshooting / Re: ff7 android modding?
« on: 2019-11-12 19:46:01 »
Modding android version is not that hard. I've done it. You just need to know how and do it the right way.

You know him?

I think that this is a fake too, but the author of the movie seems very confident that this is not fake. He tells everyone that this is true and it works and is arguing for that with everyone.

General Discussion / Re: Sephiroth vs. fights
« on: 2011-04-04 21:58:57 »
Not quite, but it's not important. The more important are fights themselves.

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