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Messages - Cloudster

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Troubleshooting / FF8Config.exe cannot find MIDI device
« on: 2008-11-12 22:39:44 »
Urgh, ff8config.exe is convinced that there's no MIDI device in my system. I pops up the 'Unable to locate MIDI device... FFVIII requrires a Windows95-compliant MIDI device'. The same setup works flawlessly with FFVII. FFVIII has been patched to 1.2 non-nvidia and used with FF8launcher. What's wrong? My FF8 is the square and not the eidos version.

Kefka, and I say that as an FF7 fan. I have a very loud version of his laugh set as my phone's message alert tone (and the FF9 victory fanfare as the ringtone). Cheers!

Archive / Re: Portable FF7 *UPDATE: Now with video proof!*
« on: 2008-10-30 03:49:42 »
I mucked about with it, and yeah, I think so. Just have TM20DEC.AX in the same folder as PortableFF7 and you can get by without registering the DLL.

Look for the BIOS chip (should be in a little socket), pry it out with a sewing pin or something, and clean the contacts with a hard artist's eraser and replace it in the socket.

NOTE: Please note the orientation of the BIOS chip before taking it out!

Looks like this:

Troubleshooting / Re: FMV not found
« on: 2008-10-24 16:55:02 »
Aren't the movies on the CDs or something? Or, are you using a downloaded version?

General Discussion / Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« on: 2008-10-24 15:36:59 »
IMHO, I'd say that it's a tie between FFVII and FFIX. VII and IX both have freakin' nice storylines that'll totally kick the cartridge pins off and rip out the PCB traces of RPGs like Pokemon. They both excel in their own ways. The ability system of IX was more easy grasped by me than VII's Materia system. IX is also more straightforward than VII. VII's storyline gradually unfolds while in IX you already know how it'll turn out by the end of Disc 1, and the field icon makes it so much easier to locate treasure. IX is also more refined than VII (pretty good translation, graphics and ATE system is unobtrusive because it doesn't distract the player as much as FF7's constant party-switching). Both games have made me cry at one point or the other. In VII it was the Sephiroth flashback scene of the Nibelheim incident (pyromaniac Seph!!!) and the murder of Aeris. "Aeris is gone!!!" *Sephiroth poses in the background and gloats*, while in IX it was the overworld tune, the FMV where the airship lifts off w/ Garnet waving to Zidane, and the ending where Garnet runs into Zidane's arms with the rest of Alexandria applauding.

</long post>

This is a bit late, but I hope you haven't gone away to sleep in a coffin for 20 years or something...

You might want to take the CPU heatsink off, lay a finger on the CPU chip, turn on the computer and quickly reach for the power cord. If the CPU gets hot (it'll heat up way faster than say, an iron, hot plate or electric stove) quickly yank the cord. If it doesn't even get warm, I think you know what the problem is ;)

Troubleshooting / Re: FMV not found
« on: 2008-10-21 16:18:59 »
Maybe it's related to the WOW64 subsystem. Have you tried running the game as Administrator vs. not running it as Administrator? You could also try PortableFF7...

Archive / Re: Advent Avatars - self-made
« on: 2008-10-20 04:38:54 »
These avatars look fantastic, I'd like to use them, but the download link up posted is dead. Do you have another link to this file?
Thanks in advance

Sorry, my computer blew up and I was away for almost a month because of that. I'm catching up with unread posts and might miss a thing or two. As an interim solution till I can get a proper server, files will be hosted at

P.S I do not have the original version of the images anymore because the mobo decided to take my 400GB HD used for data with it, along with the PSU. In the zip is the menu_us.lgp file which you put in your data\menu folder.

EDIT: Fixed. Thanks Gingercat.
EDIT of EDIT: Stupid SMF keeps tacking on http:// to the link. Grr! Just copy and paste the link in your browser's address bar. Sorry for the inconvenience, folks.

Archive / Re: Portable FF7 *UPDATE: Now with video proof!*
« on: 2008-10-19 09:11:46 »
As awesome as this is (and I'm sure it'll work without seeing the video) I'm not sure this is a good idea in the long term.

The Flash Drives (as they're technically called) aren't made to be read/written to in high volumes multiple times. I'm talking on the order of hundreds or thousands of reads, not just a few dozen.

Reading has no effect on the wear life of flash memory storage devices, only writing. But flash drives and most memory cards (SD, CF, but not XD) have an embedded microcontroller (read: tiny computer) managing the writes and performing wear-leveling. The only writes the device will get after the copying of all data to it will be the time(s) when you save. Since each save file is only 64KB, it will not be wearing out any kind of flash devices for the foreseeable future (read: Asteroid impact, nuclear holocaust, death of the sun, etc etc). For the record, wear-leveling significantly extends lifespans of flash devices by spreading the writes around different blocks so one particular block doesn't get worn out. I read somewhere than a typical SSD can sustain data continuous writing to it at its maximum write rate for something to the order of 40-odd years before a single block wears out. Heck, even if it took 10 years instead of 40 to wear out, where will your shiny new MacBook Air be in 2018? Probably put on eBay for $50 perhaps? :P

You're right. You don't have to "tailor" any .reg file from my guide. Just copy it into notepad unedited. By "current directory", I mean the "current directory" relative to the executable (in this case ff7.exe). So, ".\Data" and ".\Movies" will tell ff7 to look in the data and movies directory *relative* to itself.

For example, FF7.exe in C:\Games\FF7\ff7.exe, the app will look in C:\Games\FF7\data and C:\Games\FF7\movies
FF7.exe in G:\Kickass\FFVII\ff7.exe, the app will look in G:\Kickass\FFVII\data and G:\Kickass\FFVII\movies

In a nutshell: Once you've imported that .reg on a certain computer, you can move the PortableFF7 folder anywhere, to another drive, to thumbdrive, etc, it'll still work, but ONLY ON THAT PC. If you move it to another PC, you'll have to import the .reg and register again. But, savegames and other config files stay in the PortableFF7 root dir.

Hope it's not so "cloudy" for you now, heh

Archive / Re: Portable FF7 *UPDATE: Now with video proof!*
« on: 2008-09-09 16:07:19 »
Hmm, I just started a new game on my PortableFF7 and tried it out. It didn't hang, crash or whatever. Just curious, what patches have you installed? If I understand correctly, the thing quit to the desktop when it was about to play the music and fade out to the "Gained EXP and AP" screen?

Archive / Re: Portable FF7 *UPDATE: Now with video proof!*
« on: 2008-09-09 16:00:57 »
Glad to hear about your success.

P.S. If you want to use things such as LGP tools and stuff, put them in the root of the PortableFF7 folder (where ff7.exe is). The cause of the problem is that those tools read FF7's registry key to find out where to find FF7's data files. Speaking from experience, LGP tools balked when it couldn't find the data files in .\ (the current dir). Took me a few hours before I finally figured the problem out. Bear that in mind if you ever decide to use those programs.

Archive / Re: Portable FF7 *UPDATE: Now with video proof!*
« on: 2008-09-09 15:13:11 »
Hmm dziugo. Useful information. I'll bear that in mind when I help people in the future.

Archive / Re: Portable FF7 *UPDATE: Now with video proof!*
« on: 2008-09-09 14:34:18 »
Do you have all of the movie files (and the lone LGP) in your movies folder that you say has only 104 files?

 Volume in drive C is I_Have_No_Materia
 Volume Serial Number is 8411-E0A1

 Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\Cloud\Desktop\PortableFF7\movies

09/05/2008  01:01 PM    <DIR>          .
09/05/2008  01:01 PM    <DIR>          ..
05/15/1998  12:33 AM        25,260,596 biglight.avi
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04/04/1998  10:19 PM         1,371,730 boogup.avi
05/03/1998  01:19 AM         4,250,188 brgnvl.avi
05/03/1998  07:38 PM        21,816,748 canon.avi
05/05/1998  06:53 PM         2,706,498 canonh1p.avi
05/03/1998  07:56 PM         4,062,996 canonh3f.avi
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05/04/1998  05:45 PM        10,077,264 canonon.avi
05/15/1998  07:20 PM        17,492,194 car_1209.avi
05/03/1998  07:57 PM         8,381,782 c_scene1.avi
05/04/1998  05:20 PM         5,524,092 c_scene2.avi
05/04/1998  05:30 PM         4,567,334 c_scene3.avi
05/06/1998  07:17 PM         8,326,812 dumcrush.avi
05/22/1998  06:42 PM         3,216,700 d_ropego.avi
05/22/1998  06:46 PM         3,545,798 d_ropein.avi
05/03/1998  01:09 AM        17,871,114 earithdd.avi
05/13/1998  10:02 PM         1,897,520 eidoslogo.avi
05/05/1998  01:43 AM        15,975,630 ending1.avi
05/13/1998  12:47 AM       149,466,880 ending2.avi
05/06/1998  10:16 PM        17,844,506 ending3.avi
05/13/1998  07:11 PM           856,098 Explode.avi
05/03/1998  06:47 PM        14,658,384 fallpl.avi
05/15/1998  08:09 PM        18,329,954 fcar.avi
05/06/1998  08:47 PM         8,423,880 feelwin0.avi
05/06/1998  08:55 PM         4,701,536 feelwin1.avi
06/06/1997  12:29 AM         2,371,718 fship2.avi
04/06/1998  08:20 PM         7,596,390 funeral.avi
05/04/1998  06:43 PM         4,506,982 gelnica.avi
05/19/1998  06:37 AM        19,731,124 gold1.avi
05/02/1998  11:37 PM         6,311,786 gold2.avi
05/02/1998  11:44 PM         3,022,962 gold3.avi
05/02/1998  11:59 PM         9,356,832 gold4.avi
05/05/1998  06:47 PM         2,937,262 gold5.avi
04/09/1998  03:42 AM         2,404,262 gold6.avi
05/05/1998  11:20 PM         6,896,478 gold7.avi
05/05/1998  11:52 PM         6,461,082 gold7_2.avi
05/06/1998  09:04 PM        14,047,580 greatpit.avi
05/03/1998  01:16 AM         7,219,690 hiwind0.avi
05/04/1998  06:09 PM        12,660,956 hwindfly.avi
05/06/1998  10:02 PM         7,073,254 hwindjet.avi
05/03/1998  12:32 AM         3,141,736 jairofal.avi
05/22/1998  07:45 PM        12,650,370 jairofly.avi
05/03/1998  06:33 PM        12,124,242 jenova_e.avi
04/09/1998  03:57 AM         1,097,798 junair_d.avi
04/09/1998  03:54 AM         1,088,302 junair_u.avi
04/04/1998  10:47 PM         2,089,830 junelego.avi
04/04/1998  10:53 PM         2,189,346 junelein.avi
04/09/1998  04:03 AM         2,097,862 junin_go.avi
04/09/1998  04:14 AM         2,439,390 junin_in.avi
05/09/1998  10:08 PM        15,959,370 junon.avi
04/09/1998  04:44 AM         1,323,018 junsea.avi
05/15/1998  01:28 AM           248,326 last4_2.avi
05/15/1998  01:38 AM           269,906 last4_3.avi
05/15/1998  12:50 AM        12,219,044 last4_4.avi
05/04/1998  07:18 PM         3,134,718 lastflor.avi
04/14/1998  12:08 AM         4,023,802 lastmap.avi
05/06/1998  09:02 PM         8,116,378 loslake1.avi
04/09/1998  04:46 AM         3,024,106 lslmv.avi
05/02/1998  11:25 PM         3,470,890 mainplr.avi
05/04/1998  07:03 PM        13,492,154 meteofix.avi
05/04/1998  06:31 PM         5,461,474 meteosky.avi
04/09/1998  04:10 AM         1,182,074 mk8.avi
04/09/1998  04:22 AM         2,131,442 mkup.avi
04/09/1998  04:21 AM         2,341,138 monitor.avi
03/09/1998  10:29 PM         2,274,727 moviecam.lgp
04/09/1998  04:29 AM         1,314,374 mtcrl.avi
05/09/1998  10:18 PM         7,313,558 mtnvl.avi
05/09/1998  08:50 PM         4,729,670 mtnvl2.avi
05/03/1998  06:42 PM         7,597,984 nivlsfs.avi
05/02/1998  11:14 PM         3,633,912 northmk.avi
05/06/1998  09:57 PM         6,657,140 nrcrl.avi
05/04/1998  07:20 PM         2,742,738 nrcrl_b.avi
05/17/1998  12:36 AM         7,465,908 nvlmk.avi
05/20/1998  07:57 AM         3,923,234 ontrain.avi
05/13/1998  11:24 PM        26,596,308 opening.avi
05/22/1998  07:16 PM         7,876,652 parashot.avi
05/17/1998  02:02 AM        10,680,404 phoenix.avi
05/02/1998  11:33 PM         5,132,454 plrexp.avi
05/04/1998  11:54 PM         3,498,830 rckethit0.avi
05/05/1998  12:06 AM         7,268,814 rckethit1.avi
05/05/1998  12:30 AM        13,562,958 rcketoff.avi
05/03/1998  12:47 AM        13,972,590 rcktfail.avi
05/09/1998  09:50 PM         2,819,610 setogake.avi
04/21/1998  10:58 PM           708,474 smk.avi
05/02/1998  11:50 PM         4,401,674 southmk.avi
05/24/1998  04:28 AM         2,555,976 sqlogo.AVI
05/03/1998  07:02 PM         3,163,032 u_ropego.avi
05/22/1998  07:00 PM         3,123,444 u_ropein.avi
05/06/1998  10:06 PM        14,415,508 weapon0.avi
05/06/1998  10:14 PM         9,665,112 weapon1.avi
05/05/1998  12:13 AM        11,018,396 weapon2.avi
05/05/1998  12:28 AM        10,450,768 weapon3.avi
05/05/1998  12:42 AM         5,786,532 weapon4.avi
05/05/1998  01:11 AM        14,320,904 weapon5.avi
05/09/1998  10:34 PM        17,582,294 wh2e2.avi
05/15/1998  08:30 PM           736,286 white2.avi
05/09/1998  10:41 PM         4,022,946 zmind01.avi
05/09/1998  10:46 PM         3,719,914 zmind02.avi
05/09/1998  10:50 PM         7,168,898 zmind03.avi
             106 File(s)    922,862,897 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  17,273,524,224 bytes free

Archive / Re: Portable FF7 *UPDATE: Now with video proof!*
« on: 2008-09-09 13:14:27 »
Yes to the codec question, and no to the .cfg question. You don't need the laptop ff7config patch if your laptop has a "virtual number pad" that you can access with the Numlock key.

Archive / Re: Portable FF7 *UPDATE: Now with video proof!*
« on: 2008-09-09 12:47:29 »
You can install codecs anytime after uninstalling FF7 from Add/Remove Programs.

I didn't notice that I had forgotten to tell people not to install DX5/DirectShow until your post reminded me >_<. Mainly because the that is installed when you install the DirectShow filter is that it is (very) old, and it crashes Vista's explorer when a FMV is selected and it attempts to load the preview. But the version I linked to works fine with Vista/2k8, I've personally tested it.

Archive / Re: Portable FF7 *UPDATE: Now with video proof!*
« on: 2008-09-09 12:16:21 »
No problem, I'm always happy to help a fellow FF fan. Sorry for the dead link, I used a Phoenix Down on it and it's back!

I reformatted the server and did a reinstall due to some general weirdness, and I haven't put everything back on it yet. I'm running the server off my home internet connection, so it might be down at times, I apologize for any inconvenience caused. I'd upload it to rapidshare, but I'm aware that not many people have rapidshare accounts and I don't want people to click through countless ads just to get a file. I know that "OMGICANTWAITIWANTTOPLAYTHEGAMENOW!!!!" feeling :P

Archive / Re: Portable FF7 *UPDATE: Now with video proof!*
« on: 2008-09-09 11:36:30 »
Hmm, sorry if you got confused... these steps should be clearer:

1.Load FF7.exe into Ollydbg, wait for analysis of the to finish
2. Right-click on the large area with all the assembly instructions (top left) and select Go to > Expression, type 00404B3F and press enter.
4. The address 00404B3F should be highlighted. You should see MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[9A0538]. Double click on the highlighted line to bring up a "Assemble at 00404B3F" dialog.
5. Replace MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[9A0538] with MOV EAX,ESI and leave the checkbox selected, then press assemble. You should see 00404B3F has changed to MOV EAX,ESI and the 3 lines after it to NOP. The assemble dialog should still be open, click cancel to close it. Right click the large area, select Copy to executable > All modifications, then click Copy all. Right click the white area yet again, select save file, and save the modified .exe. The rationale behind it is that it replaces the part of the program that checks for the CD to jump straight to loading the main part of the game, and the NOPs after it mean "No execute", which is basically a big word for "do nothing". Since the CD check routine isn't run anymore, the routine code is replaced with "do nothing" opcodes. The EAX, ESI, MOV, etc are x86 assembler mnemonics. Each mnemonic corresponds to a certain opcode. The different choices are different methods of doing the same task.

You can remove OllyDbg. is the truemotion codec for the FMVs, the .bat for registering it basically tells Windows, "Oh hey, there's this codec file in the system32 folder, use that if any truemotion codecs need to be played, OK?". It will not affect the playing of any other media files. In fact, you can use WMP to view the FMVs after installation. I do not know about the K-lite pack, primarily because I do not trust those codec packs... call it paranoia. Hope I've been helpful!

P.S. Please install any patches before editing FF7.exe, because dziugo's YAMP chokes on the edited FF7.exe file... but that might just be me. It might or might not work for you.

Archive / Re: Portable FF7 *UPDATE: Now with video proof!*
« on: 2008-09-09 08:21:04 »

I was reading the reg entry and the entries say 1.00. Shouldn't they be 1.02, since you've performed the upgrade at step #2?

Also, what changes to I have to perform in that reg file and any other concerned file if I want the game to be run from an HDD folder instead of a memory card?

Helpful guide, btw!

Even though it is v1.02, the registry entries are still labeled 1.00. Don't ask me about it; I have no connections to anyone in Square. I guess they probably did it so that the user didn't have to re-configure his game settings after updating to 1.02. No changes need to be performed on anything, you can copy the folder to anywhere on your HD, since the period means "current directory", as compared to the original entries that point the game to a fixed directory (the one that you installed FF7 in). Just put the folder in any folder of your choice. Cheers!

Archive / Re: Portable FF7 *UPDATE: Now with video proof!*
« on: 2008-08-28 06:42:47 »
very nice, this can be done with just about any game if it doesnt need to read more then 12mbps

That's only if you have either an old PC with USB 1.1 or prehistoric flash devices that are only capable of USB 1.1 Full speed (12Mbps, unlikely since I've never seen USB devices older than the USB 2.0 standard come in 2GB sizes)

For comparison, USB 1.1 Low-speed (1.5Mbps) is 1.28x, USB 1.1 High-speed (12Mbps) is 10.24x, the slowest flash device I have here (512MB no-name SD card) does 9MB/s read, which is 61.44x and the fastest (4GB SDHC in card reader, which I put my PortableFF7 on, does 20MB/s read, which is 136.53x). The fastest CD drives are 52x and it's dangerous for discs to be spun that fast in the drive, so the practical theoretical maximum for CDROM drives is 48x. Any game that requires any CDROM drive at all should be able to load well from any reasonably modern USB 2.0 flash device.

I used 1KB=1024b, 1MB=1024KB and so on (binary prefixes vs SI prefixes). 1x for CDROM drives is 150kilobytes per second.

Did you install the TrueMotion codec? (Directshow in the FF7 installer)

P.S Out of curiosity, press your Windows key + Pause to bring up System Properties, go to Advanced, the settings button under Performance, and Data Execution Prevention. Is it set to essential Windows programs and services only or all except those I select? If it's the latter, add FF7.exe to the list of exceptions, make sure that there's a tick next to ff7.exe, OK out of all open dialog boxes, and restart the game. FF7 crashes on my server unless I add an exception for it.

Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Final Fantasy VII]
"UninstallString"="C:\\WINDOWS\\IsUninst.exe -f\"C:\\Program Files\\Square Soft, Inc.\\Final Fantasy VII\\Uninst.isu\""
"DisplayName"="Final Fantasy VII"


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII]
"AppPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Square Soft, Inc.\\Final Fantasy VII\\"
"DataPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Square Soft, Inc.\\Final Fantasy VII\\Data\\"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Graphics]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\MIDI]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Sound]

The first entry is for the entry in Add/Remove Programs. Change Datadrive to the drive letter of your CD drive in which you insert the FF7 CDs and replace the D in moviepath with the drive letter of said CD drive.

Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Graphics]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\MIDI]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Sound]

Archive / Re: Advent Avatars - self-made
« on: 2008-08-16 00:44:39 »
It should work if the project doesn't modify menu_us.lgp. Otherwise, you could always replace the files in menu_us.lgp yourself using any LGP utility.

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