Author Topic: Real Life believes  (Read 60357 times)


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #125 on: 2008-04-26 18:23:35 »
Secondly I don't like how you said it...

That's too bad, isn't it? :-D


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #126 on: 2008-04-27 08:20:51 »
Well, there's way too damn much to fill you in on. Find yourself a crazy chick without STDs who wants you to choke her out while you're going at it, ignore all thoughts that go like "I shouldn't do this", stop trying to suppress your instincts trying to go against nature, and then read what you just wrote and tell us you still agree. You're not going to.

Hmmm....  I agree 1000%  I remember back when I was 16, pretending I hated sex and citing "STDs, VD, feces covered penis, OH MY!" just so I wouldn't seem like a loser to my friends.  Then I finally got laid and realized what a fool I had been.

In all seriousness Dias Flac, don't worry, eventually a girl (or guy) will like you enough to engage in "love making" and you'll have this warm tingly feeling in your pants that tells you to go ahead and grow up a little bit.   Also, please watch the 40 Year Old Virgin.


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #127 on: 2008-04-27 20:11:24 »
Quote from: Dias Flac
I'm a pantheist, not an atheist. (there is a difference)

That's very true.  Atheism is the void of any god, while pantheism encompasses the universe/nature into one... well you don't believe in deities so whatever the hell you wanna call it.  So why get so upset about something as natural as having sex?  I can understand if one has personal disgust towards certain sexual practices, whether it's multiple partners or something way out there, because it's your prerogative. 

Quote from: Dias Flac
Uugh..  I've had enough of this.  Maybe I'm becoming so powerful that I'm taking a whole new route in evolution!!!!!!!!!

That doesn't mean you can preach against it as a pious "evolved" individual.  You seem to take the worst case scenario for every situation.  Even with one partner and using a condom, "the condom can break", come on.  It has never been safer to have sex, it's not always practiced, but that is your responsibility.

Quote from: Dias Flac
Of course women have these sexual fantasies because their men or partners have already presented them with sex, so they are bound to end up thinking about doing more explicit things in sex.  They are trained by their partners to want more and more sex.  And there is always the possibility of their partner having sex with someone else, think of what that could lead to: STD's, rape, and possibly death!  Maybe men should actually try and do what I had said to do to make love, who knows it might be much more romantic and passionate, and you might learn something about your partner, rather than having your woman get penetrated by two different guys.

Trained by their partners to want more sex?  Don't you think the desire for sex is natural?  I figured if anyone understood this, it would be a pantheist like yourself.

Quote from: Dias Flac
and all these different sexual positions, like anal sex!!!!!  Seriously, do you really want faeces on your penis???

Variety is the spice of life my friend.  Sex is great, so why not switch things up and possibly, OH NOES!! try other positions?  Or I guess we could keep our flannel pajamas on, lights off, eyes closed, completely silent, and exposing our "sin parts" through our pajama's front button.  How do expect to show this "romance" you speak of without some expression or variety?  You're lady/man is gonna get bored eventually.

Quote from: Dias Flac
The perfect age of consent should really be somewhere in between 25 - 30.

Yes, this makes perfect sense.  Cutting the average woman's fertility window by 50% makes perfect sense.  Considering any pregnancy with the mother 35 years or over is categorized as high risk.  We can have record stillborns because your not comfortable yet with having sex, brilliant!

Quote from: Dias Flac
And my point is that MODERN sex is stupid.  Sex wouldn't have gotten to where its at now if so many people hadn't taken it the wrong way.

So how far are we going back?  Because sex was never civilized.  The idea of monogamy between humans only came about through sexual dimorphism.
  • Man had sex with woman (not always romantic, large males had complete sexual control over females)
  • Baby born (usually babies were small)
  • Humans stayed in herds or clans to survive (and care for the small babies), men shared all the women until "family" units formed
Even today a husband and wife stay together to care for their young offspring.  A man is looked down upon for leaving the mother and little child out in the cold.  Love follows because your always with that person, and being nice just makes it easier on you.  :-P j/k

Quote from: Dias Flac
Oh yeah.  By the way.  I was just comparing my morals to some religious people I know or know of, not to every single person on the planet.  I'm obviously much cooler than Osama bin Laden or Saddam Huessen.  They can't even make their God appear to make them Final Fantasy VII mods!  hahahahaaa!!   
  Sorry if I offended anyone!!!!!!!!!!!

It's hard to offend when most of your drivel doesn't make sense.  Which is why I think this could be a troll under our little bridge.


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #128 on: 2008-04-27 20:14:34 »
'cause there is only one truth. Your own. Amen lol!

Philosophy…but untrue. There is but one ultimate truth, however, this ultimate truth may not be in the mind of some as they may be ignorant to it. Most can only believe what they believe to be true but odds are, they don't know the ultimate truth. Odds are, no human know and never will know. Human existence will end before that time comes. Humans only have approximately 126,000 years before their next known evolutionary accent.

No, no you misunderstood. I wasn't talking 'bout the truth but the "truth" everyone individually evolves. No matter how open minded you are, you will have your own opinions on things that are dead set.

The Black-caped Man

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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #129 on: 2008-05-09 23:22:48 »
Omg guys I just wanted to know the reasons of your rl believes not how you please some chicks......
But okay, if you ask for it then look at this:
Yes I am 17, seriously, no joke, not even kidding, why would I lie about such a trivial thing???  I see what your trying to do El Ammo (let me reassure you that I'm not trying to be condescending about this) your trying to present me with random information to keep me from proving a point.  And my point is that MODERN sex is stupid.  Sex wouldn't have gotten to where its at now if so many people hadn't taken it the wrong way. 

Now, please people take your time to think about things in life and dont just argue after one second of thinking. Who are you to tell mankind whats wrong or right? Who said that its not our only destiny to have sex and multiply? How we do this is up to us. You cant just decide what humans do wrong or right. RIGHT opinions about anything in life are just illusions created by human brain: I mean if one didnt know ANYTHING about the laws of todays society one could never tell if a murder is something wrong or right. Justice does not exist. It's just a thing humans driven by their thirst for power(which developed out of their hunting/surviving instinct in the humans early days) created to control others(if you do not obey, youre going to jail). No one can tell if something is wrong or right..

..and this is the reason why I dont believe in god. If theres no justice from the origin of the universe on, then there can be no justice for god. I mean whats right for god? and whats considered as a sin? We cant know so we cant know how to ascend to heaven. Theres absolutely nothing that contradicts against this for example: Fight, and the last survivor may enter heavens paradise. Who tells us that this is not what god wants? The Church? hahaha! How should they know? They cant please just write something about your believes and do not criticize others.

And El Ammo Bandito:
I dont give a shit on how long youve been here. If you have a problem with non-existing paragraphs then thats your eyes problem and not ours, just skip that post. Do you really think anyone of us will react diffenrent if you right something like: "Change this and that numbskull!"? I wouldnt care a penis about that^^
Stay kind and ask friendly. If that doesnt work, then warn the person. If nothing changes, report it to qhimm and have him/her banned.
(I can understand if you are like this in rl however. I also made good experiences with being dark and scary^^However this is not the treatment one should recieve in a Final Fantasy forum. We all play the games, love the games so we all have something to share. :wink:


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #130 on: 2008-05-10 02:55:36 »
And El Ammo Bandito:
I dont give a sh*t on how long youve been here. If you have a problem with non-existing paragraphs then thats your eyes problem and not ours, just skip that post. Do you really think anyone of us will react diffenrent if you right something like: "Change this and that numbskull!"? I wouldnt care a penis about that^^
Stay kind and ask friendly. If that doesnt work, then warn the person. If nothing changes, report it to qhimm and have him/her banned.
(I can understand if you are like this in rl however. I also made good experiences with being dark and scary^^However this is not the treatment one should recieve in a Final Fantasy forum. We all play the games, love the games so we all have something to share. :wink:

Oooh, I am a n00bfag, hear me roar.

Seriously... oh, fuck it. You obviously have it all figured out in your little head, who am I to rain on your parade?


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #131 on: 2008-05-10 03:51:43 »
Hooray! The sequel!


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #132 on: 2008-05-10 06:29:50 »
We should probably refrain from continuing an already dead conversation between me and El Ammo and get back to the topic at hand which involves what The Black Caped Man believes in.

And El Ammo at least TRY to refrain from the whole namecalling thing cuz we're not 12 anymore right? hopefully not, i'm not talking about the last comment you just made since it was Black Caped Man who stimulated a response but it still could have been handled much more appropriately


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #133 on: 2008-05-10 06:42:31 »
Quote from: The Blacked-caped Man
Now, please people take your time to think about things in life and dont just argue after one second of thinking. Who are you to tell mankind whats wrong or right? Who said that its not our only destiny to have sex and multiply? How we do this is up to us. You cant just decide what humans do wrong or right. RIGHT opinions about anything in life are just illusions created by human brain: I mean if one didnt know ANYTHING about the laws of todays society one could never tell if a murder is something wrong or right. Justice does not exist. It's just a thing humans driven by their thirst for power(which developed out of their hunting/surviving instinct in the humans early days) created to control others(if you do not obey, youre going to jail). No one can tell if something is wrong or right..

..and this is the reason why I dont believe in god. If theres no justice from the origin of the universe on, then there can be no justice for god. I mean whats right for god? and whats considered as a sin? We cant know so we cant know how to ascend to heaven. Theres absolutely nothing that contradicts against this for example: Fight, and the last survivor may enter heavens paradise. Who tells us that this is not what god wants? The Church? hahaha! How should they know? They cant please just write something about your believes and do not criticize others.

And El Ammo Bandito:
I dont give a sh*t on how long youve been here. If you have a problem with non-existing paragraphs then thats your eyes problem and not ours, just skip that post. Do you really think anyone of us will react diffenrent if you right something like: "Change this and that numbskull!"? I wouldnt care a penis about that^^
Stay kind and ask friendly. If that doesnt work, then warn the person. If nothing changes, report it to qhimm and have him/her banned.
(I can understand if you are like this in rl however. I also made good experiences with being dark and scary^^However this is not the treatment one should recieve in a Final Fantasy forum. We all play the games, love the games so we all have something to share.

Wow, so you spend the majority of your post stating how in "societies rules" we don't know what is wrong or right.  All "El Ammo" does is point out rules that are being broken, that are clearly stated on these forums, and you chastise him for that?  Why, because he's mean?  Cry me a river.

Quote from: El Ammo Bandito!
You obviously have it all figured out in your little head, who am I to rain on your parade?

Apparently he does, and I want whatever he's smoking so I may contradict myself so flagrantly.

Quote from: Xelane
And El Ammo at least TRY to refrain from the whole namecalling thing cuz we're not 12 anymore right? hopefully not, i'm not talking about the last comment you just made since it was Black Caped Man who stimulated a response but it still could have been handled much more appropriately

Of course the first one to pass judgment is the infamous necroposter.  Are you serious?  Who gives a fuck if someone is "mean" or not.  At least someone can follow simple rules of a forum.  Attitude is nothing that is judged on these forums, so who are you to judge him?

And people ask why I'm not around much anymore?   :roll:

The Black-caped Man

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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #134 on: 2008-05-10 10:03:20 »
Wow, so you spend the majority of your post stating how in "societies rules" we don't know what is wrong or right.  All "El Ammo" does is point out rules that are being broken, that are clearly stated on these forums, and you chastise him for that?  Why, because he's mean?  Cry me a river.
It's not that he reacts, it's the way how he reacts. If he believes that being rude is something good then I dont mind.....

And this is the reason why I didn't want anyone to criticize others: If El Ammo Bandito is mean, then just let him, think your own thoughts about him and let him be. If you criticize his lifestyle it will all end in a conversation about how one can please a girl :-D

I tell you what: Write about your belief, why it is your belief and how you came to that conclusion. STOP criticizing anything please!

Now, please people take your time to think about things in life and dont just argue after one second of thinking. Who are you to tell mankind whats wrong or right? Who said that its not our only destiny to have sex and multiply? How we do this is up to us. You cant just decide what humans do wrong or right. RIGHT opinions about anything in life are just illusions created by human brain: I mean if one didnt know ANYTHING about the laws of todays society one could never tell if a murder is something wrong or right. Justice does not exist. It's just a thing humans driven by their thirst for power(which developed out of their hunting/surviving instinct in the humans early days) created to control others(if you do not obey, youre going to jail). No one can tell if something is wrong or right..

Yeah Im quoting myself now: What no one seems to notice is that I also can't tell you if anything is wrong or right so my whole post can't be believed by you. I just wrote my opinion towards real life believes in hope that anyone would figure out that I can't know either so I would write: And this is why I didn't want anyone to criticize others: Yeah, I don't believe that anyone can tell if somethings wrong or right but that doens't mean I dont want to hear your opinions. Im just intrested in the believes of Final Fantasy players but its sad to see that some of you change this thread into completely unrelated girl f***in things........(THIS IS NO OFFENSE!)


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #135 on: 2008-05-10 10:26:19 »
Im just intrested in the believes of...


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #136 on: 2008-05-10 10:58:27 »

hehe thx for the reminder :wink: (Have you noticed I also wrong-named the whole thread too?^^)


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #137 on: 2008-05-10 11:04:00 »
Yeh I know, I have been reading this thread for a while now and every time I do I scream BELIEFS in my head every time. Haha

The Black-caped Man

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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #138 on: 2008-05-10 11:09:28 »
I know what youre talking about :-) I am the same when smsing with my friends....I hate misspellings...


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #139 on: 2008-05-10 18:45:16 »
Good job with the whole "necroposter" thing, seriously that was sad. And more to the point what "rule" was El Ammo pointing out? Because as i remember it he started everything by critisizing how i made my paragraphs way back on the 3rd page or something.

Also I care if somebody is mean and so do millions of other people. you think nobody would say anything if we were all in a room saying this rather than doing it via internet forums?


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #140 on: 2008-05-10 19:27:42 »
Good job with the whole "necroposter" thing, seriously that was sad. And more to the point what "rule" was El Ammo pointing out? Because as i remember it he started everything by critisizing how i made my paragraphs way back on the 3rd page or something.

The one about grammar? Maybe? I dunno, I just wrote them.

Also I care if somebody is mean and so do millions of other people. you think nobody would say anything if we were all in a room saying this rather than doing it via internet forums?

I think they would have thrown you out of the said room long time ago, for being a whinyass bitch.


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #141 on: 2008-05-10 20:38:51 »
Yes I was reffering to the conversation started by my lack of grammer a few weeks ago.

I'm surprised you decided to take another swing at me like that, you must really enjoy argueing to start up again after we ended the conversation a long time ago.

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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #142 on: 2008-05-10 21:38:08 »
I think they would have thrown you out of the said room long time ago, for being a whinyass b*tch.

Ok El Ammo Bandito now stop your offences. We are in a Final Fantasy forum not in some pub. The whole thing is now past and settled so lets talk about the thread topic again pls


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #143 on: 2008-05-10 22:04:37 »
Why doesn't a mod just close this thread?  It's main topic has already been discussed, therefor it's need to be open is nullified.

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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #144 on: 2008-05-10 22:27:22 »
Guess youre right....a few people here use final fantasy forums to critizice others all ends here and now