k, thank you. I was gonna make an edit about it maybe being in the wrong place but by the time i thought to do it it was already moved
but yes, there is also an issue with my bitrun program. It seems that when i try to reconvert it back to a tex file the bitrun says that its an unrecognized bitmap representation.
i tried to open it up in microsoft paint and save it again as a new bmp file but the new file had the same issue.
i searched "bitrun" in the search bar on the home page which should search the entire forum for things mentioning the bitrun program. I think due to my lag of focus i may of searched it wrong because it came up with only one result and im sure more than one person has mentioned bitrun more than once on this site
so im goning to go and try to search it again to find a solution
there were actually 19 results but only one of them mentioned an issue converting between tex and bmp, but it was on a subject i already figured out.
I'll keep fiddling with it maybe i'll find a fix or figure out the problem