FF8 is terrible you fken. I will insist on this every time someone says otherwise.
FF7 was great in itself but it sort of was the game that killed JRPG's.
Woah, suddenly calling me a name while saying something is terrible sounds like something a 3rd grader would do. So Scotty, you must be under 13 so you should have your account deleted
oh, but if you're not then at least act like an adult on the board. There is a line of showing your opinion, being rude, and just being plan childish.
So you don't like FF8, ok. Doesnt make it a terrible game for the rest of us. In fact FF8 is my favorite final fantasy. Don't want to hear your arguments about it nor am I trying to convince you to like it. Just saying, respect the rest of us by just shutting up or polite criticism.
What would you call a good JRPG? FF4/FF6? Dragon Quests. It's all the same style stuff as other RPG's and Fantasy genre stuff. Sorry but I just can't have bread and butter 24/7. I gotta have different stories then "hey a warrior wizard and priest set out to save the worlds crystals from the evil king and his demon overlord." unfortunantly it does end up being a similar situation 90% of the time. Even applied to FF7, Evil king-Sephiroth, Demon overlord-Jenova Crystals-Black/White materia Warrior-Cloud,,,Etc. so on so forth. Final Fantasy 8 Evil Queen-Edea Demon overlord-Ultramecia Crystal- Time Warrior-Squall, Etc. Oh by the way there always seems to be the sacrificial priestess so Aerith for FF7, Rinoa for FF8 (though she was saved), Yuna from FFX (lost her lover till FFX 2 and it's only the medium ending) So yeah, unfortunantly the older you're so called original stuff, follows the same hidden formula. Biscuits taste bland after awhile no matter what you cover them with.