Author Topic: The Squall's Dead Theory  (Read 92588 times)


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The Squall's Dead Theory
« on: 2010-06-19 16:53:57 »

Squall dies at the end of disc 1 when he gets skewered by Edea's magic icicle thing.

At first I lol'd. Then I realized it all made sense in the end. After reading the whole thing it just all added up. Some of the arguments are that the story past disc one is too far-fetched and that everything seems coincidental for the convenience of the plot. If you ask me most FF storylines are indeed far-fetched and sometimes too convenient, and ff8 is no exception to the rule.

Anyway, although the arguments do really add up and make sense, I don't think this theory is akshully true, because I don't know why square would be so subtle about something as important as well... the main character being dead for the whole game past disc 1. :P

EDIT: Oh and BTW, reading 'bout this theory reminded me how messed up the end of the game was... Some of the shots really freak me out, like the distorted Rinoas over and over again. But the thing that freaked me out the most was that one shot of Squall's head with this black void for a face. When I go to bed now I get scared of faceless Squalls in my closet and under my bed. T____T
« Last Edit: 2010-06-19 16:58:03 by Chocobo_Girl »


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #1 on: 2010-06-19 17:58:08 »

Squall dies at the end of disc 1 when he gets skewered by Edea's magic icicle thing.

At first I lol'd. Then I realized it all made sense in the end. After reading the whole thing it just all added up. Some of the arguments are that the story past disc one is too far-fetched and that everything seems coincidental for the convenience of the plot. If you ask me most FF storylines are indeed far-fetched and sometimes too convenient, and ff8 is no exception to the rule.

Anyway, although the arguments do really add up and make sense, I don't think this theory is akshully true, because I don't know why square would be so subtle about something as important as well... the main character being dead for the whole game past disc 1. :P

EDIT: Oh and BTW, reading 'bout this theory reminded me how messed up the end of the game was... Some of the shots really freak me out, like the distorted Rinoas over and over again. But the thing that freaked me out the most was that one shot of Squall's head with this black void for a face. When I go to bed now I get scared of faceless Squalls in my closet and under my bed. T____T
Lol Faceless Squall. Imagine getting a kiss from that thing, NumNumNum :P

The theory sound plausible but at the same time more boogus then the Ultramecia is Rinoa theory in my opinion. If it was true SquareSoft would've made it a blatant fact. Something more then hints and faceless Squall. They would've had him have some ghosty moments (at his own funeral no doubt) amongst with the breaking in reality alot sooner then the time compression.

To me the theory is more of people trying to explain something they don't understand. Basically a weather balloon theory.


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #2 on: 2010-06-19 18:32:33 »
So everything that happened after cd 1 means that's a ''what if''?


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #3 on: 2010-06-19 19:10:30 »
jesus. i can't say how many times i've heard this theory. possible, but not probable.

how do we know Squall dies in disc 1? Can't we say this about virtually every other final fantasy?

FF4, Rydia summons Titan, Cecil dies and then dreams about everything that happens from then on.
FF6, How do we know that Celes doesn't actually die under Cids care and she's comatose the whole time?
FF7, Cloud could have died when stabbed by Sephiroth
FF8, Hell, even at the start Squall could have died during his fight with Seifer, and everything after the hospital is just a dream
FF9, hardly played, game looked stupid
FF10, Tidus could have died from Sin at the start

Is there any way to distinguish that specific scene from the others? I could make an equally compelling argument about any one of these potential "main character dies" theories.
Would name more, but I think you get the idea.

Not to mention the story makes perfect sense. It's like a time loop. Ultimecia in the future hears that a group of SeeD will defeat her. That's why Seifer interrogates Squall at the start of Disc 2 to find out more about Seed. That's why when they fight Ultimecia masquerading as Edea at the end of Disc 2, she says, so you're the SeeD destined to defeat me. Ultimecia knows what going to happen. She wants to stop it. Ultimecia wants to compress time, in order to counter her prophesied defeat. Because by compressing time she would be the only one who could exist (thus eliminating the SeeD).

Some of the stuff is just plain unreasonable. Since when was a game featuring magic, gunblades, guardian forces and more, being ridiculous for adding moombas. It is final fantasy. Moombas are like Chocobos imo. Don't see anything wrong with an alternate species. FF4 had dwarves. FF6 had espers (terra is half-esper). FF7 has the ancients/jenova. FF8 has moombas. FF9 has the monkey-midget crossbreed aka Zidane.

All his arguments are flawed if you look at them. Squalls supposed foreshadow about being forgotten (when he says, I don't want to be like Seifer, I don't want to be forgotten), is not about dying, but him worrying that no one loves him. that noone holds him close to their heart. that noone is going to look back at Squall and say Squall was this, Squall was that. He's not worried about death. He's a Seed. He's worried that noone cares about him. Which plays into the central theme of FF8. Which is the personal growth of Squall.

The author has a preconceived idea of what he wants. He projects something that's been stuck in his head onto FF8 in the hopes it meshes into his idea of the perfect story. But what is the point of a story that shows no character development, no conclusion, no hero's journey, virtually no plot since nothing is happening, and technically a pointless story.

I think FF8 had a fantastic story and feel no need to project Vanilla Sky into the world of Final Fantasy. FF8 had an interesting plot, perhaps some parts forced when they shouldn't have been. (They forget childhood memories, and Irvine just happens to suggest that it's the GF and they begin to take it as truth?)

EDIT: Also an interesting point I'd like to make. Squall is pierced by a piece of ice on the RIGHT side of his chest. Hearts on the left. :] I've seen this thread a couple of times on gamefaqs back when I was going through a playthrough.
« Last Edit: 2010-06-19 19:21:45 by OutFoxxed »


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #4 on: 2010-06-19 19:27:19 »
As an aside: the ending makes a lot more sense once you deal with the Japanese version of the confrontation with Ultimecia. I don't recall exactly, but I believe she promises to erase the memories / pasts of the SeeDs - replacing everything with Ultimecia. Thus the 'dubbing' of her face onto Rinoa's at the close.

My own little non-canon idea? Ultimecia is suffering for a myth. Persecuted through superstitions long before she even became a sorceress, her response is novel. She will redress the injustice not by punishing her pursuers, but by changing the fabric of the past to make the myths true. She can therefore oddly 'reconcile' herself with the history already painted for her, a history and a portrait she otherwise couldn't identify with. Ultimecia's 'vengeance' already does an awful lot to bring myth and speculative history to life - reviving Griever, for instance.
« Last Edit: 2010-06-20 10:42:52 by Bosola »


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #5 on: 2010-06-19 22:23:41 »
FF9, hardly played, game looked stupid
Silly reason not to play a game, it's one of the best IMO. Don't judge a book by it's cover  :P


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #6 on: 2010-06-19 22:45:03 »
Edea made Seifer 100% loyal to her subconciously.  Once Rinoa was possessed, suddenly Squall became interested in her and ... 100% loyal/in love.   



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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #7 on: 2010-06-19 23:45:40 »
FF9, hardly played, game looked stupid
Silly reason not to play a game, it's one of the best IMO. Don't judge a book by it's cover  :P
i did play it. i got through the ice cavern and then i got bored of it. i didn't really like the cast, and the plot really didn't grab me like FF7 or FF8. When you try to capture the princess, there just isn't that magic like in FF7 (the Mako reactor creates a feeling of anticipated horror) or FF8 (the raid on dollet was suspenseful and climactic). I just feel like kidnapping the princess is the most cliched thing you can have in a game. The starting part with Vivi was 10minutes of mindlessly walking around doing nothing.  The music didn't really stick in my head, though admittedly I didn't get very far.

I guess the plot just couldn't hook me in at the start. and the cast just didn't really have me caring about them at all. Maybe I'll replay it sometime.


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #8 on: 2010-06-20 00:17:16 »
FF4, Rydia summons Titan, Cecil dies and then dreams about everything that happens from then on.
FF6, How do we know that Celes doesn't actually die under Cids care and she's comatose the whole time?
FF7, Cloud could have died when stabbed by Sephiroth
FF8, Hell, even at the start Squall could have died during his fight with Seifer, and everything after the hospital is just a dream
FF9, hardly played, game looked stupid
FF10, Tidus could have died from Sin at the start

Although all those scenarios could have been possible in the games you listed, I can't find any symbolic elements in those games that hint on their deaths. You sound like you haven't read up on the squall's dead theory, but this theory is backed up by quite a lot of symbolism (a lot of it is in the ending scene of the game), which I'm not goign to get into because the site I linked says it all and I'd just be repeating it all.

Oh and lulz, you kinda sound like Hermoor bashing one game and claiming another game is better. But with better grammar and logic. :P

EDIT: Also an interesting point I'd like to make. Squall is pierced by a piece of ice on the RIGHT side of his chest. Hearts on the left. :] I've seen this thread a couple of times on gamefaqs back when I was going through a playthrough.

Whether he was stabbed on the right side of the left side of his chest, an icicle half as long as himself that went into his chest and out the back would have killed off anyone. And Edea would have no reason in reviving him after. She had 3 other SeeD prisoners that she could have interrogated, and Quistis is probably the most knowledgeable out of the 4. That and usually when characters die in final fantasy games as a plot element (like Aeris) there is no reviving them for some reason, cuz that's how Square rolls.

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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #9 on: 2010-06-20 02:20:18 »
Edea made Seifer 100% loyal to her subconciously.  Once Rinoa was possessed, suddenly Squall became interested in her and ... 100% loyal/in love.   


I actually just saw this segment in a lets play. He does start being more affectionate before she's possessed. namely once she falls off garden, the threat of her being in trouble seems to trigger him being more worried, and when the land and hit on eachother he's a little warmer then than the rest of the game. interesting point though.

As to discussion, I loved that turn in the story of seifer/sorceress knight being the "bad guy", then shoving squall in the same role. (note, seifer had his love/loyalty to his mother figure, whereas squall was to his gf :P). Maybe sorceresses emit epic phermones er something... dunno.. cid/edea? :P.

In regards to the squall is dead theory, this could probably be seen as some jealousy of seifers loyalty (last thing squall saw before dieing)(squall doesnt have much loyalty at that point, he just does his stuff).

without the death theory, i think its just a neat symbol and symmetry in the plot. (role reversal is usually a satisfying plot device)


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #10 on: 2010-06-20 05:11:14 »
FF4, Rydia summons Titan, Cecil dies and then dreams about everything that happens from then on.
FF6, How do we know that Celes doesn't actually die under Cids care and she's comatose the whole time?
FF7, Cloud could have died when stabbed by Sephiroth
FF8, Hell, even at the start Squall could have died during his fight with Seifer, and everything after the hospital is just a dream
FF9, hardly played, game looked stupid
FF10, Tidus could have died from Sin at the start

Although all those scenarios could have been possible in the games you listed, I can't find any symbolic elements in those games that hint on their deaths. You sound like you haven't read up on the squall's dead theory, but this theory is backed up by quite a lot of symbolism (a lot of it is in the ending scene of the game), which I'm not goign to get into because the site I linked says it all and I'd just be repeating it all.

Oh and lulz, you kinda sound like Hermoor bashing one game and claiming another game is better. But with better grammar and logic. :-P
haha, am i being complimented or insult? =P i did give FF9 a chance if it counts for anything lol.

Symbolism can be manipulated to support anything. Symbolism isn't concrete proof of anything. For example Cloud. Sephiroth throws a destruct materia at him in the Shinra basement. Destructs most notable skill is death. pretty symbolic huh? In the temple of ancients Sephiroth says "Only death awaits you all. But do not fear. For it is through death that a new spirit energy is born. Soon, you will live again as a part of me." He's claiming Cloud will die and be apart of him when he fuses with the lifestream.
Later Cloud fights Jenova Death (right before he falls in the lifestream ironically). When Cloud fights Jenova Death, it signifies the death of his consciousness. Mako poisoning destroys his last conscious thoughts on Gaia and leaves Cloud as an empty shell. (as Sephiroth prophesizes in the temple of Ancients too).  All i'd have to do is elaborate on this, take a couple screenshots, make conclusions about the ambiguous ending of FF7 and you'd be posting about :].

I don't know what the end symbolizes. I can't say exactly. Maybe it's the effects of time kompression. Maybe it's cause Laguna tells Squall that in order to get back to his own time he should "Imagine being in that place with all your friends. Once time compression begins, think of
that place and try to get there!" But Squall is unable to. If anything I think the scene represents the separation of Squall from his friends. Then when he's weak and near-death he embraces his friends and Rinoa. And he remembers Rinoa and their special place. The loner embraces what he swore he would not. Usually he depends on himself but he had to depend on friendship to get him through. Who knows what it really means. But that's the beauty of symbolism huh? A rose means something else to everyone. A rose might mean death and the flowers a widow sees on her husbands grave or it might symbolize the love that two newlyweds feel for each other. I can't say exactly what they truly mean, but my thoughts are, the story has been more about love, and loneliness instead of death. Squall's friendships, and his romances, instead of life vs death. The one character who does die and would stand out is Raine. And she is a very minor character. I just don't see how a gaping hole in someones face symbolizes death (i know that sounds stupid haha). Nor does the existence of Moombas, a couple lines of text that play more into the loner/friendship theme than the i'm going to die theme, and some words Ultimecia utters that doesn't make as much sense as it should. I personally believe the ending is just Squall trying to grasp any memories that he can remember because that's how he's supposed to get back to his own time. What Bosola says is interesting though. Would not be surprised if the Japanese original explains it all, and it was more a fault of the translators than the game makers.

EDIT: Also an interesting point I'd like to make. Squall is pierced by a piece of ice on the RIGHT side of his chest. Hearts on the left. :] I've seen this thread a couple of times on gamefaqs back when I was going through a playthrough.

Whether he was stabbed on the right side of the left side of his chest, an icicle half as long as himself that went into his chest and out the back would have killed off anyone. And Edea would have no reason in reviving him after. She had 3 other SeeD prisoners that she could have interrogated, and Quistis is probably the most knowledgeable out of the 4. That and usually when characters die in final fantasy games as a plot element (like Aeris) there is no reviving them for some reason, cuz that's how Square rolls.

she does though (keep Squall alive). because in the future Ultimecia knows that she will be defeated by a group of legendary SeeD. Because Squall defeats her in the past, and the knowledge passes down through time, in some form. That's why Ultimecia (as Edea) says "so you're the SeeD destined to defeat me" right before they defeat her at the end of disk 2. So basically she knows that there are some SeeD's that are destined to defeat her, but she doesn't know exactly who. Seeing as Squall is from SeeD, she figures she might as well interrogate him. Ultimecia doesn't realize that the one she's reviving is the one who's supposed to defeat her.

Ultimecia has no way to know Quistis the leader or the most knowledgeable. She simply knows Squall attacks her head-on and from what it appears he's bold enough to lead the strike against her (party members come a couple rounds later). I don't know why exactly she interrogates Squall, but she doesn't know anything about the SeeD so she can't exactly designate who to torture or who not to. Best off just interrogating the apparent leader of the assassination attempt.
Some errors I noticed. The appearance of Griever in the final battle is explained in the Ultimania (the Ultimania, from what i hear disputes many claims by this theory). Ultimecia pulls griever from Squalls image of the perfect GF and creates a physical manifestation of it. Weird things (moombas.... NORG.....) happening =/= Squall dying. If the sky turned green tomorrow, it does not mean that I've died. Distortion =/= Life flashing before eyes.

If you want some lols, post the squallisdead theory on gamefaqs =P. from what i seen when looking for TT help, anyone who mentions Squallisdead get flamed like hell and referred back to the other 15 topics about it. Best trolling tool for the FF8 gamefaqs board ever.
« Last Edit: 2010-06-20 05:19:27 by OutFoxxed »


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #11 on: 2010-06-20 05:36:51 »
I think since cloud is remembering the past the hole in his face is supposed to represent the emptiness inside that he was in the past.

Also another odd tidbit of information. Rinoa was originally dating Seifer (Remind you of the Aerith Zack connection anyone?) who was the one who got her into the Balamb dance to meet Cid. So she could ask for the support for the mission Squall and Co later go on.


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #12 on: 2010-06-20 15:49:40 »
Symbolism can be manipulated to support anything.

It can, but it’s the arguments behind the symbolism which makes it a more reliable truth.

"Only death awaits you all. But do not fear. For it is through death that a new spirit energy is born. Soon, you will live again as a part of me." He's claiming Cloud will die and be apart of him when he fuses with the lifestream.

No, actually he’s claiming that they will all die. “Only death await you all”. You can use this in a theory that claims that all the ff7 characters are dead :P but for this purpose it’s a weaker argument. A threat from the main villain of the game that “YOU WILL ALL DIE!” is not uncommon in lots of video games, and it’s a pretty weak argument to say that this means that Cloud is already dead.

When Cloud fights Jenova Death, it signifies the death of his consciousness. Mako poisoning destroys his last conscious thoughts on Gaia and leaves Cloud as an empty shell.

The party members fight Jenova Birth, and Jenova Life also, after Cloud gets stabbed by Sephiroth. Now you’re just picking different parts of the game that have to do with the theme of death (death being a popular theme in a lot of video games) and backing up the fact that it could reflect that the main character is dead.

EDIT: I'm sure you can take some screen shots and argue that Cloud is dead, then start But before doing so you'd have to find *good* arguments to support your theory.

Seeing as Squall is from SeeD, she figures she might as well interrogate him. Ultimecia doesn't realize that the one she's reviving is the one who's supposed to defeat her.

LOL :P But that doesn’t explain why she would revive Squall. She has 3 other SeeDs to interrogate. Why pick Squall? He’s just another one of the SeeDs to her. Like you said, all she knows is that a bunch of SeeDs are going to kill her, but she can’t differentiate one SeeD from another.

She simply knows Squall attacks her head-on and from what it appears he's bold enough to lead the strike against her

Oh, that's why she revived Squall. So she knows he’s one of the more fierce and dangerous members who is the most likely (so far) to kill her? ;D And she knows that Squall, being bold and all, attacking her head-on, would probably be the hardest to get answers from? I mean, look at Selphie. She doesn't look like she'd last 2 minutes.

I don't know why exactly she interrogates Squall, but she doesn't know anything about the SeeD so she can't exactly designate who to torture or who not to. Best off just interrogating the apparent leader of the assassination attempt.

She could have interrogated the 3 others first, then revive Squall to interrogate if they weren’t able to get anything out of them. :P

Weird things (moombas.... NORG.....) happening =/= Squall dying.

It’s not so much the fact that Moombas are weird. It’s the fact that they are lion-type animals. They argue that the integration of Moombas in this game is to contribute to their proof that Squall might as well just be "dreaming" about all this. Squall likes lion for their courage and strength, he has a particular fondness of them, and the fact that there are lions after his "death" could symbolize that this is all in his mind.

If the sky turned green tomorrow, it does not mean that I've died.

No, but you should start wondering what’s wrong with you. :P

If you want some lols, post the squallisdead theory on gamefaqs =P. from what i seen when looking for TT help, anyone who mentions Squallisdead get flamed like hell and referred back to the other 15 topics about it. Best trolling tool for the FF8 gamefaqs board ever.

Why on Earth would I want to do that? Are you a troll OutFoxxed?
I made sure that there was no such topic on the qhimms before posting it, thank you.
« Last Edit: 2010-06-20 15:56:05 by Chocobo_Girl »


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #13 on: 2010-06-20 16:08:03 »
Chocobo Girl Has some good arguments, I still find it unlikely reasons being Hironobu Sakaguchi's mother died during the production of FF7 so naturally (he intended to or not) the games story centered around life after death and second chances. I don't think he intended this for FF8 but it might have came off that way. Sometimes when your writing a story bits and pieces of the persons real life experiences gets mixed up in the story they are trying to tell subconsciously...just my opinion.


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #14 on: 2010-06-20 18:10:53 »
i think it's an interesting theory, would be pretty cool, but the way   the game looks it's rather badly implemented. Common in stories is   growth and development. Squall makes no growth and development because   in the events of disc 1 he's just an a hole who cares more about the job   than his friends. And he dies before anything grows. I'd gladly wager everything I own that Square intentions were not to kill Squall off (I bet you would too)

Also when the party plays as Selphie trying   to stop the Galbadian missiles, how is Squall dreaming about what his   life could have been or something?

But you can make a very   compelling argument for Cloud being dead.

He fights Jenova   Birth, which can symbolize the birth of of his mission. The starting   point. Jenova Life symbolizes the continuity of the mission to kill   Sephiroth in spite of Aerith's death. And Jenova Death symbolizes the   end. Cloud physically dies at that point. (i'm changing my theory :]).   It's a sequence. When he faces Jenova Synthesis, (the combination of   birth, life, and death) simply means he's gone through the entire cycle   and he has been born, he has been alive, and he has died.

Aerith's   ghost at the church is a symbol of Cloud's guilt for not having saved   her. And in the dream world he wishes she didn't die, so he creates an   Aerith in the church.

Cait Sith predicts that Cloud and Aerith   have a great future together. Ironically right before Aerith dies.   Clouds future with Aerith is in the lifestream. Aerith and Cloud was the   games intended couple. And the unite because Clouds dead.

At   the end Cloud et co. face Sephiroth. In the last battle, Cloud defeats   the Sephiroth in his consciousness. The Sephiroth symbolizes his   greatest obstacle; being able to die peacefully. Cloud has wanted   revenge on Sephiroth for seemingly forever, and he has to defeat his   demons in order to rest in peace.

Cloud falls in the lifestream   and dies after handing the black materia to Sephy because Sephy no   longer has any use for him. Falling into the lifestream obviously means   he should have drowned.
Here's why Squall's the only one   being interrogated. And this is from the game script too.
Seifer: Even if you don't talk, others will. The instructor, the little
messenger girl, or that Chicken-wuss... He wouldn't last 3 seconds!

Squall: (Th...They're...) ...They're...all here...?

Seifer: Oh, you bet. But since I like you so much, I thought you should
go first. I was hoping you'd be there, Squall.'d I look in my
moment of triumph? My childhood dream, fulfilled.

Lions are a symbol for Squall, I agree with you there. But why would that mean he's dead? Because
it's fantastical and doesn't occur until after he's hit with ice? The moombas are symbols for lions not
symbols of his death. Maybe the world is unrealistic but hardly a reason to believe he died. I personally
believe they are Squalls connection to Laguna, who is his father. (that's why they say "laguna?"
when they see Squall--> they think he's his father).
The author even makes several justifications of how the dream theory is hard to argue or hard to believe
at that point.

As for Ultimecia's quote, my interpretation of it is that, "look back and savour your childhood memories
because time will slowly erase your memories of your past. time doesn't wait or relent. No matter how
hard you hold on. Which plays out pretty well with the ending since Squall is trying to remember but can't.
Ultimecia is probably telling Squall that you can try to get back home by remembering things dear to you
but time won't stop and it'll take a hold of your memories and erase them so you'll never return.

Most of the symbolism in his arguments don't point to the fact Squall actually dies, but more to the fact
that the game is unrealistic. His whole argument hinges on this if it's fantastical then Squall must be dead.
It's pretty loosely connected. For example that hole in Squalls face, he claims is because Squall can't
hold on to his memories anymore. He uses that as an excuse for death rather than what is more commonly
accepted; that memories and the things he cherish are the pathway to getting back to his own time.
Rinoa's feather symbolizes his memories of Rinoa. Squall pictures Rinoa crying and a flood of memories
come at him. Which is how he is saved. As Laguna tells him, the only way to get back is to think about
your friends. I guess it's cause the ending has always made perfect sense to me that I don't really feel
the need for an alternate theory to satisfy me.

My main argument here is not that the theory is not possible, but that the game does not provide enough solid
concrete evidence so that one can say in FF8 Squall dies. Because the evidence provided by the authors
is present in every game.

EDIT: I don't troll. dw =P. i have a tendency to be a bit stubborn in arguments, especially when i sense idiocy on the other side. But that's about as close as I get to trolling.
« Last Edit: 2010-06-20 20:58:38 by OutFoxxed »

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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #15 on: 2010-06-20 23:28:13 »
We might ask Yoshinori Kitase...


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #16 on: 2010-06-20 23:43:37 »
Even if it were true, they'd deny it. Square, like many other Jap devs, don't like fan 'participation' in their IP.


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #17 on: 2010-06-21 10:56:09 »

FF8, Hell, even at the start Squall could have died during his fight with Seifer, and everything after the hospital is just a dream.
If that's what you're saying, how did Squall dream of Rinoa when at that point he never knew Rinoa?? I never knew there were such things as Squall being dead.. Hmm its complicated.


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #18 on: 2010-06-21 16:05:55 »
Another "dead" theory. After having too many pixie stix and a marathon of Disney media/Final Fantasy games; a young boy named Sora dies of an anorism in his sleep and so everything after that was a dream of the dead.  :P Now that crap makes alot more sense.


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #19 on: 2010-06-21 17:54:18 »

FF8, Hell, even at the start Squall could have died during his fight with Seifer, and everything after the hospital is just a dream.
If that's what you're saying, how did Squall dream of Rinoa when at that point he never knew Rinoa?? I never knew there were such things as Squall being dead.. Hmm its complicated.

well it's a dream, anything can happen =P. assuming Squall dies at the end of Disc 1, his dreams create Ultimecia and his mother Raine. lol I'm fairly certain Squalls not dead, but there is a chance I'm wrong. i used that example to try and make the Squall Dead theory seem like nothing special.
« Last Edit: 2010-06-21 18:39:02 by OutFoxxed »

Timu Sumisu

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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #20 on: 2010-06-22 05:59:27 »
its just a musing theory with a rather large webpage devoted to strengthening hte argument :PP
enjoy the game however u like. its like a book, does anyone care if frodo is dead and dreaming all of lotr? it boils down to a basic interpretation or enjoyment or laack thereof.


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #21 on: 2010-06-22 06:40:53 »
The whole thing is just stupid. There is no way he could have died, or that would have been part of the game. Also, I think that that part of the game was just that he was injured so they could move the game along, and it's possible that he could have been healed so that he could survive torture later on.

Also, I read what someone posted about Final Fantasy X, and technically, Tidus was never alive in the whole game.


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #22 on: 2010-06-22 07:02:32 »
FFX had a clever plot and you are right he was a dream of the fayth.

FF8, no, Squall was not dead.  he was alive and openly questions why he is uninjured.  If he was dead, why would he live life the same as before and why would the game not make any reference to it.  Absurd idea.

Also he wasn't hit in any vital organ with the spike.  They needed him alive for the interrogation.


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #23 on: 2010-06-22 07:09:52 »
FFX had a clever plot and you are right he was a dream of the fayth.

FF8, no, Squall was not dead.  he was alive and openly questions why he is uninjured.  If he was dead, why would he live life the same as before and why would the game not make any reference to it.  Absurd idea.

Also he wasn't hit in any vital organ with the spike.  They needed him alive for the interrogation.

The whole thing about Squall being dead makes no sense. And I think part of the creator's idea was that sometimes life is stranger then fiction, and included such an idea in the game itself, so if you put yourself in the eyes of the characters, everything would really makes sense in a strange way.


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Re: The Squall's Dead Theory
« Reply #24 on: 2010-06-22 07:43:23 »
Squall is Laguna's son. Mind = Blown