Author Topic: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"  (Read 22759 times)


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Will the White Race Survive?

I'm posting this to know your opinion on it, seriously.
I don't live in America, so i can't possibly know hows life there, schools, the streets, safety, unemployment, healthcare, etc.


Wrote "like" instead of "live", lol.
« Last Edit: 2010-06-28 22:16:49 by Nightmarish »


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #1 on: 2010-06-28 18:46:02 »
man sounds like an idiot. a bit of a white supremacist to be honest.


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #2 on: 2010-06-28 19:22:05 »
I completely agree with everything he has to say.  Here in South Carolina we still have good ol' affirmative action.   My friend's father has been with his company for roughly 30 years.   A few years back a subordinate position opened up and so he was training a new hire for it.    Flash forward 2 years and a much higher ranking spot opened up that would be his father's next step in the company.  Guess who gets promoted..   The guy with 2 years experience.  Guess why.

He's black.

All the points Mr. Duke makes are statistically backed.  But yet it's racist to talk about it?   That's what's wrong with America.  How are statistics racist?  The day white's are no longer the majority here is the day I leave for Iceland.  Watch Idiocracy.


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #3 on: 2010-06-28 19:27:43 »
One can use statistics and facts to support any point. I can use statistics to illustrate that the systematic murder of everyone on earth with inferior genetics is a good idea.

One can demonstrate prejudice and be factual at the same time.

That being said, TL;DW
« Last Edit: 2010-06-28 19:30:17 by titeguy3 »


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #4 on: 2010-06-28 19:31:48 »
man sounds like an idiot. a bit of a white supremacist to be honest.
Not being an idiot, maybe you don't agree with his policies to solve the problems. But the problems are facts. Heck I know I'll be wanting to send my kids to a private school. Most likely what will happen cause there wont be change before I have kids. I grew up in southern california mixed in with the blacks and latinos. Asian kids usually act better then most black and latino. Ok, personally here are two examples of my disgust at the black and latino populations,
-latinos: they always have an inside connection with there minor labor jobs. Example, I worked at walmart at one point. This one latino kid would harass everyone, twist nipples (men and women), take half days, etc. Wasn't fired while I submitted reports on him until I went above the store. Yet I was fired instantly for not showing up to work on a day that I was supposed to have the day off for college. Told them about that for a month and I had to go to the classes.
- Blacks: Only a rare few can I have an intelligible conversation with. The rest murder the english language. Hell even the top of the music industry rappers sound like retards and don't have a shred of poetry to properly rap. I saw a gay white half chinese half irish guy in virginia that can rap better then most well known rappers. Last time I dealt with normal black guys was in boot camp. And the only way to make a point to them was to kick their ass or with the butt of my rifle.

Sure we have white trailer trash, rednecks, and asians have their little gangster and fake yakuzas. On the whole I can even understand white criminals while black and latinos usually do their stuff out of animal like stupidity. I'd rather chat with Marilyn Manson over Mike Tyson. At least Manson sings and has an interesting mindset and talks in a normal conversation.

Theres always good and bad in all races. Usually between middle class and rich are the intelligent people. All the poor people need to stop having kids. We have to have a license to go fishing, why not a license to have children. Just tie off your stuff at puberty and then once you hit 21 have to take a licensed test. You don't pass or show that you have STD's or in any other way unfit to have kids, guess what, non for you. If passed then your plumbing is fixed or other methods at pregnancy can be made to have kids.

Will solve overpopulation problems, will solve welfare problems(except for illegals, but they should be neutered if caught in some way, like mothers who come into an american hospital to birth a kid, fix her right after.), perhaps there would be more jobs. Demand for certain markets would go down, etc.

If we get rid of the poor class that are usually the stupid ones, then I wouldn't have a problem with the intelligent ones. My personal belief is you get what you earn by merit. You act like 5hit I'll look at you like 5hit. You want rights then don't be an illegal nor abuse your rights.


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #5 on: 2010-06-28 19:35:23 »
that video is rubbish. He is a white supremacist for sure, and he sat down and wrote a nice sounding speech to try and mask whaat he was really saying. I guess he forgot he is also a member of the HUMAN race. I simply can't stand crap like this.... the road to oblivion? please. Why is it such a priority for these assholes to maintain their "racial superior...

Nevermind, this could very easily become a wall of text railing against all types of things related to racism.
that guy = douche


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #6 on: 2010-06-28 19:42:05 »
that video is rubbish. He is a white supremacist for sure, and he sat down and wrote a nice sounding speech to try and mask whaat he was really saying. I guess he forgot he is also a member of the HUMAN race. I simply can't stand crap like this.... the road to oblivion? please. Why is it such a priority for these assholes to maintain their "racial superior...

Nevermind, this could very easily become a wall of text railing against all types of things related to racism.
that guy = Full of Win


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #7 on: 2010-06-28 20:18:30 »
Right, the human race.  I don't think we're going anywhere as a species.
Certain races are better than other races at given things.  To not be aware of this you would have to lead a highly sheltered life.

Don't get me wrong, I do have friends of mixed races, and am by no means trying to claim superiority over particular people... but keep in mind stereotypes don't just appear for no reason.  They are formed when over 50% of a group displays similar behaviors.

Quote from:  Reverend Jesse Jackson
“I hate to admit it, but I have reached a stage in my life that if I am walking down a dark street late at night and I see that the person behind me is white, I subconsciously feel relieved.”


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #8 on: 2010-06-28 20:35:31 »
I just think we need not be racial but Mental.... basically, get rid of the stupid people. No matter their skin color. If I own a business I'm not going to hire people based on their skin. I'm going to hire them based on experience, ability, and customer service. Give them a raise based on tenorship and how good of a job they do. Gov comes after me or someone tries to sue me, eff them. I shouldn't have to follow laws that say something like 60% of my workforce has to be minorities or disabled. Sorry running business here, no time to be playing nice guy. Same with the rest of the worldly stuff. Sorry, but people that are 5hit or act stupid can go to other countries or just rot. We don't want your kids, we don't want you. I don't want to give up my job just cause my boss has to have a certain amount of minorities. Etc. Look at africa. Home country of the blacks. What happened. Overpopulated and has AIDS. Want that for America? I don't.


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #9 on: 2010-06-28 20:55:12 »
stereotypes don't just appear for no reason.  They are formed when over 50% of a group displays similar behaviors.
I have to say that I don't know too many blondes that are airheads. At least not an unreasonable amount in comparison to ditzy brunettes.

Black people aren't naturally ghetto. It's a class difference, not a racial one. There are white people who are just as guilty of the actions that offend your average middle class whitey. It's just due to where and how they were raised.

My dad  told me that when he was in middle school, his school was the first one in his town to allow black people to attend. Granted he was from a smaller town, but that's really not that long ago. I'm sure their education wasn't that great at those schools. That made it harder for them to compete in the job market with those who had better educations.
Since they couldn't compete in the job markets, they didn't get to save as much money.
Meaning that they could afford to send their children to better schools, either.

It just hasn't been that long that blacks have been able to accumulate wealth. Obviously, my Irish immigrant ancestors weren't wealthy either, but at least they were able to get jobs, and send their offspring to white schools.

Personally, I think that black people, overall in America, are still on the upswing of their rise in society. I hardly think they are sliding down the scale. I'm fortunate enough to work with several highly intelligent well-educated black people, affording me daily proof that it's not race, just circumstance.

(However, I do agree with the point of Idiocracy (just not about it being applied to more blacks any more than whites). I do think that the intelligent people are procreating less, while the trash proliferates at a higher frequency. I think this is probably a problem in every country, though.)


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #10 on: 2010-06-28 21:09:38 »
Personally, I think that black people, overall in America, are still on the upswing of their rise in society. I hardly think they are sliding down the scale. I'm fortunate enough to work with several highly intelligent well-educated black people, affording me daily proof that it's not race, just circumstance.
quoted for intelligence.

(However, I do agree with the point of Idiocracy (just not about it being applied to more blacks any more than whites). I do think that the intelligent people are procreating less, while the trash proliferates at a higher frequency. I think this is probably a problem in every country, though.)
Methinks if intelligence was genetic, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now... Ideocracy was a fun movie, but I wouldn't revere it as a scientific theory or a prophetic foretelling or anything like that.

Don't get me wrong, I do have friends of mixed races, and am by no means trying to claim superiority over particular people... but keep in mind stereotypes don't just appear for no reason.  They are formed when over 50% of a group displays similar behaviors.

Quote from:  Reverend Jesse Jackson
“I hate to admit it, but I have reached a stage in my life that if I am walking down a dark street late at night and I see that the person behind me is white, I subconsciously feel relieved.”

dude...don't quote people of God... just don't. If a reverend or father or preacher says anything worthy of quoting or announces it enough so that it gets quoted, odds are they have agendas unrelated to the word of the bible (or whatever holy scripture is in question). Quoting a preacher shouldn't be any different from quoting scripture.

I'm more afraid of cops than black people when I'm walking around at night. Especially white, southern looking cops where the stereotype is actually that of a racist who oppresses people who aren't white. Yeah stereotypes exist, but they exist for everyone. It's our responsibility as a people to work against them to reverse the negative ones, not to draw attention to them and turn them into self-fulfilling prophecies like David Duke and this aforementioned "Reverend" seem to love doing.


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #11 on: 2010-06-28 21:13:26 »
I'm all for racial equality.   We all have different things we're good at.   I am not for trying to force people to be accepting of others.  You prove yourself to me and I'll accept you as an equal.  Fulfill a stereotype and you'll be treated as such.

You get no special privileges because of your skin color, nor do you get discriminated against because of it.

Furzball, an IQ/Personality/Aptitude/disease test is the perfect population control.  Unfortunately people are too selfish to go for it.  We must never look at the big picture.  Instead, let's allow the poor to continue to have 8 kids and provide the world with outstanding individuals destined to contribute to society. That is the way of the future.

Opine, blondes aren't a race  :-P .    You are right, there are people who of all races who are trash.  There are people of all races who are exceptionally smart.   However, the majority of people in different races are distinct from other races.
I also believe the environment has a heavy affect on you.  If we were all raised in exactly the same circumstances, the difference between races would be much less.  But we aren't. 

I also can't buy that anyone is being "held down".   Rights still don't put everyone at complete equality, but quite a few of those in low positions are quite content to live off the government and leech off the rest of society.  You mention the Irish, they were hated as immigrants, but they bit their tongue and kept on working.  Now no one cares if you're Irish in America.   Blacks were hated by a lot of people as slaves and even when they got their rights... so what's the difference between them and the Irish?

Titeguy,  how might you suggest we work against these stereotypes that everyone shares?   I don't see how his religion is relevant.   He is a known supporter for black rights.  Because he is a reverend anything he says should be dismissed?
« Last Edit: 2010-06-28 21:15:59 by obesebear »


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #12 on: 2010-06-28 21:27:13 »

Furzball, an IQ/Personality/Aptitude/disease test is the perfect population control.  Unfortunately people are too selfish to go for it.  We must never look at the big picture.  Instead, let's allow the poor to continue to have 8 kids and provide the world with outstanding individuals destined to contribute to society. That is the way of the future.

That's right, mainstray of population are too selfish. But I'd tell them, look at it this way, all the sex you want without the responsibility :wink: . Unless you pass the test that is.

So you're saying we should pay for their welfare, give food to them, let them make up their gangs and such cause there is a possibility that they are "destined to contribute to society". I'm sorry, last time I checked, we're overpopulated, have a raise in homelessness, in petty crime, major crime, jails are getting filled, etc.

God may hate me for it, but I know I'm going to die and plan to go to Valhalla/heaven or be a wondering good willed spirit; but I'd much rather that jesus doesnt come around over having ten hitlers coming down the pipe along with him.


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #13 on: 2010-06-28 21:33:05 »
Is it wrong that I am completely for racial equality but completely against racial mixing? No offense to any mixed-heritage users, but IMO i would want to be of full blood, no matter the race that the blood may be.


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #14 on: 2010-06-28 21:37:56 »
Is it wrong that I am completely for racial equality but completely against racial mixing? No offense to any mixed-heritage users, but IMO i would want to be of full blood, no matter the race that the blood may be.
I'd be doomed then. Big ol' european mutt with alittle Black Foot in there.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #15 on: 2010-06-28 22:00:51 »
Americans are funny!

I'm just gonna watch this thread for a while ;D

« Last Edit: 2010-06-28 22:07:32 by Kudistos Megistos »


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #16 on: 2010-06-28 22:07:34 »
Americans are funny!

I'm just gonna watch this thread for a while :-D
« Last Edit: 2010-06-28 22:08:44 by obesebear »

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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #17 on: 2010-06-28 22:08:56 »
Yu-chan took a picture of me whilst I was browsing the forums ;)


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #18 on: 2010-06-28 22:58:58 »
So, i'm just going to unveil a bit what happens here in Portugal.

We have a lot of "ethnics" here but the problems come mainly from blacks, gipsys and sometimes "russians".

We also have a lot of asian people here but the difference is that they come here to start business, therefor helping the country to evolve. We don't have Yakuzas here or wtv, most of the chinese here open restaurants and small stores but that's just it; no drug dealing behind the restaurant (like in the movies!) or anything like that. They open new business and even give job positions to the portuguese.

On the other hand we have blacks who are, generalizing, the "cancer" of my country.
Unlikely the asians, most of them come to Portugal illegaly. We do a lot of fishing/ship related stuff around here, so it's kinda like "passing the border" for them, running away from Africa, where they are poor and see Portugal as an easy life. Again, unlikely the asians, they don't come here to open business, even though our government supports new "companies"; instead they come and take our jobs. When they don't take our jobs, they stay at home, while our government pays them to do so, by being unemployed or for "illness". All of this makes us have around 15% of the population unemployed (numbers based on the legal residents).

Healthcare is another problem. Plenty of times have i gone to the local hospital with my father and at the door are like 20 blacks/gipsies, who aren't/weren't legal here, flooding the emergency section because they got shot or one of their 6 babies got a cold because they don't have conditions to raise them; while my father who has lived here for ever, just like his grandfather and so on, can get assistance. You have to wait around 2 years to get an operation done..

Funny enough, they multiply like a virus and it gets even worse; more unemployment and more time waiting for healthcare.

This drives me to another point: the crimes. Honestly, the community where i live was based in fishermen, honest people, mostly know each other for decades, the only ones causing troubles and scaring people are blacks and gipsies. Houses robbed, drug dealing, rapes, and so on are always because of them. Even the local police are "afraid" to touch them.

And in the end, after paying them to stay at home, our government pays them a "community insertion" bonus, because "they can't seem to fit in". Seriously, i should be the one getting paid to be around them.

Luckily for me, the most dangerous gipsies have been arrested, the ones i see now aren't *that* dangerous (killing and stuff) like that.
And i'm not even in a known PT city, and i thank god for that. I'm not racist, nothing at all. I have friends from other ethnics they came here only to "destroy" our country.

Lastly, i'll leave a controversial question, if we are all equal indeed, intelligent and stuff, why don't they stay in Africa and make it prosper? It's the most rich continent, diamond and gold mines, oil and stuff like that. Why don't they build an empire instead of coming to portugal stealing people oportunities?

Reminds me a lot of...


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #19 on: 2010-06-28 23:05:17 »
Yu-chan took a picture of me whilst I was browsing the forums ;)
Well keep your pants on! This generation, they keep exposing themselves at younger and younger ages.

Probably one of the most racist things to say but doesn't it seem like blacks are a large problem, and I'm not counting in the states but everywhere else as well. And exactly as you said, if we were equal africa would be thriving instead of the warzone it is.

BTW Obama is a stupid monkey head.


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #20 on: 2010-06-28 23:34:47 »
Titeguy,  how might you suggest we work against these stereotypes that everyone shares?
"that everyone shares" what do you mean? that everyone perceives?
You can break stereotypes by attracting more attention to the exceptions than the offenders.

I don't see how his religion is relevant.   He is a known supporter for black rights.  Because he is a reverend anything he says should be dismissed?
yes. I think it's the lowest of the low to claim that you've devoted your life to spreading the word of God, then spread your own words instead. It's like claiming to be handicapped to win the special olympics.
« Last Edit: 2010-06-28 23:36:51 by titeguy3 »

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #21 on: 2010-06-29 01:14:02 »
Yu-chan took a picture of me whilst I was browsing the forums ;)
Well keep your pants on! This generation, they keep exposing themselves at younger and younger ages.

And get arrested for it!

Both NSFW, obviously ;)

Anyway, if I keep my pants on, how do I, erm, "relieve" myself after the excitement of reading your posts fuzu-kun? ;D


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #22 on: 2010-06-29 01:35:51 »
LMAO at the sites you seem to frequent there kudistos...(wonders what your history looks like deep in its depths)


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #23 on: 2010-06-29 01:40:51 »
Titeguy,  how might you suggest we work against these stereotypes that everyone shares?
"that everyone shares" what do you mean? that everyone perceives?
You can break stereotypes by attracting more attention to the exceptions than the offenders.

Right, the media can do this.  It is quite possible that they could only display the good parts.  But what I (and the average citizen) see, will still be that same stereotypical action on the street and at home.  The only way to break a stereotype is to consistently prove it wrong over time.

I would like to bring up two more examples to emphasize my point that we aren't all equal.  Please do keep in mind that I don't necessarily want to use blacks as examples, but they are the overwhelming minority here in SC.  I don't encounter Indians, or Europeans, or Antarcticans...

Years ago... in the 40's I believe, a new community called Eau Claire was built.  It was THE place to live and start a life in SC.  Just perfect.. the best of the best.. but before too long blacks began moving in, slowly "forcing" the whites out.   Now the place is complete trash.  It is no longer the beautiful thriving community it once was.  Any black family that moved there while whites were still there grew up in the exact same environment, yet it is now a ghetto.

Only about 5 years ago massive construction began in a place called The Summit, not necessarily a community, but more like a huge shopping area with any store or restaurant you could imagine.  It did INCREDIBLY well!  New nice houses started shooting up around it, it was an awesome place to go shop and just chill.   So our state government decided to build section 8 housing nearby/in it.  Guess what it's like now... just guess.  Overrun with "thugs" and crime ridden.  Plenty of job opportunities, and to start a new life for themselves... yet they overwhelmingly don't.

Both times these people were given the opportunity to prove they can live normally with the rest of us, yet they simply destroy it and turn it into a place no one wants to be.   Given the nicest and newest and best we have, and it's ruined.  That's why so many people believe the exact same stereotypes, because certain groups/races of people continuously fill them.

Titeguy  I don't really follow the religion explanation either.  I was in the military.. still am technically.. does that mean I should always conduct myself as if I'm still on a base or active duty?


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Re: David Duke launches video "Will the White Race Survive?"
« Reply #24 on: 2010-06-29 02:53:38 »
i didnt watch the video but i do not agree with affirmative action (especially since some is undeserved; women). race mixing i have no problem with. his point about the preservation of the white race is just disgusting. if that is what keeps you up at night that white people should not be mixing with asians or black people then there is probably something wrong with you. why dont we just start a council of eugenics. since clearly the reason whites should be the majority is because the possess these superior traits. if this was actually told to the intellectual world he would be laughed at. id be willing to bet he is just as deserving of his doctorate as dr. dre

David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is an American white nationalist, former Grand   Wizard of the Knights of the Ku   Klux Klan,

@opine. some blacks mess things up, but doesnt give you the right to stereotype all of them. anyways the same people complaining about the problem are the same ones who are against social action. (hence why southern blacks are poorer than their northern counterparts)
« Last Edit: 2010-06-29 03:08:22 by OutFoxxed »