Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Smoother 60FPS Battles (v0.95)  (Read 335452 times)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] 60FPS Battles (v0.81)
« Reply #125 on: 2014-07-25 02:22:21 »
To be clear, that instruction sets the menu back to what it was with the PSX...  i.e. a full 60fps frame rate, which will look correct at 60fps.  It also sets the camera back to what it was on the PSX (30fps, on PSX double frames to compensate).  Obviously, 30fps is still too slow for 60fps on PC (which doesn't do the doubling up that the PSX does).

That instruction also fixes some other things like damage calculation, and hit times.  (At least it should).

Is there any way to make the PC version double it's frames?  It's a classic disney trick.

In an ideal situation where you want movement to look ultra-realistic in an environment, your camera moves every frame while your animations move only every other frame.  I'm not sure if that would even be possible here, but it's fun to see in action.

However, if you double every frame, the timings of all of the animations should line up and everything would retain the 'smooth' nature of the 60 fps look you guys are all looking for.  Ultra-fast mode doesn't really do it for me...  Does it still function the way it looks in the YouTube videos?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] 60FPS Battles (v0.81)
« Reply #126 on: 2014-07-25 02:27:06 »
Is there any way to make the PC version double it's frames?  It's a classic disney trick.

In an ideal situation where you want movement to look ultra-realistic in an environment, your camera moves every frame while your animations move only every other frame.  I'm not sure if that would even be possible here, but it's fun to see in action.

However, if you double every frame, the timings of all of the animations should line up and everything would retain the 'smooth' nature of the 60 fps look you guys are all looking for.  Ultra-fast mode doesn't really do it for me...  Does it still function the way it looks in the YouTube videos?
Right now the AI script, SFX, and Animations, are 60fps and the camera technically has 30 unique frames per second but moves correctly with the 60fps models.   The only thing still moving too fast are magic effects and limit breaks


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] 60FPS Battles (v0.81)
« Reply #127 on: 2014-07-25 02:36:05 »
Right now the AI script, SFX, and Animations, are 60fps and the camera technically has 30 unique frames per second but moves correctly with the 60fps models.   The only thing still moving too fast are magic effects and limit breaks

Would there be any way to double the frames of the magic effects or limit breaks?  To have the game call the same frame twice in a row every time?  that might make it possible to slow them down and keep them looking the same as everything else.  I know I'm really late to this, but I love the concept and I am really blown away by all the great work done on this!


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #128 on: 2014-07-25 02:46:43 »
Limit breaks are VERY close to being able to be interpolated if NFITC1 can work a little magic.   

Texture animations and magic are a different story.  From what they've found so far it looks like they will have to be edited one at a time in the exe.  Currently trying to find a more feasible way of doing things.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #129 on: 2014-07-25 17:44:03 »
Camera animations... 90% (Thanks to NFITC1. Victory animation needs extending.  Battle square transitions run at 30fps instead of 60. )

As I told you in chat the other day, I'm content to leave the battle square transitions (and by extention, the Hojo battle transition or any other transition that move a camera to a new position before the next battle) alone since they don't come up too often. However, it's possible that I found some fixes for it. I'm almost certain I found the fix for the victory cam extension.

Code: [Select]
0x4310F6 (0x0304F6) 1E -> 78
0x431131 (0x030531) 08 -> 20
0x4311AE (0x0305AE) 31 -> C4
0x4313DE (0x0307DE) 10 -> 40

That ought to make it last the correct amount of time. It's slightly possible that this will affect next battle transition too. Not likely the camera motion, but the length of time it pauses while it "should" be adjusting the camera.

Fade out might be a bit fast, though. You might also need to change
Code: [Select]
0x4313B7 (0x0307B7) 03 -> 00that's a shot in the dark and may mess something up. Don't do that unless fade out is still too fast.

Battle Interface... 99% (Thanks to DLPB.  Damage display cuts out too quickly)
I also just proved that AB opcode C2 and F7 queue up the damage indicator. Thanks to knowing that, I've found that 0x5BB410 controls displaying the damage done. Duration is set just a little ways into that method:
Code: [Select]
0x5BB464 (0x1BA864) 0B -> 2C
So that change does make the damage stay on longer. It does not behave after the regular 11 frames it was intended to stay up. I think, however, that those values that control its position are coupled right there a little lower in that same function. Of course it's not in front of me right now so I'll have to explain later
« Last Edit: 2014-07-26 03:38:20 by NFITC1 »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #130 on: 2014-07-26 11:03:41 »
These are some more things I have found, if helpful to you:

Code: [Select]
{Option control

{controls time bar.
6CE9EE = 75 14


{Refresh for textures

{model movement


{display of damage


{Main call to magic

Obviously since I am dealing with pause (doubling up frames), those addresses will point to those areas.  The main jumps.

By analyzing things that access
00DC0E70, 009AD1AC  and especially 00DC0E6C, you will find pretty much every main part of the battle structure.  All the main counters are jumped using 00DC0E6C.

You *may* also find, like me, that the intro to battle cam skips.  If it does, I think I have an explanation.

Also, yeah, I sent that exact damage change to Obese the other day, and we found it messes something else and so won't display on screen right :P  I asked that that be sent to you, because I'm out of ideas in how to fix it.
« Last Edit: 2014-07-26 11:22:29 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #131 on: 2014-07-26 13:19:14 »
Also, yeah, I sent that exact damage change to Obese the other day, and we found it messes something else and so won't display on screen right :P  I asked that that be sent to you, because I'm out of ideas in how to fix it.

Haha. Yeah, I have some ideas how to fix it. Give me some time.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #132 on: 2014-07-26 20:59:11 »
I think you'll appreciate this, NFITC :P  Not that it helps this mod.  It's just my code to stop knights disappearing (so I guess if someone wanted to be really thorough they could use this as a fix for them disappearing on pause).  Basically, when the 13 knights functions are being called, they must be called even on pause.  I have no idea why...  because by that logic, so should everything else.

But I had to rearrange the assembly to fit mine in, and I did it with no bytes to spare:P


Code: [Select]
5BF047 = 0F 8D AF 00 00 00 8B 04 8D 58 28 BF 00 85 C0 74 7D 83 3D AC D1 9A 00 00 75 12 31 C9 B1 0D 39 04 8D 65 42 91 00 74 05 E3 65 49 EB F2 FF D0

and the list of knight functions
914265 = B0 AB 47 00 93 C7 47 00 AE CB 47 00 76 D9 47 00 6A DD 47 00 5E E0 47 00 67 E3 47 00 92 EB 47 00 A0 EF 47 00 7D FB 47 00 C2 FF 47 00 4E 03 48 00 76 07 48 00

I actually made use of that jecxz to save me a much needed byte :)  Could have arranged below that to fit it easily, but that's more messy.
« Last Edit: 2014-07-26 21:30:19 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #133 on: 2014-07-27 03:30:02 »
I'm not sure if it's just me, but the idle animation seems to be running too fast for the sweeper. Or rather it seems a bit jerky if it isn't.

Fresh install of FF7 with no mods fixed my issue with being unable to battle


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #134 on: 2014-07-27 13:34:41 »
Oh yeah, you guys may need this change too:

{battle menu active value
429C0C = C6 05 F4 D0 BF 00 F4

My mod did...

Basically, the time until the menu becomes active has to be set correctly.  Above F4 is four times the default.  If you don't set this, the menu becomes active early, and the camera skips. It's pretty cool the stuff that uses these counters too...  you can see how the game adds in the enemy, characters, menu and so forth, in an order.  Placing in values 1 through 5.  The one above is for the main options.
« Last Edit: 2014-07-27 13:36:54 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Smoother 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #135 on: 2014-07-28 19:21:49 »
NFITC1, your values are spot on.  The camera stays on screen the correct amount of time, but at least one of the victories causes very fast camera movement.  It also seems like certain magic spells and attacks the camera still moves too fast (albeit at 30fps now).  I would doubt the camera info would be stored within each particular magic file, but is it possible?

DLPB, I tried your value for the menu, and it does delay the amount of time before the atb begins moving (it even says WAIT) but  everyone is standing around for a second or two before it begins.  Maybe it's set to wait for too long?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Smoother 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #136 on: 2014-07-28 19:29:06 »
As far as I am aware, that's precisely what the original game does... because sometimes the lead-in is longer.  See Midgardsormr.  Any less will break camera on certain enemies.


<DLPB> It's just you only realize it's needed on certain enemies
<DLPB> i quadrupled the value, which means at 60fps it should be the same
<obesebear> what would double the value be then?
<DLPB> #Against Midgardsormr the controls should appear almost at same time as the camera stops
<DLPB> hmm given how nfitc has used the cam, perhaps it's now out.  Double would be >
<DLPB> 429C0C = C6 05 F4 D0 BF 00 7A
<obesebear> ah ok lemme try
<DLPB> that's only if it was miles out...  against sormr the cam should stop at same time as controls are given
<obesebear> perfect
<obesebear> it begins moving just as soon as the camera is done panning
<DLPB> must be how NFITC has done things
<DLPB> Anyhow... nice to see that;s fixed
<obesebear> Yep, slowly but surely :)

Or perhaps that's why my own cam is broken... cause im limiting it to 1 in 4 frames instead of 1 in 2.
« Last Edit: 2014-07-28 20:24:21 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Smoother 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #137 on: 2014-07-28 20:25:48 »
NFITC1, your values are spot on.  The camera stays on screen the correct amount of time, but at least one of the victories causes very fast camera movement.  It also seems like certain magic spells and attacks the camera still moves too fast (albeit at 30fps now).  I would doubt the camera info would be stored within each particular magic file, but is it possible?

I suppose in some cases it might be. I would suspect that some of them actually have camera scripts embedded in them. I suppose it's also possible that I missed one or two codes that make movement increments.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Smoother 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #138 on: 2014-07-29 00:13:20 »
Have a ton of fixes today.

-battle swirl fix
-ATB starts once camera finishes opening pan
-fixed Eligor
-fixed Moth Slasher
-fixed Aero Combatant propeller rotation
-fixed Bull Motor
-slightly fixed Motor Ball. Still has rotation issues.
-fixed Razor Weed
-fixed Hard Attacker
-fixed Christopher

Remaining are Death Dealer and Motor Ball.  All other problems are likely unnoticeable in game.   Tomorrow I'll hopefully figure out limit breaks! If so we'll do another release.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Smoother 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #139 on: 2014-07-29 01:01:41 »
You guys are on a warpath!  :evil:

Is the battle swirl now 60 fps?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Smoother 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #140 on: 2014-07-29 02:55:14 »
You guys are on a warpath!  >:D

Is the battle swirl now 60 fps?
Yep, just a nice easy edit to ff7_opengl.cfg


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Smoother 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #141 on: 2014-07-29 08:06:42 »
Looked at the PSX once, I think it should be 30....  But I'll be checking again.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Smoother 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #142 on: 2014-07-29 15:22:27 »
Finally made Kimera interpolate limit breaks by default.  However, the weapon still disappears.   Kimera is also still giving me a bad animation 8 frame 0...

Either Borde needs to show back up, or hopefully someone has the latest source for Kimera and can figure out how to fix this


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Smoother 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #143 on: 2014-08-01 14:50:20 »
NFITC1, any chance you can take a look at Kimera's source and figure out how to fix the error "bad animation" 8-15?  According to borde these are weapon animations, which would explain why kimera gets confused since it's expecting animations like the **da files contain.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Smoother 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #144 on: 2014-08-01 17:41:55 »
Hmmm... anybody know if qgears model dumper util deals with pc data? I tried compiling kimera but it requires some archaic microsoft suite(vb6) that doesn't seem to play nice with wine


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Smoother 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #145 on: 2014-08-09 16:55:46 »
I just decided to give this project a go after backing up my current install.  I have to say it is much better and more noticeable than I expected at first.  Now I really wish my HDMI port on my laptop wasn't broken so I could capture this and show it off.  Somebody needs to make a video of this mod.  Even though some glitches remain it is absolutely fantastic and people need to see it for themselves.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Smoother 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #146 on: 2014-08-09 17:32:07 »
I tried it. I'll make a video if you want. Everything is really fast.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Smoother 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #147 on: 2014-08-09 17:39:45 »
I tried it. I'll make a video if you want. Everything is really fast.
It shouldn't be if you follow the included readme.  Maybe make sure you're running everything as administrator as well.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Smoother 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #148 on: 2014-08-10 00:15:22 »
Of course I followed the instructions. I put the battle and magic files in the direct folder though... Not sure if that's the issue...


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Smoother 60FPS Battles (v0.82)
« Reply #149 on: 2014-08-10 01:16:25 »
Ok tried to use the lgp version but everytime I'm trying to extract says can't recognize. Used many versions and the old 0.5 worked. But after modifying with the 60 fps files it can't re-pack. Says file externally altered.

edit: I managed to recompile my magic.lgp by using an old version of lgp tools (not sure which one) and the command line and did a lot of testing!

my log

Code: [Select]
C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\ff7.exe opened successfully.
Succeeded in loading by File Name.


Changed: 17
Replaced: 0
Permissions: 0

No errors.

No DLLs detected.


10/8/2014, 5:41:27 pµ

Does that mean it is working?

When I was using Vsync, camera looked very smooth. Without vsync everything was too fast but 60 fps. With Vsync 30 fps locked. I was about to post a video but not sure if this is working right so I want to confirm that and then record it.
« Last Edit: 2014-08-10 02:48:28 by LeonhartGR »