Author Topic: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)  (Read 26901 times)


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Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« on: 2010-09-09 19:11:00 »
The international outcry over a small Florida congregation’s plan to burn copies of the Koran on Sept. 11 intensified on Thursday, drawing vocal condemnations from world leaders and touching off angry protests in corners of the Muslim world.

Although some protests in Afghanistan and Pakistan rippled with scenes of burning American flags, the outrage in the streets seemed largely isolated. Officials in Muslim countries urged restraint, seeking to head off any violent reactions if the Florida church goes ahead with its plans to set fire to several copies of the Koran on the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks this Saturday.

Meanwhile, President Obama joined a litany of high-ranking American officials to condemn the Koran burning, saying that the act, amplified by a global media, could put American troops at risk and fan anger against the United States. Mr. Obama called the planned event “a destructive act” and said it would be a “recruitment bonanza for Al Qaeda.”

Is it just me, or does replacing one kind of intolerance with another result in no positive outcome?  ::)

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #1 on: 2010-09-09 19:24:46 »
Is it just me, or does replacing one kind of intolerance with another result in no positive outcome?  ::)

It's just you. This seems to be causing lulz, which is a very positive outcome.


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #2 on: 2010-09-09 19:32:16 »
It's an outrageous decision. It's people letting their emotions take over. The government gives churches way too much leniency. The Church can burn historical text? and blame the death of soldiers on homosexuals? and still be a center of Enlightenment?

I hate saying this, because I don't have a religion and it makes me seem like a supremest, but these churches need to be disbanded, or made an example of. We're currently sending a message that's telling people "Freedom of Religion means as long as you're part of a church, you can do whatever you want aside from murder."
That's a general statement but you get my point.


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #3 on: 2010-09-09 19:37:21 »
These right-winged Evangelical Christians in the US really aren't that far removed from being just as bad as the fundamentalist Muslims. There's more than one type of it (fundamentalism).

IMO - They are both remnants of a bronze-age mythology, and are no longer needed in a modern world.

I agree with the opinion of the article writer. This would increase the chances of Americans as targets of extremist violence.
« Last Edit: 2010-09-09 19:41:35 by 90° »


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #4 on: 2010-09-09 19:37:49 »
whatever, the Muslims need to just chill out. The only reason the books are being threatened is because they know it will get a rise out of the Muslim communities. If Muslims really wanted to get over on them, they need to shrug it off then go burn a bunch of bibles. Problem solved, and nobody is left out in the cold.

either way, people put way to much stock in the printed material. Its not an original copy, and it does not  contain any "Divine" elements that cannot be  found in another copy. People simply have too much time on their hands, they have nothing better to do than fight.


Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #5 on: 2010-09-09 19:39:15 »
It's true that many people do give the impression that you can do anything as long as you say it's mandated by your religion, but this seems to be a case that would be legal even if it were done by atheists. I fully support people's right to burn books, especially "holy" books. That's not kow-towing to religion, it's freedom of expression.

By the way, the church can do all of those things if it wants, but it can't continue to call itself a centre of Enlightenment. Well, I suppose it can call itself that, but it would be like calling Tony Blair a humble, honest person.


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #6 on: 2010-09-09 19:40:04 »
People simply have too much time on their hands, they have nothing better to do than fight.

Couldn't have said it better.


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #7 on: 2010-09-09 20:15:19 »
It's not the act of burning that bothers me. It's the attitude that this church has while doing it. They're doing it solely to cause problems and "send a message" to Muslims that.....something. I don't even know what the message is. I'm a Christian and I'm appalled at this behavior. Nothing in the teaching of Jesus advocates war or hate. The whole message is based on love and acceptance and morons like that that think indiscriminately burning other people's sacred texts is a good thing (despite what is or isn't true about it) will not have my respect. It's just like the people preaching fire and brimstone on street corners about how bad the country is right now. That's not the message at all. The goal isn't to frighten people away from doing "bad" but winning them to want to be "good". The number of people who changed their lives from a statement like "You're living in sin" is far lower than the people who were told "You could be accepted and loved by everyone". This is clearly not what Florida is preaching these days.

They're also doing what they're blaming Muslims for: eliminating the infidels. Al-Qaida (or however you spell it) destroyed the symbol of global capitalism in the US because they thought it was a perversion. That's a twisted view on the Muslim faith.

Oh man, I don't even want to go any further into this. I'm just mad at hearing about what this one Florida congregation is planning.

Although some protests in Afghanistan and Pakistan rippled with scenes of burning American flags

This happens a lot lately. I hope they're not thinking Christianity and America are linked.


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #8 on: 2010-09-09 20:37:46 »
You do realize State and Church have not been completely separated yet, right?

I can accept that America was founded on the Christian belief, and maybe it was good at the time. Now days, though, people's attitudes have changed. Now it seems that major religions are turning to "All who do not believe us are blasphemers."

FDITC1, I understand your view on Christianity, but there are so many different viewpoints in Christianity, It really isn't fair to lump them all into the same category anymore. There are the "Fire and Brimstone" preachers who will tell you, "If you do not accept the love of Jesus Christ into your heart, then you will spend an eternity an the lake of fire, with nothing but constant mental and physical torment to keep you company," and they DO kind of push people into becoming religion-pushers and over-judgmental.

Yet, as you say, none of these teachings promote violence between religions or people in general. It is not the Value of the Koran that makes me uncomfortable, as it as just as burning a Lord of the Rings novel: Pointless, what appalls me is the fact that they are breaking the rights of the constitution "The right to peacefully assemble," and yet the government wants to protect their "Freedom of Religion".

These same people who are burning the Koran are probably the same people that have a problem with a Mosque being built very close to Ground Zero. It's all pointless bickering.

What these people are doing is encouraging violence. If it is okay to burn their books, why not harass the people themselves? If that is okay, why not physically hurt them?

Damn the government for not immediately stopping this, although I see their reasons not to.

Most of all, damn the churches for acting so childish. They think they're doing justice, little do they know, they are passing judgments much to quick. If I believed in God and prayer. I would pray that they all get sent to the worst possible hell they can imagine for abusing their precious time in life with the act of discriminating other religions.

It's a free country (to an extent)

So they need to shut their mouths and just get on with the service.


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #9 on: 2010-09-09 21:00:12 »
If they can obtain an open burning permit, I guess this is their right. And even as an Atheist, I believe it sends the wrong message to local Muslims.

Because burning books is something the intolerant usually do, there isn't a great history of book burners. Not many could look back and say, "That book burning was an intellectually stimulating event."

But if people want to go ahead, and join the company of the Nazis and Catholic Church... 

It says that Christians (in America) are intolerant of Muslims, regardless of what their theological stance. That probably isn't a good message to send.

On the other hand... if someone wants to get a Twilight, or Harry Potter, book burnin' together. - yeehaa!
« Last Edit: 2010-09-09 21:02:30 by 90° »


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #10 on: 2010-09-09 21:12:02 »
These same people who are burning the Koran are probably the same people that have a problem with a Mosque being built very close to Ground Zero. It's all pointless bickering.

I don't even want to get into this one. I can't believe some people are so out of focus they could not possible believe that there were MUSLIMS within the towers when they collapsed. Along with Jews, Catholics, Mormons, Atheists, and undecided people. There were not one single group of people killed in that disaster, only Americans of many different races and beliefs. These "red-blooded Americans" are succeeding in making the rest of us look like bigots and assholes, all while believing they are doing the right think. Of course we may be giving them to  much could all simply be a ploy to attract new extremists Christians to that church. And the government is encouraging the formation of more groups like this by keeping their mout shut. The government doesn't have to step in, but heads of state could at least stand up and scream disapproval. But that would hurt their polls next year, so no one rocks the boat and everyone gets voted in AGAIN next time...and nothing will change that time either...or the next...OUT THE INCUMBENTS!!!!

At what point did it become not okay to allow your neighbors to practice their beliefs and act how they want as long as they don't interfere with you...oh has never been like that. My bad....humans are the worst.

I am not an atheist, but i don't really believe in anything i've seen so far. Be nice to people and try to expect the best out of them. If people piss you off, just ignore them and find people who don't. My God doesn't live in any house, nor does he/she/it require my money, or my worship, and he/she/it likes everyone. My guy kick-started the universe and then just let it unfold, so i find it hard to believe he/she/it is so insecure they need my constant adoration ;-)

« Last Edit: 2010-09-09 21:13:55 by pyrozen »


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #11 on: 2010-09-09 21:18:00 »
These same people who are burning the Koran are probably the same people that have a problem with a Mosque being built very close to Ground Zero. It's all pointless bickering.

I don't even want to get into this one. I can't believe some people are so out of focus they could not possible believe that there were MUSLIMS within the towers when they collapsed. Along with Jews, Catholics, Mormons, Atheists, and undecided people. There were not one single group of people killed in that disaster, only Americans of many different races and beliefs. These "red-blooded Americans" are succeeding in making the rest of us look like bigots and assholes, all while believing they are doing the right think. Of course we may be giving them to  much could all simply be a ploy to attract new extremists Christians to that church. And the government is encouraging the formation of more groups like this by keeping their mout shut. The government doesn't have to step in, but heads of state could at least stand up and scream disapproval. But that would hurt their polls next year, so no one rocks the boat and everyone gets voted in AGAIN next time...and nothing will change that time either...or the next...OUT THE INCUMBENTS!!!!

At what point did it become not okay to allow your neighbors to practice their beliefs and act how they want as long as they don't interfere with you...oh has never been like that. My bad....humans are the worst.

I am not an atheist, but i don't really believe in anything i've seen so far. Be nice to people and try to expect the best out of them. If people piss you off, just ignore them and find people who don't. My God doesn't live in any house, nor does he/she/it require my money, or my worship, and he/she/it likes everyone. My guy kick-started the universe and then just let it unfold, so i find it hard to believe he/she/it is so insecure they need my constant adoration ;-)


Made up religion pyrozen? You do realize you are sitting on a cash cow, dont you?


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #12 on: 2010-09-09 21:24:12 »
I think it was a good idea.  It has been called off now sadly.  The Muslims and media like to portray Islam as a religion of peace but it is clear every time something like this happens that it is nothing but an intolerant and dangerous ideology.

I am no fan of any religion, I don't believe in any religion, though I was brought up Roman Catholic.  It is all man made nonsense.  The Muslims believe the Koran quite literally and are very  strict in interpretations.  The fact is, Christianity adapted and the bible is harmless compared to the War Diary that is the Koran.  Muhammad was a war mongering man who devised a way to control the masses and get his own way, namely multiple wives, conquering, and having sex with 9 year old children (Aisha).

There is no ideology on earth as dangerous as Islam, it is the most dangerous threat to the world since Nazism.  No wonder then that Mein Kampf sells so well in Turkey.    The problem with Islam is Islam.  The problem with Muslims is they follow a deadly and backward 6th century ideology and religion deserves no respect.

Islam and all forms of control need to be attacked and confronted head on, because dipping your head in the sand isn't going to work and this isn't going to go away.


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #13 on: 2010-09-09 22:27:49 »
I compare it all to getting punched and retaliating by hitting their mother instead, burning the Koran would only serve to make things much worse.


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #14 on: 2010-09-09 23:18:36 »
i like to think what the world would be like if everyone spent as much time trying to make each other happy as we do trying to make each other miserable....
something to ponder while taking a crap...


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #15 on: 2010-09-10 00:08:37 »
I am not an atheist, but i don't really believe in anything i've seen so far. Be nice to people and try to expect the best out of them. If people piss you off, just ignore them and find people who don't. My God doesn't live in any house, nor does he/she/it require my money, or my worship, and he/she/it likes everyone. My guy kick-started the universe and then just let it unfold, so i find it hard to believe he/she/it is so insecure they need my constant adoration ;-)

A watch-maker theology, eh?

Made up religion pyrozen? You do realize you are sitting on a cash cow, dont you?

Scientology's been done. No one stupid enough to fall for another artificial religion remains.


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #16 on: 2010-09-10 01:22:20 »
Lol.  Organized religion is such a joke, but I guess we need it to keep the world population in check...


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #17 on: 2010-09-10 01:24:12 »
No one stupid enough to fall for another artificial religion remains.

A watch-maker theology, eh?

you may want to rethink that statement....

also, the watch-maker theology was an interesting read, i had never heard of it before. I suppose i agree with some parts, but i certainly do not believe that the earth and its creatures were individually crafted purposefully. Like i said, a creator set off the big bang and stepped back, everything after that simply happened.
« Last Edit: 2010-09-10 01:28:33 by pyrozen »


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #18 on: 2010-09-10 01:32:24 »

It's an interesting double standard that people who attack Christianity for being destructive cannot see what you have pointed out. They still carry out very barbaric sentences over there and honestly make Christianity look great. People who say that not all Islamic followers are violent need to flip through the Koran sometime and read up on how you are supposed to violently resist infidels. One can argue that a person need not follow every word of the Koran but let's face it - they are very loyal to their holy doctrine and everyone is being exposed to that suggestion.

I don't even need to point this out though, instead I ask one question: How much more would you condemn Christianity if it advocated violent rejection of all other religions? 'Nuff said.

I am agnostic, for the record.

"Science flies people to the moon. Religion flies people into buildings."
I sometimes wonder if theological religion is nothing but a mass mental disorder brought about by the inevitability of death and the stress it created. Anything is easy to believe in desperation. 
« Last Edit: 2010-09-10 01:36:20 by Tsetra »


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #19 on: 2010-09-10 01:41:22 »
I see religion as a form of control, it's a powerful thing and thus I and most of my family gave up on it years ago.


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #20 on: 2010-09-10 01:46:37 »

It's an interesting double standard that people who attack Christianity for being destructive cannot see what you have pointed out.

It is because there is this desire by a number of people to self hate.  The number of times I have heard "Yes but Christianity is just as bad, what is the difference?"  and pathetic attempts to compare the 2 books based on choice quotes from the old testament.

This guy does a better job than I ever could >

The koran is not the bible.  Islam is a much worse ideology.  Anybody who has done any reasonable research knows the difference and know that we are facing a severe problem, especially in Europe with Islamification.

"Slay the unbeliever wherever you find them"  - chapter 9 v5

The Koran names Jews , unbelievers and Christians by name.

It is a book of hate and racism, being afforded special status because it is a world religion.  Perhaps if I get enough people believing Hitler is the messiah, I too can claim that Nazism deserves respect? Mein Kampf can be the bible. 

In a nutshell there is no difference because both are ideologies based on hate.  The people who try to compare Christianity and Islam are clueless, the people who try to claim Islam is peaceful are clueless or liars, and the people who claim religion deserves respect need mental evaluation.

"When we see Islamic societies, we see what that negative man did."
"Any doctrine that calls to kill those who do not believe in it, is not a religion."
"Islam is a political doctrine which imposes itself by force."
« Last Edit: 2010-09-10 02:46:53 by DLPB »


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #21 on: 2010-09-10 02:08:31 »
The only reason the books are being threatened is because they know it will get a rise out of the Muslim communities.
Actually I think it's just because people love book burning bonfires. Harry Potter, comic books, all sorts of religious works... I think bumpkins just get bored and aren't imaginative enough to come up with a new pastime.


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #22 on: 2010-09-10 02:59:45 »
A statement that the Koran is a "racist" text is nothing new in religious material. The Koran is racist. The Bible is judgmental about homosexuals, and also about Atheists. The Bible claims that I (Shankifer), as an Atheist, do not exist. In fact I am truly just one of many incarnations of the Devil trying to sway people to my evil.

Anyone want to come join the dark side? ^.^

But overall, you find really harsh judgments in all religious texts.


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #23 on: 2010-09-10 03:56:50 »
If I ever encountered someone wearing an "islam is evil" t-shirt walking down the street, I'd legit punch them square in their prejudice face. If they have the right to piss me off, why shouldn't I have the right to sock 'em one?


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Re: Koran Burning a Bad Idea? (Sept, 11th)
« Reply #24 on: 2010-09-10 04:02:42 »
If I ever encountered someone wearing an "islam is evil" t-shirt walking down the street, I'd legit punch them square in their prejudice face. If they have the right to piss me off, why shouldn't I have the right to sock 'em one?

Because the right to free speech is a fundamental right, and attacking someone for it means you aren't worthy to live in a free society.  There is a difference between offending someone and assaulting someone.  You would be rightly arrested and charged.  The person wearing the shirt would not.  And more to the point, Islam is evil by the things it overwhelmingly says- if we take evil to mean war, racism, legitamising sex with children, hatred to Jews, Christians and non-believers, inciting death, inciting murder et al.

You call it prejudice, but perhaps they did more research than you and your position is based on a lack of knowledge to what Islam is?  If I was a scientist who ran around with "The Earth Revolves Around The Sun" Shirts in the past, I may have been locked up.  Would you have been the person who was ready to sock me in the jaw because it went against what you knew and understood?

If you classify Nazism as evil then there can be no double standard here.  Classifying an ideology as Religion does not exempt a hateful backward ideology from being a hateful backward ideology.  Nazism is an evil ideology and would be even if it was made into a religion with Hitler as a prophet.

It seems to me that all one needs to do is make a crappy and dangerous set of values into a religious belief system, and people fall over themselves affording it a special status.  Well, I call bullsh*t to that and in a few more decades, so will everyone else.

Criticising and protesting against religion is no different from criticising and protesting against a political party like the democrats or republicans.  You have the right to attack it on a  T shirt.  You don't have the right to go round punching people in the face.
« Last Edit: 2010-09-10 04:23:50 by DLPB »