Author Topic: What do you get when you Google your Username  (Read 46283 times)


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #50 on: 2010-10-17 01:35:50 »
O Hai Guise


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #51 on: 2010-10-17 01:44:29 »
Oh, don't worry. You see, being hated by Hermoor is quite a compliment. To be called the worst person on the forum by him is the greatest compliment one can receive. I am honoured to be the target of his hatred and of his feelings of inadequacy!

Just think, Hermoor probably thinks highly of you. ;D

Yay. My life is complete. :|


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #52 on: 2010-10-17 01:45:04 »
O Hai Guise
Can someone mute this guy please? :p


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #53 on: 2010-10-17 01:46:43 »
O Hai Guise
am i doin it rite ?? :mrgreen:


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #54 on: 2010-10-17 01:50:17 »
Hm, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em?  ;)


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #55 on: 2010-10-17 02:02:09 »
O Hai Guise
Can someone mute this guy please? :p



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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #56 on: 2010-10-17 02:06:24 »
O Hai Guise
Can someone mute this guy please? :p


Kudistos Megistos

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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #57 on: 2010-10-17 02:20:56 »

YOU REMIND ME OF HARRY POTTER THE FAGGGGOOT. I REMEMBER AS A KID GUYS LIKE YOU USED TO BE THE ONES WITH NO GIRL FRIENDS ALWAYS ALONE....always suffering...somehow you think through all your pain you have gained knowledge...all you have gained is illusions of the fake life you are living. Just look at you, you know nothing about life, look at your f***ing body!! You look like my 14 year old sister! In body shape!!!

OMG I would so kick your ass in real life. I almost want to meet you, so I can see you run with the Hermoor between your legs. While I kick it in...crying not so tough look like a f***ing nerd. And that is what you re! I think im gonna post a image of myself soon...stay tuned! then you wont be so arrogant anymore!


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #58 on: 2010-10-17 02:40:14 »
At least he doesn't like you.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #59 on: 2010-10-17 02:52:06 »
Guise, there seems to be a post incoming!

It's taking a long time, so maybe it's an extra long one. I can't wait!


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #60 on: 2010-10-17 02:53:28 »
Guise, there seems to be a post incoming!

It's taking a long time, so maybe it's an extra long one. I can't wait!
Look at you... All wet!!  :-P

This theme is suiting don't you think?

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #61 on: 2010-10-17 02:54:25 »
Guise, there seems to be a post incoming!

It's taking a long time, so maybe it's an extra long one. I can't wait!
Look at you... All wet!!  :-P

My seat is very wet!


The music is scary! Someone hold me!
« Last Edit: 2010-10-17 03:00:05 by Bęztr ok Stœrstr »


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #62 on: 2010-10-17 03:02:34 »
At Beztr or whatever!

What does that username mean?

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #63 on: 2010-10-17 03:06:24 »
The same as my old one, but translated into Old Norse. I'm the best and greatest!


FFS Hermoor, how long does it take to make a post?

EDIT2: It's been two hours now since he started trying to post. This is a new record, even for him.
« Last Edit: 2010-10-17 04:31:16 by Bęztr ok Stœrstr »


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #64 on: 2010-10-17 05:13:37 »
Watsup weaboos, still worshipping, still religious? I'm sitting here laughing at how pathetic you are. It's hilarious to watch how confused you are sitting in front of your computers. Talking about fictional game characters and political cultural nonsense. Trying to imitate god by creating game models in your own little "Final Fantasy" world.

You know that you are victims to the society of today? In the old times kids like yourself and even adults worshipped idols like Zeus Thor and Odin. But you who unlike the kids a 1000 years ago that grew up hearing stories about giants and titans. Have grown up worshipping the cartoons you watched at kids. Out of fear you worship these cartoons, the only reason for a animal to worship another animal or "fictional idol" is because they are afraid. In the old days people were afraid of thunder and wolves. Today in this unnatural world people aren't afraid of natural things...

It's not archetypes you are worshipping, they are not extra strong human emotions you or feelings like love fear anger. Mechanisms of nature to evolve and sort out bad life. But it's out of fear you are worshipping all these cartoons and games. fear of natural life. Fear of real beauty, fear of stronger organisms than yourself. It's so obvious and a bit sad, but also a very entertaining thought. However I don't blame you for your behaviour, everyone can't be at the top of the food chain. And for weakminded worshippers sometimes you need to escape somewhere. Animals just run away and hide...emos weaboos and goths and nerds can't run. They are either too fat or too skinny or too unnatural do do anything natural like for example run or fight back.

I have noticed something while fucking around with you emos. None of you got the courage or strength to fight back, the only one who had a gut was a guy from Finland (Literally). But even he had to give up at some point. All you fat americans and snobby englishmen are cowards, the only thing to fear is fear. You haven't realized this yet, that is why you will all eventually fall. Some of you have fallen so deep that there is no way anyone not even I can help you up from that shithole. I'm not talking to the hoplessly religious people, the ones who need to have idols who can't see the truth. I'm talking to you who are on the edge, who aren't sure if they are going to go into the shithole or stay out of it.

What are you afraid of? I don't even have to ask, I read you like open a open book. With unnatural minds and unnatural bodies what do you fear? Nature of course, everything that is natural. In other words, there is nothing you don't fear. You are afraid of everything you know, everything you know about natural life you fear. You don't live natural lifes and this can sometimes result in arrogant idiots like Kudistos Megistos, fearless fools who don't understand they can get bitten by the shark. The only other animal that has absolutely no the turkey that has grown up with rednecks.

You see when the turkey grows up in a unnatural enviroment like most of you wheboos have it looses it's natural instincts, like fear for example. This results in the turkey not even understanding that when it's about to drown it needs to put it's head above the water to breath. There is no other animal that lives in nature that is this stupid, even worms are smarter than this. Having no fear like Kudistos Megistos results in arrogance beyond natural comprehension. These animals will sooner or later get sorted out by nature and the survival of the fittest.

Fear is the last thing a unnatural animal looses, so for most of you there is still hope. But your fear is still not natural since you haven't been exposed to natural enviroments and natural ways of thinking or natural bodies words or languages. Not even natural art or natural culture have you experienced. You fear idols, you fear gods, you fear higher human being than yourself. This is natural but still unnatural fear...animals in the wild don't fear imaginary friends or individuals within their own species. Go out and experience real natural fear, fear of starving fear of other animals that also fear not finding food.

You have grown up in unnatural enviroments where mommy have cooked you some potato and stew in your little apartement. After dinner you have gone up to your bedrom to play pokemon and trying to catch em all. You have grown up into mindless puppets, you are not thinking by yourself. Society and people around you control you with a iron fist. You are mindless sheep that are being pushed together by the herd into little groups. Black sheep don't want to be with white sheep, natural sheep don't want to be with unntural sheep. It's pathetic!!! Learn to think and act like the wolf. Or atleast try to be a bit natural and turn yourself into a goat.

Also most of you have a hard time to relate with animals of other species. You lock them up in zooz where you go watch them for entertainent. You think they are not as worthy as you in the circle of life. Once again this is arrogant behaviour, maybe in a unnatural enviroment the natural beast is of no threat to you. But go out in the wild and we will see who is the superior organism. Most of you wouldn't survive in a natural enviroment for more than a few hours. Before you need to go take a shit in a toilet because you can't do it naturally. You would have no chance of finding food, at least not in the north. This is very arrogant behaviour, you are just as religious as the christians. Just as religious as the muslims who blow themself up.

You think some other high being created you and you are his people. All animals and natural organism are just animals that only purpose is to be eated by you or hunted for entertainment. The fact is that most of you can't do anything else but to talk to imaginary friends and create and even live in unnatural worlds. The mmorpg's will eventually lead to humans creating virtual worlds to live in. Just because in a 100% fictional world they could live without fear of being hunted by wolves and bears. In there they could be whatever they wanted, gods...they could be the archetypes they worship. You would reach the dream of becoming a natural organism. A organism that don't need to worship other organisms a organism that doesn't have to create fictional worlds or have imaginary friends or look up to archetypes that represent the good and bad in their original natural behaviour.

You could become the very thing you worship in these worlds. You could become could become god. You could become the lion in the savanna, you could become the grizzly bear in the mountains. You could become the eagle in the sky...but you all know giving up the little natural life you got left will result in the end of the human species. Just like Kudistos...he can't have children. There is no fucking way a unnatural organism can have any sex. And if he by all odds could, his semen his genes could only survive in a unnatural world. Too bad to break it to you, we live in a natural world. Go outside of your cities and your apartements, sooner or later nature will strike back.

What has lead to this alienation of natural animals. Well all humans are a bit unnatural, but there are really bad cases and there are cases that are less bad. The most natural humans on this planet are the eremits in India and even in other parts of the world. With the ability to imagine and come up with things that are not natural so humans invented unnatural. No other animal on this planet but the human could create unnatural things. That is why even I who has got fantasy, who has got imagination...even I am a bit unnatural. But as I said all of you aren't lost....some of you there may still be hope for.

There are a few groups of people who it's much harder to break out of their unnatural lives. Emos, weaboos, goths and religious people. That is about 40% of the human species, maybe even more. About everyone on this forum is in any of the groups above, most of you are probably emos and weaboos. Some might even be religious...I would like to inform you of one that is all of the above. Kudistos Megistos is both religious, he worshipps anime and little "cute" dolls. He is a former goth....he is a wanna be japanese. I bet, he has a samurai sword and a bunch of anime and japanese stuff. As for emo...yes he was a emo as well.

Emos are people who are so afraid of everything around them they consider suicide, emos who uses the defence mechanism of giving up natural life turns into goths. After you have turned into a goth there is no turning back. We only know one former goth on this forum and it's Kudistos. Once a goth, always a goth...also a strong reason emos and weaboos despise natural animals or even natural behaviour. Is because they live in a Pokemon world. They thing they got the right to catch and enslave natural organisms, indeed they look at trolls as if they are something they own. Something they can enjoy and laugh at, this is why natural people on the internet have been given the label of troll by the nerds.

Trolls are the most natural a intelligent human being could possible become. They are the best of two worlds, they got the intellect and artistic capability of a human and the natural beastly behaviour of a wolf. If intelligence is what makes the human species superior then the troll is the next step in human evolution. Unnatural humans like muslims and Goths/weaboos/emos. Will only lead to the end of the human species, muslims blow themself up...emos cut themself and goths....goths got a fetish for beheaded little girls. Bondage sex and shit and blood...

Now you may wonder how I could possible know all this about you guys. Well you have taught me this, through your words through your photos you have shown me what you are. What you fear and what you want to become. I mean look at the posts you have posted above, what is this a sign of? You adore me, you worship me you look up to the superior organism to your god. It's all so obvious...your taste in fantasy isn't much better either. Games music whatever it is...your taste sucks, your ability to understand, see, hear beauty is beyond me.

This is another thing I have noticed, your sense of art your sense of nature is out of touch with reality. Art is fantasy, human ability to imagine and copy what we see hear and feel around us. From the beginning the human mind could only see nature, there were no people going to school driving around in cars or living in apartements. Everything humans create can be traced back to nature, what is nature? The unnatural individual would say nature is ugly disgusting and cruel...the natural individual would say nature is beautiful. Everything that is natural is beautiful, even death is beautiful.

There is ugly art and there is beautiful art. Beautiful art is inspired by nature alone, by the sound of the wind or the waves. By the deer jumping over the river. Unnatural art is inspired no by nature but by unnatural enviroments...lack of nature. For example, what monkey would get sexual pleasure by cutting up his own dick or taking his arm and push it up another monkeys ass? Exactly...this is something only unnatural humans are capable of loving. Only people who lack natural experiences create ugly bad art. That is why most of you emos wanna be japanese people create can I say this without being rude. SHIT ART!!!

Your taste in music, you listen to japanese bands...well I guess we could start with your language then. How in the name of god can you possible think that japanese is a beautiful language? It's impossinble to sing in japanese since just changing the pronunciation a little bit changes whatever they are saying into something else. That is why japanese singers often sound like some languages like for example two of the 3 scandinavian languages you can talk and most japanese or americans think they are singing. But it's not only the singing voice that creates music also the instruments.

What instruments do you liek to listen to again...yeah right WILD DRUMS WILD ELECTRIC GUITARS and other shit instruments. This "music" or I would call it noise, reflects what type of persons you are. You are unstable sick's not only your taste in music but also your taste in traditional art and the human form. Even I first thought you liked natural looking individuals but prefer girls that looks like manga with makeup all over and colored hair. Just another sign of what kind of mind you got. The former admin even admitted he used manga porn (hentai). To release his daily supply of semen...pathetic...and he was the only one with a gut, who could admit his wrongs. I think you should too, god asks you what your sins don't have to say I already know.

As for games and more modern art like movies...well I have gone over this before. But out of every rpg on the planet, you choose FFVII. Why? I have said it before and I say it again, because it's the most unnatural one, with emos drunks and slums...the traditional medeival theme of Final Fantasy IX or Final Fantasy VI doesn't appeal to emos and goths since that is something they can't really relate to. You never grew up close to anything natural, you lived in your pokemon games and that is why you prefer shit art over beautiful art today. Not only that, but most of you are uneducated as well. Or at least uneducated in independent don't see the cliches and obvious errors in Final Fantasy VII. I'm not even sure you realize that the story suffers from deus ex machina which means a 4 year old could set it up and execute it. It's a shit story full of culture stolen from other parts of the world.

That is the problem with anime and holywood. They steal culture from all over the world. Culture that is inspired from nature and the peaceful natural folk that lives in these countries. And you fat emo cosplaying americans turns it into anime and's very frustrating and slightly annoying. If you look at the world today, and at the most unnatural countries in the world. What have we got? America, Japan, Britain, France, Canada, Korea, Germany...the most unnatural countries in the world. With the most fucked up minds in the world. Aka the most brainwashed...America is super religious, why? Because they are afraid of course...Japan is religious....they worship anime....britain is religious...they are a bloody mess. Full with different religions fighting against eachother. Korea is the most fucked up country in the world, espeically since they got a kudistos megistos ruling in the north.

As for which countries has the superior culture. Well it's quite obvious....looking at the statistics of country education level and it's general relationship with other countries. There are two small but important countries that indeed has the better culture...Sweden and Norway. Well first of all america britain doens't count. They steal culture, they invade and conquer...they are warmongers, unnatural beasts that think they own whatever they see. Loud mouth ibred idiots are what the english men are. Evere holiday location there are always loud drunk englishen. If culture is music games, movies and art. Then scandinavia is superior. You can see signs of it in the population as wars in 200 years.

Sweden is the most atheistic country in the world. Aka the most not afraid country in the world. The population that doesn't need to worship idols in order to supress their fear. Now instead of just mentally and verbally owning you, making you cry and whine etc...I'm going to turn this into a discussion since I enjoy fucking around with weeabos like yourself. I have made a little list of videos representing some countries of this world. Let's compare shall we?














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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #65 on: 2010-10-17 05:16:53 »
Evidently you guys are expected to read all of that.  This should really be turned into a feature length film. 

Edit:  It reads like an auto-biography lol
« Last Edit: 2010-10-17 05:18:35 by xLostWingx »


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #66 on: 2010-10-17 05:26:49 »
Well being a dumb American, I can't read all that unless someone embellishes, videos it, and narrates it for me. Do that and then I'll consider listening and watching.

Argue with the times. Make a Vlog or something, this incredulous amount of reading and writing can easily be extinguished :D


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #67 on: 2010-10-17 05:46:09 »
tl;dr Can you please give me the short, short, short version please?  :x

Edit: I want some of what he's smoking.

Edit2: Don't you agree that Ronald McDonald looks like Kefka? Your all-time favorite villian? :D

Edit3: Guys, watch out for this guy, for he may be doing this.
« Last Edit: 2010-10-17 07:41:18 by Pvt. Joker »


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #68 on: 2010-10-17 05:48:18 »
Haha, this should go in the Qhimm rules next to the words, "How much is too much?"


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #69 on: 2010-10-17 05:51:55 »
Haha, this should go in the Qhimm rules next to the words, "How much is too much?"
Pretty much, the word I'd use is "too beaucoup" (skip to 1:27, sorry, I've no idea how to put up a link from YouTube with the timer indicated).


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #70 on: 2010-10-17 06:02:15 »
I dunno 'bout the rest of America, but I dislike the "WILD DRUMS WILD ELECTRIC GUITARS and other sh*t instruments" that you have apparently decided that all Americans listen to, preferring innovative music such as They Might Be Giants or Harvey Danger. I do play Japanese games, but I've made it quite clear that my favorite game is Left 4 Dead 2, which is quite American, and certainly not emo or goth. In fact, the biggest reason I enjoy FF7 has nothing to do with the story or themes of the game, but the technical stuff that this forum has put into hacking it. As a geek, this stuff fascinates me. That hardly makes me a weeaboo.

The United States has a population of over 300 million, and it seems to me that you don't understand the concept that we aren't all exactly the same. You claim to know us, but I'm as American as anybody, and most of what you've said doesn't apply to me at all.

Stolen culture? Do you even know the meaning of the words homage or inspiration? If all culture were completely original, the entertainment of the world would be random and chaotic, and entirely impossible for audiences to understand or relate to. Most great are ideas built upon something that already exists.

Trolls are the most natural a intelligent human being could possible become. They are the best of two worlds, they got the intellect and artistic capability of a human and the natural beastly behaviour of a wolf. If intelligence is what makes the human species superior then the troll is the next step in human evolution.
A troll like yourself is obsessive, unable to let go of the slim chance that he could ruin somebody else's day (you can't, by the way, we're all enjoying this). Your so-called "intellect" has shown itself not to be above blatant contradictions and logical fallacies, while your "artistic capability" has amounted to spamming porn. Real original, buddy. And you don't even understand wolves. They are naturally protective of their young, and they hunt for food. Their goal isn't to hurt, or to cause trouble.

You could become could become god.
Did you seriously just compare yourself to God? In the same post as criticizing all religion? Wow, it's like you forget what you write by the time you reach the next sentence.
Sweden is the most atheistic country in the world. Aka the most not afraid country in the world. The population that doesn't need to worship idols in order to supress their fear.
Sweden also has one of the highest violent crime rates in the world. Let me tell you, a little fear is a good thing, be it fear of the government, fear of God, or fear of getting injured in the process of doing something stupid. To be fearless is to be naive, overconfident, and kinda dense.

Also, Spiderman, seriously? That's mass-market cash-in entertainment. Garden State is art. Beauty and the Beast is art (yes, I know the story is French, but the visuals, as well as Alan Menken's fantastic music, are 100% American, and very high quality.


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #71 on: 2010-10-17 06:05:22 »
Oh man...  I'm a little baked (very baked) right now, but I missed our little pet.  He's making this one of the best highs ever


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #72 on: 2010-10-17 06:09:08 »
Covarr: You actually read that? Must've been a pain quoting those small parts.  :roll:


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #73 on: 2010-10-17 06:13:04 »
Covarr: You actually read that? Must've been a pain quoting those small parts.  :roll:
It's 11 at night, most everybody I know in person is asleep or gone for the weekend right now, and all my homework is done, so I really don't have much. It doesn't help that I've had lots of caffeine today, so I can't very well go to sleep.

Normally I'd just leave him alone, since I frankly don't care that much. He's not bothering me, so why should I bother him? But right now I'm just really bored. I would rather play around with my new midi keyboard, but it's quiet hours in the dorms right now and I'd just as soon not wake up the people in the next room.


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Re: What do you get when you Google your Username
« Reply #74 on: 2010-10-17 06:16:16 »
Yeah, I'm a lil bored myself.

Just watching some Full Metal Jacket clips on YouTube. Basically.