Author Topic: [FF7PC/PSX] FFVII Lost Wing (1.1)  (Read 206924 times)


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[FF7PC/PSX] FFVII Lost Wing (1.1)
« on: 2010-10-29 16:19:38 »
FFVII Lost Wing Version 1.1 Download Link

Reminder:  LostWing mod was designed for PSX and was an experimental learning experience.  It is unquestionably broken by just about any standard.  I would suggest avoiding it entirely.  I'm quite mystified seeing references to this mod on the google and youtube all these years later.  Try it at your own risk.  Please just know that I am not active on qhimm, I am not active on youtube, and I offer no support whatsoever for this mod.  If you still want to give LostWing a try, by all means, play it to your heart's content.  You've been warned.

Thanks to all the moderators, administrators, and mod creators here at qhimm for maintaining this treasure of a community.


**Attention New Steam Users:  Lost Wing is a FF7 Overhaul that completely modifies many aspects of the game.  It is moderately difficult until the Huge Materia quests, then it becomes Extremely Difficult.  Hacking/Cheating/Modding All Equipment and/or Materia is encouraged post-Diamond WEAPON.  Quirks appearing in the 1st Reactor Mission are NOT present throughout the game (i.e. Cloud not damaging MPs with Sword.  It's meant to keep you alert to changes in gameplay!).  Address all questions concerning the mod to THIS THREAD!!!  Use BOOTLEG to install this - it is much easier that way!**

You may only use Young Cloud and Sephiroth as functional characters on the PSX Version of this Game!!!

If you have any questions regarding the mod or need help beating any bosses or need to discuss strategies or possible materia combinations etc. - anything that you need help with, just post IN THIS THREAD.  Just leave your questions at the end of the thread and I will help you directly.

-Hundreds of enemy modifications.
-Extensive Weapons Modifications.  Use of previously unused damage formulas.  Weapons for Young Cloud and Sephiroth
-Armor and Accessories Modifications.
-Magic/Summons have been extensively modified.  Fat-Chocobo replaces Titan and Each of Odin's attacks are on their own materia.  No more KOR, but try out Zantetsuken
-A few new items for inducing Limit Breaks and Transformed status and power-ups
-New materia!  Not only new materia for new spells, but many independant and support materia have been modified.
-Toggle 2x and 4x cut between multiple (random) enemies, and single enemy.
-New character portraits
-If you have a gameshark hacking program you can use control Sephiroth and Young Cloud with Limit Breaks and they level up! (I can provide the codes at a later time)
-A buncha other stuff that is more subtle and difficult to list

Here is a demonstration of some things in my mod:

Changes to be made:
- Guard Skorpion for some strange reason gives you a Wizard Bracelet.  Do Not use this, you are not suppose to have it.
- Some of the initially equipped materia (On Cid and Sephiroth) are mastered. (Fixed)
- Young Cloud's level 1 Limit Doesn't work. (Fixed, changed to Slots)
- Sephiroth doesn't gain MP when he levels up (tried fixing this...not sure what the problem is)
- Jenova Birth was way too hard (Fixed)
- Get top tier accessory at Fort Condor 2nd battle (Fixed, now you get Ice Ring)
- Dyne needs to be more difficult. (Fixed)
- White Wind Always Misses (Fixed)
- Red Flash Doesnt work right.
- Rapps needs rebalanced


This was basically a practice mod for me.  I made it while learning how to use the tools and learning how to mod in general.  Fixing the problems with this mod ranks low on my list of priorities, but if anyone wants to fix it up, please go right ahead.  If the enemies beyond the 1st disc are too over-powered, or certain spells are working improperly, it is fairly easy to just open up WallMarket and ProudClod/Hojo and make the necessary changes.  Sorry guys, but right now I don't even have the time to work on my current mods.
« Last Edit: 2024-03-12 13:57:08 by xLostWingx »


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Re: (WIP) FFVII Lost Wing
« Reply #1 on: 2010-10-29 17:51:28 »
1. I think you can't release binaries that contain ANY of Square's data in them, but you can easily make a .ups format patch (those are common for PSX modding, and other systems whose disc images or ROMs are too large for .ips.

Tenko Kuugen

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Re: (WIP) FFVII Lost Wing
« Reply #2 on: 2010-10-29 21:04:32 »
I have done my own fair share of modding and whatever the heck I did to the scene.bin, it never changed anything on how the characters work. I think you might have a bad scene-lookup or something got corrupted during the extensive modding process.
I can already tell you that releasing a mod with barret crashing every fight is no option.


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Re: (WIP) FFVII Lost Wing
« Reply #3 on: 2010-10-30 03:26:31 »
1. I think you can't release binaries that contain ANY of Square's data in them, but you can easily make a .ups format patch (those are common for PSX modding, and other systems whose disc images or ROMs are too large for .ips.

Good to know.  I will have to look that up.

I have done my own fair share of modding and whatever the heck I did to the scene.bin, it never changed anything on how the characters work. I think you might have a bad scene-lookup or something got corrupted during the extensive modding process.
I can already tell you that releasing a mod with barret crashing every fight is no option.

Yeah thats what everyone has said so far.  Problem is, when i test it with the original SCENE, i get the same effect.  So I am guessing something just randomly got corrupted (maybe not randomly), and now Barret won't work?!  Well...maybe i will start from the beginning and it will go faster the second time around.  Also, if nobody is interested in a PSX mod then I will just keep it private.  I'm basically just guaging to see if anyone would even play it.
« Last Edit: 2010-10-30 04:42:48 by xLostWingx »

Tenko Kuugen

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Re: (WIP) FFVII Lost Wing
« Reply #4 on: 2010-10-30 06:59:07 »
I can only assume but most people here play the PC version because.. well. it's simply clearly superior to the psx version when it comes to modding.
If your barret crashes the game, that could be anything. Something about the mechanics, his graphics missing or what else. There really is no way to tell unless you exchange files again and again to see which file causes the error ( and I think it might be kernel.bin )


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Re: (WIP) FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #5 on: 2010-10-30 18:22:53 »
Well in that case, this thread can just sit in projects indefinetly and maybe someone will come along that is interested.  I guess it would only appeal to non-pirates that for some reason choose not to try to buy a PC version lol.  I imagine there are about 3 of those in existence?  I don't intend to make anything original for PC because frankly, nothing I could hope to do would be as good as what already exists here.  I have no background in any technical areas that are discussed here.

In the meantime, I might start with a clean Kernel and Scene and just make a cleaner version of my existing mod.  This way if Barret breaks I can just go back to my previous file.  Sometime in the middle of modding he broke and I simply couldn't isolate the problem so I moved ahead and said f*ck it.  I imagine it will take only a fraction of the time it took to make the first mod, since the majority of the time was spent testing or determing the values I wanted.  Also, I might have been modding weapons one minute, then materia the next, then items later on.  This is probably bad practice, so I am fairly confident everything would work fine by utilizing what I've learned since then.

*If it is only the Kernel then I could keep my Scene and that automatically saves me a ton of time.  Thinking about it realisitically, I could only take me a few days to do this.
« Last Edit: 2010-10-30 18:26:28 by xLostWingx »


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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #6 on: 2010-10-31 18:00:36 »
I was planning to do my own PSX mod when I get my Pandora console, but since you've made already one (And I love playing through other people works). So count me in =)

I would gladly play your mod, personally I don't mind about Barret.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #7 on: 2010-10-31 22:33:25 »
The problem is, at times the game forces you to play with Barret, so this glitch makes your mod unplayable :(

Given the error message you have, I'm 99% certain the problem lies in Barret's AI, in Kernel.bin. You might have changed something there by mistake. I'd suggest comparing his AI script with a clean Kernel's.


I just noticed he only has a Pre-battle script, that goes like this :
Code: [Select]
0x000 60 03
0x002 75
0x003 73

And when I disassemble it, it says : "Link with scripts on character : 3"
What does that mean ? Is it really needed ?... ...If not, you might just solve your problem by deleting this script, Lost Wing.
« Last Edit: 2010-10-31 22:44:40 by Armorvil »


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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #8 on: 2010-11-01 01:51:23 »
Oh thank you Armorvil, finally someone as suggested something that actually sounds like it could fix the problem.  I am in the middle of some things right now, but I will check that out ASAP.  I know that i didn't intentionally change Barret's AI (i haven't even tried to learn aboutt AI yet) but there is a very good chance that something accidentally got changed without my knowledge.  I am optimistic that your solution will be the answer to my troubles. Thank you!

*crosses fingers*  I will let you know later tonite.

Edit:  Oh didn't see your post Cloudef.  I'm glad to hear someone is interested!  Well assuming I get my Barret fixed, I and I learn about that stuff Covarr posted about, I could have this thing up by tomorrow.  If things go crappily, then it might be longer (my luck stat is like   -68 so....)  Barret isn't absolutely necessary (the error enables you to skip battles, and with PECs you can forego a manatory Barret), but he is the character with highest HP and Def, so for some more difficult bosses he is highly recommended.  Like, I am trying to beat my Red Dragon at ancient temple and nobody can survive his attacks!!  But barret would be able to easily.
« Last Edit: 2010-11-01 02:08:17 by xLostWingx »


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Delete Barret's AI: Fail :(
« Reply #9 on: 2010-11-01 05:15:39 »
The code for the pre-battle AI was the same in the clean Kernel as in my modded one which was identical to what you posted.  When I deleted his pre-battle AI I still got the:  Data Error, Scene: xxx/Code: 38

At this point I honestly have no idea what took place.  I owe it to the fact that it happened early on when I was just changing many things at a time and being inexperienced, I invested a lot of time into a session one day, so I left Barret for dead after he didn't work. 

As it stands now, you just L1 R1 Select out of every battle in the Bombing Mission, Guards Skorpion, Every Battle Until Air Buster...well pretty much until you get Red if you dont use a cheating device.  I just kicked him out of my Party and he basically became a sometimes visible, sometimes invisible NPC lol.  Except the game absolutely would not let me get rid of him for the Air Buster fight.  But yeah, if I were to release this, I would have to include a seperate Readme just to explain how to ghetto-rig the game to get around glitches.  I will likely remake the kernel next time that I have the time to actually do so.  November is shaping out to be full of schoolwork though.
« Last Edit: 2010-11-01 05:21:03 by xLostWingx »


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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #10 on: 2010-11-01 11:17:43 »
Hmm, it's really weird.

Did you try checking out all infos in Initial data > Character data ? Like, if one of his 1-3, 2-3, 3-3 or 4-2/4-3 limit is checked, if any Flag is checked, or if his unknown bytes are still 00000000, or even his starting equipment ?

If yes, then I have no clue what the hell is wrong.

PS: on the PSX, I know that some parts of the Kernel aren't reloaded until you start a new game (especially in the Initial Data tab). You should perhaps try to start a new game, to see if you still have this error message.
« Last Edit: 2010-11-01 11:26:02 by Armorvil »


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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #11 on: 2010-11-01 17:15:05 »
I have checked the greater portion of his data.  I will go through today and set all of his data back to the original data then try it using a new game.  I will be certain to look at each piece carefully for any differences and mark them even if fixing them doesn't fix Barret.  I will start by trying a new game though.  EDIT:  Checked it all out, no luck.

Yeah the initial data tab is usually all wierd and stuff does not display correctly (It may not show me changes that I am making, but it does register them).  I have the powerpacks and stuff installed, it just doesn't work right for me.

EDIT:  Alrite, so I started working on my new Kernel.  I am doing it systematically and much cleaner than the first time around.  I am practically done with the attacks section.  I am hesitant to add any new changes (like I didn't really touch the Enemy Skills) due to the chance of more unsolvable BS.  I do have some good ideas for Enemy Skills though, argh indecision!  It will be done in a few days.
« Last Edit: 2010-11-02 00:37:12 by xLostWingx »


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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #12 on: 2010-11-02 00:46:47 »
EDIT:  Alrite, so I started working on my new Kernel.  I am doing it systematically and much cleaner than the first time around.  I am practically done with the attacks section.  I am hesitant to add any new changes (like I didn't really touch the Enemy Skills) due to the chance of more unsolvable BS.  I do have some good ideas for Enemy Skills though, argh indecision!  It will be done in a few days.

I suggest doing some backups every so often.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #13 on: 2010-11-02 03:24:28 »
Yeah I am.  I am just trying to avoid introducing new unknowns.  For the PSX version half of the enemy attack animations (if not more) have game-crashing effects when used as a new spell.  So I will just use what I have that I know all works and NOT make anything that I don't already have.

So I am done with the Attacks, and Character Growth, and Armor.  About done for today.

EDIT:  Alrite, I have been working on this all day basically.  I am 80% done content-wise.  Time-wise I am about 65% done.  And guess what...Barret Is Working Whoo Hoo!!!  I even tested it with the scene.bin from my original build of the mod and it works too.  This means that I can spend some time fine-tuning this scene since I won't have to make it all over again.  Note though, I started with the scene of FFVII AV (is this your mod Armorvil?  yes I think it is). I have modified it Extensively since then, but let me know if I have your permission Armorvil (basically the AI and Attack repetoire of the enemies is untouched, but the stats and levels of enemies has been edited almost entirely).  I got it awhile back from another forum so I'm not sure how old it is.

Btw, If anyone knows how to replace characters (Replace Vincent with Sephiroth & Replace Cait Sith with Young Cloud), even if it only works in battle, then I can make it so that gameshark codes aren't necessary to play with use of Sephiroth and Young Cloud.  Of course you can play without them, but I've spent a great deal of work on each of them to make them practically full-fledged characters (minus the plot).
« Last Edit: 2010-11-02 07:40:34 by xLostWingx »


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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #14 on: 2010-11-02 09:38:21 »
Yeah, FFVII AV was my beta ^^

Just know that it wasn't finished : the final dungeon was untouched. I decided to start over when I realized that the mechanics were boring (the necessity to always put up Barrier/MBarrier at the start of a battle, 4x Cut being the most powerful attack, etc).

Also, there isn't any AI editing in there. I managed to make enemies use different spells, because I re-organized the Kernel (there was no Heidegger/Proud Clod/WallMarket at the time, so I hex-edited everything). I put Cure instead of Ice (hence the name "aid" to fit the number of available characters >.>), Comet instead of Death, etc - and I also re-organized the materias. That way, instead of Palmer using Fire2, Ice2 and Bolt2 (for example), he ended up using Tornado, Death, and something else (don't remember).

So the only thing that'll be carried over, I think, will be the attack repertoire. Like Refuse targeting all allies, enemies' physical attacks also causing status ailments, and monster animations providing buffs (such as Proud Clod's charging giving him invincibility, or Zemzelett's takeoff granting it Haste/Barrier/Mbarrier, ...).

Anyway, yes, you can use it if you like. You have my permission (I'm not using any of it for my new mod) :)


Ah, I just remembered something. You might not want to use my old files, because they contain bugs / glitches. For one thing, since I had no utility to fix the scene look-up at the time, I copied a certain scene file over another - ending up messing with the battle square, I think (and ending up having to remove many of my changes). And I remember having lots of trouble editing some bosses without the game crashing... ...The game repeatedly crashed at the first fight in Wutai's pagoda, at the soldiers blocking the way to the underwater reactor, ... until I found the one enemy that needed its stats to be reverted to their original values.

And even worse, there was a materia glitch in the field, if you were using Yuffie (not a joke!). The in-game materia menu would strangely flash, and after leaving the menu, Cloud's 3D model would disappear... ...and you'd have to change field screen or enter a battle to fix it...

I know it's weird that modifications to the Scene.bin and Kernel.bin would cause this latter problem, but since someone else than me who downloaded my files also experienced it, I would strongly advise not to use those files.
« Last Edit: 2010-11-02 10:04:46 by Armorvil »


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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #15 on: 2010-11-02 12:38:53 »
Barret Is Working Whoo Hoo!!!

Glad, It's working now. Keep up the good work, I personally like PSX mods more than PC. Since I do emulating on other platforms than PC.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #16 on: 2010-11-02 15:59:14 »
@Armorvil - Wow that's a lot of craziness.  What would you say if I told you I haven't encountered any of that?  lol, I played up to the Ancient Temple with my first attempt at this mod and have been using my own purely original Kernel.  Well I will keep an eye out for those bugs you mentioned and test it a little more once I am done with everything.  If I must make a scene.bin from scratch then that is what I will do, but I have to say that it is looking hopefuly since I have not encountered any of the issues you mentioned.

Battle Square - Unchecked
All Bosses so far - Checked, No Bugs
MPs at Underwater Reactor - Unchecked
Wutai Pagoda - Checked, No Bugs
Yuffie issues - No Bugs here and I use her quite a bit

@Cloudef - Good to hear, I gotta go to or else I am gonna miss my ride to campus.  I will tty guys later.
« Last Edit: 2010-11-02 19:39:58 by xLostWingx »


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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #17 on: 2010-11-02 20:33:26 »
Sorry for constantly updating, but I get to work on the project spiradically throughout the day and since I am basically just copying info from Kernel to Kernel it is going by pretty quickly.

So I have decided to take this oppurtunity to A. Fine tune things based on my experiences while playing the mod.  and B. Add a little more to the Weapons section (since I originally left many characters weapons practically untouched).  Some of the ideas are:

-Make some of Cait Siths Weapons into Swords for Young Cloud creating a greater distinction between Ex-SOLDIER and Young Cloud
-Make some of Vincent's Weapons into Swords for Sephiroth so Seph can have his own set of weapons instead of just Masamune or borrowing Vincent's guns
-Get better character portraits for some that I am unpleased with (Seph maybe, Barret definetly, Cid definetly) Unless people like the current Seph portrait.
-Maybe make some character specific Armor...this would mean an increase in the differences between characters but a decrease in overall versatility.  Let me know.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #18 on: 2010-11-02 21:50:52 »
About your portraits : I don't dig Tifa's avatar much (she looks like a 12 years old) =/ The art style is also quite different from some other portraits, so it feels weird / out of place (to me, at least). But it's your mod, not mine - so if you like it, by all means, keep it! ;)
As for Seph's portrait, it fits with Cloud's and Young Cloud's.

And nice about your bugs-checks. I'm pretty sure most of those glitches were due to a bad scene look-up and/or bad kernel hex-editing though. So as long as you only use Scene.bin, you should be fine.

As for character-specific armor, that's what I'm doing with my mod, and I'd love to get rid of it to tell you the truth :P (I'm looking at you, character-AI editing...). Not a huge deal, though
« Last Edit: 2010-11-02 21:55:05 by Armorvil »


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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #19 on: 2010-11-03 03:15:11 »
Hmm, I see what you mean about the Tifa pic.  I will look around online to see if there are other ones that would work well.  I was kinda looking for a younger looking Tifa (not 12 young though  :|) because I always thought that the characters looked younger than their actual age except for Tifa.  As for the other character pics, I will work on that tonite or tomorrow.

I think that I like where my armor is right now.  I want to take this oppurtunity to go into the design in a bit more detail.

    The characters have been streamlined into less of a polymorphous blob where anyone can do anything awesomely, and into better representations of the characters for who they really are/subtle character classes.  Cloud while high in HP and Strength, is basically average in all other stats and quite low in Spirit.  Aeris with exceptional Magic and high Spirit, has the lowest HP and very low Dexterity and Luck.  Tifa:  High Strength and Dexterity, Low HP and Vitality.  Barret basically sucks except that he has The most HP and Vitality.  But nobody is so terrible in any way to prevent you from altering their inate class.  You may not be able to turn Aeris into a Barret style character though, but you get the point.

    The equipment it littered with stat boosts (many minor, some major), status effects, and surprises.  Wait till you see what the Curse Ring does!  Some pieces of equipment may not seem invaluable at first, but when you combine the right things you can really create some unique benefits.  Now you may have a reason to continue wearing a Bronze Bangle over the Iron Bangle, or choosing the Titan Bangle over the Mythril Armlet, but depending on the desired effect, maybe not.  This theme is basically present throughout the game. 
    For example, if you choose to keep that Mythril Armlet on Tifa after you get the Mythril Claws and equip the Sneak Glove instead of a Protect Vest might not have quite as high defense, but you will have practically doubled your Dexterity at this point in the game.  Maybe you don’t like that?  Well by all means, keep the Metal Knuckles, Titan Bangle, and Protect Vest on for a healthy defensive boost with a hint of extra strength hmm? 

    New spells include Water123, Aero123, Laser123, Psych123, Holy123, Lucky Strike, Madness, Might, Holy Flash, Toxic, Abyss, Apocalypse, Red Flash, Osmose, Drain, and Thunder.  Laser causes shoot damage, Psych causes Shout Damage, Lucky Strike is Lucky Girl, Madness is like Mad Rush from VIII, Might is like Big Guard with regen, Holy Flash is level 4 Holy Magic, Toxic is a Bio + Status attack, Abyss is a Non-Elemental Status attack, Apocalypse is an alternative to Ultima basically, Red Flash looks cool and inflicts Fury, Osmose drains MP, Drain drains HP, and Thunder is a level 4 Lightning Spell to go with Freeze, Break, Tornado, and Flare.  Status magics don't exist independently anymore, but are instead attached to spells like Water (Slow), Aero (Confu), and others, but don't count on all the enemies being susceptible to them.
   Titan has been replaced with Fat-Chocobo, and Odin materia does Gunge Lance and KOR is now Zantetsuken which performs Steel Bladed Sword but instead causes damage (sometimes enemies disappear but still fight…idk).  Young Cloud and Sephiroth have sweeeeeet Limit Breaks.  If you thought Yuffie’s Bloodfest was cool wait till you see Young Cloud do it; same goes for Dragon Dive by Sephiroth.  There are also some new items that mimic Fury Brand and Transform, and also a Dragon Force Drink.

    Enemy-wise, although I did begin with SceneAV as my base, I've gone in and recalibrated things extensively.  However, if you run around leveling up all day long, it won't be very difficult.  The EXP curve is kinda messed'll gain levels relatively rapidly early on, then experience spans of difficult leveling followed by easy leveling until (I am guessing cause I haven't fully tested it yet) around level 40 or so and then it should be difficult to gain levels until 99.  Given the fact that level is a critical component to the damage calculations, I suggest only leveling when things get too tough.  I managed to get to the Ancient Temple without going past level 21 (realized this might provide the wrong idea.  For the average FFVII player this probably wouldn't be possible  I'd say for the veteran player level 28 or higher would be OP with level 24 or less providing a significant challenge).  Got to the Red Dragon fight and got wiped out three times in a row.  Thus far, that had only happened with Lost Number (optional bosses are more powerful).

  One thing to note is that I have left some things at the player's discretion.  Yeah sure, you can always equip the best sh*t and most powerful spells with your optimum setup and probably make it through without much trouble.  My intent is for the player to take advantage of the versatility available in FFVII, which I have tried to enhance in as many ways as possible.  I present the player with many choices.  *What is this?  Tattered Ribbon...protects me from icky stuff, but doesn't let me have any helpful effects?!*  and some hidden perks that you might not notice at first glance.  *Huh?  This (blank) protects agaisnt (blank) too?  That wasn't in the description!* 
« Last Edit: 2010-11-03 06:04:06 by xLostWingx »

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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #20 on: 2010-11-03 16:43:23 »
New spells include...Psych123

Are you so obsessed with psychology that you made one of the courses you took into a spell? ;D


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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #21 on: 2010-11-03 17:44:18 »
New spells include...Psych123

Are you so obsessed with psychology that you made one of the courses you took into a spell? ;D

Thats partially correct lol, but think more Pokemon haha.  The Psych3 Spell is basically Mewtwo using Psych on you (it looks pretty close I'd say).  But yeah I am pretty obsessed with Psychology since no schools offer a degree in FFVII.  But on a more serious note, I just couldn't think of a better term to describe the Shout Damage Spells and based on the animations, Psych seemed like the best choice...although I suppose 'Shout''.   Now that you mention it though...Psych 123...that might have been Intro to Developmental Psychology heheh.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #22 on: 2010-11-04 00:19:18 »
     Alrite, the Weapons are almost done, an I have to say I am glad that I went back through and did this all over again.  Now I feel like there are a lot more options for everyone when choosing weapons.  I have added 2 weapons for Aeris (Mystic Rod and Bloody Staff) by replacing 2 of Cid's weapons.  I'm not sure how that will work, but I will find out later tonite.  I just need to work on Young Cloud's weapons and Sephiroth's Weapons.  I will leave the possibility of using Vincent and Cait Sith by converting only half of their available weapons.
     I have a few small things to do here and there and also some work on the character portraits.  So if I spend today finishing the real work, and tomorrow fine tuning some things, I might be able to release by the weekend.  Keep in mind, I still need to decide the most appropriate way to provide this to everyone.  It may sound stupid to some of you, but I'm not sure of the best way to go about it.  Covarr mentioned something earlier in the thread which sounds promising but maybe others have ideas?  The modded files are Kernel.bin Scene.bin and the character's .tim files and the namemenu.mnu
     Convert the .bins to that .ups format, then pack the and into a .zip with the new .tim images and a ReadMe?
« Last Edit: 2010-11-04 00:29:46 by xLostWingx »

Tenko Kuugen

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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #23 on: 2010-11-04 10:32:12 »
shout is essentially sound damage. sound can be depicated in many ways
Water123, Aero123, Laser123, Psych123, Holy123
that could be Noise, Deaf and Sonic(boom) for Psych ( and psych has nothing to do with actual shout aka sound damage. sound are, for the bigger part, vibrations in the air and some ultra low / high frequencies, but that has very little to do with psych unless you go the telekinetic branch )
Bubble, Stream, Flood for Water
Breeze, Storm, Cyclon for Aero
Photon, Plasma, Ion for Laser
Prayer, Saint, Punishment for Holy

you really, really lack imagination.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX)
« Reply #24 on: 2010-11-04 16:14:48 »
And you really lack information and manners.  Just because its the 'shout' type of damage, doesn't mean that I've designed the attack animations to look like sound.  As a matter of fact, I've designed them to look like mental/psychic style attacks.  Oh and those names you suggested?

Bubble?  Well the animation isnt a bubble.
Stream?  Looks more like a tidal wave to me.
Flood?  gay, although Deluge might be a good idea.  Except i prefer the 1, 2, 3 style of names.
Breeze?  since when did a breeze kick your ass?
Storm, thats a good one.
Cyclone?  kinda redundant since there is an attack named Tornado.
Photon?  thats one single light particle, doesnt hurt people.
Plasma?  well the Laser doesn't look like plasma at all.

Its about giving a description of the type of attack and also staying in line with what the thing f*cking looks like.  Had you said, "You seem to lack creativity" or "Would you like some suggestins for names?" then I would have let it go,  Don't come onto my project thread and insult me.
« Last Edit: 2010-11-04 16:19:23 by xLostWingx »