Author Topic: FF8PC's raw Triple Triad card textures .pak file and location?  (Read 3634 times)


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I've been trying to hunt down the textures used during triple triad's match sequences (not the ones used in the card menu found in Menu/mcXX.TEX). I was wondering if anyone knew off hand which data pack it's in, and which file in that pack stores that texture data.

The ones I need are the same ones used in Triple Triad Gold. Much appreciated if anyone knows :)
« Last Edit: 2010-11-23 06:01:20 by Mamoruanime »


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FF8 PC triple triad cards are in FF8.exe
at position 0x7A9B10 and size 0x77020 (FF8.exe version 1.2, numbers are in hexadecimal)
the file is TIM file.

But bad is, that it is 4bit tim file with ~56 palettes.

looks like all around card match is in FF8.exe (graphic, cards names, cards values)


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Sweet thank you! I was thinking they would be. I've been looking through the .pak's, but earlier today I grabbed a hex editor and started poking at the exe itself.

I'll get these ripped, thanks :)

I should go into just a tad bit of detail;

I'm writing a forum integrated Triple Triad clone for a bit of fun. It's annoying trying to find the raw Triple Triad card graphics though because the only things online are the menu cards.

EDIT: Got it. Works great now sort of, thanks :P

There's actually apparently not even enough palettes for the cards. About 50 or so cards are fine, but the remainder are left with no palette data. I've mapped out which cards get what palette out of the 56 palettes though:

I've come to the conclusion that each palette should be split into two though. I'll have to play around with this. I would appreciate any help I can get in splitting those CLUT palettes down to half size for a total of 112 palettes with 128 values each instead of 56 with 256 values. I've been studying the format, but I'm not getting much luck in changing the amount of individual palettes.

2nd Edit: All done:

Thanks for the help :D
« Last Edit: 2010-11-26 12:14:26 by Mamoruanime »