Author Topic: Hardest games you've ever played?  (Read 52060 times)


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #50 on: 2011-06-18 14:59:12 »
Every time I see the word "futari" I immediately read it as "futanari".

lol, you're not the only one. As to the hardest games, I second Dan about TMNT on the Nes. El Viento on the Genesis was also hard, but I finished it. And Gargoyle's Quest on GB was also good fun. ...Yeah, old games, I know ^^
« Last Edit: 2011-06-18 19:40:25 by Armorvil »

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #51 on: 2011-06-18 15:01:49 »
Harder of all them? FFX. I just wasn't able to figure what to do... I do love that game, like all FFs (although FFVIII is still my favourite) but I'm not good... FFXII too... I got stuck a lot, but managed to beat it. Also FFVI. I think I don't have the necessary strategy to beat some bosses... FFIX also is damn hard for me. Kari "Essentia" Johnson makes me realize how much bad I am to these three game >< Have you ever been ridiculised by some Speed Runner at some game? FFVI, single-segment in 3:27 ><

I think you've got the word "hard" mixed up with the word "ridiculously easy".

FFVI, FFIX and FFX are without a doubt the three most disappointingly easy game I've ever played (assuming, in the case of X, we're just talking about getting to the end and not including the side-quests).


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #52 on: 2011-06-18 18:50:46 »
You think FFVI, FFIX and FFX are easier than FFVII ? Seriously ?... ...I mean, seriously ?

I'm not saying those three are hard (actually, I find them to have the right difficulty level - especially FFIX and FFX), but implying that vanilla isn't a walk in the park is, well, just wrong. Except when trying to fight Emerald or Ruby, I never had a single game-over in my first FFVII playthrough - whereas I had 3 or 4 along the course of both FFIX and FFX (for example, I didn't recruit Quina when I had the chance and fought Gizamaluke with only Zidane, Vivi and Freya). That, and Yunalesca was tricky.

In fact, it depends of which FF game you played first - and how old you are...
« Last Edit: 2011-06-18 19:00:35 by Armorvil »


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #53 on: 2011-06-18 18:54:59 »
Hardest Final Fantasy ever was VIII. [/troll]

Hardest game I've personally played was the Ninja Gaiden series. And the trials for Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV.

EDIT: Totally forgot about Kid Chameleon. That shit kept going on and on and on!
« Last Edit: 2011-06-18 18:57:05 by DarkFang »


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #54 on: 2011-06-18 19:02:42 »
lol yeah, Kid Chameleon... ...Never finished this one. I remember playing it again on emulator years ago, and even by abusing save-states, I ended up being stuck in a skate-boarding level. It wasn't a maze, but I couldn't find the exit  :o I think it has a few "trap" levels, and if you warp into one of them, you're basically screwed.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #55 on: 2011-06-18 19:15:34 »
You think FFVI, FFIX and FFX are easier than FFVII ? Seriously ?... ...I mean, seriously ?

Yes, considerably easier.


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #56 on: 2011-06-18 19:27:43 »
Yes, considerably easier.

Care to elaborate why you find them that much easier ? I'm curious.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #57 on: 2011-06-18 20:00:11 »
Care to elaborate why you find them that much easier ? I'm curious.

Because they're easier.

FFVI is much more basic than a lot of other FF games and can be beaten without any thought at all. I'm not sure whether I had a single game over when playing it; the final boss was insultingly easy even by FF standards. Whatsmore, it's always insultingly obvious what the player has to do and where one has to go.

FFIX's bosses seem to have been gimped for the sole purpose of making the Excalibur II side-quest possible. It actually gets harder right at the end, but none of the other bosses pose any kind of challenge, even if one obsessively tries to steal every item from them (which wastes Zidane's turn and takes far too long thanks to the low steal rates). It's also far easier to fight with a party of four than with a party of three.

FFX has the opposite problem. Rather than gimping the bosses, facilitating the side-quests allows the player to nerf the party to the point where the final opponents an be beaten in just a couple of hits. One might say that this is comparable to what happens when one gets hold of KotR in FF7, but at last KotR is hard to get. The ability to fight battles using overpowered Aeons also made things far too easy. One commendable aspect of FFX is that, unlike the other two games, it requires one to think about how best to deal with equipment and character growth. It shares this aspect with FF7 and 8, which require an understanding of the materia system and the junction system respectively. FF6 and 9 didn't have anything that required this level of thought.


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #58 on: 2011-06-18 20:35:19 »
FFX was pretty challenging in some areas though for sure.  Seymour was usually a few time try especially on gagazet.  Yunalesca was hard and the dark aeons especially penance were very difficult and required you to fill a lot of the sphere grids.

OK there were a few that were difficult and most of the game bosses were easy.  The side quests werent :P


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #59 on: 2011-06-18 20:40:17 »
What was the difficulty like in XII? I only played the first 10 minutes.


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #60 on: 2011-06-18 20:53:07 »
What was the difficulty like in XII? I only played the first 10 minutes.
The hardest part of XII is staying awake through the overlong and tedious dungeons.


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #61 on: 2011-06-18 21:10:16 »
Armorvil, didn't you remember that Kudi thinks the exact opposite of everything he says, which means that he found these games hard, too. And about any game, I don't have any strategy at all. Attack, heal when necessery, use limits/special skills when possible and hear the traditional victory fanfare. About VIII, like said earlier as a trolling, as opposing to the others FFs, increase diffuculty with level. I've actually beaten a No-Level Game and, without the card-morphing mobs part, it was easy and straight. Otherwise, as any game, once you've beaten it once without too much difficulty and you see someone having trouble, you laugh at him/her saying that this part is very easy. When I saw Kari "Essentia" Johnson beat the boss I've got stuck at (in both FFVI and FFIX) easier and faster than I did at another boss, for example, I was shocked. Also, when you beat a game easily, it's difficult for you to understand how the others can get stuck; I can't imagine anyone being stuck in FFVIII, for example, when it's possible somehow...

EDIT: Forgot to talk about FFXII. It's not hard gameplay-wise, but story-wise, as this world is far too big I got stuck at many places. Not really "hard" (with the need of grinding) but just enough.

I wrote so much? O_o
« Last Edit: 2011-06-18 21:12:38 by Vgr »

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #62 on: 2011-06-18 21:37:00 »
Armorvil, didn't you remember that Kudi thinks the exact opposite of everything he says, which means that he found these games hard, too.

That's a very intelligent comment.

And I think you'll find that I believe the exact opposite of almost everything I say. I'm not always being sarcastic. For example, I'm being honest when I say that 6, 9 and 10 are easy as fuck. 6 and 9 are the easiest games in the main series.


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #63 on: 2011-06-18 22:22:08 »
As soon as you combine All + Restore in FFVII, you can't lose. There are no enemies that need a specific strategy like the Wrexsoul battle, either. Enemies also barely use status effects against you (did one of your characters ever get turned to stone in FFVII ? No ?... ...That's what I thought), and dungeons have no puzzles at all (save the ancient forest). This means even less thinking in FFVII. Not only that, but there are also fewer random battles. And you can't say the materia system requires much brain power either, and there are so many overpowered abilities it's not funny *looks at E.Skills, Limits, and Summons*.

Also, FFVI, FFIX and FFX all have (especially FFIX and FFX) many enemies that can take more than half of a character's HP with a physical attack. In FFVII, there are the Weapons and maybe Lost Number - but that's all I can think of. My characters rarely got KO'ed in FFVII, but it happened more often in both FFIX and FFX.

For these reasons, you didn't convince me that FFVII is harder than FFVI, FFIX or FFX. And mentioning the fact that FFX's final boss is easy when you get the Celestial Weapons and/or power-level, is lame. Every FF is a cake-walk after power-leveling. It looks like you played a challenge of some kind in FFVII, and power-leveled in the others. You spammed summons in FFX ? Well, I spam limits & Beta in FFVII, so bosses don't last long, either.

Armorvil, didn't you remember that Kudi thinks the exact opposite of everything he says, which means that he found these games hard, too.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

And about any game, I don't have any strategy at all.

That might be why you have trouble with FFX. Just sayin'.
« Last Edit: 2011-06-18 22:47:08 by Armorvil »

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #64 on: 2011-06-18 23:42:58 »
As soon as you combine All + Restore in FFVII, you can't lose. There are no enemies that need a specific strategy like the Wrexsoul battle, either. Enemies also barely use status effects against you (did one of your characters ever get turned to stone in FFVII ? No ?... ...That's what I thought...

Also, FFVI, FFIX and FFX all have (especially FFIX and FFX) many enemies that can take more than half of a character's HP with a physical attack. In FFVII, there are the Weapons and maybe Lost Number - but that's all I can think of. My characters rarely got KO'ed in FFVII, but it happened more often in both FFIX and FFX.

I don't recall having any problems with Wrexsoul. And akshully, there are quite a few enemies that can really ruin your day if you don't know what you're doing. Bottomswell is a good example; so is Carry Armor. It's a huge pain in the arse when enemies can take out characters instantly like that.

I also wonder whether you've forgotten about the Midgar Zolom and Master Tonberry. They can be quite devastating. Did you forget the Cave of the Gi, too? It's full of enemies that can really fuck you up, especially if you're running short on items (which is very common at that point in the game). Fortunately, there's a trick to beating them, but not all first-time players know that.

And don't get me started on enemies that use confuse. That's an incredibly common status attack in FF7 (are we talking about the same game). It's another thing that frequently turns routine battles into nightmares if you let your guard down. The worst thing of all is when one of your characters gets confused after getting on the receiving end of Supernova; it's a real kick in the balls.

And you can't say the materia system requires much brain power either, and there are so many overpowered abilities it's not funny *looks at E.Skills, Limits, and Summons*.

It's all relative. The materia system requires far more thought than a lot of FF growth/equipment systems.

If I said that the ten times table is easier than the five times table, would your response be "that's not true because the five times table is really easy"?

For these reasons, you didn't convince me that FFVII is harder than FFVI, FFIX or FFX. And mentioning the fact that FFX's final boss is easy when you get the Celestial Weapons and/or power-level, is lame. Every FF is a cake-walk after power-leveling.

Firstly, FF8.

Secondly, FF7's final boss is far harder to beat when you're at level 99 than when you're at level 50.

Thirdly, the amount of time and effort required to get a few of the nerfed abilities in FFX is not very great; it's much less than the time and effort needed to power level.

It looks like you played a challenge of some kind in FFVII, and power-leveled in the others.

Quite the opposite. FF7 is the game where I tend to be the most over-levelled. Purely by accident, of course.

You spammed summons in FFX ? Well, I spam limits & Beta in FFVII, so bosses don't last long, either.

I'd like to know how you spammed limit breaks in FF7. Is there an "aura" materia that I don't know about? Maybe there's a "meltdown" materia too? ;D

Beta can't compare the Aeons in terms of nerfedness.

Oh, and there's something else I forgot about.


Yes, I'm aware that FF7 has an "instant win attack too, but it's incredibly hard to get and it requires using Cait Sith, so it surely doesn't count. Yojimbo is very reliable


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #65 on: 2011-06-19 01:54:03 »
VI has two instant death "spells", Joker Death and Joker Doom. One kills all enemies and the other kills all allies. They both ignore instant death immunity so it can basically kill anything. There's even a way to glitch Joker Doom so it works in the battle with Kefka. But you can only use it when you get Setzer.


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #66 on: 2011-06-19 10:04:16 »
The hardest part of XII is staying awake through the overlong and tedious dungeons.
I ragequit at the last dungeon when I see that it has no map whatsoever

Yes, I've played it for 89 hours (and with 9999 damage and invincibility cheat too! Imagine how long it would take if I don't use those), yes, I've defeated the last game, and yes, it's the final dungeon, but no map? Serious-f*cking-ly?

No, I'm not a cartographer, thanks. I've spent a lot of time mapping that mapless dungeon where you can get Danjuro, I'm NOT going to spend another time being a cartographer

The hardest was... well... that SNES Tiny Toons game, basically some kind of Olympics or something. Oh, the last difficulty...


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #67 on: 2011-06-19 10:51:53 »
I don't recall having any problems with Wrexsoul. And akshully, there are quite a few enemies that can really ruin your day if you don't know what you're doing. Bottomswell is a good example; so is Carry Armor. It's a huge pain in the arse when enemies can take out characters instantly like that.

You need to kill the right one of your 3 characters for Wrexsoul to be targetable, otherwise (without abusing bugs) it is invincible. In FFIX and FFX too, there are bosses that demand a few tricks to be taken down. There is none of that in FFVII. Besides, Bottomswell is a joke. I'll give you Carry Armor though, it must be the only storyline boss not to be completely helpless in FFVII.

I also wonder whether you've forgotten about the Midgar Zolom and Master Tonberry. They can be quite devastating.

Midgar Zolom, devastating ? In the beginning, when you're supposed to catch a chocobo to evade it, yes, of course. But later in the game ? No, not at all. It's not even a good example, since I can counter this by using the "Dragon" example above Gizamaluke's Grotto in FFIX. The moogles tell you not to go there, but if you do, I guess it also is quite devastating.

As for Master Tonberry, it's a push-over. It only counter-attacks with Everyone's Grudge if you blindly attack it with your three characters every turn, and only performs an Instant-Death attack after walking all the way to your characters. Not only that, but FFVII features the Death Force E.Skill, that voids all Instant Death attacks. Plus, the thing has no resistance to damage whatsoever. FFVI's Master Pug is a lot more dangerous, and can block your elemental attacks thanks to WallChange.

Did you forget the Cave of the Gi, too? It's full of enemies that can really f*ck you up, especially if you're running short on items (which is very common at that point in the game). Fortunately, there's a trick to beating them, but not all first-time players know that.

Wait, the Cave of the Gi is hard ? That's a first. And no, I don't see how you'd run short on items at that point, either. Item shops aren't rare in FFVII, and you'd have to do something stupid like wasting your gil on HP Pluses materias not to be able to keep a healthy supply.

For your information, you can also do stupid things in FFVI, FFIX and FFX.

And don't get me started on enemies that use confuse. That's an incredibly common status attack in FF7 (are we talking about the same game). It's another thing that frequently turns routine battles into nightmares if you let your guard down. The worst thing of all is when one of your characters gets confused after getting on the receiving end of Supernova; it's a real kick in the balls.

I'll give you Confusion, though Yuffie's Conformer is unaffected by the status, and the availability of the Ribbon accessory / Added Effect make it a non-issue. FFIX doesn't have a Ribbon-like ability, and you can only get it very late in FFX (plus, you'd have to play the International/PAL version). Stop/Mini/Petrify/Berserk ?... ...Almost never used against you. And one amusing fact : the only shops that sell Echo Screens are in Wall Market and Gold Saucer, but you never feel their lack of availability. Likewise, I've never felt the need to waste a materia slot on Heal, either - especially since White Wind fixes so many status effects.

It's all relative. The materia system requires far more thought than a lot of FF growth/equipment systems.

This doesn't really mean anything. FFIV, for instance, has the most basic level-up system, but it's arguably one of the harder FF titles. Especially in its original Japanese release. Besides, you don't have to know the ins-and-outs of the materia system to get through the game just fine. As I said, All+Restore does not demand a heavy brainstorming, as does equiping things like Double Cut or Enemy Skills.

In fact, the materia system only makes things easier, since you can easily interchange materias from one character to another. You didn't level RedXIII before Cosmo Canyon ?... ...No problem, just slap on him the materias you leveled, and he's a beast. Compare to parts in FFVI, FFIX or FFX in which you're forced to play characters that you potentially didn't use, and you'll come to the conclusion that FFVI, FFIX and FFX are harder.

Thirdly, the amount of time and effort required to get a few of the nerfed abilities in FFX is not very great; it's much less than the time and effort needed to power level.

True, but this doesn't make FFX easier than FFVII. FFVII hands the ultimate weapons on a silver platter.

I'd like to know how you spammed limit breaks in FF7. Is there an "aura" materia that I don't know about? Maybe there's a "meltdown" materia too? ;D

You know what I'm talking about. The mechanics behind building the Aeons' Overdrive gauges and the ones behind the building of your characters' Limit gauges is essentially the same. You can take some time to prepare a Meteorrain, in the same way you build up the Aeons' gauges before boss fights.

Beta can't compare the Aeons in terms of nerfedness.

That's right, you can't compare them : thanks to Magic Hammer, you can keep using Beta again and again throughout the battles, whereas Aeons are instantly killed by the later bosses - allowing each of them only one action.

Oh, and there's something else I forgot about.


Yes, I'm aware that FF7 has an "instant win attack too, but it's incredibly hard to get and it requires using Cait Sith, so it surely doesn't count. Yojimbo is very reliable

You must be kidding. Yojimbo could be efficient against random enemies, but not against bosses that require a Level5 Zanmato (almost all of them). And to reach such a level, you have to hand the Aeon hundreds millions of gil. Not very practical, don't you think ? If you're gonna talk about exploits like this, need I remind you that Cait Sith's slots can be controlled so Game Over works in every boss fight ? No improbable amount of gil needed, there.
« Last Edit: 2011-06-19 11:13:39 by Armorvil »


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #68 on: 2011-06-19 12:45:33 »
In the international version, Yojimbo's Zanmato would come a lot of the time if you gave him reasonable gil.  They changed the odds for the international version due to the dark aeons and penance.  hence it is very easy to use yojimbo as a "get out" in euro version (provided you chose option to kill the strongest of foes).  They changed the odds A LOT.  There is a readme online which shows you that.

I really dislike how they put in these get outs.  They usually have one.

Cait Sith "All Over" : 7
Selphie "The End" : 8
Friends Quest: 9 (but I will let them off with that, as you had to do something to make ozma easier)
Zanmato: 10

« Last Edit: 2011-06-19 15:49:01 by DLPB »

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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #69 on: 2011-06-19 15:05:26 »
You need to kill the right one of your 3 characters for Wrexsoul to be targetable, otherwise (without abusing bugs) it is invincible. In FFIX and FFX too, there are bosses that demand a few tricks to be taken down. There is none of that in FFVII. Besides, Bottomswell is a joke. I'll give you Carry Armor though, it must be the only storyline boss not to be completely helpless in FFVII.

Pfft, I don't even remember Wrexsoul, so he couldn't have been that problematic.

Midgar Zolom, devastating ? In the beginning, when you're supposed to catch a chocobo to evade it, yes, of course. But later in the game ? No, not at all. It's not even a good example, since I can counter this by using the "Dragon" example above Gizamaluke's Grotto in FFIX. The moogles tell you not to go there, but if you do, I guess it also is quite devastating.

It's easier than you think to run into the Zolom. I can't help but wonder whether you've played FF7 far more times than the other games and are basing your opinions on the difficulty of 7 on what happened in your 10th playthrough.

As for Master Tonberry, it's a push-over. It only counter-attacks with Everyone's Grudge if you blindly attack it with your three characters every turn, and only performs an Instant-Death attack after walking all the way to your characters.

He's a push over if you know what you're doing.

He has very high HP and can kill characters instantly. Any enemy like this can easily take a first-time player off guard.

Not only that, but FFVII features the Death Force E.Skill, that voids all Instant Death attacks. Plus, the thing has no resistance to damage whatsoever. FFVI's Master Pug is a lot more dangerous, and can block your elemental attacks thanks to WallChange.

You need to have Dragon Force and know to use it. Once again, you're looking at things from the perspective of someone who already knows what to do. If you already know what to do, every RPG is easy.

Wait, the Cave of the Gi is hard ? That's a first. And no, I don't see how you'd run short on items at that point, either. Item shops aren't rare in FFVII, and you'd have to do something stupid like wasting your gil on HP Pluses materias not to be able to keep a healthy supply.

Item shops are rare in the Cave of the Gi, it's at a point in the game where gil has not yet become stupidly easy to acquire and where a lot of very tempting new materia is introduced. Once again, you're looking at everything with hindsight. You have to know to stock up on ethers and phoenix downs and hi-potions.

I'll give you Confusion, though Yuffie's Conformer is unaffected by the status, and the availability of the Ribbon accessory / Added Effect make it a non-issue. FFIX doesn't have a Ribbon-like ability, and you can only get it very late in FFX (plus, you'd have to play the International/PAL version).

The ribbon is acquired quite late in FF7, too. And once again, hindsight. You can't have all defensive abilities all the time, so you have to know when to use it.

Besides, you don't have to know the ins-and-outs of the materia system to get through the game just fine. As I said, All+Restore does not demand a heavy brainstorming, as does equiping things like Double Cut or Enemy Skills.

In fact, the materia system only makes things easier, since you can easily interchange materias from one character to another. You didn't level RedXIII before Cosmo Canyon ?... ...No problem, just slap on him the materias you leveled, and he's a beast. Compare to parts in FFVI, FFIX or FFX in which you're forced to play characters that you potentially didn't use, and you'll come to the conclusion that FFVI, FFIX and FFX are harder.

Once again, you miss the point of "relative"

True, but this doesn't make FFX easier than FFVII. FFVII hands the ultimate weapons on a silver platter.

FF7's ultimate weapons are comparable to FFX's nerfed abilities like HP limit break and damage limit break.

You know what I'm talking about. The mechanics behind building the Aeons' Overdrive gauges and the ones behind the building of your characters' Limit gauges is essentially the same. You can take some time to prepare a Meteorrain, in the same way you build up the Aeons' gauges before boss fights.

I don't call spending several battles building up a limit gauge and then starting over again "spamming". Aeons can be very useful even when their overdrive gauges are empty; they're powerful and save the player from being killed. They're very spammable.

That's right, you can't compare them : thanks to Magic Hammer, you can keep using Beta again and again throughout the battles, whereas Aeons are instantly killed by the later bosses - allowing each of them only one action.

And what about the earlier bosses? And what about how they're a very cheap shield? And what about the fact that most enemies in FF7 have low MP, making magic hammer less useful than it could be. And what about teh number of difficult enemies in FF7 that are resistant to fire?

You must be kidding. Yojimbo could be efficient against random enemies, but not against bosses that require a Level5 Zanmato (almost all of them). And to reach such a level, you have to hand the Aeon hundreds millions of gil. Not very practical, don't you think ?

I recall Yojimbo turning up very often indeed. Perhaps our different experiences are because of that thing that Seifer said.

If you're gonna talk about exploits like this, need I remind you that Cait Sith's slots can be controlled so Game Over works in every boss fight ? No improbable amount of gil needed, there.

Didn't you read the bit about how this requires you to use Cait Sith? Aside from the fact that the amount of luck/timing ability you need to be able to use Game Over reliably is ridiculously high, the fact that it requires Cait Sith to be in the party makes it very impractical. Most players don't even know that it exists.


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #70 on: 2011-06-19 16:56:50 »
My take on the order of how hard the Final Fantasy games are. As I have just played most of them for the first time....

IX) Hardest game of them all! There was points in the game where I would emerge from a cave not knowing there was an alternative exit, I would be met with the hardest enemy's ever. This was made even worse, by the fact that you must spend allot of time scraping for scraps the whole game so that you may participate in a few auctions :(. Not counting the randomly overly hard bosses, one boss I would kick his butt, the very next boss fight I'd get walked all over. :|

VIII) This one is kinda cheating (My second playthrough ever) as it has been awhile I immediately fell into the newbie trap. What is the newbie trap you ask? Well simple...I must have level grinded squall (alone) for days! It's what I do in an RPG I sit there, pick up my PSP and battle a few hundred times. I avoid walkthroughs like the plague, and I had somehow forgotten a vital piece of info concerning FF8. Never level UP EVER!!!
Needless to say I was getting my a** handed to me by the nearest chatterpiller :(. I am not going to go into the convoluted menu system...or ridiculiously meesed up junction system. But, I can understand how many ways a person can "break" the system, or make it be the easiest game in the world if you know what you are doing. But not from a newbie perspective...

X) I dislike X. But the "challenge" missions are waaay to hard. Even with maxed out stats :(.

VII) A decently hard game, especially when going up against the weapons :/ I agree from a newbie standpoint the game is quite difficult.

I) The only thing that makes this game hard is that stupid cave where you are trying to get the crown. Other then that, the random encounter rate forces you to become a demigod fairly quickly.

II) Suffers from "elder scrolls" style level up. The more you do, the more you gain. Pretty easy to break the system even for a beginner :/.

V) Kinda hard till ya get to the end. Fighting the three "red dots" a few times breaks the combat system.

IV) Nothing notable, cept' when you get to the moon; Gets kinda hard then.

III) Worst game ever made (DS Version). Only hard in the aspect of being a very ugly game.

VI) Interesting title....The over abundance of miscellaneous characters, combined with sum jacked up moves makes this game very very easy. The ridiculous encounter system ensures that your favorite character is in-fact christ reborn. I'm not going to even go into the sheer number of weapons and ability's each character has. But I will try and list a few. Not that you would need them (Think of bringing the full Arsenal of the Russian Empire to a watergun fight) I'm talking about...

crossbows, swords, fists, shape shifting, summoning, mechs, claws, kitanna's, axe's, shurikens, lances, dogs, beasts, rods, maces, boomarangs, clubs, cards, brush's, scrolls, +much much more :/

It's like your a walking item shop for the entire Final Fantasy Series :) Anyone that thinks this game is "hard" is on the crack pipe.

« Last Edit: 2011-06-19 17:01:58 by Mako »


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #71 on: 2011-06-19 17:04:39 »
Anyone that thinks this game is "hard" is on the crack pipe.

Good thing I've been sticking to meth then.


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #72 on: 2011-06-19 19:24:02 »
X wasn't "way too hard", it was a welcome change with those sidequests from the piss easy ones we usually get with FF games.


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #73 on: 2011-06-19 20:00:18 »
Final Fantasy 4 (Nintendo DS version) was the only hard Final Fantasy i have played lately..
i remember having major difficulties on Final Fantasy 6 many many years ago aswell... when i 1st got into the world of ruin with no chars and no idea what to do it got pretty tough.


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Re: Hardest games you've ever played?
« Reply #74 on: 2011-06-19 21:27:47 »
X wasn't "way too hard", it was a welcome change with those sidequests from the piss easy ones we usually get with FF games.

Are you kidding me!?  Chocobo Catcher Race, The Butterfly Hunts and dodging 200 Lightning Strikes in a row!? Not to mention the challenge events, with bosses (Nemesis)exceeding over 10 MILLION HP!!!??? With the ability to heal!? In fact just a quick search results in a billions angry fans fustrated and convinced that this cannot be done.

I doubt any new person to the Final Fantasy series would consider this game easy...or "not hard".