Author Topic: [FF7PSX] Final Fantasy VII: Revisited (Demo 1)(Download Missing)[DEAD]  (Read 70847 times)


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The files do exist on an old laptop hard drive in a closet, but I have no plans to revive this project.  Sorry!

Final Fantasy VII:  Revisited
Final Fantasy VII Revisited is a mod that alters many of the games areas.  These areas include:
-Attacks, Spells, and Summons.  Revisited has new attacks including Wind, Water, and Holy spells available to the player.
-It has all new menu/battle Items.  New items enable the player to cast new and powerful effects on their party and enemies.  Item effects have also been modified in an effort to rebalance the game.
-It has new Weapons and rebalanced versions of vanilla-weapons.  Many weapons have Elemental or Status affinities in addition to stat bonuses.
-It has new Armor and rebalanced versions of vanilla-armor.  Much of the armor has Elemental or Status affinities in addition to stat bonuses.
-It has new Accessories and rebalanced versions of vanilla-accessories.  Many accessories have Elemental or Status affinities in addition to stat bonuses.
-It has new Materia.  Not only brand new material for new spells, but new Independent, Support, Command, and Summon material.
-Other changes to the Kernel include:  Start the game at level 20 (as will your enemies) start the game with different materia and items, and other changes.

-Characters have unique and distinct Stat and HP/MP Growth.  In Vanilla VII you may not have been able to tell characters apart by looking at their stats alone.  In Revisited, each character has their own strengths and weaknesses.
-Some Limit Breaks have been modified subtly, while others have been radically altered.  Some Limit Breaks can be Reflected, some inflict statuses, and others inflict Elemental Damage.  Each Limit Level has its own strengths and weaknesses.

-The Scene.bin has been extensively reorganized.  Tired of the same old Guard Scorpion every New Game?  Try defeating the Guard Golem if you dare!  Want to catch a Chocobo?  You might run into one of various Optional-Bosses who may relinquish their untold treasures!  Be careful in certain areas, you WILL encounter powerful Dragons, SOLDIERs, Golems, and others you may not be prepared for.  Miss the enemies you’re used to encountering?  No problem, they’re all still there except for the weakest creatures you never enjoyed fighting anyway.  Beware, your old foes won’t be easily dispatched through brute force alone.

-As a consequence to all these changes, there will have to be many Shop Changes.  You won’t be able to buy Diamond Bangles a mere 10 minutes after obtaining your first Gold Armlet.  Some items/materia/equipment will make an appearance earlier or later in the game than they used to.  Occasionally you may find a hidden gem in some obscure shop you never bothered to visit; This secluded treasure won’t be cheap, so make sure your priorities are in order.

-There will be at least several, possibly many text changes.  Various NPCs will volunteer nuggets of information that may actually prove to be useful.  Ignore their warnings and you may wander into a situation you’re completely unprepared for.
-I may or may not be implementing some of my own sense of humor into the text.  This may scare off many potential players, but no vital information will be changed.  It is highly likely that many of you won’t laugh at all, so provide feedback as videos illustrating text changes and other modifications appear.

The overall goal of this project is to provide the player with a bold new feel to their FFVII experience.  Battles will be difficult, but none will be impossible.  Some may be winnable with a variety of characters or strategies, while others may prove to be near-impossible without the proper party, equipment, and battle strategy.  I will be posting videos as I make progress.  I’m not accepting broad, big ideas to incorporate into the game, but feedback on possible tweaks, bugs, and game-breakers are welcome.

The demo includes:
*98% complete [KERNEL.bin patch]
*98% complete [SHOPMENU.mnu patch]
*90% complete [LIMTMENU.mnu patch]
*Scene changes up to the end of the second bombing mission [SCENE.bin patch]
*Text changes are not included

Final Fantasy VII:  Revisited Demo1 download - DEAD LINK
« Last Edit: 2020-02-07 15:54:23 by xLostWingx »


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: LW Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #1 on: 2011-02-16 23:19:53 »
Please keep the substance-lacking posts to a minimum.  Vgr I appreciate the enthusiasm but I want to be able to use this to keep track of my ideas so when I do some work on the project it will be easier to remember what I meant/wanted.  No need to respond.

I was wondering if I can delete whole scenes and use copies of other scenes.  For example, delete scene 101, 102, and 103 and use let's say scene 118 for all three.  I can't think of any reason why not, but I guess I will have to test it.  If I did this then I could delete entire enemies and increase the population of powerful-type enemies.  This would mean less or no Kalm Fangs, Muus and Levikrons and more or many more Red Dragons, Midgar Zolems, and Stilvas.  Of course this may not work, but I intend to find out.  I am hesitant to remove content from the game though - I like the game so much that the thought of removing something from it seems wrong.  But if this works I am almost certain this is what I will do.  It will fit nicely with starting the game with moderately powerful characters.  This will make the character differences more apparent and also increase the need to place the proper equipment on the characters.  Killing 4 birds with 1 stone  :-)

I can delete scenes and replace them with already existing scenes.  Also it appears that I can replace any scene with any scene - the rules aren't what I thought they were.  This is good.  I actually recorded a test (very crappily, haven't made recording for months) showing Eagle Gun and Wolfmeister in Hojo's Lab and King Behemoth in the Elevator.  He killed me so I didn't get to see if an Allemange would float down for the 2nd stage of the battle.  Here it is
« Last Edit: 2011-02-17 02:03:54 by xLostWingx »


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: LW Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #2 on: 2011-02-20 17:49:08 »
**Scene0 in PrC is Scene1 when SceneReader unpacks them.  Scene = PrC x+1.  These are unpacked scene numbers not PrC numbers.  Remains to be seen what happens when replacing Chocobo as far as encounters go.  I won’t be replacing all of these, but this will be useful as my reference list.  It only totally removes like 4 or 5 enemies total and I don’t think any are important.  Near all of the scenes listed here contain enemies located in other scenes for that area so enemy skills should not be a problem.  If everything works the way I think it does, then the Chocobo Lure Materia will lure the enemies that I stick in the Chocobo’s place as well as the Chocobos from untouched scenes.  This will effectively make the Chocobo Lure a Optional-Boss Lure materia as well.

Code: [Select]

Here are the changes.  Remember, if you are looking at them in Proud Clod, the numbers are 1 higher.
« Last Edit: 2011-03-11 21:21:24 by xLostWingx »


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[WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #3 on: 2011-02-25 07:38:48 »
I got the character growth curves taken care of.  I will add information on the stat changes later on.  There is actually a lot to update everyone on, but I will do that tomorrow.  For now, I just wanted to add this video of a test.  Obviously the mod is nowhere close to being complete, and everything in this test video is no exception.  I just wanted to see how the text changes work (I don't intend to keep the changes I made, they were mostly for my own amusement).  I plan on working on the Limit Breaks next because they won't take long and its still new and exciting to work with Libre at this point in time.  This is subject to change, but I will probably work on the Accessories, then Armor, then Items, then Weapons, then Attacks, then Materia, and then the Scene.bin - basically from least to most tedious.  There are still many things to test  and research before I can move forward without risking bugs, but I've been learning a great deal over the past several days.  I read through Terrence Fergusson's Mechanics guides and have been testing the various capabilities of PrC.  Hopefully I will soon be able to move past the learning/testing phase and begin the modding and testing with confidence phase.  Anyway, here is the video.  Comment if you will, but like I said, the final version may not bear any resemblance to this test.
« Last Edit: 2011-02-26 03:31:47 by xLostWingx »


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FFVII: Revisited - UPDATE
« Reply #4 on: 2011-02-28 20:39:00 »
Well I've been extremely busy with school for the past week, but I've sacrificed some sleep to continue making progress with the mod.  I have completed the Accessories, Armor, and Items as well as the Character Growth/Stat changes.

As far as accessories goes, there are three broad categories of accessories:
-Those that protect against status changes or automatically inflict supportive spells such as Haste, Wall, Berserk etc.
-Those that are elemental in nature - Fire Ring, Ice Ring, Tetra Elemental etc.
-And those that increase individual or multiple stats - Power Wrist, Earring etc.

I've paid special attention to each and every accessory so even though some old accessories make an appearance, their effects are not exactly what they used to be.

I've spent a good bit of time on the armor system in this mod.  There are Physical Character only armors (called Bangles or Guards), Magical character only armors (called Armlets, Bands, and Bracelets), and there are certain armors that can be equipped by either type of character (Bracers, and some unique armors).  Cloud, Barret, Tifa, and Cid can only equip Bangles, Guards, and Bracers.  Aeris, Red, and Vincent can only equip Armlets, Bands, and Bracelets.  Cait Sith (a defensive/supportive type character) can equip all types of armor with a few exceptions.  Yuffie is a unique case an I’ve allowed her to equip most Physical armors (except for the heaviest ones:  Steel, Gold, Adamant) and a few magical ones (except for the most magic-boosting ones).  Why?  She is the only character that lacks a clear inclination towards Strength or Magic because her stats revolve around Speed and Luck.  Cait Sith, being a defensive/supportive character, a doll/robot/RC moogle with unique Limits can equip most armor because I think it will encourage players to use him for his designated purpose. 

Items…what to say about items.  Well At first I was just going to quickly balance some attack items and add a new one here and there, but once I got to work on the items I quickly became enthralled with the possibilities.  Consequently, I have designed and added at least a dozen new and unique items.

Mega-Phoenix – Revives all dead allies
Mega-Potion – Restores HP to all allies
Shroud of Smoke – Steals gil from enemies (untested)
Gambler’s Greens – Available for purchase at Choco-Billy’s green shop.  Give me a better name if you got one, but these things (Rotten Gamblers Greens, Ripe Gamblers Greens, and Hydroponic Gamblers Greens) will deal a random amount of non-elemental damage to whatever enemy you choose to use them on.  More expensive, higher quality gamblers greens deal more damage and may deal harmful statuses.
Gigas Fruit – Transforms character into a Giant (like Cait Sith’s Limit, it absorbs the stats of other characters.  Does not always ‘Transform’ the user though).
Choco-Steroids – Billy’s got a bit of a blackmarket in my game.  These choco-steroids, when injected into a party members, will cause the party to receive their Limit Breaks (still experimenting with this to see if I can make it affect all party members.  Seems stupid if Cloud uses it, but Aeris and Tifa get their Limits and Cloud doesn’t).
Lucky ‘7’ Greens – The senile old Chocobo Sage has these.  They cause 1111 per materia equipped on the target.  Whats the point?  Well to see if you can give yourself Lucky 7s off course.
Heroes’ Sacrifice – This Item works like a Hero except it works on the whole party.  Only downside is that it will deal a sizeable amount of Holy Damage to your party, so be prepared.
Phoenix Pinion – This will cast a flame attack on the enemy while at the same time reviving party members and restores HP based on the damage dealt to enemy. This one is untested.
Stellar Curtain – This is just a Lunar Curtain and a Light Curtain rolled into one.
Second Chance – This item toggles the statuses Death Sentence and Deathforce.  If you have a Death Sentence, you can remove it.  If you don’t have the Deathforce effect on a party member, this will cast it on them.  Careful not to use it at the wrong time to give yourself a D. Sentence or remove Deathforce.
Berserker Blood – Drinking the blood of the Berserker will cast Haste, Wall, Berserk, and Lucky girl on the target.
Tissue – Yes the tissue…you can use this thing now.  What does it do?  Well its got about a 1/8 chance of causing Peerless, but it also has a 1/8 chance of causing Near-Death.  Use it and get Peerless, good job, use it and get Near-Death, that sucks.  Use it and get both, well it doesn’t matter that your HP is low because you’re invincible.  What are the suggestions for an appropriate % chance of these effects?  Its at 12.5% if I understand the Status Chance xx/63 correctly (Each incremental increase raises chance by 3.125% until 32 it is 100%).

So there it is.  I won’t go into detail on the armor and accessories, but I wanted to share these items and get some ideas.  I think they’re all pretty sweet, and they won’t be easy to obtain.

« Last Edit: 2011-03-01 22:09:15 by xLostWingx »


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #5 on: 2011-03-01 02:25:27 »
Why is everything purple?  Might I suggest keeping it all black, and then when you add something new you keep only that part in purple?


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #6 on: 2011-03-01 21:58:54 »
I've been putting off working on the weapon with WallMarket and instead have been putting some ideas down on paper.  Now I have some info on what I'll be doing with the weapons, some questions, and hopefully a great feature to add to the mod.


There will be 4 broad categories of weapons:  Standard, Elemental, Status, and Special.
Standard weapons will be just that.  These weapons will have materia slots, atk power, hit%, a crit%, and perhaps some minor stat boosts.  Basically these are how the weapons are in the original game.
Elemental weapons will have an elemental attack property eg. Shock Blade – Bolt Elemental.  These weapons may also carry stat boosts associated with the element (Bolt is associated with Dexterity, [Fire=Str], [Ice=Mag], [Earth=Vit], [Water=Spr], Wind=Luk).  So the Shock Blade might have a bonus of [Dex +10]. 
Status weapons will be rare but valuable.  I don’t intend to go crazy adding Peerless and Petrify or other overpowered Statuses to weapons, but Aeris will have some weapons that can be used on your party to inflict Barrier, MBarrier, Regen, and others.  This has potential to become overpowered, but I have some ideas to prevent that from happening.  An example from FFVII:  Lost Wing is the Nailbat.  The Nailbat had the Darkness status attached to it.
Special weapons will carry the special damage formulas (Missing Score uses amount of AP on Materia equipped on weapon).  These weapons will usually have high atk power and other special effects depending on the weapon in question.  The Buster Sword (no longer initially equipped) has high atk power and the highest crit% of all Cloud’s weapons.  Often these weapons may carry additional effects and stat bonuses.  There will be no ultimate weapon, but depending on your battle strategy, some weapons will serve you more than others.

The Weapons for magic oriented characters won’t resemble the traditional weapons in many ways.  Due to the fact that the magical characters will always be at a disadvantage when physically attacking, it makes little sense to pay most of your attention to the Atk power of a weapon that will likely not be used for attacking.  This means that the focus will be on material slots and special effects.  That’s not to say there won’t be weapons that you can help magic users become average attackers, but don’t count on them.

For reasons I will discuss shortly, certain characters may have to share certain weapons.  For example, Cid and Aeris may share two or three weapons.  Rods/Spears...close enough (at least considering the benefits).  Cait Sith and Tifa may share some gloves as well.  Why, you may ask, am I doing this?  Allow me to explain.

Throw System

I’m going to expand the throw command to some degree.  Usually you can toss whatever weapon you like (a few exceptions) at the enemy and cause a good deal of damage.  Unfortunately you work hard to get those weapons, and in FFVII:  Revisited, you will be working even harder for them.  So now, there will be a separate set of weapons specifically designated for throwing, a store for buying throwing weapons, and some high powered throwing weapons you can get from certain enemies.

Elemental Throwing Weapons will include, at least, the Fire Ball, Ice Ball, Bolt Ball (think FF Tactics).  I’ll use Yuffie’s Superball graphic for these and give them appropriate attack textures.  Depending on what happens with the weapons, there is a possibility of Earth, Water, and Poison Balls too.  There will also be a throwable (may be the same as the equippable) 4-Point Shuriken, Razor Ring, Rising Sun, and Oritsuru.  It should be pretty cool, but I have two questions.

Q:  When you throw a weapon, does it carry an Element or Status?  If not, this won’t be nearly as fun.

Q:  Is there any way to make an item appear in the Throw Menu besides the item being a weapon?

EDIT:  The Weapon Model IDs are character specific.  This complicates some things, but it's still workable.

« Last Edit: 2011-03-01 22:41:43 by xLostWingx »


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #7 on: 2011-03-04 07:13:32 »
Regarding the throw system.  I am just going to have 1 weapon from each character become a throw-exclusive item.  Its not nearly as cool as the previously mentioned system, but it still accomplishes the same purpose.

As far as project progress goes, I have Cloud's and Tifa's weapons taken care of.  With the completion of these two weapon sets, the ease with which I can complete the remaining weapons increases.  Once I complete the remaining weapons, I have to work on the attacks, and the materia and then the kernel will be complete.  Then I will work on the Limit Breaks.  I will then work on the shop menu and text.  The scene.bin is being saved for last.  Once everything else has been determined, the scenes will be capable of being edited for maximum balance.  I might have to work on the scenes and the shop menu and the modified text simultaneously, but this isn't much of a problem....just reduces efficiency to a certain extent.

So here is another test video.  Phase III testing will basically be a complete First Reactor mission.  The Phase II video shows a lot of content featured in Revisited, but the next video should provide a nice sample of exactly how Revisited will feel when complete...although it won't be a perfectly representative sample considering many features won't be shown in the Reactor Mission since it is the beginning of the game.

Here is the video.  Enjoy!
A brief summary of weapons per character mostly for myself.  Cloud--Various types of weapons.  Standard weapons, Status Weapons, Elemental Weapons, Special Damage Formulas.  Tifa--Similar to Cloud, Average Crit% Higher, More Use of alternate damage algorythms.  Barret--Long and Short range weapons, multiple target weapons, barrier ignoring weapons.  Red--Many elemental weapons, some physically oriented weapons.  Aeris--Support status inflicting weapons, healing weapons.  Cait Sith/Cid/Yuffie/Vincent--TBD  Yuffie's may be like Tifa's and Cloud's with less ATK POW, Vincent's may inflict statuses, Cid's may make use of strange/rare damage algorythms, and I really don't know what to do with Cait Sith's...he has some advantages over other characters in terms of equipment, so maybe he will have basic weapons with only a few exceptions.
« Last Edit: 2011-03-06 21:30:07 by xLostWingx »


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #8 on: 2011-03-08 21:03:29 »
Awesome project, can't wait to play it ;). Good luck and keep up the great work!

By the way, I would suggest to keep the original avatars because I prefer them and probably many other people too. Or at least, you can release a version with the original ones and other with custom avatars. Just my opinion.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #9 on: 2011-03-08 21:49:33 »
The version he's releasing it is made so you decide if you want some or not, and to not applying all if wanted.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #10 on: 2011-03-09 03:34:43 »
Yeah thats what a lot of people say.  Thats why its good that the character portraits are optional.  Don't want em, don't need to have them.  Thanks for taking interest.  I'll keep you updated.

Weapons are finished - or 99% finished.  I need to test them in game to make sure they do what I designed them to do.  Yuffie has weaker weapons throughout most of the game, but towards the end she has several excellent weapons.  Cait Sith has fairly weak weapons in terms of physical strength, but his materia slots number higher than other characters' weapons on average.  Cid's weapons are pretty powerful, but don't offer many special bonuses.  Vincent's weapons inflict statuses and are moderately powerful even though he is a magic-type character.  I may as well bump this and elaborate on the characters strengths and weaknesses.
« Last Edit: 2011-03-10 19:37:22 by xLostWingx »


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #11 on: 2011-03-09 20:40:50 »
Oh, and I want to add that this is mod, as soon as it is released, will be converted to the PC version by me. Said so, one day or two of waiting after the release.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #12 on: 2011-03-10 20:13:18 »
Cloud - Fairly balanced.  More kills required to unlock limit breaks than others.  Has variety of standard, elemental, status, and special weapons.  Recieves low stat boosts from weapons.  Can equip physical armor.  High Strength, Low Vitality.  Low Moderate - High moderate other stats.

Tifa - Also balanced.  Fewer status weapons.  Relatively high Critical%.  Recieves moderate stat boosts from weapons.  Can equip physical armor.  High Strength and Dexterity, Low Vitality and Luck.  Moderate other stats.  She is almost a faster, less powerful Cloud with less HP.

Barret - High Strength and powerful weapons.  Few elemental and status weapons.  Recieves Low stat boosts from weapons.  Can equip physical armor.  High Vitality and HP, Low Dexterity and Magic.  Many of Barret's stats are low, but he has High Strength, High HP, and Powerful weapons.

Red - Red is the slightly more defensive/supportive magic user.  Many elemental weapons.  Can equip magical armor.  He has high HP for a magic user and decent Vitality.  There is potential to use him as a physical attacker given the elemental nature of his weapons.

Yuffie – High Dexterity and Luck.  Weapons are moderately powered and give moderate stat bonuses.  Moderate Strength and Magic but Low Vitality and Spirit.  She has fairly Low HP and can equip many physical and magical armors.  Yuffie may seem weak early in the game, but will become a great asset later in the game.

Cait Sith – Defensive type character.  Can equip most physical and magical armors.  Cait Sith is High in Vitality and Spirit but has relatively low Strength and moderate Magic.  His Limit Breaks occur often and the ability to equip most equipment can increase his value further.  His weapons give relatively powerful stat bonuses.

Aeris – High Magic and Spirit.  Aeris has the highest Magic, MP, and Spirit of all the characters.  In exchange for such power she suffers greatly in Vitality, Speed, Luck, and Strength.  She also has the Lowest HP in the game and requires a bit more damage to get her Limit Breaks.  She has many weaknesses, but will spend most of the game capable of dealing more damage than most other characters.  Her weapons deal positive statuses to party members, but have low stat bonuses.  Can equip magical armors.

Cid – Cid is a somewhat balanced character.  He has relatively high Strength, Vitality, and Spirit, but each of these stats is lower than at least two other characters.  He suffers from Low Dexterity, Luck, Magic, and MP.  His weapons are more powerful than many weapons, but he receives few stat bonuses.  He can equip physical armors.

Vincent – Vincent is an offensive type character.  He has moderately high Strength and Magic, but quite low Vitality, Spirit, Luck, and HP.  He can equip magical armor and his weapons inflict negative statuses on the enemies.  His Limits are relatively easy to fill up, but it will not always be in your best interest to activate them. 

I must mention that I am reworking the Limit Breaks in a variety of ways.  I am changing how much damage is required for most Limits.  I am changing the # of kills required for most Limits.  I am changing the order of some Limits and adjusting the power of most Limits.  Some characters may seem weak but may use powerful Limit Breaks often, or have special skills not possessed by other characters.

Long Range has also been taken into consideration.  The more long-range weapons a character has, the fewer advantages in other areas.  Half of Barret’s weapons are Long-Range so he doesn’t get handicapped as often as Yuffie and Vincent.

There are many considerations to be made when choosing parties.  If you had Cloud, Barret, and Tifa you could certainly deal some serious damage provided your enemies don’t have high Vitality.  However, you will likely experience some serious damage when hit by magic.  If you have Aeris, Red, and Vincent you could certainly barrage your enemy with many powerful spell, but enemies with High Strength will rip you to pieces.  If you chose to have Barret, Cait Sith, and Cid you would be safe from being Annihilated, but may be unable to deal sufficient damage to your foes.  Choose your party wisely, and you will always have the advantage over enemies.  Choose your party poorly, and you won’t live to tell about it.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #13 on: 2011-03-11 07:09:55 »
I need some input.  Concerning independent materia such as HP Plus, Luck Plus etc. - There are 7 materia:  MP Plus, HP Plus, Speed Plus, Magic Plus, Luck Plus, Counter Attack, Cover.  The available uses for these materia are the above MP, HP, Dex, Mag, Luk, Counter, Cover, but also Strength Plus, Vitality Plus, Spirit Plus, and if there are others please let me know.  The problem is, which 7 of these should be used. 

Definetly Staying - HP Plus and Magic Plus.

Probably Staying - Counter Attack, Cover, Luck Plus

Probably Replacing - MP Plus, Speed Plus

Probable Replacements - Vitality Plus and Spirit Plus

These are just what I think will blend best with the game, but by replacing Counter Attack and Cover, I could have all stats except for Strength Plus.  And there are other possibilities.  I just wanna see if anyone has any opinions on this.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX) Phase III Testing
« Reply #14 on: 2011-03-14 08:58:17 »
Here is part 1 of Phase III testing.

Here is part 2 of Phase III testing.
« Last Edit: 2011-03-14 09:49:55 by xLostWingx »


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #15 on: 2011-03-15 15:27:55 »
Will you keep that "secret" menu below "Save" in the final result of the mod? Just wondering.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #16 on: 2011-03-15 15:29:06 »
It's a cheat code, so you have to enable it yourself.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #17 on: 2011-03-16 09:33:09 »
Yeah the hidden menu option is a cheat.  I was just using it for ease of testing.

The kernel is nearly complete.  I only have to finish some enemy skills, finish the materia, and double-check everything and I will finally be able to work on other things.  The Limit Breaks will come next, followed by Shop changes, then Text or Scene changes (or both at once).  To be nearing completion of this kernel is blissful.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #18 on: 2011-03-17 16:53:36 »
Yeah I knew it but I was just wondering. Anyways, any progress?


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #19 on: 2011-03-17 17:00:35 »
not to sound like a d-bag  Tidus_654 but he just posted an update right above you man. Sorry xLostWingx I know you don't want people posting here in but I just had to say I am really looking forward to this mod. It's such a great idea and I can't wait to try it out. I'll help you out in any way I can in the future if ya need it.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #20 on: 2011-03-19 16:34:58 »
Kernel basically done.

Working on Shop Data right now.

Still saving Scene/Text for last - don't think I can use any help.


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Re: FFVII: Revisited - UPDATE
« Reply #21 on: 2011-03-19 17:27:13 »
Good ideas all-round. Just a few thoughts about items:

Choco-Steroids – Billy’s got a bit of a blackmarket in my game.  These choco-steroids, when injected into a party members, will cause the party to receive their Limit Breaks (still experimenting with this to see if I can make it affect all party members.  Seems stupid if Cloud uses it, but Aeris and Tifa get their Limits and Cloud doesn’t).

You won't be able to make this affect the whole party, I'm afraid.

The nearest thing you could do is create a non-animated spell (anim index FF) that uses the 'build limits' additional effect, then make every character's AI script counter 'Choco Steroids' with this limit spell. You'd see Cloud use Choco Steroids before his peers mimicked a spell cast, after which Cloud's limit would be built too.

It's clunky, but I always prioritize good mechanics over slick animations.

Heroes’ Sacrifice – This Item works like a Hero except it works on the whole party.  Only downside is that it will deal a sizeable amount of Holy Damage to your party, so be prepared.

With the right AI scripts, I believe this could actually diminish max HP. I like the idea of sacrificing health capacity for damage output.

Tissue – Yes the tissue…you can use this thing now.  What does it do?  Well its got about a 1/8 chance of causing Peerless, but it also has a 1/8 chance of causing Near-Death.  Use it and get Peerless, good job, use it and get Near-Death, that sucks.  Use it and get both, well it doesn’t matter that your HP is low because you’re invincible.  What are the suggestions for an appropriate % chance of these effects?  Its at 12.5% if I understand the Status Chance xx/63 correctly (Each incremental increase raises chance by 3.125% until 32 it is 100%).

A tip - the status 'near death' doesn't actually do anything. Inflicting it won't reduce a target's HP. You should use Demi's damage algorithm instead.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #22 on: 2011-03-19 17:51:01 »
About the Choco Steroids... What if Cloud is standing alone? :P


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #23 on: 2011-03-19 17:57:26 »
Hmm. I can't think of any way around that.

Some once speculated that the limit value is somewhere in the addresses the AI can modify, but I've never actually looked into it. If we found this, and could manipulate it as we expect, we could probably make an aurastone-like item. Otherwise, there's no way of implementing this.


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Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« Reply #24 on: 2011-03-19 18:03:43 »
Choco-Steroids - Alrite, my having to learn a bit of AI may indeed be inevitable.  From what you and others say, it opens up a million new options for character and enemy behavior.  It just sounds intimidating to someone with no experience working with code.  I did a lot with gameshark and thats it.

Heroes' Sacrifice - Diminishing Max HP would be great.  Would a look at Vincent's Transformations AI provide some insight on how to do this?  I was just dealing damage so that the increased damage wasn't free, but of course the player can always just heal afterwards, although the enemies in my mod will make each character's turn much more valuable than they used to be.

Tissue/Near-Death - Yeah I figured this out recently and have made the necessary changes.  I'm rather disappointed with the fact that I can't use it, Fury, and Sadness on the enemies  :|

Any idea if I can make Vitality Plus (replaced Speed Plus) and Spirit Plus (Replaced MP Plus) say 'Vit +10%' and 'Spr +10%' instead of 'Dex +10%' and 'MP +10%' in the materia menu?  I personally don't care much myself, but you've encouraged me to focus a bit more on some details I otherwise would have paid little attention to.  Glad you like the ideas, although if I start to practice with AI some of the ideas may improve since I have been forced to improvise in some areas.
« Last Edit: 2011-03-19 18:06:08 by xLostWingx »