Author Topic: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (  (Read 431092 times)


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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #325 on: 2021-08-31 09:30:04 »
This version does not seem to support "successful thefts".
I read the comment that 0.6b worked successfully but I cannot find that version.
Anyone can solve this problem?


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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #326 on: 2021-09-13 11:11:13 »
No, I don't think it ever worked on the steam version. I might be wrong.
There was a rather huge bug in the 1st releases after the steam version. I wouldn't use them, as they could break your game.


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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #327 on: 2021-10-08 18:47:06 »
Hello everyone,

I have a question about editing the Chocobo hot and cold tab.  This is currently disabled.  How can I enable it?  I play on the steam version with the Moguri mod installed.  It's really great to be able to edit the save file using the Memoria save editor while running a true mod like Moguri.  The file extension is a .dat file, in case that matters.  Thank you!


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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #328 on: 2021-11-30 13:33:08 »
This is a cool project. Why not publishing it on GitHub so others can help to improve it?


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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #329 on: 2022-11-13 10:03:03 »
Hello gjoerulv,

Did you plan on adding the Treasure Chests and other pickable items?

I know I asked you about it, years ago, and started working on finding them but I never went through with it (pages 2&3 of this very thread). Well, I didn't know back then, but the list was already made by Terence a long time ago:


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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #330 on: 2022-11-16 23:09:06 »
@aladore384 cool, cool. Seems like a lot of punching job though, and probably requires a lot of testing too. Don't expect anything anytime soon, though.
@Tetra That is probably a good idea.


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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #331 on: 2022-11-23 00:42:04 »
Any chance you can make the save editor compatible to newer version of ffix with Memoria mod ?
Newer version of memoria generates a slot file containing data fir Kuja . Lani, Frately separate from the main save file .
each dat file contains data of the game you have recently saved and definitely a lot smaller to map
here is how it looks

Kapten Teo

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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #332 on: 2022-12-04 16:57:31 »
This editor seems to only partially work for me. Card editing works, but items and character stats don't. I'm using the Moguri mod, so maybe that's why? The strange thing is that the changes still save and show when viewing the save file in the editor, but they don't once you're in-game.
« Last Edit: 2022-12-05 19:54:56 by Kapten Teo »


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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #333 on: 2023-01-07 03:09:18 »
As the @faospark friend just above said, is there a possibility to update the Save Editor? I tested it here and many options no longer work. For example the options of all items does not work anymore.

Any update forecast?


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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #334 on: 2023-01-07 14:01:17 »
I confirm that those issues are produced by the fact Memoria now uses a custom save file on top of the normal save file: there is no problem in reading datas for the save editor but the update of the datas is done only in the normal save file and not in the custom one. That is why the changes are not taken into account in-game.

As faospark showed, the normal save file "SavedData_ww.dat" is still there (it contains all the normal save slots), and additionally there is one custom save file for each save slot (+ the auto-save). This custom save file is similar to the normal save file but doesn't contain all the datas (for example it contains a registry "40000_Common" but it doesn't contain "30000_MiniGame", at least not yet). There also are a couple of differences for taking care of the features added by Memoria.

As always, the source file JsonParser defines the save file format. I'm here in any case to answer questions if you need, gjoerulv.


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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #335 on: 2023-01-12 10:22:17 »
Ye, Memoria assumes it's a "normal" save file and is based on absolute positions inside the files. This works fine for the PS1 save map. But the "quick-fix" for the re-release is just an update of indexes, basically, so any "custom-made" additions to the structure will naturally break it. Saving might be dangerous for mods, as it still changes the bytes at the absolute positions.

As-is, Memoria is not very user-friendly for mods.

Completely forgot about the GitHub. I'll see if I can make one.

Link to github

Oh, and thanks @Tirlititi ^^
« Last Edit: 2023-01-12 11:35:45 by gjoerulv »


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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #336 on: 2023-03-20 13:51:14 »
I'm trying to port my old PSX save to the Switch/Steam. I've opened my .mcr in memoria and exported the single save file. I then opened a Steam Save and tried to import the save but it says "wrong file size".

Is there any way to "convert" an old psx to steam/switch?


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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #337 on: 2023-10-12 01:18:36 »
Any plans on getting this to work with the PS4 version?


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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #338 on: 2023-12-14 13:16:00 »
Would it be possible to add a function that allows you to get a Kupo Nut as well? I have almost 100%, but now I'm missing a Kupo Nut that I can't get anymore.   ;((((


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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #339 on: 2024-08-20 15:21:48 »
Hi everyone!
Is this project still on?

I'm playing a PSX version of FF9 on Retroarch.
I was searching a solution online, not only to get rid of the "stats growing via equip" thing, but even to max out the stats as far as the game allows.
So, i've found Memoria Tool, but using it, I can only find direct values edits (base and total stats).
This "limit", makes the stats reset everytime a character levels up.
So, I'm asking if anyone has figured out how to edit the "stats growing via equip" values instead.
I already know that if i equip all the characters with their best gears, make 'em grind a bit and keep resetting the level via Memoria, I can reach the goal but maybe this is just the dumb long way.

Is there an alternative?

Thanks to anyone who's reading

And sorry if i'm rising a dead post from the grave...
« Last Edit: 2024-08-20 15:32:35 by MaxTheBerserk »


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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #340 on: 2024-08-26 17:32:11 »
Would it be possible to add a function that allows you to get a Kupo Nut as well? I have almost 100%, but now I'm missing a Kupo Nut that I can't get anymore.   ;((((

i found the address for the Kupo Nut.
Use the option Hexedit under the Tab Misc.
It worked for me if i set the address '00001F14' or '0x1F14' to 'FF'


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Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« Reply #341 on: 2024-08-29 16:14:32 »
It worked for me if i set the address '00001F14' or '0x1F14' to 'FF'

Ahh, nice!  :)

Hi everyone!
Is this project still on?

I'm playing a PSX version of FF9 on Retroarch.
I was searching a solution online, not only to get rid of the "stats growing via equip" thing, but even to max out the stats as far as the game allows.
So, i've found Memoria Tool, but using it, I can only find direct values edits (base and total stats).
This "limit", makes the stats reset everytime a character levels up.
So, I'm asking if anyone has figured out how to edit the "stats growing via equip" values instead.
I already know that if i equip all the characters with their best gears, make 'em grind a bit and keep resetting the level via Memoria, I can reach the goal but maybe this is just the dumb long way...
Not completely sure what you mean, here, I'm very rusty on this topic, sorry  :D (it's been a long time).

This may not be what you're referring to, but, in Memoria, each character has a "Misc" tab with "pools" pr stat.
If I'm not mistaken, these values are accumulated every time a character levels with equipment that boosts stats. So, let's say, you have equipment with a strength+1. When the character levels, it will add a certain percentage to increase strength. For example, if it gives + 10% str increase, it takes 10 levels with that equipment to accumulate +1 strength (it's a bit more complex; this is the tl;dr explanation). In Memoria, these pools have values from 0 - X, where X is the number that has to be surpassed to gain a +1 to that specific stat (I don't remember the value of X though... 999? 512?).
Each level-up adds to the pool if relevant equipment is equipped. Again, take this with a grain of salt, as I'm very rusty on this topic.  :P

EDIT: After reading this: it seems the "pool" number needs to be divided by 32, rounded down, to find the +stat value.

I'm pretty sure it's not possible via save editing to avoid resetting stats via leveling or changing equipment, as that's part of the game's code (which does consult the savemap to see if it's ok to not reset stats, if that makes sense).
« Last Edit: 2024-08-29 19:33:32 by gjoerulv »