Author Topic: Xfire  (Read 9697 times)


  • Covarr-Let
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Re: Xfire
« Reply #25 on: 2011-04-10 21:13:36 »
1. Steam can't broadcast videos live, it's true, but most Valve games have a little thing called Source Recorder, which can playback not just the original gameplay, but different camera angles if you program it afterwards.
2. Most games have their own in-game FPS measurement. All Source-engine games can be told to do this.
3. I have FFVII running through Steam. Overlay works and everything. You CAN add non-steam games, and they work fairly well for the most part.
4. I was only asking why people would use xfire for Valve's games. I can perfectly well understand it for games which don't necessarily use Steam, but games like Left 4 Dead and Team Fortress 2 ARE guaranteed to use steam, except for pirates.