Hello guys I'm new here.
I'm developing whith some friends a little project and I found in this forum a lot of wonderful stuffs.
I succeeded in exporting most of the combat model and all the background images from the game and movie clips..and last (few minutes ago) NPCs..
my problem is whith G.F. models.
I found for example the Ifrit boss model and model from all G.F. you can fight before obtain them..
what about other GFs? Where and how can I extract for example Shiva , Siren , Eden etc..(I'd like export animation too if possible..)
The only thing i found are those files from folder battle:
mag184_d.dat (99kb)
mag184_e.dat (56kb)
mag184_f.dat (1kb)
mag184_g.dat (1kb)
mag184_h.dat (98kb)
mag184_i.dat (1kb)
in mag184_d.dat (99kb) i found these textures(seems to be texture for the model):
texture 0
texture 1
texture 2
texture 3
and in mag184_h.dat (98kb) i found these:
which are supposed to be textures for ice effects of Shiva's attack
well.. i guess in mag184_e.dat(56kb) there is something interesting but I was not able to find out what and I hope someone in this forum can
Aniway i found similar groups of files which seems to be related whith G.F. animation:
mag186.. .dat should be Odin
mag190.. .dat should be Doomtrain
mag217.. .dat should be Gilgamesh (not sure)
mag325.. . dat Odin and Gilgamesh (i guess this is related to Odin's death animation..)
I found even Quezacotl textures but no model or animation in files related to mag115:
but i found something only in files .00 , 01 , 02 ,03 ,04 ,06 , 09 , 11 , 13 , 14 , 17 , 18 , 21 (the following textures)
even in this case some files have a mysterious content for example mag115_h.22(96kb)
I hope someone can help me
sorry for my bad english