Author Topic: Kingdom Hearts series  (Read 20493 times)


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #25 on: 2011-06-18 16:10:36 »
You're not re-sealing them. In fact, you're opening them back up, because Sora dun goofed, and sealing them was a non-solution which has prevented him from actually defeating the true villains.
I strongly suggest playing this game all the way through. The story REALLY picks up around the final act, and the battles get more fun once you have all of Sora's forms. Some of the later bosses are quite unique and exciting also.

I don't know about "unique". They're awesome, yes, but mostly it's all about watching the same scene playing again and again and keep pressing triangle and cross

But Final Form


My God do they know about the word "badass" and "stylish"


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #26 on: 2011-06-18 16:58:38 »
I don't know about "unique". They're awesome, yes, but mostly it's all about watching the same scene playing again and again and keep pressing triangle and cross
Clearly you don't remember Luxord. There was nothing buttonmashey about that boss, unless you wanted to lose.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #27 on: 2011-06-19 00:56:27 »
Luxord's battle was as crap easy as every other battle. Anyone with more gaming experience than totalbiscuit can play KH2 easily on hard and not even die once. The only difference he made was that he had a gimmick so instead of spamming triangle you pressed a few buttons after helplessly bumping around. Very difficult indeed. rolleyes.

The only thing KH2 did right was potential. The whole motivation of the villains, the characterization of the villains and even the protagonists is all questionable and mostly half-assed. Not to mention that they're really pissing on their own legs with some stuff.
Lets remind you of what they said in the beginning of KH1. That every star represents a world. And they just happen to casually fly from world to world and find clues and shit? Sorry but my suspension of disbelief only goes so far.

There's so much more wrong with the game. They keep a lot of the lore mechanics hidden so we don't discover all those plotholes they left. Though, truth be told, the game is not aimed at people who actually look for plotholes or a well-written plot with believable characters. It's aimed at a crowd of easily satisfied infinite-suspension-of-disbelief people which there are plenty but mostly belong to the younger generation. I know nobody my age with more than half-assed interest in stories that actually thought the story of KH was anything but crap.


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #28 on: 2011-06-19 01:29:04 »
Luxord's battle was as crap easy as every other battle. Anyone with more gaming experience than totalbiscuit can play KH2 easily on hard and not even die once. The only difference he made was that he had a gimmick so instead of spamming triangle you pressed a few buttons after helplessly bumping around. Very difficult indeed. rolleyes.
Never claimed it was difficult, just that it was unique and that you couldn't win by spamming the same two buttons the entire time. It's something that you won't necessarily be expecting the first time you run into it, and fairly fun.

The only thing KH2 did right was potential. The whole motivation of the villains, the characterization of the villains and even the protagonists is all questionable and mostly half-assed. Not to mention that they're really pissing on their own legs with some stuff.


There's so much more wrong with the game. They keep a lot of the lore mechanics hidden so we don't discover all those plotholes they left. Though, truth be told, the game is not aimed at people who actually look for plotholes or a well-written plot with believable characters. It's aimed at a crowd of easily satisfied infinite-suspension-of-disbelief people which there are plenty but mostly belong to the younger generation. I know nobody my age with more than half-assed interest in stories that actually thought the story of KH was anything but crap.
The motivation, at least on the part of the protagonists, is all about devotion. Sora is so devoted to Kairi that he will turn the world upside down twice over just to save her. King Mickey is so devoted to his responsibilities that he's willing to endanger himself and do leave behind those he cares about in order to do what has tobe done. Riku is in the first game devoted proving he's as good as Sora, and in the second game to redeeming himself.

The characters may not be terribly deep or complex, but the motivations ARE there, and fairly reasonable. Keep in mind, this ISN'T real life, they don't have the same problems as real people, and it doesn't make sense to hold them to realistic standards.

Lets remind you of what they said in the beginning of KH1. That every star represents a world. And they just happen to casually fly from world to world and find clues and shit? Sorry but my suspension of disbelief only goes so far.
It seems to me that you're not seeing the game for what it's attempting to be. This isn't some gritty mafia flick or world war 2 shooter. It was specifically designed to appeal to a sort of nostalgic charm, remind people of a certain childhood innocence and have that same warm feeling inside that they'd get from rewatching Beauty and the Beast years later. It's okay if something doesn't make sense in the real world, or if something isn't feasible; this is a game with talking animals and fairies, so space travel between small worlds is the least of what's unfeasible.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming Kingdom Hearts 2 is flawless. The entire playable Roxas segment of the game was dull as heck, there were definite plotholes and questions in need of answering (such as where the hell was DiZ during KH1) and just about everything except that teleporting cheapass Xigbar absolutely was on the easy side. But it's a pleasant escape from reality for ten to fifteen hours or so, a bit of magical fun.

Tenko Kuugen

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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #29 on: 2011-06-19 01:52:31 »
First of all, unique is too strong a word to use for gimmnickey effects like that. Sorry but that fight was a joke. The mechanics behind it are fairly simple actually and when you look at the AI it's even simpler than most other boss fights.

I don't care if you can suspend your disbelief but I think that characters should never be written in a way that they completely ignore extremely common aspects of the human personality. The whole devotion part is shoved down your throat, really so I actually call this as one of the bad points. It's the same thing, in every event in every game. "hurp durp my devotion keeps me going because power of friendship". Sorry, thats not how people act. Even CLOUD had better motivation than THAT.

And the characters are not deep or complex at all. I can write a more complex character in 20 minutes. And don't even get me started on the characters of the villains. DEAR LORD.

And I am looking at the story from an objective point. I did play the games, I did enjoy the game for what it was, but the story is nonetheless downright terrible. If not for childhood memories and disney memories of when I was little, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed this at all.

Also, an escape to  a magical world CAN be done without forcing you to suspend your disbelief of basically everything thats common sense. That comes with the setting in most cases, but this setting makes you believe that all worlds are connected and thus, some sort of basic universality has to apply to the realm of reality. However, that does not happen. There is so much they could have done with this setting and of all the possible choices they chose one of the most ridiculous. The colorful nonsensical adventure of teenagers.

I'm writing mostly adult fiction and thus complain about the story aspect of the game. Because I know it could have been done better even while keeping the general choice of the game, the magical adventure. Heck, I myself could do it better. And while I am not keeping the happy part, I AM writing my own KH2 plot. Dark and Gritty, but a magical adventure.

( no. I'm not porn. Just dark gritty stuff. By the way, dark and gritty has no fucking direct relation to mafia stuff or world war 2. There are plenty of media where the story is of the dark and gritty genre and has nothing to do with either )


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #30 on: 2011-06-19 09:45:51 »
Never claimed it was difficult, just that it was unique and that you couldn't win by spamming the same two buttons the entire time. It's something that you won't necessarily be expecting the first time you run into it, and fairly fun.
Luxord, maybe, but Xemnas?
Axel? Demyx? Xigbar?

Well, ESPECIALLY Xemnas. His was, like... what? "Press Triangle when something is blocking you, then get near him with triangle, THEN spam your cross, repeat until bored. After that play Gradius 3D (or was it before?) "

They're awesome (and in case of Sephiroth, badass), I have to give them that, but it's because Sora and Riku are even more flexible than Neo in his own Matrix. Take that part out and they're really just about button mashing (except Luxord, as you mentioned)

The motivation, at least on the part of the protagonists, is all about devotion. Sora is so devoted to Kairi that he will turn the world upside down twice over just to save her. King Mickey is so devoted to his responsibilities that he's willing to endanger himself and do leave behind those he cares about in order to do what has tobe done. Riku is in the first game devoted proving he's as good as Sora, and in the second game to redeeming himself.
It's too linear. I see that Sora's heart is in the right place, but he did all that not because of a reason. He simply did what he thought is best. The same goes for the other characters

I mean, they don't have any goal that they knowingly have, if you catch what I mean.
Let's break down their motivations:

Sora: "Kairi is in trouble! I have to save her by going to random worlds and smash thing up!"

Riku: "Damn, this guy is catching up with me, better do something awesome and stupid then"

Mickey: "The world is in trouble! I have to leave everyone clueless and watch from afar as they look for me!"

Donald & Goofy: "The king is away! We'll have to leave the girls alone and defenseless as we look for that stupid king!"

Organization XIII: "I want some heart, and bad. Let's throw some unfathomable plan and watch as they fail"

Pete: "I want to rock the party up! Let's take some random power the protagonists don't have and use it to fail!"

My awesome and badass Sora, the very guy who defeated Sephiroth, can't just capture Pete, because of what? Because the goddamned guy can freaking teleport! Between worlds I have yet to open! And where did he get that kind of power? Nobody had an idea

What is with this development? It's like Power Rangers or Super Sentai, where the bad guy gets a mechanism to go overdrive or something after he's defeated. If a weak obese guy can teleport, why can I only skate? If he can control the bugs in Re:Coded, why can't I? Especially after he crafted a freaking genie lamp with that?

It's not fair (and plain ridiculous) is what I'm saying. I'll trade Neo's flexibility with teleportation anytime


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #32 on: 2012-09-24 13:05:46 »


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #33 on: 2012-09-24 13:42:18 »
This is an amazing trailer! Thank you espio... I'm so excited this awesome series finally  comes on ps3!!!


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #34 on: 2012-09-24 14:15:34 »
When Kingdom Hearts was announced, I wasn't sure what to think. But when I started playing it, I was impressed. Square + Disney really did mesh together surprisingly well. It also helped that I was a fan of Utada Hikaru--I already had imported a few of her albums.

But strangely, I have yet to complete a KH game. In the first game, I loved exploring the island. Somehow I got bored when exploring the worlds after it. The areas to explore for each universe were too small, and there was less mystery to the world once you leave the island. Some worlds got better treatments than others, leaving me feeling like the whole experience was uneven. Much of the music was also a bit ... 'plain'.

Chain of Memories was cool on GBA. But I kept forgetting where I was going (I think partly due to the 2D graphics). Eventually I stopped picking this game up because the PS2 game was released. I kept an eye on the price but it never dropped enough for me to go play it, and I really didn't feel like starting over.

KH2 had an even slicker presentation than part 1, which was pretty impressive in the first place. Strangely, I actually enjoyed the Roxas part of the game better than the rest of it. It suffered many of the same problems as the original, though, and ultimately just couldn't hold my attention.

Then the series started going strictly portable. I played the two DS releases a little bit, but I played them far less than the PS2 and GBA releases. Maybe it's just me, but there was just something missing.


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #35 on: 2012-09-24 23:58:03 »
Well, I am currently playing Kingdom Hearts, the first one on PS2, and I don't like it so much. I prefer 358/2 Days or BbS.

Yeah, you should have started with KH1. I started with #2 and then played #1 and didn't like it, so I stopped playing it. But then I gave it another chance and really liked it. Stick to it.  You'll like it.


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #36 on: 2012-09-25 14:05:15 »
^That video sucks :P

This ones better:
I wasn't sure what Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix was. But now that I've looked it up, it's impressive and  might be exactly what I need to give the series another try. Plus I can finally get my hands on a 3D Chain of Memories that way.


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #37 on: 2012-09-25 16:04:03 »
This would be awesome never played the Chain of memories and also this KH1 is the Final mix version yay! i only played the original ^^ ah if only they included KH2 final mix...which exactly hasn't been translated to english but there was a fan translated everything to english in a patch i did it and yet not burned onto a disc yet after an year...maybe i would this time surely


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #38 on: 2012-09-25 17:41:54 »
I played Re:Chain of Memories, liked it a lot... it was my favorite in the series until Birth By Sleep came out. Go figure, the two have the deepest combat in the series (although I hear Dream Drop Distance is similar to BbS in that regard).

I'll probably pick this up at some point. I'm crossing my fingers that they've backported some of the camera fixes from 2 and later in the series, because 1 and Re:CoM both have a really terrible, unreliable camera that likes to point the wrong way and zoom too far in on things the player doesn't need to see, making combat way more tedious than it ought to be.


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #39 on: 2012-09-25 18:47:10 »
Yeah, you should have started with KH1. I started with #2 and then played #1 and didn't like it, so I stopped playing it. But then I gave it another chance and really liked it. Stick to it.  You'll like it.

I started with KH1 because of how everyone I talked to raved about it. I hated it. Never did care enough to finish and I still don't think the series is worth a second chance. Heck, I even played FFX twice (mostly to make sure I wasn't missing anything with how much I hated it).


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #40 on: 2012-09-26 12:35:59 »
Play 358/2 days (which somehow makes it 255 days) and you'll like it. That was my first KH game, and by far my favorite.


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #41 on: 2012-09-29 03:16:41 »
my friend loves kingdom hearts even though characters aren't super developed. though she is a huge fan of disney and loves the disney princesses


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #42 on: 2012-09-29 13:11:31 »
Play 358/2 days (which somehow makes it 255 days) and you'll like it. That was my first KH game, and by far my favorite.
Really? It was probably my least favorite. All the worlds felt so dead and empty, aside from whatever enemies you had to kill for your current mission.


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #43 on: 2012-09-29 16:31:59 »
Birth By Sleep on the PSP was alright


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #44 on: 2012-09-30 00:08:21 »
I have the first one and i couldn't finish it.
Was just too bored.


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Re: Kingdom Hearts series
« Reply #45 on: 2012-10-01 17:51:56 »