Author Topic: With or without Event-editing ?  (Read 1804 times)


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With or without Event-editing ?
« on: 2011-06-13 09:12:35 »
I'm in some sort of dilemna, here.

I started my project (which is some kind of hard mode, with many tweaks) with no event-editing in mind. The reasons are :

- I felt it wasn't really needed. There already are optional bosses (20+) in random battles in places you wouldn't normally visit (such as the beach near Midgar).

- The original's FIELD is not (too) broken, so why fix it.

- Easier installation of the mod since there will only be changes to FF7.exe (SHOP and LIMITMENU.MNU), SCENE.BIN, and KERNEL.BIN/KERNEL2.BIN.

- More stability for the game. No risk to have a "woops, something very bad happened !" crash when playing, because of a faulty event rewrite.

- Easier creation of the PSX patch, too.

- Earlier release of the mod.

...But I'm not sure if this is the "right" move. Field-editing would allow me to add "monster-in-a-box" battles, to fight NPCs, to make NPCs finally useful by handing the party items/gils/materia, to create new shops, to make a Save-Screen pop up before a boss battle (when there are no save points around, like before GI Nattak), and to make some events actually useful (like, earning some things by making Don Corneo choose Cloud or Aeris, in the Wall Market events, etc), ...

I'd like to know what you guys think. Hack7 and Makou Reactor allowing me to insert the same field editing in both the psx and the pc versions, it could be interesting. But that means more installation trouble and development time. Especially since I already designed it all without event-editing in mind (making more items available to the player means the possibility to destroy the balance I've been working on). But I'm OCD about making the best possible mod, and the better mod would be the one that adds modifications to the events. I really can't decide. Your thoughts ?


With the help of Tyrant_Wave from the GameFaqs message board, I decided to go with "no field editing" for now. I'll release the complete mod that way, then think about implementing field editing in a possible revision. We'll see.
« Last Edit: 2011-06-13 23:12:49 by Armorvil »