Author Topic: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*  (Read 16150 times)


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Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« on: 2011-07-16 17:12:35 »
So, was playing some FF8 (for the first time in my adult life. I'm noticing quite a few plot holes and things of that kind that doesn't quite make sense, so that I may be able to enjoy the game better. *Ahem*...

1) Cid was/is married to Edea, the main cast all grew all grew up in the same orphanage as Edea, her character model appears to be slightly older then the other kids. Yes Cid (is old and all) still went ahead and married her?! (Not really a plot hole just weird)

2) Here I am uncovering their lost past when they begin to question "how" they (the team) all forgot the same memories, seemingly at the same time. When out of nowhere Irvine blurts out "it's our GF's!?!" as they all begin to take this as fact, it begs the question... In a world with time manipulation, drawing magic, and space sorcerers, how in the heck did you pull that one out! There is not so much as even a hint of that up unto this point (second disc,) not only that but you guessed right on the first guess.

The rest of the party seemed to take this as set in stone. But WHY!? My first guess would have been jumping back and fourth though time.

3) Why in the heck would they send 3 newly graduated Seed's to kill Edea!? Blows my mind! So much is resting on this one point in the game, they leave it to teenagers! At first I thought they would like to remain covert. Then Rinoa's father says "we don't care if they know, we need the job done at all costs".

 At this point in the game she blatantly kills the president in-front of everyone. And she has yet to gain control of the military (since they supported Squall.) So with three gardens, an entire military, did they just send three kids!? :O If they did not care, and went for a full frontal assault (which they did) would they not use these immense resources available!? even if you forgo the "plan" she still killed the president in front of everyone! Even a hated president has some support.

I am only on the second disc!? I don't think this will end up on my "greatest hits" list at the rate this is going. =/

« Last Edit: 2011-07-16 17:17:57 by Mako »


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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #1 on: 2011-07-16 17:51:54 »

1) Cid was/is married to Edea, the main cast all grew all grew up in the same orphanage as Edea, her character model appears to be slightly older then the other kids. Yes Cid (is old and all) still went ahead and married her?! (Not really a plot hole just weird)

Not sure what you're hinting at here. Edea is significantly older than the children. Sorceresses don't age much; they have long lifespans.

2) Here I am uncovering their lost past when they begin to question "how" they (the team) all forgot the same memories, seemingly at the same time. When out of nowhere Irvine blurts out "it's our GF's!?!" as they all begin to take this as fact, it begs the question... In a world with time manipulation, drawing magic, and space sorcerers, how in the heck did you pull that one out! There is not so much as even a hint of that up unto this point (second disc,) not only that but you guessed right on the first guess.

The in-game glossary mentions public concern that GFs might cause memory loss.

3) Why in the heck would they send 3 newly graduated Seed's to kill Edea!? Blows my mind! So much is resting on this one point in the game, they leave it to teenagers! At first I thought they would like to remain covert. Then Rinoa's father says "we don't care if they know, we need the job done at all costs".

They didn't. Cid wrote a poorly defined contract that effectively said, "These SeeDs are in your disposal until Timber is free". It became clear that this meant killing Edea.

Also, they might be teenagers, but they're still SeeDs. Take them seriously.

I am only on the second disc!? I don't think this will end up on my "greatest hits" list at the rate this is going. =/

You think that's bad? Just wait until Dr Odine tries to explain the main antagonist's motivations.


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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #2 on: 2011-07-16 18:35:43 »
It is a very good game with a pretty cool story if you realise certain things later on.  Sure it has its daft plot elements but suspend disbelief to them, that is how you enjoy it.  Those things you mention are hardly a story breaker, and the story is mainly about a sociopath learning to love and give life a second try, not why memories were forgotten, that's just a side story.


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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #3 on: 2011-07-16 18:54:41 »
At this point in the game she blatantly kills the president in-front of everyone. And she has yet to gain control of the military (since they supported Squall.) So with three gardens, an entire military, did they just send three kids!? :O If they did not care, and went for a full frontal assault (which they did) would they not use these immense resources available!? even if you forgo the "plan" she still killed the president in front of everyone! Even a hated president has some support.


Edea DOES control the military force already... the plan was all decided by Galbadia Garden and Martin (Rinoa's father)
besides the plan was pretty much perfect for a "silent kill" however she blocks Irvine's shot with a magic barrier...
then 3 people charge... well seems about right.. i mean, Sephiroth tries to blow up the whole planet and only 8 people go fight him... Kefka actualy DOES fuck up the whole world and only ur party goes fight him...

Also as u can see here (skip to 04:25) people ARE fighting against each other.. those people consist of edea supporters<->people who want edea dead...

dont rly see anything wrong with the plot there


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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #4 on: 2011-07-16 19:04:16 »
They didn't. Cid wrote a poorly defined contract that effectively said, "These SeeDs are in your disposal until Timber is free". It became clear that this meant killing Edea.

Nopes. That guy came out of Galbadia Garden and told them right in front that their new objective "Killing the Sorceress" was the up most priority. Hence the gun and the whole plot. Still, they had support from all these groups (including timber) that I forgot. =/ You would think the entire planet's future could have been givin' a little more support.

On a side note, what really bugs me also is... In the prison, there was a guy in his cell, with items and weapons!? Literally a shop inside his cell! With no visible merchandise!? I can't even begin to comprehend what Square was thinking. This is supposed to be a super max prison! Geez :-( AND Apparently they let him make money too.

EDIT : -Ric-, I do understand there was some help. But even without Galbadia military (those who wouldn't help) they still had 3 schools of Seeds. In the first mission they went all out! An Army of Seed's was ever vigil. But against a 100x bigger threat they only send three =/
Remember Martin did not care if Edea found out. As long as she was dead.
« Last Edit: 2011-07-16 19:22:41 by Mako »


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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #5 on: 2011-07-16 19:08:19 »
On a side note, what really bugs me also is... In the prison, there was a guy in his cell, with items and weapons!? Literally a shop inside his cell!

there were red things running around called "Moombas" and the guy selling some leftovers is what u bugged u? >.> lol


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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #6 on: 2011-07-16 19:13:35 »
Yes, the guy locked up inside a prison. Has a full arsenal of items and equipment. I am going to forgo where he gets his stock (or how he funds himself) as it is standard in jRPG's. But to be a prisoner... too much. :P

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #7 on: 2011-07-16 20:25:07 »
All of these problems can be explained in one word:


In fact, I'm surprised that the SeeDs sent to save the world by killing Edea were so old. Usually, these kind of important jobs are left to people who have't started puberty yet.

The whole thing with Edea's age is, as NFI-kun said, a result of the fact that sorceresses don't age very much. That one isn't really a big problem. Neither is Edea killing the president. She probably had support from the Galbadian military long before that.

However, Mako is right about the GF/memory loss thing being weird. The game explains it, but it's a pretty obvious "get-out" for a story team who only realised at the last minute that it would be odd for everyone to have forgotten about their experiences. This kind of nonsense is common in FF (just like Tifa saying "I didn't want to cause any trouble" when asked why she didn't call Cloud out on his BS).

The prisoner with the weapons is also pretty odd, but it's another RPG trope; gameplay seems to beat realism yet again.


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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #8 on: 2011-07-16 20:46:28 »
All FF got some weird sh*t going on.

On the topic of the "kill Edea mission", one thing that is way off is when Quistis decides to go back and apologise to Rinoa. Coudn't It wait? I mean, they were on the spot, ready to do their job.
All of a sudden Quistis have regrets on how she scolded Rinoa earlier. As the fine leader she is, she commands both Selphie and Zell to follow her back to the mansion in order for her to say "I'm sorry". Of course when they get back Rinoa manages to lock 'em in (Yay, these guys are suppose help saving the world, and you lock 'em in. You go girl).
Once locked inside, instead of simply opening a window, or even busting the door, they try to find clues for how to get out lol. And boy is it a cryptic way to get out. Placing a glass in the hands of a statue. Isn't it obvious lol. Anyways, down in the sewer it's impossible to simply jump over to the other side. You have to do this hug-the-wall type of dungeon. /rant


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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #9 on: 2011-07-16 21:22:06 »
the story is mainly about a sociopath sensible, pragmatic, professional mercenary  learning to love and give life a second try put an entire Garden at risk for Rinoa and generally act like a hormonal idiot, not why memories were forgotten, that's just a side story.



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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #10 on: 2011-07-16 21:51:21 »
Disagreed. :P


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Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #12 on: 2011-07-16 22:06:47 »
On the topic of the "kill Edea mission", one thing that is way off is when Quistis decides to go back and apologise to Rinoa. Coudn't It wait? I mean, they were on the spot, ready to do their job.
All of a sudden Quistis have regrets on how she scolded Rinoa earlier. As the fine leader she is, she commands both Selphie and Zell to follow her back to the mansion in order for her to say "I'm sorry". Of course when they get back Rinoa manages to lock 'em in (Yay, these guys are suppose help saving the world, and you lock 'em in. You go girl).

All of these problems can be explained in one word:



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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #13 on: 2011-07-16 22:28:49 »

Not really :P I appreciate someones feeling as much as the next gal but... There is a time and place. She could have waited 20min. The whole "her father accidently locked Quistis in" was stupid...


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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #14 on: 2011-07-26 02:44:35 »
actually, FF8 is not really full of plot holes. it's full of bad story telling (not introducing key elements very well, like the glossary). the deus ex machina in this story gives me nightmares. like when when you first get the ragnarok.

i think they sent squall because he and his team were the only people available from balamb at the time. and it seems like all they needed to do was support the sniper who is irvine.


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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #15 on: 2011-07-26 18:41:13 »
Best thing 'bout ff8 is the music.


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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #16 on: 2011-07-26 21:06:22 »
Yes! And FF8 is one of the game I love the most!


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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #17 on: 2011-07-26 21:16:33 » NFI-kun said...

Wait, what? I didn't say anything yet. That was Bosola.

However, Mako is right about the GF/memory loss thing being weird. The game explains it, but it's a pretty obvious "get-out" for a story team who only realised at the last minute that it would be odd for everyone to have forgotten about their experiences. This kind of nonsense is common in FF (just like Tifa saying "I didn't want to cause any trouble" when asked why she didn't call Cloud out on his BS).

Man, if I had a nickle for every time a game pulled something like that on me I would have gotten filthy rich off of FFX alone.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Final Fantasy VIII Plot Holes *Major Spoilers*
« Reply #18 on: 2011-07-26 21:28:01 »
Wait, what? I didn't say anything yet. That was Bosola.

I was probably drunk when I said that. Or maybe I was reading two threads at the same time. Whilst being drunk.

Anyway, who cares? When you have an ass like mine, you don't need to know who's who. 8)