Hi, I followed various tutorials around the site, i've installed the 1.02 patch, aali's custom graphics driver, team avalanche's graphical overhaul and the custom cloud advent children models, my game ran fine except for I noticed that their were no sounds during the cutscenes, so I went to the forums and installed the ff7 music patch (using the easy installer) thinking it would fix it, however it when I ran the game it had the menu sound fx but no music at all
I uninstalled the patch, deleted the FF7MUSIC folder as well since that came with the installer but didn't delete during uninstallation. Before I uninstalled the patch I backed it up thinking that it might screw something up, which it did. Now I have absolutely no sound at all from the game, i'll post my ff7_opengl.cfg and anything you guys need to know to sort it out.
also, I am new to the whole ff7 pc modding scene but I'm experienced in installing mods for games and getting things to work in general on the computer yet I posted here since you guys are the expert at modding this game
My pc is running Windows 7 64bit
custom built, i3 540 processor, ati radeon 5770 HD gfx card, 1920x1080 native screen resolution (playing ff7 windowed mode 1200x900), 4gb ram, ff7 installed on my secondary 1TB hard drive since my first is only a 60gb SSD
running ff7 in compatibility for Windows 98 / Windows Me
i'm at the part where you go to junon city and meet mr.dolphin if that makes a difference lol
# ff7_opengl-0.7.8b config file
# mod directory
# subdirectroy of mods/ where textures will be loaded from
# does not affect the old external textures feature, those should still go in textures/
mod_path = none
# use shaders, if available and supported
# turn shaders off to use the OpenGL 1.1 backend
use_shaders = yes
# plugins
# a movie plugin is required, the music plugin is optional, but required to make FF7Music work
movie_plugin = plugins/ffmpeg_movies.fgp
music_plugin = plugins/ff7music.fgp
# vertex and fragment shaders
vert_source = shaders/main.vert
frag_source = shaders/main.frag
# YUV fast path shader
yuv_source = shaders/yuv.frag
# post-processing shader, used to apply fullscreen effects
post_source = shaders/bloom2.post
enable_postprocessing = no
# display frames per second counter in upper right corner
show_fps = no
# display some real-time debug information
show_stats = no
# set the window size (and fullscreen resolution) of FF7
# 0 means use original resolution (whatever ff7.exe provides)
# preserve_aspect adds black borders as needed to preserve a 4:3 aspect ratio
window_size_x = 1200
window_size_y = 900
preserve_aspect = yes
fullscreen = no
# prevent glitches due to rounding errors by rendering in the nearest (larger, if supported)
# multiple of the original resolution and up/down-scaling
prevent_rounding_errors = yes
# check your driver settings if this option doesn't seem to work
enable_vsync = yes
# limit snowboard, coaster and highway minigames to refresh rate / 2, i.e. 30fps for a 60hz display mode
# vsync must be enabled and working for this to have any effect
minigame_framelimiter = on
# same thing, but for the battle swirl
battleswirl_framelimiter = off
# replace FF7's default framelimiter timer source
use_new_timer = yes
# use a more stable (but less accurate) timer to control FF7's framelimiter
# this option has no effect unless the use_new_timer option is on
use_stable_timer = no
# allow FF7 to use linear filtering for its textures
# some things look slightly better with this option on, but alot of textures just lose their detail
linear_filter = off
# make all dialog boxes transparent, same effect as the transparent dialog boxes YAMP patch
transparent_dialogs = off
# allow max hp/mp to go over 9999, same effect as the YAMP patch by dziugo
break_9999limit = no
# include armor in magic defense calculation
mdef_fix = yes
# expand battle viewport to cover entire screen and make the battle menu transparent
new_battle_interface = off
# enable alpha blending for textures without an existing blending effect
fancy_transparency = on
# store external textures in a compressed cache for increased performance
# compression is not lossless, some artifacts may appear when this option is in use
# texture cache does NOT update automatically if the source image changes, however, deleting anything from the cache
# will cause that file to be recreated from the source
compress_textures = yes
# read files directly instead of using LGP archives
# for example; if FF7 is looking for aaab.rsd in char.lgp, this option will make it open direct/char/aaab.rsd first,
# if this file doesn't exist it will look for the original in the LGP archive
# this option should be used for testing only, performance will take a hit
direct_mode = off
# show every failed attempt at loading a .png texture
# this option is for modders only, it's useful to find out which texture to replace and which palettes it needs
show_missing_textures = no
anything else you need just ask me, please reply quickly. I can't wait to play this legendary game again like when I was 6