...at least you should read wikipedia more carefully.
Inquisition started in France, and was first used against Cathar Heretics, in the XII century. It's not a Spanish invention. However I do fail to see the link with modern Djhadists.
About 'mexicans' vs 'white', it always make me wonder. The descendant of the inhabitants of Spanish California, would you classify them as 'white', or 'Mexicans'?... If you qualify them of 'Mexicans', which is supposed to refer to a different country, does that imply that the moment all those former-Spanish territories, from California to Florida, entered the U.S., the people who lived here and whose skin wasn't white enough should have left for Mexico, or does that imply that all those territories should be rightfully Mexican, and the U.S. stole them? (beware everybody, Santa Ana is back! I thought we had shot the bastard dead in his pyjamas?!)
When the white settlers mated with the native Indian population, the race that is called Hispanic was created. Mexicans are people that were born in Mexico or are citizens of Mexico. Most of these people are Hispanic, although some of them can be pure Indian, a race that is now called Native American, and it is possible that some of them have only Spanish blood. When California became a state, the people that were in Mexico were Mexicans. Anyone north of the Mexican border was considered a Californian. However, most of these people were white. The people who were descendants of the original population, the Native Americans, were rounded up and put on reservations, which are considered sovereign nations in some regards.
When I refer to the population of my city being 40% Mexican, I am referring to 1st and 2nd generation Mexicans. These people were either born in Mexico and came to the US, in almost all cases illegally, or are the children of these immigrants. They consider themselves to be Mexicans. Most of them are not citizens of the United States. About 1/3 of them don't speak English. If there were a war between the US and Mexico, these people would support Mexico. During Independence Day parades, these people carry the flag of Mexico.
Mexico was originally land that was conquered by Spain. After Mexico achieved independence from Spain, the territory of Texas fought for independence from Mexico and sought annexation to the United States. The Mexican American war was fought, and as a result of that war, the current boundary between Mexico and the United States was established by treaty. Therefore, I don't think that the US stole those lands from Mexico. There is hardly a country in the world where the borders weren't established as a result of war. If you believe that the US should give the land back to Mexico, then Mexico should in turn give the land back to those who are pure descendants of the original occupants of the land, the Indians. Anyone of mixed blood would be left without a country.
Being Mexican has nothing to do with skin color. There are Mexicans with red hair and blue eyes. From the moment Mexico became a sovereign nation, the people with lighter skin got the better jobs and controlled the government. The people who had more Indian blood in them, and therefore had the darker skin, were relegated to more menial jobs and poor living conditions. This is why the Mexicans who try to enter the US illegally in search of a better life are the ones with the darker skin. The lighter skinned Mexicans have no need to - they aren't suffering.
There are some people of Mexican heritage in our town, primarily 2nd generation, who do not share the prejudices of the others. These people are citizens, they speak English, and they often socialize and intermarry with the white population. This goes back to the original point I was trying to make. The Mexican population has become so big in our town that there is no reason for the newer immigrants to learn English or participate in activities with people of other races. There are many businesses that cater to the Mexican population and it is very hard to get a job anywhere in town if you aren't fluent in Spanish. When a culture isolates themselves and doesn't try to assimilate, that is when prejudice is most likely to occur.