I've uploaded the loopable OGGs of these two songs for use with FF7Music. Again, I don't have a copy of FF7PC to test with, so let me know if there are any problems. They seem to work okay with Winamp + vgmstreaming.
I don't think that I can dedicate myself to do the whole soundtrack, mainly because of the workload involved. A lot of the other remasters will use the original MIDIs as a foundation (because it saves a load of time). However, these two renditions were recreated from scratch, using the originals for reference only. I played all the parts myself via a MIDI keyboard, paying extreme attention to musicality, and I took some liberties in tweaking things to better fit conventions for a real-life orchestra.
For example, in "Buried in the Snow," the original string parts are labeled as simply STR1, STR2, and STR3 and set to the generic String Ensemble MIDI patch. These were tweaked to better fit a real-life string texture: 1st Violin, 2nd Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass. I also paid attention to such things as note durations when the string players would likely change bow directions, giving the wind players time to breathe, and note decay lengths for the celeste (bells).
That being said, any requests for a next attempt?