Author Topic: FFXIII?  (Read 65080 times)


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« Reply #25 on: 2011-08-15 05:53:04 »
I wonder if I said; "Someone make models for Zack and Sephiroth and I'll give you my copy of >FFXIII< for >360<" if anyone would take it insulting. I would. Lol.


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« Reply #26 on: 2011-08-15 05:53:17 »
It's ok. Didn't hide it's linearity well, savepoints replace towns, etc. As I see it, gameplaywise, it's a simplified  auto-rpg. I'm dissapointed, but I knew I would be so it doesn't bother me much.

For me, ff died with ff10: The 1st time I was really disappointed. And btw FF12 > FF10 (You can't kill monsters with stuffed toys and volleyballs). FF12 was a pleasant surprise imo.
FF X-2 was a disaster. I agree, the actual rpg gameplay was good, but it still the worst FF to date.


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« Reply #27 on: 2011-08-15 05:57:29 »
It's ok. Didn't hide it's linearity well, savepoints replace towns, etc. As I see it, gameplaywise, it's a simplified  auto-rpg. I'm dissapointed, but I knew I would be so it doesn't bother me much.

For me, ff died with ff10: The 1st time I was really disappointed. And btw FF12 > FF10 (You can't kill monsters with stuffed toys and volleyballs). FF12 was a pleasant surprise imo.
FF X-2 was a disaster. I agree, the actual rpg gameplay was good, but it still the worst FF to date.

You like FF12 over FF10?

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« Last Edit: 2011-08-15 14:44:23 by Obesebear »


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« Reply #28 on: 2011-08-15 06:22:02 »
any day


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« Reply #29 on: 2011-08-15 07:32:52 »
I have to agree, from what I've played of both, I prefer XII over X. I think the series started declining after VI, maybe VII.

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« Reply #30 on: 2011-08-15 08:27:28 »
12 takes itself seriously ( to some degree. )
10, not so much


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« Reply #31 on: 2011-08-15 14:43:53 »
You like FF12 over FF10?

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« Reply #32 on: 2011-08-16 17:07:36 »
As long as we're giving opinions:

FFI* - FFII*: On PSP they are great. I'd avoid the others because they feel clunky.
FFIII: I only played the DS version which I've heard is inferior to the original. Fun, but not enough to motivate me to complete it.
FFIV: I honestly don't care too much for this one. The characters are amazing though, but you never really get to choose who is in your party.
FFV: AAAAH! JOBS!!! The story's entertaining, but still feels a little empty. I'd say this is more fun than IV was.
FFVI*: Probably the pinnacle of SNES graphics outside of FX chips and pre-rendered graphics. Good story, but a few too many characters.
FFVII*: VERY well done. A bit too steam-punk pre-apocalyptic for me to call it my fave.
FFVIII: Too techno, not enough fantasy. Still, characters were decent if annoying.
FFIX*: Perfection in Disc form! I love every minute of playing this game with the exception of trying to catch frogs. :x
FFX: Hated. VAing had a habit of destroying beloved franchises (like Metroid now) and this was no exception. Over acted.
FFXI: never played
FFXII: It takes a certain kind of person to truly like this game enough to want to master it. I am not that person. VAing seemed a bit bland most of the time, but was at least more like natural speech.

Chrystal Chronicles: Eventually beat it with the help of a GS. Music is nice, but the story was hard to follow and/or care about.

Tactics: I have WoL for PSP, but I haven't opened it yet.

Dissidia: Story Mode execution was annoying. Battles could get awesome, especially in the coliseum.
Deodecim*: Better execution for Story Mode, but still a little on the slow side of getting entertaining. The Labyrinth is aggravating at times. New content plus old content is always a plus. Think Lego SW + Lego SW2:TOT = Lego SW:TCS

* - recommends


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« Reply #33 on: 2011-08-16 19:19:00 »
FF1 : Ok game.  Never cared to finish it (NES version) as it gets really repetitive.
FF2 : Never played.
FF3 : Never played.
FF4 : One of my favorites of the series although it didn't age well.
FF5 : The best "battle" system of the SNES era.  Fun gameplay, lacking story.
FF6 : Really like this game but for some reason I always quit halfway through near the end of WoB.  I end up finishing it a few months later.  Great characters, great story, great gameplay.  Can't say why I never finish it in one go.
FF7 : My favorite of the series.  Also my first RPG ever 14 years ago.
FF8 : Good game but somewhat m'eh.  Drawing is a pain.  Never really played cards or "morphed" magic so that might explain why I find it tedious.  My thoughts on this game are fairly similar to the spoony bard's humourous take of it.
FF9 : Good game but somewhat m'eh.  Like it a bit better than XIII but couldn't emotionally connect to it.
FF10 : Good game but somewhat m'eh.  Like it a bit better than IX but couldn't emotionally connect to it.
FF10-2 : Horrible game.  Good battle system but everything else sucked donkey balls.  Hands down the worst FF I've played.
FF11 : I hate MMORPG so no thanks.
FF12 : This game was such a disapointment.  Best FF ever story-wise ... until we get to the tomb of the Dynast king and the game goes to shit.  After that, it's a horrible story and the gameplay is horrible so I'm amazed I even finished it.  The only FF after FF4 onward I didn't play a second time apart from XIII which is more recent.  Vaan and Penello could have been absent from the game without a single issue.
FF13 : Liked it better than I, XIII, IX, X an XII.  Liked it less than IV, VI and VII.  Probably in the same ballpark as V.  I should state that I don't mind linearality and mini-games and that towns were always a waste of time to me as well so I don't care they're gone (except when actual story happens there : ie : midgar, narshe, etc)..  Some sidequests would have been fun (no, I don't consider hunting to be sidequests).  So actual character development with backstory sidequests (think yuffie sidequest in ff7) would have been great.  But I liked the battle system (still required strategy while being a bit less tedious and more fast paced than past titles) and the story was good enough for me to want to finish the game.  Not sold on XIII-2 though.  I'll wait for reviews.

FF's should return to a world map though.  I miss the sense of scope it brought to the World.  FF12 was especially bad for this I find.


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« Reply #34 on: 2011-08-16 22:34:48 »
FF8 : Good game but somewhat m'eh.  Drawing is a pain.  Never really played cards or "morphed" magic so that might explain why I find it tedious.  My thoughts on this game are fairly similar to the spoony bard's humourous take of it.

I believe you're referring to SpoonyOne? He started his X-2 review and he says he likes it more than X.
« Last Edit: 2011-08-16 22:38:46 by DarkFang »

FeliX Leonhart

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« Reply #35 on: 2011-08-16 23:47:29 »
Main Series:
FF I: never played
FF II: never played
FF III: played a bit on NDS (1 hour)
FF IV: played a bit on GBA (1 hour)
FF IV Interlude: never played
FF IV The After Years: never played
FF V: played on SNES but never finished
FF VI: finished on SNES;
FF VII: finished and liked it a lot
FF VII Crisis Core: played and finished
FF VII Dirge of Cerberus: played only till the end of the first chapter -_-
FF VIII: My favorite ^_^ Finished with pleasure
FF IX: finished, liked it a lot in my childhood
FF X: finished, good story
FF X-2: never finished, annoying style
FF XI: never played
FF XII: finished, a good product, nothing fascinating
FF XIII: awaited it, bought it, never unpacked though
FF XIV: playing it from time to time, maybe we can play together in that lonely world? PM me

Tactics Series:
Tactics: My first game for PSP... dissapointment...
Tactics Advance: finished. My favorite game on GBA, a great story
Tactics A2: only a shadow of TA

Fighting Series:
Dissidia: played it a bit and was dissapointed...
Dissidia 012: never played

Crystal Chronicles Series:
Crystal Bearer: I liked the start, but never finished cause my Wii died -_-


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« Reply #36 on: 2011-08-16 23:49:01 »
I'm really gettin' a PS3...


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« Reply #37 on: 2011-08-17 03:25:28 »
Ok, I'll give my opinions as well. I've finished all main FFs (not the online ones. Is it even possible?). Also tactics.

FF 1-3 on the NES. I like 'em. Played all on emulators. Long time ago though. Slightly touched the PSX versions (1 & 2).
FF 4-6 on the SNES.  6 is definitely the best. 4 is great too. 5 is fun to play, and is the SNES FF that is the most FF. Tried 4 and 5 on the PSX as well.
FF 7 Classic
FF 8 Good, but weird. Hard to say how I really feel about it.
FF 9 Classic
FF 10 meh... However, I must admit it's a good game if I put aside all the things that annoys me. Which is a lot.
FF mmorpg ... why? WHY? Couldn't this have been a spinoff series on it's own?
FF 12 I like it. I honestly really like it.
13, pretty much same as FF10.

Favs are 6, 7, 9 and 12 in no specific order.

All spinoffs and sh*t just annoys me. I would really need some convincing to even try one. The only exeption is FF Tactics (the first one, not that advanced crap). It came before FF was a never ending money machine, and, imo, it shows in it's execution.


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« Reply #38 on: 2011-08-17 03:59:11 »
FF I: never played
FF II: never played
FF III: never played
FF IV: finished on gba, def the best version when it comes to extras.. however  i recomend the DS version because even tho it has less content, it has a far more chalenging difficulty and its far more fun to play.
FF V: playing it atm.. its kinda fun but things seem to happen very "randomly"
FF VI: 1 of the best if not the best final fantasy game imo.. snes version is great (with some cool patches that u can find on google) also finished the GBA version which has a cool translation and some fixes.. incase ur playing the gba version on PC u can also get some patches.. 1 of them even restores the music to be like the SNES version.. which as u can guess, makes the game awesome!
FF VII: finished way too many times.. was the 1st final fantasy i played and 1 of the best psx games ever released for sure
FF VII Crisis Core: finished it.. didn't rly enjoy the gameplay but storywise its decent
FF VII Dirge of Cerberus: tried it once.. but "shooting" games with ps2 controller is something i just cant do.. and i never managed to make any mouse work on my ps2
FF VIII: Finished it manyyyyyy times.. solo gameplays.. perfect gameplays.. starting at lvl 100... did pretty much everything there is to do.. was even thinking about downloading an hardcore patch but not rly sure which one to go with.. if any1 has suggestions feel free to tell me xD
FF IX: currently playing it for like the 5th time... 1 of the best in the series.. if u like final fantasy and never played 9.. ur doing it wrong, go out and buy it asap!
FF X: completed it aswell.. the international/european versions are simply awesome cause of the extra bosses (dark aeons + penance) i def recomend American players to import the JPN International version and play it (it has an option to change all text to English so there's no problems with language)
FF X-2: got to the 4th chapter.. then got bored of it... whole game is just.. too annoying :/
FF XII: finished, HUGE freaking game and it took me like 10 hours siting infront of the ps2 to kill yiazmat.. (or whatever its name is) gameplay is not bad even tho its mostly auto.. (which is a good thing, would be very boring to have to be fighting every monster manualy) overall its a good game but i doubt i will replay it
Tactics Advance: finished it MANY years ago.. its pretty fun considering its portable, lots of missions and the rule system allows for some diversity.. very good game for a system like GBA

ultima espio

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« Reply #39 on: 2011-08-17 13:09:28 »
Guess it's my turn then...

FFI - Never played
FFII - Never played
FFIII - Never played
FFIV - Finished Complete collection. I honestly don't know what happened.
FFV - Finished GBA version. Pretty good I thought, I liked the Job class system.
FFVI - Finished GBA version. Pretty good, not the best though.
FFVII - Finished, loved, still love it. Always be number 1 :)
FFVIII - Finished. Kinda dull, draw system was terrible. Bad Square, bad!
FFIX - Finished. Loved it. 2nd fav after VII.
FFX - Finished. The ending didn't make me cry at all. Bye Tidus!
FFXII - Playing. Seems alright, who knows when I'll finish it.
FFXIII - Finished, loved it. Can't wait for XIII-2 :)
Dirge of Cerberus - Finished, liked it. Story was a bit wtf, but I liked it.
Crisis Core - Finished, loved it. I hated that it messed with FF7's story. Why add Genesis into Nibelheim?
Type 0 - Played the Jap demo, it's pretty good. I recommend you try it.
Dissidia - Was alright, pretty empty though.
Dissidia 012 - Love it. Why didn't they make the first like this? I hope they make another with more characters and stages.


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« Reply #40 on: 2011-08-17 17:36:31 »
FFI:  (Origins) Played a third of this, it couldn't keep my attention any longer.
FFII:  (Origins) Played about half of this, got a save currently.  Stopped playing to work on Revisited.
FFIII:  What is FFIII?  the numbers get confusing.  Don't think I played this one.
FFIV:  Pretty awesome.  Too short.  Awesome characters and gameplay.  Meh story.
FFV:  I love FFV.  The job/classes are awesome in a proto-tactics sort of way.
FFVI:  Only played half...yes it is blasphemous, but that's how it is.
FFVII:  Will be placed in my casket with me when I'm dead.
FFVIII:  Good game.  Not the best...very easy...some innovation here, but could have been better.
FFIX:  I still love IX.  The last great FF for me.  Still think it had the best ending in the series (minus necron).
FFX:  The beginning of the end for me.  Liked it, but will never love it.
FFXI:  Never played.
FFXII:  What I played was good, I just wasn't prepared to do the same thing for 120 hours in a row. 65 was plenty.
FFXIII:  Had brief access to PS3, time was better spent on COD than on XIII, however pretty it was.
FFT:  Awesome, up there with IX and V for me.
FFX-2:  The story was crap, and the fact they gave X a longer life is crap.  But this wasn't a bad game.
Dirge:  I loved Dirge.  It kept the blasphemy to a minimum and I liked the weapon system.
Ehrgeiz:  I know it doesn't really count, but I think they should have made a proper game out of the Dungeon diving game. 

For me it is:

1- VII
2- IX
3- Tactics
5- V

And the others fall below these.  I know VI lovers will raid my town with torches and pitchforks, but oh well.  X made me feel dirty, especially Wakka.  XII felt like a group of manicans in a ball of different, but not actually different side-quests.  FFI is there because there needs to be a FFI.  FFII had a bit of depth.  Idk wtf FFIII is.  FFIV was the first really great FF I think.  FFV was a little less emotionally touching, but had all the parts of a great game.  FFVI, tried it plenty of times, just never kept my attention for the whole game.  VII is more worthy of worship than many of this world's gods.  VIII was good, but fails compared to VII or IX.  IX is great, feels a little pointless at various points, but brings everything together well.  FFX WAS a good game...I just don't like it very much.  FFXI, bastards.  FFXII, like vanilla ice cream.  FFXIII, why..., and Tactics had a kickass story and great gameplay if you like the Strategy thing.  I did play with gameshark a lot, and it was a lot of fun being able to use any character/class/monster, so maybe this is skewed.


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« Reply #41 on: 2011-09-06 03:42:52 »
Played XI for about 5.5yrs and loved it! It has an absolutely insane amount of stuff you can do but the end game stuff relies on lifeless egomaniacle friendships so I was always a lower high end player. I would still play it but im married with three kids lol and my wife hates me playing it. Some  stuff has been unlocked in the game that makes certain storyline completion alot easier which was a blessing and made it alot more fun. Very very very very very time consuming game lol.

First single player version I played was XII and I really enjoyed it but it was easy to beat and didnt take me very long. I have like maybe a 70% complete save. Just needed to collect every item that kind of thing.

Played X but never finished it, and I have just recently taken up VII and VIII

XIII looked stunning and that was about it for me it was way to simple and not very much fun. I did enjoy finishing it though.
« Last Edit: 2011-09-06 04:02:11 by vaccine.exe »


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« Reply #42 on: 2011-09-06 04:15:09 »
In order of my best to worst:

I have not played XI or seen anything of it other than soundtrack.

VII - In my opinion the greatest game of all time, although it is not perfect and that's why I am at Qhimm's, to correct it.  What more can you say about this game that hasn't already been said?  It has a top notch soundtrack, it was revolutionary in its day, it has an excellent story, great gameplay and characters.

X - A great game.  Get's a lot of stick for the story but I thought it was well done, had good characterisation and an excellent ending.  I was hooked from beginning to end.  Lots of stuff to do, sidequests, minigames, puzzles.  The last good FF game. **** you Enix.

VIII - Loved the story (some slight problems but overall was good), loved the characters, loved the gameplay, loved the card game and other miniquests.  Had imho, the greatest game soundtrack of all time.

IX - Decent story but I don't think it is up there with the top 3 in that dept.  Had some solid gameplay, art and music.  An excellent addition.  Unique among my favourite 4.

VI - Classic game, although totally overrated in terms of story.  Solid gameplay and revolutionary at the time for RPG.

I-V - Not played them half way and so I cannot judge but I am going to shove them above the the below because I hate the ones below.

X-2 - Solid gameplay but crippled by the most moronic fan service, story, voice acting and characterisation in FF history. "Hiya Booyyyyyyyyyyys"

XII - After X-2 disaster I thought "Well it can't get any worse than that and that was a sequel." I was wrong.  It did because this useless game arrived where all I did was press X with 2 gambits installed for 90% of the game.  The story was the most pseudo self indulgent piece of twaddle I have ever seen for a game.  No more deep than my bathtub.   The character development was not there and nor was a game I could care about.  I would dearly love to place this as the worst FF game but I can't because the turd to follow was even worse.

XIII - I never played it  because I wasn't foolish enough to buy it after reading tons of reviews,watching many walk-through pieces on Youtube and seeing others on it (I got fooled by X-2 and XII but not a 3rd time).  What is clear is this game at least has a story but it is contrived nonsense that even requires a manual for exposition.  It has had the heart and soul of RPG ripped out of it to pander to the FPS generation.  The gameplay is basic and mostly uninvolving.  The balance is all wrong as graphics are now all the design team care about.  We got this because people accepted XII.

------------ and I will go into scores:

On my travels through thousands of reviews, I did find one major problem which I think needs addressing.

A lot of the time, people who gave games 5,6 or 7 (average to decent scores) actually did not enjoy the game. I think sites give too much freedom for people to pick and choose how they score a game and this interferes with accuracy.

Now, to be fair, it isn't just those scores that suffer. People who give most games 1 or 2 out of 10 are also being unfair, and usually so are the ones giving games 10.

In order that people can make a more educated decision on a game, I think this is how it should be structured:

Story (if game is story inclined, if not, like mario, score option is not allowed). (out of 10).

Gameplay (out of 10).

Graphics [relative to the time period] (out of 5).

Music (out of 5).

and Longevity (out of 5).

and then an average calculated. The user is not allowed to just slap a number on it.

So, if we take an example being my preference on the FF games, I would go with:

Story: 4
Gameplay: 8
Graphics: 5
Music: 5
Longevity: 4

Score 26/35

Story: 10
Gameplay: 10
Graphics: 4
Music: 5
Longevity: 5

Score 34/35

Story: 8
Gameplay: 9
Graphics: 5
Music: 5
Longevity: 5

Score 32/35

Story: 6
Gameplay: 10
Graphics: 5
Music: 5
Longevity: 5

Score 31/35

Story: 9
Gameplay: 10
Graphics: 5
Music: 5
Longevity: 5

Score 34/35

Story: 2
Gameplay: 8
Graphics: 5
Music: 2
Longevity: 2

Score 19/35

Story: 3
Gameplay: 5
Graphics: 5
Music: 3
Longevity: 1

Score 17/35

Story: 5
Gameplay: 2
Graphics: 5
Music: 3
Longevity: 1

Score 16/35

Mario Bros 3
Gameplay: 10
Graphics: 5
Music: 4
Longevity: 5

Score 24/25

Mario 64-
Gameplay: 10
Graphics: 5
Music: 4
Longevity: 5

Score 24/25

A lot of that is of course relative.
« Last Edit: 2011-09-06 04:24:09 by DLPB »


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« Reply #43 on: 2011-09-06 04:21:30 »
FF1: Played and Finished countless times, DoS Version though. Didn't finish the NES though I'm beta testing FF:Rebalanced mod right now and it's pretty good challenge with alot of changes.
FF2: Played the DoS version, clocked 10 or 11 hours then i just stopped playing.
FF3: Started playing the DS version didn't get to far, finished the NES version on an Emulator though. Played it for 3 days straight loved it.
FF4: Played until about an hour or 2 before the last fight and stopped playing it.
FF5: Made it to the Fire Crystal and then I stopped playing, but one of my favorites.
FF6: Played until World of Destruction on Anthology, then my memory card was corrupted haven't touched it since.
FF7: Finished with all sidequests etc. On PS1/PC w/o Mods, and with mods.
FF8: Like FF3 I played it straight not playing anything else determined to finish it.
FF9: Made it to Disc 3 but then I started playing FF6 then memory card was corrupted.
FF10: Loved it, Great game another one of my favorites.
FF11: Never played it. Never saw an interest either.
FF12: Played it, liked it, but lost my copy so never touched it or bought another copy. Still have my save files though.
FF13: Played it and finished it, I liked it but I didn't consider it a true final fantasy game.

Dissidia: LOVED IT TO BITS clocked 60-70 hours.
Dissidia 012: Love it also but I haven't had the time to play it.
Crisis Core: Loved it 20 times more then Dissdia. 94 hours and 32 minutes. Missions all complete game beat twice.
Tactics: Never played it.


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« Reply #44 on: 2011-09-06 19:24:40 »
If anyone has questions about XI I am happy to answer from my experiences, I would love an opportunity to blab about it for a bit  :-P


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« Reply #45 on: 2011-09-07 02:00:23 »
I'm sure you would.  Remember...MMORPGs are EVIL!


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« Reply #46 on: 2011-09-07 02:09:54 »
Mario Bros 3
Gameplay: 10
Graphics: 5
Music: 4
Longevity: 5

Score 24/25

Mario 64-
Gameplay: 10
Graphics: 5
Music: 4
Longevity: 5

Score 24/25

The hell?


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« Reply #47 on: 2011-09-07 02:12:02 »
 ;D  I added it as a comparison...  mario doesnt have a story so that's how I rated em.  I am still not happy with my system (since mario 64 is greater than 3, but my system is more to how it was at the time....) but that's not a priority since at moment im dying with this damn menu.,


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« Reply #48 on: 2011-09-07 03:57:41 »
XIII - I never played it  because I wasn't foolish enough to buy it after reading tons of reviews,watching many walk-through pieces on Youtube and seeing others on it (I got fooled by X-2 and XII but not a 3rd time).  What is clear is this game at least has a story but it is contrived nonsense that even requires a manual for exposition.  It has had the heart and soul of RPG ripped out of it to pander to the FPS generation.  The gameplay is basic and mostly uninvolving.  The balance is all wrong as graphics are now all the design team care about.  We got this because people accepted XII.

I'm surprised you haven't played it.  I'd recommend you at least rent it to try it and forge your own first hand playing opinion of it.  It is, by and large, a huge improvement over X-2 and XII and is a good game.  Definitely not PSX-era FF-good but a good game nonethless if you accept it for what it is (an interactive novel with battles).  Whether it fits into the standard RPG mold or not doesn't detract me from having a good time with it and that's all that matters to me. 

Wouldn't play it a second time though as the replay value is somewhat lacking in my eyes.  That's one of its flaws to me.  But then again most games these days have very low replay value to me, RPG or otherwise.


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« Reply #49 on: 2011-09-07 06:57:44 »
el oh el "EVIL" nah FFXI isnt evil WoW is evil. You would be very surprised at how good FFXI is, it has all the hallmarks of previous FF's albeit in a different structure but hey that's not anything new from one FF to another. I will wager that I could find a comparison to any feature of any FF you pick sir! :lol: