Author Topic: Not sure exactly where this goes for Qhimm's Jenova source code  (Read 2928 times)


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I apologize for posting this here to begin with. I couldn't exactly figure out where to put it. So I figured I would post it where it wouldn't seem to jumble everything up.

I have begun learning to program in C++. This will be my first language, but hopefully not my last. I figured that in between these many exercises, i would take a look at  programs that i personally use with the progressing knowledge that I obtain.

Currently I am using Microsoft Visual Studios 2010 Express to learn the basics of C++. My issue is that Qhimm's programs were written using Visual Studio 6. Unfortunately it seems that 2010 cannot load a VS6 project.

Finally the question. (Sorry to fill your heads with the nonsense and such that my ADHD brain decides that I should post...)
Is there anyway to upgrade the files to VS2010 using another program? Am i missing something important with the basic install that should allow me to do so? Or am I completely and utterly SOL in this whole idea?

Any and all help would be appreciated, and I understand if none is given due to this being in the wrong space/being something that I was just too far behind to understand.

                                                                                   The very Inexperienced


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hmm, AFAIK therre shouldn't be anything stopping you from importing into a new version of VS. I work in VS 8 hours a day, importing tons of old projects and they always auto-convert to the newer format. Difference is i work in c#, and you c++ but i don't think that should have too much bearing on the issue. Maybe  your missing some reference files that the project requires in order to load, though it should still load without them.

Are you sure your project is intact and has not become not corrupted?

Finally, are you opening solution files, or are you attempting to open the executables of the programs your talking about? Since your new i have to ask if your trying to open source code, or simply open compiled files.



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Thank you very much for the reply pyrozen.

The files I'm trying to open are the files from Jenova's source by Qhimm. He states that they are made using Visual Studios 6, next to the download link. The files in the source I have tried opening are: Jenova.dsp ( Windows states the type as VC++ 6 Project file) and Jenova.dsw ( stated as VC++ 6 Workspace) Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't opening the project file send the files that the project uses into the solution explorer on the left hand side of Visual Studio? I also think I may have finally found something on the issue on Google. (After going through quite a few pages, maybe I'm not exactly using the search in the manner I should for what I'm looking for?)
According to what I found, MS doesn't support upgrading VS 6 files in 2010. Supposedly the only way to get it to work is to install 2008, upgrade the file, then reinstall 2010.
As for the possibly corrupted, I really didnt think about that, I'm going to at least try to download again and unzip into a different folder. Thank you again for responding.


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Try another source code. Like the FF8FMV one. I'm looking forward to a release where the files can be put back in. Or FF8MIDI, to extract the sound to some WAV format. If you're looking forward to re-release Qhimm's work, that's where you should probably start.


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Thanks again for the replies.

I don't plan to attempt to Improve upon any of it, I just wish to be able to learn from it. I figured that by the time I get a good bit more advanced in programming, I would be able to look at it and understand a little more about what it takes to edit the save file and such. If I could get a hand on possibly a newer program's source code, that deals with some kind of editing in FF, that would work too.

I just wanna look at it to poke and prod a bit.I feel that personally I could better understand the workings that way. Kind of a "Take it apart and see how it ticks" thing that I've always had. Which is how I came to understand minor electronics and how to diagnose and repair cars.