Author Topic: A Perfect AC Cloud Model  (Read 67602 times)

apz freak

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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #25 on: 2011-10-10 05:42:34 »
Make the model and textures from scratch and we'll be your friends  :)  Although I'm not entirely sure about AC Cloud...? I think I read somewhere about them only allowing mods that enhance the original characters. Which I think would include AC Cloud...?

Alls I know is using Sonic and Tails, or Link, or Raziel from Soul Reaver is not allowed even if it's 100% your creation. Something about "Goodwill" and how we must not "damage the goodwill and image" of Square Enix. And that's why we can't add content that Square doesn't own because they don't want a lawsuit aim at THEM!

So... Since Square owns the content of AC Cloud... I think...? It's okay to make your own?  ??? Help me out guys  :)


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #26 on: 2011-10-10 07:30:48 »
So just to be clear you can add anything aslong as you made it?

In a legal sense and to the rules of this forum, You can post anything you have made from scratch or with permission from the maker HERE. And as copyright says, you can NOT distribute models that you steal from one game or another anywhere because you do not own the RIGHTS.

Here is the part you should remember. You own the contents of games that you bought to do with what you will as long as you keep it to yourself. Rip any model  from any game and throw it in however you would like. Hell, you MIGHT even be allowed to show us pictures of your finished product. You just can't upload a mod or patch with any of your customizations that are from other games.

You MAY encourage people to purchase games to rip models from, but stay away from publicly explaining how to do so (although I think that IS legal, just frowned upon) . Just remember to do your research and ask questions before posting anything you create on here. If you think it might be infringing copyright laws, It probably is.

Just something for everyone to keep in mind. Keep your copyright infringing mods on YOUR ff game and square won't bother you because you have done nothing wrong.


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #27 on: 2011-10-10 21:24:25 »
Thanks for clearing that up


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #28 on: 2011-11-14 11:15:36 »
It's probably even legal to make a batch script to rip the models off a game disc that you own. Probably even legal to distribute said script as long as the script itself contains non copyrighted material. You could go so far as to make a script that would copy the model, convert it, change the animation data, and whatever else was needed. As long as you do not distribute any copyrighted material yourself it's ok. Modders do it all the time. Take futurewars for instance, a mod for Armada 2 that completely circumvents the install of Armada 2 itself. It asks for the game cd, rips what it needs off the cd and installs the game on it's own. You wouldn't even need to modify the ff7 game files if you had Aali's renderer installed as it can load loose files outside of the lgp. Is all this really necessary though? Everyone knows there is going to be either a remake or a hd update eventually. With the disaster that is FF14 they're eventually going to need the money unless 13-2 fixes all the problems with 13. They've already said they're going to release an hd update to 10 for the ps3 and vita. Since technically 10, 10-2, and 7 are LOOSELY considered a trilogy hopefully if sales go well they'll do the same to the other two. With crisis core, dirge of cerberus, and advent children they've been fleshing out the timeline. They've said before that a REMAKE would take more time than is feasible to do. I've never heard anything about a hd update though. Which, with all the scrutiny that players seem to have for FF7 itself it's probably the best way to go. Keep the battle system and character system along with the plot the same, just add voice acting and update the graphics.
Although personally I would like to see a full remake with a fuller plot or maybe a side-plot, a limited branching storyline that comes back together for the same ending, sphere grid or crystarium like character progression, a battle system reminiscent of Crisis core or XIII-2. That's what I'm hoping for


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #29 on: 2011-11-14 15:40:11 »
It's probably even legal to make a batch script to rip the models off a game disc that you own. Probably even legal to distribute said script as long as the script itself contains non copyrighted material. You could go so far as to make a script that would copy the model, convert it, change the animation data, and whatever else was needed. As long as you do not distribute any copyrighted material yourself it's ok. Modders do it all the time. Take futurewars for instance, a mod for Armada 2 that completely circumvents the install of Armada 2 itself. It asks for the game cd, rips what it needs off the cd and installs the game on it's own. You wouldn't even need to modify the ff7 game files if you had Aali's renderer installed as it can load loose files outside of the lgp. Is all this really necessary though? Everyone knows there is going to be either a remake or a hd update eventually. With the disaster that is FF14 they're eventually going to need the money unless 13-2 fixes all the problems with 13. They've already said they're going to release an hd update to 10 for the ps3 and vita. Since technically 10, 10-2, and 7 are LOOSELY considered a trilogy hopefully if sales go well they'll do the same to the other two. With crisis core, dirge of cerberus, and advent children they've been fleshing out the timeline. They've said before that a REMAKE would take more time than is feasible to do. I've never heard anything about a hd update though. Which, with all the scrutiny that players seem to have for FF7 itself it's probably the best way to go. Keep the battle system and character system along with the plot the same, just add voice acting and update the graphics.
Although personally I would like to see a full remake with a fuller plot or maybe a side-plot, a limited branching storyline that comes back together for the same ending, sphere grid or crystarium like character progression, a battle system reminiscent of Crisis core or XIII-2. That's what I'm hoping for

This was your first post on the forum but you get my like mister! You pretty much summed up what I had in my head! Thank you :)


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #30 on: 2011-11-14 16:33:24 »
I had this idea in mind since a very long time, and SL approved it. However, as of someone who tried importing models (not even ripping), only a script can't do it. It needs so much adjusting and so many programs, that aren't even console programs. I have tried doing it, and, trust me, it won't work.


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #31 on: 2011-11-14 16:53:36 »
Hmmn.. What if the models is from other games like for instance, I get the model of Cloud in crisis core without the textures and I made a custom textures to apply it in the model.. Is it allowed to release it here?


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #32 on: 2011-11-14 18:34:59 »
I had this idea in mind since a very long time, and SL approved it. However, as of someone who tried importing models (not even ripping), only a script can't do it. It needs so much adjusting and so many programs, that aren't even console programs. I have tried doing it, and, trust me, it won't work.

I'm taking it to mean that the transformation of the models and textures from the ps2 and psp into a format useable by ff7 is the problem? I know there are command-line tools available to dump the models for KH2 because I've done that myself. Does anyone know if the models have to be rescaled or repositioned along with the format change? Do the textures have to be relaid along with conversion into a different format? I'm assuming FF7 uses some type of skeleton system for each model, do these have to be changed as well?

In response to jinkazama, no you would not. Any part means ANY PART from model to texture to animation data, anything. That is what we are talking about here models from KH, KH2, Crisis core.


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #33 on: 2011-11-14 19:16:23 »
As a side question, and i know it's in a grey area. What if someone were to do the modifications neccessary to the models, and use them as a baseline, get them working in ff7. Assuming it is possible to rip said models and textures and convert them without modifying them. Run a file comparison in a hex editor between the modified file and the straight from vanilla converts. Note the differences between the two and "patch" the differences between the two bring the one on the user system up to date, assuming the only thing patched would be scaling and positioning data you really wouldn't be including anything copyrighted. Is this something that's possible? Or just offering a code replacement/addition patch to fix the models that you rip and convert into the correct format yourself? Feel free to yell at me if I'm an idiot. I have no experience in programming past qbasic & PLC's.


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #34 on: 2011-11-14 19:26:12 »
Discussing of HOW to rip models is not allowed, however talking about how to make a patch for this is in gray area.

First, if anything, and I mean, ANYTHING is ripped from another game, you are not allowed to release it. FF7 has a very different way of handling 3D models, and it is nowhere near compatible. I tried importing FF8 models into FF7 using a batch script, but it just got too complicated... I couldn't even made them have splitted parts... You'd completely have to write a new program, just using a batch script won't do it.


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #35 on: 2011-11-15 02:22:43 »
Thanks everyone for explaining the rules and regulations of this forum, Now its very clear enough to those who wants to make a project.  ;D


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #36 on: 2011-11-15 04:49:56 »
@Roody you can create a project as long as you made it personally or you can create model based on a picture or In general made from a scratch just like my vincent project : its a quickest way to create a model :-)

Basically it's editing already existing models. Not creating your own though. (Just to be exact :P) Also it is actually possible to make final fantasy 7 support 3d models. Although it would take ages and knowledge and a lot of people working on it, which is highly impossible. But it could be done here as well. Then we would have team avalance project for graphics, ff7 voice project for digital sound, the q-gears for the engine thingy and the other one to change the way ff7 is handling data. :P
« Last Edit: 2011-11-15 04:56:30 by kicker »


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #37 on: 2011-11-15 06:26:02 »
The voice project is on hiatus.  What you're suggesting amounts to completely rewriting the entire game just to use assets from some other game.  That's an incredible amount of work for no reward.  Why not just do a total conversion on some other game and turn it into Final Fantasy VII?  That worked out for Ultima.

There are already some beautiful models available and they look like they belong in FF7.
IMO ripped models take away more than they add.


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #38 on: 2011-12-05 15:12:45 »
Is it illegal to use the original in-game model as a base and expand upon it?


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #39 on: 2011-12-10 17:16:52 »
Only if you distributed it. The models in ff7 are still as copyrighted as CC, KH, etc. If square enix hadn't released freely downloadable patches to ff7 that contained the exe then you wouldn't even be able to distribute modded versions of that either. (although technically a case can be made against the legality of that also since they're not the ones distributing it) Basically everything that came on the disk was LICENSED to the purchasee. Modding in general can be construed as illegal if not explicitly noted in the agreement. Reverse engineering of said software in it's entirety is allowed though. If you had a distribution method that only allowed LEGAL OWNERS of ff7 PC licenses to grab the modded file then I might say yes. It's like this, I own a copy of wing commander 2 deluxe. My CD medium was destroyed one way or another. Is it legal to obtain a copy of the software from a friend who has an intact CD of the SAME VERSION? Probably. Following that thought, say only one file was unreadable, would it be legal for me to procure that file elsewhere? Probably. A case can maybe be made following this line of thought to file sharing as well. It depends upon what rules FF7 PC was distributed under. Was it licensed to you? I threw away the papers that came with my copy a decade ago so I don't know. There are laws and there are LAWS. A great deal of what is going on in the internet today is illegal. Abandonware? check Roms? check Mods? Depending on the agreement you entered upon using the software? maybe. A lot of people don't view theft of the intangible the same way as they do the tangible. Steal a candybar, BAD. Download a copy of Super Mario Bros. if you don't already own a copy, meh. Despite being just as illegal and morally wrong people just don't view it the same because you aren't taking anything from someone else. It's like this, I have a magic bottle of ever refilling Guinness. You come along and drink a few sips. Did I really loose anything aside from a source of potential revenue? Nope. Although your question is more in the line of plagiarism if you don't credit Square for the original model instead of just plain Copyright infringement. Fair use is a muddy area that has been blurred and hasn't been clearly defined as it's treated as a case by case basis.

Sorry in advance if this post bothers anybody. I don't make the laws, I don't even really agree with them on all points but there you are.
« Last Edit: 2011-12-10 17:40:33 by Ocean112 »


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #40 on: 2011-12-10 17:19:03 »
I stopped reading at "LEGAL OWNERS". This is very likely to start a flame war.


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #41 on: 2011-12-11 02:40:40 »
sigh.... ohh.. boy another issue again  :(

Tenko Kuugen

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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #42 on: 2011-12-12 14:33:29 »
How do you even illegally own something?
The very definition of ownership is when you attain the right to 'have' something by either getting it handed to you by some official or purchase it, etc. Pirating it, last I checked, does not give you ownership of anything. It's a common misconception regarding what ownership is.


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #43 on: 2011-12-14 22:57:00 »
^^^ Very true statement ^^^

     (Sorry for going off-topic)


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #44 on: 2011-12-14 23:07:35 »
How do you even illegally own something?
In terms of copyright law or stolen goods? You don't. But there are many possible cases where you can own something you're not legally allowed to. For example, in the United States, felons may not legally own guns, but they can still have one that they purchased with their own money from someone who was the previous rightful owner, thus they illegally own it.

Genesis Rhapsodos

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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #45 on: 2012-03-22 19:23:02 »
This is illegal. Final Period.
Talking about something and how its done isn't illegal, even linking to places who have it wouldn't be illegal. The owners of a forum aren't responsible for restricting the free flow of information, if the files were hosted on this forum then Square Enix could request the files be taken down. Although since this is just a forum that doesn't host files as far as I know, they can't even do that. I doubt Square Enix is going to start suing their fans who add more replay value to their games, at the most if they decide to anything it would be to request whoever is hosting the file to take it down. If somebody owns a game, they can modify it as they wish, as that is fair use. Only when distributing it does it enter the grey area where they if they want to go after their fans for promoting their games, they can. Although if they wanted to shut down a project for copyright violation, they can do this regardless of whether people are using their models.

Also considering the haven't went after the people who made Avalance, I don't think they are as anal about people making fan games and mods as your post suggests. Also for it to be illegal, I think they would need to show that the usage causes them to lose profits or for the person to be making money off their work.
« Last Edit: 2012-03-22 19:25:40 by Genesis Rhapsodos »


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #46 on: 2012-03-22 21:43:16 »
Talking about something and how its done isn't illegal, even linking to places who have it wouldn't be illegal. The owners of a forum aren't responsible for restricting the free flow of information, if the files were hosted on this forum then Square Enix could request the files be taken down. Although since this is just a forum that doesn't host files as far as I know, they can't even do that. I doubt Square Enix is going to start suing their fans who add more replay value to their games, at the most if they decide to anything it would be to request whoever is hosting the file to take it down. If somebody owns a game, they can modify it as they wish, as that is fair use. Only when distributing it does it enter the grey area where they if they want to go after their fans for promoting their games, they can. Although if they wanted to shut down a project for copyright violation, they can do this regardless of whether people are using their models.

Also considering the haven't went after the people who made Avalance, I don't think they are as anal about people making fan games and mods as your post suggests. Also for it to be illegal, I think they would need to show that the usage causes them to lose profits or for the person to be making money off their work.

I think who the law protects is the designers too either the forum moders seize to deal with those models from respect to the original designers. I think what law protects is the rip from an original image to "steal" someone else's work, while at the same time I oppose to any copyright infringement that prevents the evolution of moding.


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #47 on: 2012-07-10 01:23:22 »
If you actually wanted to be exact on laws then any of the models on this site that even refer to the original characters of FF7 even there names is copyright infringment as SquareEnix never released a SDK for the game.

Even if you modeled a character from scratch completely, its still illegal.

(all this from a Top Lawyer i know)

The only way for anybody on this site to release a model of a character is to get direct permission from SquareEnix and that will never officially happen as they have already said that FF7 will be left alone. No re-release, No-remake they want to keep the game as the classic it was, Final!

I looked into this as there were debuts on the model of Tifa i was doing that i copied from reference pictures from another game.

Hence why i am now not doing any more models of any kind from now on (unless for personnal use).

I suggest any models that have been released on this site have all download links removed except those that are not of character models.


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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #48 on: 2012-07-10 01:57:20 »
If you actually wanted to be exact on laws then any of the models on this site that even refer to the original characters of FF7 even there names is copyright infringment as SquareEnix never released a SDK for the game.

Even if you modeled a character from scratch completely, its still illegal.

(all this from a Top Lawyer i know)

The only way for anybody on this site to release a model of a character is to get direct permission from SquareEnix and that will never officially happen as they have already said that FF7 will be left alone. No re-release, No-remake they want to keep the game as the classic it was, Final!

I looked into this as there were debuts on the model of Tifa i was doing that i copied from reference pictures from another game.

Hence why i am now not doing any more models of any kind from now on (unless for personnal use).

I suggest any models that have been released on this site have all download links removed except those that are not of character models.
« Last Edit: 2012-07-10 01:59:45 by EQ2Alyza »

Tenko Kuugen

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Re: A Perfect AC Cloud Model
« Reply #49 on: 2012-07-10 02:01:41 »
don't reply to that guy
he's full of crap