Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Enemy Manipulator (0.9.2)  (Read 25812 times)


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[PSX/PC] Enemy Manipulator (0.9.2)
« on: 2011-11-12 14:12:52 »
NOTE: The newest version, along with some new programs, are here! -

Well, I finally found an old version of Enemy Manipulator. Fortunately it works really well. It allows you to edit ALL the enemies in the game with a single set of multipliers. This is essential for making hard type hacks. It comes with a screen shot with a suggested hard-type configuration. It comes with SceneReader in case you can't find it.

« Last Edit: 2018-04-24 18:29:15 by Covarr »


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Re: [Release 0.9] Final Fantasy 7 Enemy Manipulator
« Reply #1 on: 2011-12-01 18:20:50 »
Do you have any plans to continue developing it? What does "fix broken Enemy Skills" mean and what are the exceptions all about?


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Re: [Release 0.9] Final Fantasy 7 Enemy Manipulator
« Reply #2 on: 2011-12-11 22:22:35 »
I will probably do some updates soon. In fact, I'll probably tinker with it right now.

The 'fix broken enemy skills' check box sets enemy MP to 0 for Beachplugs, Materia Keeper, and Harpy so that their 'brokenly' over-powered enemy skills aren't available when you meet them.

The exceptions are for battles that can become mathematically impossible because of stat increases. The enemies in these battles keep their normal stats when the exception box is checked. Unless you're specifically balance-testing each of these battles after using this tool, I would DEFINITELY leave them checked. For the bosses that are excepted, you're better off increasing their individual stats manually with another tool.
« Last Edit: 2011-12-11 23:16:18 by drdimension »


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Re: [Release 0.9] Final Fantasy 7 Enemy Manipulator
« Reply #3 on: 2011-12-11 22:42:45 »
Great program, but you should be able to add native support for SCENE.BIN files by using the info in the wiki.

I can also provide you with some UI design advice if you want it at this stage.
More importantly, though, I can't actually get it to work. I had Proud Clod dump a scene export into a folder, but the app couldn't do anything with them. I don't have Scene Reader, and given that its only download link returns a 404, that's not going to change any time soon. (Which reminds me - we *must* make mirroring a forum policy).
« Last Edit: 2011-12-11 23:07:05 by Bosola »


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Re: [Release 0.9.1] Final Fantasy 7 Enemy Manipulator
« Reply #4 on: 2011-12-12 00:23:57 »
I updated the program. It now has SceneReader in the dist. I start the default settings so that no changes happen by default. It does not seem to play well with Proud Clod, but it is definitely NOT my program's fault. Let me know what additional feedback you have :D

And yes, if we had a mirror policy, I would be updating the new version of the program instead of this old one :)
« Last Edit: 2011-12-12 00:46:19 by drdimension »


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Re: [Release 0.9.1] Final Fantasy 7 Enemy Manipulator
« Reply #5 on: 2011-12-12 01:00:16 »
I got the UI a bit more informative and the docs have slightly more info, and even fixed a spelling error on the zip file...

Now ALL the sexy japanese girls will want me.


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Re: [Release 0.9.1] Final Fantasy 7 Enemy Manipulator
« Reply #6 on: 2011-12-12 20:50:18 »
I took a look at the latest release - nice work.
If you're happy, I could mirror your application on my own webserver once you're happy with its status. It doesn't do much except serve a small blog, so I've certainly the capacity.
As for feedback, I *do* have a few pointers:
  • Your design as it stands is pretty idiosyncratic. Users will feel more comfortable that the app will act and respond as expected if it looks like a native application.
  • Your app's UI text is quite small, and it isn't all that legibile. Stick to black on grey - white on black or brown on tan won't be readable.
  • It's unclear why the 'gold' and 'experience points' fields are disabled. Users will assume an issue with the program's state. If your app can't handle these fields right now, either hide them or provide a clue they're not in service.
  • It's not clear why 'early HP and MP' is disabled
  • The labels for the level and luck modifiers aren't that clear. Whilst 'x += x - y' is a clear notation for fellow developers, other users may misinterpret it.
  • You shouldn't give your application a function to remove a specific set of enemy skills - you can't assume it's a common use-case, and even if it were, it won't fit into a user's expected interaction pattern (which presumes they have to *specify* the e. skills). I'd suggest a function to remove specific enemy skills from the scene files.
  • Again, probably best to directly process SCENE files rather than expecting users to unpack files. I wasn't originally aware that the files Proud Clod dumped weren't actually sceneX files (they didn't have the same extension, but I assumed the extensions were arbitrary).
Hope that helps.


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Re: [Release 0.9.2] Final Fantasy 7 Enemy Manipulator
« Reply #7 on: 2011-12-13 01:09:34 »
For clarification, the greyed-out stats are not available because changing them causes so many changes in the scene files that the compression algorithm will certainly change binary layout, causing the game to screw up. If we had a way to update the expected layout computationally, we could enable these multipliers.

A lot of tweaking in this tool took place to make my hard-type hack workable using it. I've made what seem like arbitrary decisions, but they are made with a huge amount of game testing and care. Hopefully I can find time to explain them in detail.

BTW, I consider the program in a reasonable state for mirroring with the latest release.


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Re: [Release 0.9.2] Final Fantasy 7 Enemy Manipulator
« Reply #8 on: 2011-12-13 11:48:24 »
If the scenes get too large, you need to repack the SCENE.BIN segments and update the KERNEL.BIN scene lookup table. Hojo and Proud Clod both do this (though neither's source is open, unfortunately); you'd have to see the wiki or ask NFITC1 for advice.

Also, bear in mind we can work around PSX size restrictions on the SCENE.BIN file by simply inserting it into an unused sector and updating the YAMADA.BIN file.

Edit: Also, I've mirrored the current release and put a link on your opening post. PM or email me if you want the file changed.
« Last Edit: 2011-12-13 21:49:46 by Bosola »


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Re: [Release 0.9.2] Final Fantasy 7 Enemy Manipulator
« Reply #9 on: 2013-09-05 03:56:24 »
So I finally recreated my C# project for this hacking program, and have a few others included (some of which don't do anything yet as you will see). I've included the source so I don't lose it again, and so anyone else can hack on it. The Enemy Manipulator program was renamed to EnMasse, so use that.

Here it is -

If anyone is still interested in mirroring this, please do.
« Last Edit: 2016-04-18 00:48:06 by drdimension »


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Re: [FF7] Enemy Manipulator (0.9.2)
« Reply #10 on: 2014-08-23 06:19:39 »
In cases anyone is interested, I updated the tools with a bugfix, and have also released three hacks (one made with those tools).

Tools -

Hacks -

« Last Edit: 2016-04-18 00:47:51 by drdimension »


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Re: [FF7] Enemy Manipulator (0.9.2)
« Reply #11 on: 2016-10-15 12:44:38 »
Im confused, which files do what in the archive? Which one is the enemy manipulator? All i see is a bunch of .suo files. Do these work with the PC version?

Re: [PSX/PC] Enemy Manipulator (0.9.2)
« Reply #12 on: 2020-12-23 11:24:27 »
could you please provide a document tutorial showing what websites to visit to obtain the enemy manipulator for the 1997 game Final Fantasy 7 also Hi


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Re: [PSX/PC] Enemy Manipulator (0.9.2)
« Reply #13 on: 2022-05-03 16:49:23 »
it's been dealt with
« Last Edit: 2022-05-03 23:27:16 by nuada »