Long time lurker, first time poster, so... hi, and thanks for all the great work.
I purchased the new rerelease of Final Fantasy VII PC, and have used the .ogg files linked to here to replace the god-awful crap Square-Enix included in the rerelease:
Now, I'm not sure what release of Anxious Heart those files were taken from (or if they're even taken from somewhere else), and I'm not sure if the problems are in the original files or if the person who compiled and posted them (the Readme says Bloodshot) made some errors, but I have quickly discovered a couple issues:
1) The Opening Bombing Run music (that plays immediately after the opening FMV ceases and Barret and Cloud disembark the train) doesn't loop. There are two files that are exactly the same in the tracks included in that link, titled "oa.ogg" and "ob.ogg". In the .ogg files included in the rerelase, "oa.ogg" is the music that plays during the opening FMV rather than being identical to "ob.ogg".
2) The track titled "comical.ogg" plays the Jenova theme. The "comical.ogg" included in the rerelease is definitely not the Jenova theme, so that would seem to be an error.
Just letting you know in case it has any bearing on your release of Anxious Heart compatible with the rerelease, and for the sake of others using the .oggs from that link. If it's not relevant to you, by all means ignore me.