Author Topic: Moving FF7 to New Computer  (Read 6925 times)


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Moving FF7 to New Computer
« on: 2012-04-07 04:12:27 »
I was wondering if it is possible to move all of my FF7 files (with the mods from bootleg) to another computer and have it still work. Would just plainly dragging the files to an external hard drive and dropping them onto another computer work?


  • Covarr-Let
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Re: Moving FF7 to New Computer
« Reply #1 on: 2012-04-07 04:36:55 »
Nope. There are some registry entries that would need to be moved over and changed also.

My suggestion is to install it on the other computer normally, and THEN copy and replace the files.


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Re: Moving FF7 to New Computer
« Reply #2 on: 2012-04-07 05:13:02 »
Do the mods change anything in the registry that would need to also be copied ?


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Re: Moving FF7 to New Computer
« Reply #3 on: 2012-04-07 05:24:54 »
Very few do, that I know of. Aali's driver does, but that can be fixed by reinstalling it and re-running ff7config. FF7Music also does, but re-running the ff7music installer will take care of it for you.


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Re: Moving FF7 to New Computer
« Reply #4 on: 2012-04-07 15:45:37 »
Here's an example of the FF7 registry entries for a vanilla installation:
Code: [Select]


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII]
"AppPath"="C:\\Programme\\Square Soft, Inc.\\Final Fantasy VII\\"
"DataPath"="C:\\Programme\\Square Soft, Inc.\\Final Fantasy VII\\Data\\"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Graphics]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\MIDI]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Sound]


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Re: Moving FF7 to New Computer
« Reply #5 on: 2012-04-08 06:39:56 »
Hi realmain,

it is possible to move your installation to another computer without re-installation.

Example :

   C:  =  the system partition
   D:  =  the drive where you installed FF7  ( e.g. D:\Games\FF7 )

   F:   = your CD drive

   X:  =  your external drive ( has the same letter on your other computer ! )

  • Copy D:\Games\FF7\*.*  to  X:\Games\FF7

  • Execute this command as Administrator :
    ( Hint :  Press the Windows-Key + R )

    Windows 32-bit :
      regedit.exe /e  X:\Games\FF7-backup.reg "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc."

    Windows 64-bit :
      regedit.exe /e  X:\Games\FF7-backup.reg "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Square Soft, Inc."

  • Open X:\Games\FF7-backup.reg with any text editor (Notepad, ...)
    and alter these parameters :

    "DataDrive"="F:\\"   <= the CD drive on your other computer




  • Move the external drive to your other computer and execute
    X:\Games\FF7-backup.reg as Administrator.

  • It's playtime !   :D

Try this if the game does not start :
  • right-click X:\Games\ff7.exe  => Properties

  • Compatibility-Tab

  • Modus = Windows 98  or  Windows XP


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Re: Moving FF7 to New Computer
« Reply #6 on: 2012-04-08 12:12:19 »
What happens with this keys?

Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\FF7app.exe]
"Path"="u:\\Spiele\\Final Fantasy VII"


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Re: Moving FF7 to New Computer
« Reply #7 on: 2012-04-08 13:22:59 »
Hi Kompass63,

the FF7app.exe key is unnecessary because the file does not exist.

Example :  You want to run C:\Dummy\Test.exe by using Windows-Key + R
                  but you want to write only  Test

Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Test.exe]


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Re: Moving FF7 to New Computer
« Reply #8 on: 2012-04-12 08:19:05 »
Would it also work if I install FF7 w/ bootleg w/ same mods, then move my save file over?


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Re: Moving FF7 to New Computer
« Reply #9 on: 2012-04-12 08:37:26 »
it is possible  without  much hassle all i did was back it all up to a ext hdd, reinstalled original then i copied and replaced then just run ff7 config, change the movie path (if you run them off hdd) and your good to go note tho i have never been able to display my ac cloud on the worldmap since i have tryed to reinstall but all that show is the hi res one. battle and field are fine tho


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Re: Moving FF7 to New Computer
« Reply #10 on: 2012-04-13 18:48:24 »
@realmain: Yes, it works.   :D