Author Topic: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.  (Read 19349 times)

Fire Dem0n

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FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« on: 2012-05-25 02:10:48 »
I have just gotten into modding and ripping Final Fantasy Models recently. But have been doing 3D Graphical design for about 5 years now. I pretty computer savy but I seem to be running into the same problem over and over using the FF9_img_extractor.exe (Made by Zidane_2). I have been folllowing the isntructions that he have given (which I might say is not a lot) and I always get the same result.....nothing but the same error. Here is the error:

"Can`t find file, or directory incorrect!
2 parameters:
First is full path to FF9.img file
Second is path to directory for extract with slash at end
Usage: FF9_img_extractor.exe <FF9.img> <Directory/>

I have been using stadard Command Promt (beause when I run the FF9_img_extractor.exe by double clicking it just opens and then instantly closes...even with Admin rights enabled) and here is a list of different commands I have tried and all of them failed. You will notice that I used the Root Directoy of my "C" Drive for all of these attempts. Though is shows "C:\" I did try other location as my secondary drive (AKA "D:\" Drive) but that did not even work. Either way here is a list copied directly from the CMD windows showing every different combonation of commands that I have tired with no luck yet. Here is the list:

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>FF9_img_extractor.exe C:\FFIX Modding\Disc Images\
Can`t find file, or directory incorrect!

2 parameters:
First is full path to FF9.img file
Second is path to directory for extract with slash at end

Usage: FF9_img_extractor.exe <FF9.img> <Directory/>

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>FF9_img_extractor.exe C:\FFIX Modding\Disc Images\
FF9.img C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files/
Can`t find file, or directory incorrect!

2 parameters:
First is full path to FF9.img file
Second is path to directory for extract with slash at end

Usage: FF9_img_extractor.exe <FF9.img> <Directory/>

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>FF9_img_extractor.exe C:\FFIX Modding\Disc Images\
FF9.img C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files\
Can`t find file, or directory incorrect!

2 parameters:
First is full path to FF9.img file
Second is path to directory for extract with slash at end

Usage: FF9_img_extractor.exe <FF9.img> <Directory/>

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>FF9_img_extractor.exe C:\FFIX Modding\Disc Images\
FF9.img C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files
Can`t find file, or directory incorrect!

2 parameters:
First is full path to FF9.img file
Second is path to directory for extract with slash at end

Usage: FF9_img_extractor.exe <FF9.img> <Directory/>

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>FF9_img_extractor.exe C:\FFIX Modding\Disc Images\
FF9.img C:\FFIX Modding\
Can`t find file, or directory incorrect!

2 parameters:
First is full path to FF9.img file
Second is path to directory for extract with slash at end

Usage: FF9_img_extractor.exe <FF9.img> <Directory/>

As you can see I always get the same message and same result. Does anyone know what is going wrong? And if someone does how do I fix this re-occuring error?Thank you for any help given in advance.


Fire Dem0n

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Re: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« Reply #1 on: 2012-05-25 02:13:29 »
Sorry I forgot to mention that I got the tools made by Zidane_2 from here: The tools that are still available and NOT from FileFactory. The tool link(s) within Thread Post #3.


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Re: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« Reply #2 on: 2012-05-25 11:30:02 »
Use quotes in your paths:
Code: [Select]
FF9_img_extractor.exe "path/to your/FF9.img" "path/to your/directory"
C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>FF9_img_extractor.exe "C:\FFIX Modding\Disc Images\FF9.img" "C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files/"


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Re: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« Reply #3 on: 2012-05-25 14:24:57 »
I don't know anything about Zidane's tool, but I do know Noesis can at least rip the battle models.  Not sure about the rest though.

Fire Dem0n

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Re: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« Reply #4 on: 2012-05-25 18:15:09 »
Use quotes in your paths:
Code: [Select]
FF9_img_extractor.exe "path/to your/FF9.img" "path/to your/directory"
C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>FF9_img_extractor.exe "C:\FFIX Modding\Disc Images\FF9.img" "C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files/"

Thanks for the advise myst6re! I will give that a try. I also forgot to ask....does the name of the disc have to be FF9.img? Or could I name the file FF9_Disc_1.img? Or FF9_Disc_2 (and so on)?

Fire Dem0n

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Re: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« Reply #5 on: 2012-05-25 18:22:15 » I just tried using Quotation Marks and I am now getting a new error. Here is a image of what the error is:

What is now going wrong? Does anyone know?

Thank you

Fire Dem0n

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Re: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« Reply #6 on: 2012-05-26 06:24:04 »

Does anyone know what is going wrong? Like the image says the FF9_image_extractor.exe is not a Win32 application. Why is it saying that? And how do I fix this issue?


Fire Dem0n

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Re: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« Reply #7 on: 2012-05-26 19:35:12 »
Ok....with Zidane_2s help (through PMing) I was able to solve the extraction of the Database files. What I was doing wrong was I was using the Whole entire disc image file and not the FF9.IMG file that is within the root directory of the Disc itself. So for those people who are having constant errors when extracting the FF9.IMG files then please remember that you need the FF9.IMG file that is within the disc root directory and not the actual disc image itself.

Anyways now I seem to have (yes it is possible) another problem. When I try to use the DB_Extract.exe I get a another error. Here is what I have tried typing in.

"C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>DB_Extract.exe "C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files\Disc1"

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>DB_Extract.exe "C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files\Disc1"/

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>DB_Extract.exe "C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files\Disc1/"

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>DB_Extract.exe "C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files\Disc1\"

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>DB_Extract.exe "C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files\Disc1\0"

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>DB_Extract.exe "C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files\Disc1\0/"

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>DB_Extract.exe "C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files\Disc1\0\"

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>DB_Extract.exe "C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files\Disc1\0\0"

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>DB_Extract.exe C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files\Disc 1\0

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>DB_Extract.exe C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files\Disc 1\0/

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>DB_Extract.exe C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files\Disc 1\0\0

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>DB_Extract.exe "C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files\Disc1\1"

C:\FFIX Modding\Ripping Tools>DB_Extract.exe "C:\FFIX Modding\Ripped Files\Disc1\2"

As you can see I have tried using Quotation Marks and no Quotation Marks and neither of them seem to work. Also pardon for the poor language....but that is what it acutally says when what you typed in does not work. No I did not type that in myself. do I go about resolving this new issue?

Fire Dem0n

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Re: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« Reply #8 on: 2012-05-28 04:00:56 »
I am taking the lack of help means that not many people visit this forum much anymore. So...umm....Can someone please take time from part of this busy life and see if they can help me and answer me question about the Database extractor? If someone could do that I could be extremely grateful.



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Re: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« Reply #9 on: 2012-05-28 04:22:44 »
It means we don't know the answer. It's tough to get help with anything other than FF7 around here; we'd love to be able to help with FF9, but the fact is most of us don't know the first thing about FFIX hacking.


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Re: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« Reply #10 on: 2012-05-28 06:45:56 »
well the first thing you are possibly doing wrong is that you are trying to do it on the wrong directory, the DB extractor only works on folders 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (the folders extracted by FF9.IMG) my source for this information is the original post here
I have tried using the tool before and i also still had problems (but this could have been just me) but it still couldn't find the files so i had to rename the files to have extensions (so i renamed 0 to 0.db and so on).
Out of curiosity what is it you are planning to do with FF9 ?

Fire Dem0n

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Re: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« Reply #11 on: 2012-06-01 04:25:13 »
well the first thing you are possibly doing wrong is that you are trying to do it on the wrong directory, the DB extractor only works on folders 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (the folders extracted by FF9.IMG) my source for this information is the original post here
I have tried using the tool before and i also still had problems (but this could have been just me) but it still couldn't find the files so i had to rename the files to have extensions (so i renamed 0 to 0.db and so on).
Out of curiosity what is it you are planning to do with FF9 ?

Thanks for the advise. I was able to finally extract the file from the Database files. But considering that they were either .tim, .model or .raw it seemed pointless to try and continue using Zidane_2s extracting files. I had lost my way for a little bit trying to find a way to open the files and that it when I found a program that can extract open and even export the Database files. The program is called Noesis and it is great when needing to not spend hours upon hours trying to figure out how to either extract or open the Database files. It can even extract the files straight from the FF9.IMG file. But I am a little bit stumped on one thing. Where do I find the Town map data? Like Lidblum and New Alexandria? I do not mean the world map but the area when you leave the World map and enter a city or town (maybe even a cave). Does anyone know where to find these files? What Directory of the extract Databases are they under?


PS: To kranmer....I plan on greatly improving the quality of the models. The reason....well...that is a secret I intend to keep until a later time and date.


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Re: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« Reply #12 on: 2012-06-01 09:42:17 »
Nice, sounds like a interesting project, How are you planning to put the files back into the game or is this also a secret part of your project ?

well the folders for FF9 are (this info was taken from Zerox)
0 - Status/Menu/Battle/... -Text and random stuff.
1 - Misc Images (Logos, Fonts, World 'mini' Map images, etc).
2 - Dialog Text
3 - Map models (Mini-zidane, airships, save point moogle, tent...) and, IIRC, the map texture.
4 - Field models
5 - Monster Data (Part I, stats, names, etc).
6 - Location Data (Dungeon, Cities, etc).
7 - Monster Data (Part II, 3d models)
8 - Weapon Data (including models)
9 - Samplebanks and Sequencer Data (ie music).
10 - party members Data (including models)
11 - Sound effects
12 - World Map Data.
13 - Special effects (magic, summons...)

So the folder you are after is folder 4, hope this helps, also if you want to view the backgrounds i know there is a tool for doing so, when i get back later i will dig it out for you if you want (i am about to go out right now), or you could try searching this forum since i did get it from here (i can't remember who made it though, possibly zidane_2)

Fire Dem0n

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Re: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« Reply #13 on: 2012-06-01 20:29:53 »
Nice, sounds like a interesting project, How are you planning to put the files back into the game or is this also a secret part of your project ?

well the folders for FF9 are (this info was taken from Zerox)
0 - Status/Menu/Battle/... -Text and random stuff.
1 - Misc Images (Logos, Fonts, World 'mini' Map images, etc).
2 - Dialog Text
3 - Map models (Mini-zidane, airships, save point moogle, tent...) and, IIRC, the map texture.
4 - Field models
5 - Monster Data (Part I, stats, names, etc).
6 - Location Data (Dungeon, Cities, etc).
7 - Monster Data (Part II, 3d models)
8 - Weapon Data (including models)
9 - Samplebanks and Sequencer Data (ie music).
10 - party members Data (including models)
11 - Sound effects
12 - World Map Data.
13 - Special effects (magic, summons...)

So the folder you are after is folder 4, hope this helps, also if you want to view the backgrounds i know there is a tool for doing so, when i get back later i will dig it out for you if you want (i am about to go out right now), or you could try searching this forum since i did get it from here (i can't remember who made it though, possibly zidane_2)

What do you mean by "backgrounds"? I am not really sure what you mean by that? And if you do still have the program file(s) then it would be awesome if you could please post them for my to download.



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Re: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« Reply #14 on: 2012-06-01 20:39:33 »
when i said background i mean like when you are in the "Field" (probably a poor choice of words on my part), anyway to view the "Field" (such as towns etc) you can use the program found here (by zidane_2)
use that on the files in folder 4 and it will show the field models

Fire Dem0n

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Re: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« Reply #15 on: 2012-06-04 05:23:22 »
I was looking at the "fields" in the viewer and notice that the fields are just basically 2D backgrounds with some 3D objects thrown in to make the 3D effect. Is this really the case? And if the Fields are actually 3D and not 2D with 3D would one go about extracting the fields? Just wondering.


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Re: FFIX, Ripping Tool and Needing help.
« Reply #16 on: 2012-07-11 21:26:44 »
Can you see any possibility to a translation? I want to make a hungarian translation.
Can you extract the dialog? Can you drop me the correct path to the extractor?