Author Topic: [FF7] Tutorial for Bootleg - Tifa's Bootleg  (Read 2449853 times)


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #900 on: 2013-06-13 03:06:48 »
Couldn't say. At the time I wasn't thinking clearly and didn't grab my app.log just started changing things.


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #901 on: 2013-06-24 03:05:50 »
Edit: Fixed by using a different copy of FFVII and reinstalling/re-bootlegging.

(Sorry if this is in the wrong place)
Hello all. First, let me say thank you for your excellent tutorial/mod/whatever you wanna call this stuff. I recently caught the FF7 bug so I decided to reinstall it, and when trying to find the music replacement patch I used for the 2012 re-release, I found a youtube video by EQ2Alyza, so I decided to get Bootleg.

I ran it, and things worked fine. I earlier had a problem with red triangles in the start menu, but thanks to this thread I found that my graphics driver was at fault. Anywhoo, when I start FF7, the screen after the start menu is a relatively small rectangle. This includes the intro movie and the actual game.

My initial settings were 1920x1080 screen res with 3840x2160 internal res, but then I tried the default, and the same problem occurred. Preserved aspect ratio doesn't seem to help. Here's my applog:
Code: [Select]
INFO: FF7/FF8 OpenGL driver version 0.7.11b
INFO: Auto-detected version: FF7 1.02 US English
INFO: ATI Technologies Inc. AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series 4.2.12198 Compatibility Profile Context
INFO: OpenGL 2.0 support detected
INFO: Found swap_control extension
INFO: Max texture size: 16384x16384
INFO: Number of texture units: 8
INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 1280x960, output resolution 1280x960, internal resolution 1280x960
INFO: Shader limits: varying 128, vert uniform 1024, frag uniform 1024
INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r25886, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
INFO: FF7Music helper plugin loaded
ERROR: could not open file C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\ff7input.cfg
initializing sound...
creating dsound primary buffer
reading audio file
loading static sounds
sound initialized
set music volume: 127
set music volume: 127
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
INFO: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\movies\eidoslogo.avi; indeo5/pcm_s16le 640x480, 30.000000 FPS, duration: 12.933333, frames: 388
INFO: slow output format from video codec indeo5; 6
set music volume trans: 127->0, step=60
Entering MAIN
set music volume: 127
Exiting MAIN
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
Field Start
INFO: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\movies\opening.avi; h264/aac 1280x896, 15.000000 FPS, duration: 119.466667, frames: 1792
INFO: slow output format from video codec h264; 12
Field Quit

Relevant computer specs, if necessary: Windows 8 Pro 64-bit, i3 Dual-Core 3.3 GHz, 8GB RAM, Sapphire HD 7850 w/ 13.5 Beta2 driver, and I'm using the 2012 re-release version.

And here's my .bp:

I've already tried reinstalling, but I'm gonna try reinstalling FF7 and re-Bootleg again. In case that doesn't fix it, any help would be appreciated
« Last Edit: 2013-06-24 04:28:34 by MCMXCIX »


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #902 on: 2013-06-24 03:31:30 »
I think my first move would be to use the AMD install manager to completely uninstall everything AMD and reinstall the driver, making sure its the beta2.


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #903 on: 2013-06-24 03:41:35 »
That's what I did. I used the AMD clean uninstall utility then installed 13.5b2. That fixed the red triangle problem, but now I've got the small screen problem.


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #904 on: 2013-06-24 04:13:01 »
I'm a bit puzzled but that's nothing new. Took me a bit to understand you meant it was actually playing windowed... but only after the start menu? So it plays eidoslogo movie in full screen? then it takes you to the start menu (does it look nice?) which is also full screen? then when you hit new game it takes you to a window size of the intro movie playing? and when you try a saved game it also goes to a window size? and you can see the rest of your desktop when this happens? 

Try turning the shaders off.
« Last Edit: 2013-06-24 04:14:34 by Template »


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #905 on: 2013-06-24 04:27:36 »
No, what happened was the Eidos logo played fullscreen, then the start screen was normal, then I started a new game, and it was still "fullscreen" but the game was taking up a fraction of the screen, the with huge black borders.

It actually doesn't matter, though. Tired of trying to get my copy to work, I decided to download a different version, and re-boot leg, and now it's working perfectly. I'll be sure to change my original post to reflect that. I know this board frowns on piracy, but four-letter-word Square Enix, I paid for two copies of the re-release, and when I tried to download it again recently, they claim the order never went through, so I resorted to go to The Pirate Bay instead of paying for a 3rd copy of FFVII. Fifth if you count PSX versions...

Anywhoo, I didn't end up needing your help, but thank you anyway, Template.


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #906 on: 2013-06-24 04:32:44 »
Just try the following
Open the Games folder and run FF7Config
Go there on the Graphic tab
select 640x480 full screen, nvidia and tnt
click on ok
FF7Config open again, back to the graphics tab
This time you choose custom driver and then click on OK

That should fixed this.
Please let me know if it really helped or not.


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #907 on: 2013-06-24 05:55:42 »
Hi everyone!

I want to start off by saying how amazing Tifa's Bootleg is. It's working pretty much flawlessly and my favorite game of all time can now be enjoyed at even higher standards. However, I do have one small problem. I have searched all over the forums and have yet to find a fix for this problem - though it seems some others are also suffering from the same issue.

This is in reference to the text changes from the Menu Overhaul. Although I understand that the retranslation project makes the item and character names a correct translation, I like many people grew up with these "incorrect" character names and want to play with them, regardless of how wrong they may be. For example, Marin should be Marlene, and Zeng should be Tseng, etc. I have tried installing the Bootleg with both Canon names and Canon items checked and unchecked. (Completely uninstalling & deleting and trying the other option). Both options yield the same result. I am afraid this pretty much forces me into disabling the retranslation altogether - which really bums me out because other than the names I really enjoyed the added/corrected text.

Also, my materia spell names have changed to Fira, Firaga, etc despite BFE having "New Spell Names" unchecked.

Not sure what is going on here, or if there's even a fix for this. For the meantime, I painstakingly edited the kernel file manually with Wallmarket and changed all the spell names and item names back to what they should be - however this still does not resolve my canon names issue.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated!



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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #908 on: 2013-06-24 13:19:13 »
I followed the bootleg instructions to the letter, and Im getting a black screen at the start/new game menu and then red triangles. The into cinematics work but when the train stops all the textures are messed up. Talk windows dont show text. Battle backgrounds are all messed up. No music. Different shaders dont do anything.

Pretty frustrating after all the time I spent meticulously following the instructions.

i5 3570
ati 6970
4gigs ddr3 ram
windows 7

Edit: after turning shaders off completely everything seems to work, so its definitely something to do with how my video drivers interact with the shaders. Any ideas?
« Last Edit: 2013-06-24 14:09:58 by snc »


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #909 on: 2013-06-24 14:37:24 »
Edit: after turning shaders off completely everything seems to work, so its definitely something to do with how my video drivers interact with the shaders. Any ideas?

Hiya snc!

Wish everyone would check the troubleshooting section before posting here, you coulda saved yourself the time it took you to write your question. :lol: You were quite right that it is a driver issue. AMD's new drivers do not like ff7. fortunately the recent Catalyst 13.5beta2 works nicely. Use the install manager to completely uninstall the catalyst drivers then put that 13.5 on and you should be ok.

Not sure what is going on here, or if there's even a fix for this. For the meantime, I painstakingly edited the kernel file manually with Wallmarket and changed all the spell names and item names back to what they should be - however this still does not resolve my canon names issue.

My goodness you went the long way. What I do (cus this really bugged me too) is uncheck the Menu Overhaul from bootleg install completely. Then install Menu Overhaul after bootleg is finished. Install Menu Overhaul by itself using this installer from DLPB. The menu overhaul options were one of the only things that got messed up in bootleg 40 and there was almost no documentation about this. DLPB has noted that there is an issue with Tough Script of some sort and is the likely cause. The Menu Overhaul options concerning the canon items and names work correctly when MO is installed separately after bootleg.
« Last Edit: 2013-06-24 15:53:49 by Template »


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #910 on: 2013-06-24 18:25:05 »
Fantastic, thank you Template! I will give this a try right now and let you know what the result is.


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #911 on: 2013-06-24 19:54:19 »
My goodness you went the long way. What I do (cus this really bugged me too) is uncheck the Menu Overhaul from bootleg install completely. Then install Menu Overhaul after bootleg is finished. Install Menu Overhaul by itself using this installer from DLPB. The menu overhaul options were one of the only things that got messed up in bootleg 40 and there was almost no documentation about this. DLPB has noted that there is an issue with Tough Script of some sort and is the likely cause. The Menu Overhaul options concerning the canon items and names work correctly when MO is installed separately after bootleg.

Well, no dice. I unchecked the Menu Overhaul so that none of it would install when I run bootleg. After bootleg finished, I ran the Menu Overhaul as you suggested and made sure "Use original names for characters" and "Use 'series canon' for item names" were checked. Went into the game and character names were still incorrect "Zeng" instead of "Tseng", etc. Item names were "Phoenix Tail" instead of "Phoenix Down", etc.

Also, a new problem arose that I have never had before. The font ingame changed from the original font to some type of modified font (assuming this came from the Menu Overhaul installer - which made the font spacing very poor in the menu and chat dialogue. (Characters were running into each other and in some cases overlapping).

I'm going to keep toying with this to see if I can yield any better results, but in case you have any ideas I wanted to post about it here in the meantime.


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #912 on: 2013-06-24 21:36:55 »
I probably should have been a little more careful in my response Saber.

I am not a retranslation user, for one. I uncheck retranslation completely in menu overhaul. If you want the retranslation you should be able to get Canon items and names anyway, though. At least, that is how DLPB designed it. And I do think it works, because I've tested this issue thoroughly before. The Americanized option works too, i think.

Edit: Look below for instructions on copying MOD folder items from the DK folder (where MO isntaller puts them) to the Bootleg folder. This will probably fix the script.

If not that leaves me wondering if you actually uninstalled FF7 completely and deleted all of the files from your install directory before redoing bootleg. Leaving your previous install and doing bootleg on top of it is problematic. You seem like a tinkerer so I'm guessing you'll end up redoing bootleg 50 times before you're happy. Either learn the ff7 install image feature of bootleg, or use windows uninstaller to completely uninstall ff7music > ff7, then MANUALLY remove all of the files from the ff7 directory since the uninstaller will leave them. Then maybe even run Ccleaner and do a registry cleanup. THEN reinstall ff7 to C:\games\FF7 and redo bootleg (PITA). I really like PitBrat's install image function. Assuming windows 7 and 8 people have UAC turned off completely I think all this stuff works pretty flawlessly.

The other issue of the fonts is an easy fix. When you install Menu Overhaul outside of bootleg you need to change the Mod directory in bootloader configuration. This is the same as changing it in the ff7_opengl.cfg file, which bootloader will edit for you. You also need to copy all of the files from the new directory DK which is located in your mods folder which is like C:\games\FF7\mods\DK\
to the original folder labeled Bootleg that is in the mods directory. Overwrite all the files.

This is one of those hobbies you kinda have to work on a while before this stuff becomes clear... Aali's driver is very sophisticated and complex.

Edit: There is a reall good feature of MO installer. You CAN install it over itself. You do not need to rebootleg to change MO settings, just rerun MO installer. It is possible I'm wrong and it isn't possible to get the Retranslation (which you probably don't want tbh, since you're after the original names and items I imagine some of the dialogue will bother you) without the Canon option. If this is truly what you find please report this and I'll retest it.
« Last Edit: 2013-06-24 21:54:30 by Template »


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #913 on: 2013-06-24 22:01:13 »
So that leaves me wondering if you actually uninstalled FF7 completely and deleted all of the files from your install directory before redoing bootleg. Leaving your previous install and doing bootleg on top of it is problematic. You seem like a tinkerer so I'm guessing you'll end up redoing bootleg 50 times before you're happy. Either learn the ff7 install image feature of bootleg, or use windows uninstaller to completely uninstall ff7music > ff7 then maybe even run Ccleaner and do a registry cleanup. THEN reinstall ff7 to C:\games\FF7 and redo bootleg (PITA). I really like PitBrat's install image function. Assuming windows 7 and 8 people have UAC turned off completely I think all this stuff works pretty flawlessly.

You're right in your guess - I am definitely a tinkerer, and I have quite a bit of experience modding various games and understanding the concepts of how they work. I have already uninstalled/reinstalled FF7 probably at least a dozen times while messing with various settings to get that "perfect installation". Each time, I have completely uninstalled the game, including removing the folder from my computer and clearing out the registry files with CCleaner. None of this provided a fix to my problem, and as such I decided to finally give up.

I probably should have been a little more careful in my response Saber.

I am not a retranslation user, for one. I uncheck retranslation completely in menu overhaul. If you want the retranslation you should be able to get Canon items and names anyway, though. At least, that is how DLPB designed it. And I do think it works, because I've tested this issue thoroughly before. The Americanized option works too, i think.

This is what I wound up doing in the end. I honestly got tired of messing with it so I just unchecked retranslation altogether using Bootleg. This way I can still get all the features I want, including the new menus and updated models/textures/sounds/ect - but without having to hassle with the changed item and character names.

I appreciate all your help - I've been a lurker on these forums for years and years. I actually helped back in the day when Aali's custom driver was a brand new development and we were all still trying to diagnose why everyone had so many crashes during the FMV sequences.


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #914 on: 2013-06-24 22:31:37 »
I honestly got tired of messing with it so I just unchecked retranslation altogether using Bootleg. This way I can still get all the features I want, including the new menus and updated models/textures/sounds/ect - but without having to hassle with the changed item and character names.

You will find your Counters display incorrectly starting in the Midgar train 2nd bombing mission.

If you want to repair this when you run into it, I think you can just fix it by reinstalling MO by itself, with the same settings you wanted. Shouldn't have to rebootleg.
« Last Edit: 2013-06-25 06:28:40 by Template »


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #915 on: 2013-06-25 00:35:40 »
Hiya snc!

Wish everyone would check the troubleshooting section before posting here, you coulda saved yourself the time it took you to write your question. :lol: You were quite right that it is a driver issue. AMD's new drivers do not like ff7. fortunately the recent Catalyst 13.5beta2 works nicely. Use the install manager to completely uninstall the catalyst drivers then put that 13.5 on and you should be ok.

Hey, thanks for the helpful reply. Downloading the new drivers, hopefully all goes well. Been playing this game all day and enjoying it. Wonder what kind of impact the shaders will have when I get them to work.

Sorry for being lazy.


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #916 on: 2013-06-25 02:03:40 »
they dont make a huge difference according to aali. iirc

try forcing anti aliasing with catalyst if u use a internal res of 5120x3840 or a larger multiple of 320x240

About SaberClash's issue: The important step we missed after changing settings in the separate MO installer was copying the contents of the DK mods folder to the bootleg mods folder and overwriting then changing the mods folder setting in bootloader back to "bootleg". I'm able to change the script all around this way. Retranslation with DLPB's fanboy options works but some of the names (like Marin) are still translated for whatever reason and the time counters are correctly displayed... Non-ReTranslated I can't get the counters correct.   
« Last Edit: 2013-06-26 10:16:01 by Template »


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #917 on: 2013-06-26 09:03:32 »
Little problem here with the new bosses added by the mod.
When I install bootleg, the console command says to me( error message popup ) : couldn't find gjoerulv's.exe. No problem, I click ok, I finish bootleg install, and then apply gjoerulv1.06.exe manually.
In game, the difficulty is effectively hardcore, but I haven't the new extra bosses added by gjoerulv. I picked choco-mog materia, and nothin' happens.
Somebody encountered same issue ? I have a gjoerulv.exe in windows path, but still this error message at bootleg install( never had it in bootleg0039 ), but with the last 0040, always had it.


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #918 on: 2013-06-27 04:49:32 »
Well, Manu, honestly I have no idea. Bootleg works in mysterious ways. Hardcore is a little tricky to get working correctly, I gather. Or at least, it is very easy to mess up your Hardcore build/install.

If my game is messed up like that I just reinstall. Hasn't happened in a while, but I stick to vanilla for now.

Here's a little bootleg puzzle for ya:

Why is it that bootleg won't install the Aeris Revival Patch (says the file is missing) IF you don't have the Avalanche GUI in your mods folder with BFE? I started omitting the avalanche GUI from the install because it messes with the MenuOverhaul graphics. Erasing the installed GUi files from the menu mods directory doesn't fix the little issues either... DLPB has specifically stated that the avalanche GUI and MO05c are incompatible.

Not a big deal I just take Avalanche GUI out of the BFE directory and it skips it right? Yes, but then it wont do the Aeris Rivival Patch, either, which is right after that... I'll install aeris patch manually. I tried that once but I messed up my enemies patterns somehow doing it. Gonna research it properly. Just thought I'd put this out there. I don't think there will be another solution to this particular issue until bootleg 41. Yup I did it. I'm looking forward to bootleg 41. So shoot me. This time around I'm gonna start donating. But I would like to see at least one more version before I die.
« Last Edit: 2013-06-27 05:10:50 by Template »


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #919 on: 2013-06-27 16:45:19 »
EDIT: I have recompiled the game this time not selecting the vanilla difficulty, and the problem with the crashing fights are solved.

Got a question for anyone who might be able to help.

I have gotten everything working flawlessly however ive run into a slight problem trying to get the huge materia from the corel reactor. The problem is with the 5 fights on the train before you stop it from hitting corel. the first battle is 2 gas ducts instead of the battles arent setup correctly and when you get to the last train car theres a battle swirl and then it crashes. I have also had the same problem with getting a few of the summon materia as kjata..and the alexander fight wasnt the fight with snow it was a fight with these flying green enemies with like 800 hp.

Anyways maybe someone has an answer or a solution to the problem, ive only seen one thread about this subject and it was never replied to in a fashion that would solve or at least let me know what the problem is.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

« Last Edit: 2013-06-28 16:06:16 by rand0Command0 »


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #920 on: 2013-06-28 16:34:37 »
I've got a problem. I can't see the safe combination numbers in the nibelheim mansion. With these mods, half of the numbers window is cut off, so I can't open the safe.

Any ideas?


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #921 on: 2013-06-29 06:01:35 »
I've got a problem. I can't see the safe combination numbers in the nibelheim mansion. With these mods, half of the numbers window is cut off, so I can't open the safe.

Any ideas?

Reinstall the Menu Overhaul 05c on top of your install and I think the safe graphics should be fixed no matter what options you choose. There should be backup DLPB files for the reinstall.

*After you finish the Menu Overhaul installer you NEED to reset the mods folder in bootloader or ff7_opengl.cfg to Bootleg and you also need to Cut and paste all the folders and files from inside the new folder labeled "DK" in your game install directory: something like C:\Games\FF7\Mods\DK to the other folder labeled "Bootleg". Make sure you do that part right and overwrite a bunch of files in the process. You also may need to delete the flevel directory inside your Mods\Cache\ folder, or turn off Texture caching just in case. None of this is likely to cause any harm.

If you are not using the retranslation option in the Menu Overhaul installer at all, and this fix didnt work, try the same process but make sure to check the box for the retranslation. You can switch it back after you get the safe fight complete. DLPB designed MO to be reinstallable. Still, FF7 likes to explode sometimes so be careful  :roll:

Here's a little bootleg puzzle for ya:

Why is it that bootleg won't install the Aeris Revival Patch (says the file is missing) IF you don't have the Avalanche GUI in your mods folder with BFE? I started omitting the avalanche GUI from the install because it messes with the MenuOverhaul graphics. Erasing the installed GUi files from the menu mods directory doesn't fix the little issues either... DLPB has specifically stated that the avalanche GUI and MO05c are incompatible.

Not a big deal I just take Avalanche GUI out of the BFE directory and it skips it right? Yes, but then it wont do the Aeris Rivival Patch, either, which is right after that...

Heh, I tricked Bootleg to not freak out when Avalanche GUI comes up missing. I put a new download of the avalanche GUI in the BFE folder so that when it tries to run it during bootleg Windows asks me if it's ok to run, and I hit cancel. Bootleg thinks the install was successful and then it is able to find the Aeris Revival, right where it should be. Weird little problem, weird little solution. IF you try your bootleg 40 without avalanche GUI like this, you will see it makes DLPB's menu look a little more professional, the way he intended. This is one of about 4 things PB missed out of about 20,000 things he nailed perfectly. 
« Last Edit: 2013-06-29 06:23:00 by Template »


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #922 on: 2013-06-29 22:50:18 »
Template you're a boss, thank you. Worked Perfectly.


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #923 on: 2013-06-29 23:15:31 »
Heh, I tricked Bootleg to not freak out when Avalanche GUI comes up missing. I put a new download of the avalanche GUI in the BFE folder so that when it tries to run it during bootleg Windows asks me if it's ok to run, and I hit cancel. Bootleg thinks the install was successful and then it is able to find the Aeris Revival, right where it should be. Weird little problem, weird little solution. IF you try your bootleg 40 without avalanche GUI like this, you will see it makes DLPB's menu look a little more professional, the way he intended. This is one of about 4 things PB missed out of about 20,000 things he nailed perfectly.

What do you mean by "...a new download of the avalanche GUI in the BFE folder...?" My torrent has the Avalanche GUI v2.0.8.exe in it, but I never get a message to install it or not. It just does it automatically if the option is checked in BFE.


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Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« Reply #924 on: 2013-06-30 05:07:31 »
What do you mean by "...a new download of the avalanche GUI in the BFE folder...?" My torrent has the Avalanche GUI v2.0.8.exe in it, but I never get a message to install it or not. It just does it automatically if the option is checked in BFE.

Sorry Alyza, I just now saw this... If you do downloads separately like I do (out of habit), when you have an installer that hasn't been run before, windows will put up a prompt asking if it's ok to run this application with a checkbox for "always do this action for this file" or something like that. if you dont check that box and just hit cancel, then Bootleg won't install the Avalanche GUI and it won't have a hiccup on the item that comes next or whatever is going on with Aeris Revival. IF Avalanche GUI isn't in the bootleg install folder with the rest of the mods, bootleg will claim the Aeris Revival is missing and move on to the next item, with no more errors as far as I could tell.

There is no option in Bootleg NOT to install the Avalanche GUI, it comes up red if its not in the install folder no matter what. And it absolutely does slightly conflict with Menu Overhaul. There's like 50 extra unneeded files in the mods/menu folder if you use avalanche gui. It is the cause for the asymmetrical black border of the HP bars in the menu. Presumably there are other issues but that always bugged me and that is what causes it.

It is ALSO the reason people can't easily switch out their menu materia icons. If you try to toss my brightened materia pack into your mods/menu folder (made from either Grimmy or Romeo14's graphics; I really don't know who did them), they don't work unless you haven't installed Avalanche GUI with bootleg. 
« Last Edit: 2013-06-30 05:23:55 by Template »