Author Topic: Mod: FF7 Prequel (input requested)  (Read 23680 times)


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Re: Mod: FF7 Prequel (input requested)
« Reply #25 on: 2012-08-11 22:38:03 »
I think the story for Crisis Core should be redone and forget about Advent Children all together. That story sucked so hard and it makes me sad that Square-Enix would butcher it like that.

So I'm all for this, but there are so many improvements that need to be made to the plot of Crisis Core in my opinion, and it may be quite a challenge to do. I actually wanted to do this, just busy working on my own game, and trying to make sure I'm good enough to tackle such a project as this...

If you need help writing some things let me know. I've been in game development for about 10 years, so I'm pretty experienced in making games. :)
« Last Edit: 2012-08-11 22:40:54 by Helladen »

Lazy Bastard

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Re: Mod: FF7 Prequel (input requested)
« Reply #26 on: 2012-08-11 22:51:38 »
Interesting stuff LazyBastard! So im guessing that's why you were getting your hands dirty and go through tools etc and doing something with coding which is way over my head lol, guess you should change your name to Hardworking Bastard :P

Heh, thanks. We'll see if it was worth it when I release something.

I think the story for Crisis Core should be redone and forget about Advent Children all together. That story sucked so hard and it makes me sad that Square-Enix would butcher it like that.

So I'm all for this, but there are so many improvements that need to be made to the plot of Crisis Core in my opinion, and it may be quite a challenge to do. I actually wanted to do this, just busy working on my own game, and trying to make sure I'm good enough to tackle such a project as this...

If you need help writing some things let me know. I've been in game development for about 10 years, so I'm pretty experienced in making games. :)

Thanks. However, please note that I'm not redoing Crisis Core. I'm creating entirely new content, irrespective of Crisis Core.


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Re: Mod: FF7 Prequel (input requested)
« Reply #27 on: 2012-08-11 23:00:33 »
I see, I figured you were basing it off of Crisis Core from the image of Zack I seen.

Lazy Bastard

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Re: Mod: FF7 Prequel (input requested)
« Reply #28 on: 2012-08-11 23:04:08 »
That wasn't me posting that, and as mentioned, that isn't related to the project I'm working on (and apparently isn't related to any project).


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Re: Mod: FF7 Prequel (input requested)
« Reply #29 on: 2012-08-12 00:55:00 »
Hey Lazy, this is a bit late, but welcome to qhimm.

I am a big fan of your work with GSHI (if it is even still called that) and before entering the world of FFVII modification, I was using gameshark hacks from your site and anti-gsc.

If you are still interested in input for prequel ideas, I've always envisioned a Sephiroth's Story prequel based only on the information found in the original VII.  This would primarily include:

-Sephiroth's role in the Wutai War
-Sephiroth's conception (Lucrecia/Vincent/Hojo's story)
-Ilfalna/Gast's story

Of course, these ideas combined with bits involving the Ancient Temple, Ancient City, Jenova's "calamity from the sky", the introduction of WEAPONs, some in-depth exploration of the lifestream (possibly from various perspectives), and even the beginning of ShinRa could make for a game that could rival the original VII.  Zack's story need not be a major component of a prequel given the fact that the vast majority of the events that led to VII's story took place before Zack was involved, but some cameo appearances couldn't hurt.

I don't have much to offer in terms of scripting/coding, but if you needed someone to work on the kernel and scene for a potential project(s), I have a decent amount of experience (perhaps you've seen LostWing or Revisited?).  Anyway, glad to see you here and good luck with any future projects - plz don't let them go to the qhimm graveyard.

Lazy Bastard

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Re: Mod: FF7 Prequel (input requested)
« Reply #30 on: 2012-08-12 03:32:21 »
Hey Lazy, this is a bit late, but welcome to qhimm.

I am a big fan of your work with GSHI (if it is even still called that) and before entering the world of FFVII modification, I was using gameshark hacks from your site and anti-gsc.

Cool; thanks :)

GSHI was renamed recently to, although we're keeping both domains (among others), and simply 301-redirecting all of them to

If you are still interested in input for prequel ideas, I've always envisioned a Sephiroth's Story prequel based only on the information found in the original VII.  This would primarily include:

-Sephiroth's role in the Wutai War
-Sephiroth's conception (Lucrecia/Vincent/Hojo's story)
-Ilfalna/Gast's story

Of course, these ideas combined with bits involving the Ancient Temple, Ancient City, Jenova's "calamity from the sky", the introduction of WEAPONs, some in-depth exploration of the lifestream (possibly from various perspectives), and even the beginning of ShinRa could make for a game that could rival the original VII.  Zack's story need not be a major component of a prequel given the fact that the vast majority of the events that led to VII's story took place before Zack was involved, but some cameo appearances couldn't hurt.

I've been scheming about some of the above general plan is to release a series of prequels, once I've released the first one.

I don't have much to offer in terms of scripting/coding, but if you needed someone to work on the kernel and scene for a potential project(s), I have a decent amount of experience (perhaps you've seen LostWing or Revisited?).

Yes, I have; Lost Wing and Revisited are impressive mods. That's great to hear; I could probably use some information when I get to battle stuff. Particularly, once I'm finished figuring out how to replace field models in BCX files with those from BSX files (and individual models in BSX files with those of others from BSX files), I'll begin working on modifying battle models. One of my first requirements will be to replace character models with enemy models, and eventually to replace parts of models with those of other models, etc.

Anyway, glad to see you here and good luck with any future projects - plz don't let them go to the qhimm graveyard.

I'll see what I can do :)

Jenova's Witness

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« Reply #31 on: 2012-08-12 05:01:30 »
« Last Edit: 2015-11-16 09:58:42 by Jenova's Witness »

Lazy Bastard

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Re: Mod: FF7 Prequel (input requested)
« Reply #32 on: 2012-08-12 05:33:53 »
Remember that Zack didn't join until after the war in Wutai was over.  Ditto for Cloud's failed attempt.  It isn't known if Cloud joined, but failed out of basic; if he failed the physical or something and didn't even enter basic; or if he didn't even attempt to join because he was afraid, and just ended up getting a job as a Shinra grunt/patrolman.

It seems to be implied that SOLDIER is considerably more elite than the average military unit. Therefore, it wouldn't be "basic" (as in, basic training), but something more like 'selection' in Special Forces, etc. But yes, it wasn't made clear in the original.

You need some in-story explanations of how swords are more powerful than guns (ossibly cheap anti-projectile materia); and an explanation of how a 2 meter tall person can take on a 30 meter tall WEAPON (if battle models are proportional).

I have no interest in bothering with either of those. There are plenty of things that could be pieced apart if we took that route, and the prequel will be targeted at fans of the original FF7, not people who hated the unrealistic scientific aspects of it.

For the record, I'd rather be shot than slashed with full might with a sword the size of my entire body :)