Author Topic: Help with video effects (Video Editing)  (Read 1881 times)


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Help with video effects (Video Editing)
« on: 2012-08-10 11:31:55 »
Hey guys, Im trying to make an intro for an upcoming video series of mine, dedicated to growing medical marijuana, and I want to spruce it up with many effects.

Right now I have some stock smoke footage to use, but I want to overlay some 3d text that has some motion in it, maybe flames or something of the like(flames may be a little too much). I also want to be able to kind of "blow" this text away at the end with the stock smoke footage.

If anyone can lead me in the right direction to learn these techniques, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, if you have any suggestions on how to spruce up my intro even further, Im all ears. I want this to look very professional, and will spend a lot of time on it to do so.

If you like video editing or effects, or just have some suggestions, please make a post here, I would love some input on my ideas.
