Useful info on new 2012 version.
1)it DOES seem to have some sort of shader support. So it may be possible to replace the two hlsl files to improve the look of the game.
2) a fair amount of open source software was ued to make this.
ffmpeg, libogg,libvorbis,libvpx,qt,quazip, and vgmstream (looping OGG support.
3) ff7music is obsolete. any looping ogg file that works with vgmstream will work in 2012.
4) most of the "fixes" are no longer needed. it just works. HOwever..
5) limit break patch, etc that were included with the opengl driver have to be reapplied the old way. We can assume frame limiter patch is in already.
6) modding the data files directly still works, unless you are using hooks for the opengl driver.
7) newtoold conversions mean having to nocd the old executable. this could be abused for piracy. Since someone who bought the 2012 has no CDs to make images or minimages of, they are kinda stuck. Therefor i recommend people redo their mod installers to handle the new version, and any "newtoold" patch makers make a concerted effort to ensure the Securerom DRM hasn't been tampered with and the new version is actually activated. The former is easy, the latter is more difficult.