I am just going to say a few things. The FDA (at least in my country) is literally on the paroll of big pharma. It is illegal to sell a cure for anything if it is not classified as a drug, even if it has been independently tested and proven to work. It is illegal to share clinical data to any non professional. This means companies can sell drugs that they know kill people and not have to alert anyone of this fact until they find out years later (by which time they have made billions). I think you are underestimating how profitable it is for people to buy drugs for the rest of their life vs a few herbs which begin to reverse the condition in a few months or years. Especially since natural products can't be patented. The fact is there is a littleral ton of scientific independant study that goes almost completely unacknowlegded by the great body of medicine because it uses natural products which cannot be pantented and are therefore not profittable. The fact is big pharma is arguable the biggest industry outside energy/oil which is equally corrupt in similar fashion raking in trillions of dollars per year. I have actually attended a pharmaceutical convention undercover and they literally used terms such as "reap" the working class for "all they are worth".
The only way to dismiss the issue is to be entirely ignorant of it because the facts are overwhelmingly prevalent. This is something that I deal with on a daily basis as part of my field of study.
There is also the fact that established and respected medical journals are sponsored by pharmaceutical companies, which means anything that goes against their agenda will not get published period. I am aware at this point of over 15 specific trials which proved certain natural products were more effective than the leading drug in a given area such as inflammation or heart disease and were not published specifically because the journal they submitted to was funded by the company who owned the leading drug. Then there is also the fact that big pharma gives billions to universities and research firms for much the same purpose.
In fact, to date, there is only one genomically capable (state of the art) laboratory in the entire world dedicated to the research of natural products (and that only happened because of an immensely generous benefactor). The rest don't even bother to study the natural world. It is all sythesized materials. If you know how DNA works you might understand how utterly rediculous this is. Your DNA is like a long computer code with specific instructions for how to handle every chemical it ever cames across over its long evolutionary history, except many chemicals found in drugs do not appear in nature at all and therefore your DNA literally has no instruction what so ever on how to handle them. Thus the radical side effects which are common place. Also why it is an established fact that only about 9% of any given drug is actually absorbed into the body so your literally throwing money down the toilet.
The reality is this, these people do not have what you and I would call compassion. They have methodically trained out of any such emotion over many generations. They see things in terms of profits, margins and self interest. Not only is keeping the public sick good for the medical industry in these respects (since you will be buy drugs for the rest of your life and will likely be perscribed more and more as the years go on). But having a highly medicated and sick public is good also because they become easier to mislead, suggest or otherwise control.
The facts are the facts. Conspiracy is just a word that means a group of people coming together to formulate a plan in secret. If you think this DOESN'T happen in EVERY industry on the planet in a society based entirely on COMPETITION then you sir are deluding yourself heavily. Not to sound harsh but I am really sick of people dismissing such an immensely important issue.
In any case, this isn't just a localized issue. There is an entire body of established science which goes unacknowledge by so called professionals in every filed. Such is the nature of a society based of self interest. This is simply the norm of our society and the bane of our species. It is a mathematically sound fact, after all, that cooperation breads much more potential than outright competition and yet us "brilliant" humans fail to recognize such a simple mathematical constant.
But to get back on topic, this is what I was talking about. It was IBM not Intel my bad.