Author Topic: TIM format question  (Read 5085 times)

Lazy Bastard

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TIM format question
« on: 2012-09-12 14:39:11 »
I've got the TIM PhotoShop plug-in working perfectly, and I'm able to edit extracted TIM files, and re-inject them manually with a hex editor (none of the purported re-injection apps work without corrupting some data; although it appears that TIMViewer104b may, it looks to be about as tedious as manual re-injection).

There is a significant snag, however: some TIM files have more than one set of CLUT data. TIMViewer can run through multiple sets per file, but the PhotoShop plug-in cannot (the documentation even explicitly states this). How exactly would I go about separating sets of CLUT data into individual TIM files, and editing those (and then rejoining the different CLUT data sets and re-injecting as usual)? Or is there another way to accomplish this?

Also, hotdog963al once shared an app on these forums called MNU-TIMjector (in the thread HERE), which has since disappeared from the face of the earth (it was on, which has since been taken down). Does anyone have a copy of this app? I've PM'd the author, but received no response thus far...and people have already been penalized for reviving the dead thread itself to request the app (apparently, here at, we're so flooded with traffic that a few threads being brought back from the dead is more of a problem than stifling everyone's ability to ask for help from more than one long-absent user at a time).

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Re: TIM format question
« Reply #1 on: 2012-09-12 16:47:56 »
Also, hotdog963al once shared an app on these forums called MNU-TIMjector (in the thread HERE), which has since disappeared from the face of the earth (it was on, which has since been taken down). Does anyone have a copy of this app? I've PM'd the author, but received no response thus far...and people have already been penalized for reviving the dead thread itself to request the app (apparently, here at, we're so flooded with traffic that a few threads being brought back from the dead is more of a problem than stifling everyone's ability to ask for help from more than one long-absent user at a time).
I still have that program, i have just uploaded it here for you
i did see you post a few days ago but i wasn't sure if i had the program or not (i had to go look for it on one of my HDD backup discs which took a few hours/days (i did a few each day) since i have over 200 backup discs of data from the last couple of years)
Anyway i hope this helps.

EDIT:- this should also probably be posted in the topic about it as well so if anyone who has posted in the original thread could edit their post and add that link to it i would appreciate it.
« Last Edit: 2012-09-12 16:51:29 by kranmer »

Lazy Bastard

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Re: TIM format question
« Reply #2 on: 2012-09-12 17:27:37 »
i did see you post a few days ago but i wasn't sure if i had the program or not (i had to go look for it on one of my HDD backup discs which took a few hours/days (i did a few each day) since i have over 200 backup discs of data from the last couple of years)
Anyway i hope this helps.

Awesome; thanks :)

Actually, I didn't post in that thread, but another user did, and was 'Watched' for it.

I need to get around to mirroring all of these obscure programs on It's a shame that doesn't have a proper Downloads section (yes, I realize that the site was intended to host Qhimm's work only, but it's obviously grown far beyond just that).
« Last Edit: 2012-09-12 17:33:12 by Lazy Bastard »

Jenova's Witness

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« Reply #3 on: 2012-09-12 23:33:14 »
« Last Edit: 2015-11-16 09:54:50 by Jenova's Witness »

Lazy Bastard

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Re: TIM format question
« Reply #4 on: 2012-09-13 12:41:09 »
Cool. Unfortunately, about 100% of all the editing I'm doing involves relative offsets...and frequently, I end up changing these offsets, and every subsequent one, due to increase/decrease of data.

Jenova's Witness

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« Reply #5 on: 2012-09-13 16:11:43 »
« Last Edit: 2015-11-16 09:54:24 by Jenova's Witness »

Lazy Bastard

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Re: TIM format question
« Reply #6 on: 2012-09-13 21:36:17 »
They're omni-present :)  That's the essence of models, at the very least.