Author Topic: Nvidia has done it again...  (Read 14541 times)

The SaiNt

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Nvidia has done it again...
« Reply #25 on: 2001-06-16 09:11:00 »
Well, you could just overcome the 32MB limit by plugging in 2 SBLive's and using the APS drivers. IIRC, the APS drivers have a much lower latency. Can you put 2 Philips Acoustic Edge's together?

Less than 6MB is a really really big limitation. Actually, the SBLive does have 'simultated' DLS support under Win2k but what I don't really understand is why this isn't implemented in WinME?

And if you're complaining about Soundfont support, that's what you get when a certain company gets a monopoly over the market.  :)
Let's take for example 3Dfx. They had the advantage of Glide accelerated games while other users with better 3D cards still went unsupported. You get what I'm trying to say? That's when DirectX comes in. Not that I'm a supporter of Microsoft but honestly with only one API to program for, it makes thing a hell of a easier, both for soft. developers and hard. developers.


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Nvidia has done it again...
« Reply #26 on: 2001-06-16 10:22:00 »
Even if you could put 2 AE cards together you would only have 12Mb... I dont know about you people but my PcI Slots are dwindeling...


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Nvidia has done it again...
« Reply #27 on: 2001-06-16 11:19:00 »
Get a Vortex2 card then  :). It's cheap, don't have the 32MB limitations for *sf2 or *arl, support DLS too and better digital sound quality than Live and philips AE.


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Nvidia has done it again...
« Reply #29 on: 2001-06-17 00:00:00 »
XD Ok, ok. You got me there.
Still, though. If you're looking for music and such (not midi) it's the best card to buy. OF course then again if I wanted to increse the sound set I could do some of my patented "Warranty-Voiding(tm)" tweaking. :D
Then again, with one of these boards and an AE and that sound chip, think of all the possibilities (oooohhhh! Possibilities!)


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Nvidia has done it again...
« Reply #30 on: 2001-06-17 02:22:00 »
Oh yeah; if you aren't worried about midi it does look good. It's just that quite a few people - me including - are worried about midi. Otherwise the Philips does look nice. Even if it is more than the Live!.


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Nvidia has done it again...
« Reply #31 on: 2001-06-17 16:04:00 »


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Nvidia has done it again...
« Reply #32 on: 2001-06-17 16:09:00 »
I keep having problems with cookies. I would normally edit, but it doesn't wanna.
Well, I am concerned about midi just a tad. As long as it doesn't sound bad, I'm not complaining. When I had Doom for my PC and was listening to the damn computer speaker, then got my SB 16, I thought it was the greatest thing on the planet! Then when I got the Wingroove soft wavetable synth, I thought that was the greatest. Yamaha, directly outta the VIA chip with some tweaking...etc. I guess if I could hear a Live!'s full midi ability instead of just listening to it's musical and sound apps, I might change my mind. The Dominance of the AE's proccessor kinda sells me, though...Anyone out there who can help me with a decision?  :D
I need to buy an actual soundcard outside of the MAXI MUSE which was worse (ugh) than the onboard chip! I can't decide between a Live! Platinum or am AE. Gotta boost the economy with those tax checks Bush is sending out  :D


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Nvidia has done it again...
« Reply #33 on: 2001-06-17 16:24:00 »
More = costs more.


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Nvidia has done it again...
« Reply #34 on: 2001-06-17 08:21:00 »
Oh DAMN!!! Tax CHeckZ!?!!? WHERE!?!!?  :)


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Nvidia has done it again...
« Reply #35 on: 2001-06-17 09:48:00 »
Yeah. He's sending out the government's money to try and "boost the economy"
He's an idiot.
Anyways, costs more?
Where I'm at, theyt both cost 99 bucks...and I can find them both for cheaper 77 bucks...
So it's a tough choice...


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Nvidia has done it again...
« Reply #36 on: 2001-06-18 15:11:00 »


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Nvidia has done it again...
« Reply #37 on: 2001-06-19 02:18:00 »
Kojiro, was that some BUSH BASHING??? If so, my undying support and applause.  Damn right-wingers. :P*

*The 'tongue' smiley is to represent huge disgust, and not to be understood as a symbol to represent tease.


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Nvidia has done it again...
« Reply #38 on: 2001-06-19 16:30:00 »
Did the EU top-meeting in Göteborg, where Bush attended, reach the media in US? Just curious.

(Aside from all the violence and so on, the news in Norway managed to show us some phootage of a guy wearing an exxon shirt, having some other people with Bush masks tied in ropes after him...excellent! Humor is the way to go, not violence...)

Nvidia has done it again...
« Reply #39 on: 2001-06-19 06:52:00 »
Heh, I honestly can't figure out why everyone hates the guy so much. Especially the media, they seem to take every opportunity they have (and then some) to smear his public image. I don't see why people call it the "government's money". Don't they know that the government's money is really taxpayer dollars? I also don't get why people are criticizing his tax cut plans. Heck, Ireland did something similar last year (which was also heavily criticized), and now Ireland's got economic boom because of the cuts. Besides, IIRC, tax rates in the US are the highest they've ever been in history.
I also don't get what the big fuss over Kyoto is. Apparently the prez pointed this out while he was in Sweden, but all the countries in Europe are up in arms about him rejecting Kyoto when not even *one* EU country has ratified it themselves. C'mon. It's not a new US position either. Clinton had that big buildup for it, but his administration ended up not signing it. And before the US' current leader was even on the scene, the US Senate voted 95-0 against it.
Besides, dismissing environmental agreements so bizarrely self-flagellating that they exclude India (population 1 billion), China (population 1.3 billion) and the rest of the Third World from their pollution restrictions while forcing the US to undertake a ruinous 30 percent cut in C02 emissions is just the smart thing to do.   :)
I also don't understand what the big deal over Missile Defense is.
I found these two opinion columns from the Washington Post:" TARGET=_blank>The Bush Doctrine  
and" TARGET=_blank>Dense on Missile Defense  
to be very eye opening as to what is really going on.

[This message has been edited by Srethron Askvelhtnod (edited June 19, 2001).]


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Nvidia has done it again...
« Reply #40 on: 2001-06-19 16:35:00 »
"but all the countries in Europe are up in arms about him rejecting Kyoto when not even *one* EU country has ratified it themselves"

If we ratified it after Bush said that you would not ratify it no matter what, our industry would suffer but not yours, and that would have been unfair to the industry and would have created big problems with ratifying it here (as well as worsening the economy).

The general opinion is that Bush destroyed it. If Bush had said yes, people would have ratified it, hence, he destroyed it. And since Clinton started the process, doesn't that make Bush an even worse bastard for stopping it?

Your points on not including China and India doesn't take into consideration that it is *not* the population of a country that decides. I'm pretty sure 300 million americans in cars are able to pollute much more than a billion chinese on bicycles (not a nyanced picture but you get the idea).

Personally I would like to see the EU ratifying it, screw our economy...we are starting to see effects on the heating over here now, northern europe gets more and more rain every year and southern europe gets more and more dried up every year. Our metrologs says it's the CO2, of course you are free to distrust that.

I don't hate Bush personally, I dislike american conservatives in general (I'm sure they are very nice as people, I just have other opinions). Bush must of course just do what the people (or the buisnesses?) decides.

The world would have been a boring place if everyone thought the same though.


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Nvidia has done it again...
« Reply #41 on: 2001-06-19 20:35:00 »
^^; can anyone help me with my purchasing problem?