download here
http://uploaded.net/file/caa5cpld http://www.mediafire.com/?jlszy5nu8cb442c http://www.sendspace.com/file/v7f1c5 http://www.file-upload.net/download-6664026/ff7_en1.01a.EXE.html Work with stream 2012 re-release version 1.09 and 1.06 english.
For 1997 release, ProtoX's said that It works if You change game's name from ff7.exe to ff7_en.exe . Not sure if it works.
For 1.09 others language , try to rename game's file to ff7_en.exe
!You must open the game before launch the trainer or The trainer won't found the game.
v.1.01a Feature
1. full hp mp money limit in main menu.
2. freeze full hp mp limit time in battle mode.
3. exp , ap , money accelerator after battle 0x 1x 2x 4x 8x and maximum at 10x NEW!
4. save and phs hack anywhere
5. phs character hack , you can play aris after she died , or play yuffie , cid ,red13 at begin of the game. you can play a duplicate character , ex. 2 Tifa or only play solo without party(now the phs screen won't force you to do a party of three anymore)
6. inventory option , you can add new , edit item and materia in your slot here.NEW!
7. quick inventory option , you can just add all items and all materia with only 1 click. or delete all yours . Increase and decrease Item amount and materia AP is also 1 click . NEW!