Author Topic: (FFVII PC) The **ab files  (Read 22078 times)


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #50 on: 2023-04-22 16:52:01 »
ah 1 more thing quid, the sequence used of doom sword for my normal slash for my zack could u make that the start of both 2x cut and 4x cut, think thats the way the soldier 1st does it, the 2x and 4 x cut on my zack currently,  when using the first slash with bigger enemies, zack clips through them and is slashing inside their body, i just noticed.
« Last Edit: 2023-04-22 17:04:51 by NicoChirry »


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #51 on: 2023-04-23 07:32:23 »
I previously didn't look at the 2X\4X cut sequences with enough details, but I am on to it now.

2 questions, would you prefer the 2X\4Xcut exactly like the original 1st SOLDIER does them, or do you prefer the 4X cut style like it is now, + the 'jump' effect at the start?
And so I can be sure that I figured the issue, the normal attack doesn't have position problem against any ennemy right?


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #52 on: 2023-04-23 07:48:19 »
I would prefer it exactly like the soldier but If u can’t do it the jump normal slash at start of 4 x cut would be fine too as I thought it was the same lol the 2 x cut I would love to be same as the soldier that’s more important I think as 4 x cut is really similar  n thank u


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #53 on: 2023-04-23 07:53:53 »
And my Zack normal jumping attack doesn’t have position problems just the start of 2x 4 x cut


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #54 on: 2023-04-23 09:26:25 »
Well sorry, it look like you will have to do without the jump at the start of 2X\4X cut. The opcode D0 of moving position, the one that actually make the jump effect part that work well enough in the normal attack just won't work that good with 2xcut\4X no matter what I try, it make the sequences bug, and I mean big bug. D1 must stay here as I don't trust the full real sword of doom to work well in every case for a playable character.
At least I managed to recalibrate the delay for animation 11 to synch well as the second slash of 2X, and to I think fix the position issue you told me, so it's not so bad.

I am trying one last experiment with limits, and I post the fixed file.


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #55 on: 2023-04-23 09:30:36 »
Ok that’s fine quid it should look similar to the soldier first with the fixes anyway buddy, can’t wait to try it out.


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #56 on: 2023-04-23 09:37:50 »

I found this, it’s sega chiefs new threat 1.5 that has enemy boss Zack with soldier first class animation looks similar to yours like meteorain and stuff
« Last Edit: 2023-04-23 10:21:37 by NicoChirry »


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #57 on: 2023-04-23 11:25:26 »
I tried to free up some space, make some room to maybe improve Omnislash, but it disturbed several other commands to have their start offset to be moved, which was to be expected. I changed the second anim of blade beam, it render a little better.

And the position stuff for 2X\4X should be alright now:

New animations  that fit Omnislash sequence would really be the cleaner way anyway.
Sorry about the jump start, but is it really so important? I could have copied sword of doom, but as I said I am unsure it would fit a playable char, maybe maybe not, it ironically took me more time to try and make the jump start work than it took to do everything else, and I think this Zack is really decent now, except for the 4th limit, especially for a side job.

Setting up a enemy fight and a full playable char don't have the same requirements, a enemy only has to work in the fights you set them up, and the playable char has to be good enough in every fight. It's also a different process to set up the attacks and other stuffs.   


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #58 on: 2023-04-23 11:35:46 »
Obvcourse brother I’m just happy ur doing it for me quid n everything is fine anyway I was just being picky lol , I’m at work for another 1 and a half hours, will test as soon as I’m home buddy n the omnislash is fine buddy it looks great.


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #59 on: 2023-04-23 12:34:33 »
At your work place on a sunday? That's rough, I didn't have to do that since years and years ago. (Or you are somewhere where it's not sunday yet, I constantly forget time zone lags even when I travel a lot)


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #60 on: 2023-04-23 12:37:44 »
I work weekends in a shop buddy I’m in UK time is 1.33 pm I finish at 2 😂


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #61 on: 2023-04-23 16:04:39 »
Quid that fixed the issue with positioning and I have to say that 2x cut is amazing m8 don’t think u could get it any closer to doom sword 2nd hit is perfect 🤩


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #62 on: 2023-04-23 17:38:30 »
all animation are looking good quid, The 2x cut and 4x cut are basically the same as soldier 1st and all limits are fine also, my fave is meteorain for some reason LOL uve done an amazing job m8, the climhazzard limit is still buggy but works fine n love the low health animation, reminds me of the 2 headed monster in shinra mansion staggering.also the death animation is like every other death animation, perfect


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #63 on: 2023-04-24 01:30:09 »
Well, this is great, but hold on to your sit because I just had a vision while waking up.

First, it downed on me that a few other commands were probably having slight position issue, so I fixed them all. D.blow and so forth, even Braver and Cross slash.

And, I was WRONG about increasing the file size being a bad idea, at least I just was able to increase it enough to make a good and FULL Omnislash!
During previous attempts at increasing I probably upseted something else, increase size can be done at least to a point, and so:

Can't find any problem during my quick test now, like you said Climhazzard camera isn't great but that one might not be such a bad thing given that fitting animations were scarce. Give me news of that Omnislash, mhm ha ha...


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #64 on: 2023-04-24 01:42:35 »
Ohhhhh very nice quid it’s half 2 in the morning but I’m firing the game up to test it now I can’t wait LOL


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #65 on: 2023-04-24 01:58:03 »
OMG quid u smashed it lol that stab at the end it phenomenal and every slash connects with sound and graphic in sync lol how did u do that  :-D LOL ur too good at this m8


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #66 on: 2023-04-24 02:01:09 »
Also yeh deathblow is better now, was already great n uve made it better somehow lol


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #67 on: 2023-04-24 02:07:59 »
Positioning on braver and sword slash is better to think I only used these on small enemies before that’s how I never noticed positioning was off. That omnislash though  :-o he even holds his sword up before final slash like he’s charging with the sound effect in sync that’s amazing m8
« Last Edit: 2023-04-24 02:14:17 by NicoChirry »


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #68 on: 2023-04-24 02:44:10 »
It is mostly a huge lucky break that it work so well, for the Omnislash setup in the kernel.bin and maybe other files I am not sure of, happen to do most of the work in this limit case. All I did was to add +11 anims call to the sequence, finishing with 0F\15 before the opcodes that return the char to it's start position so he will do that too, and voilà, bingo, somehow this all synched well enough. Didn't think it was safe to try before, but I was wrong then.

It's very early for me too but I mod intensively these days, and I get up even early than usual on most days, starting with a little modding already before going to work.

Badaway, I forgot to ask but this is a very cool Zack head, did you make it?
« Last Edit: 2023-04-24 02:46:16 by Quid? »


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #69 on: 2023-04-24 03:04:40 »
Yeh I made the Zack head with help from sega chief through kimera, it’s the Zack field model hair attached to the Kaldarasha Zack head I think but it could be better sega showed me how to go about doing it by deleting textures from field model head. N amazing stuff quid, uve been modding non stop for over a week I think lol I look forward to it, I wake up and look for ur messages LOL
« Last Edit: 2023-04-24 03:09:08 by NicoChirry »


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #70 on: 2023-04-24 03:07:28 »
I have a better body for Zack I can send u too if u want, I just like the soldier first body cause it looks old school lol


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #71 on: 2023-04-24 15:27:57 »
I am the king of morons and the prince of inferior beings. Or that is how I feel right now. Since months I have been preparing a cargo load of battle files, and working like a blind fool on defining the script animations indexes of each... Because this:

Now the second group. Script headers. Just like it is in text files and AI script blocks, these point to a raw memory address within the file to a script that defines an animation group for an actor. These don't get stored anywhere. Instead they are translated, but I'll mention that later. There are no more than 74 scripts in these files. Players use all of these, while enemies typically need less than 20, though those are bosses.

This totaly and utterly escaped me until right now. I just realized it while comparing my recent notes to some infos I kept from threads like this one, the index table is of course within each ab file, I just, I was just a moron in such a hurry that I had never studied the header section hard enough past the third byte. And I still could have never done it until who know when if Nico's exercise didn't remotivate me to study some things I thought it wasn't so important to look at too hard.

Well, I have some clean up to do in my cargo load I think, and probably a few improvements also.

Thanks, Nico, but I already made everything I need as far as models goes over the last few years, though my development history is chaotic to say the least.


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #72 on: 2023-04-24 15:34:52 »
No problem quid and what does this mean could do some stuff u thought u couldn’t inside ab file?
N yeh uve been modding like a maniac, the amount uve done while still going to ur job is crazy lol
N well I’m glad I motivated u cause no one else could do what uve done I think, I couldn’t find anyone to do hexing until u, and I searched lol


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #73 on: 2023-04-24 15:41:55 »
Oh does this mean u could do the animation of enemy’s exactly the same?


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Re: (FFVII PC) The **ab files
« Reply #74 on: 2023-04-24 18:05:28 »
This mostly mean that when I create new scripts sequences in a ab, item throwing to take a example I did a lot, I was never supposed to run 10x time the same test after that in game to know what the correct index to assign in proud clod was for this new sequence. It's like I was litteraly running blind on this part.

And now I understand how the indexes are organized, I can choose at what offset my new sequences start and what their index should be, this is a LOT easier to keep in order and faster to work with on every front.

This work is something that started quite a while back, and I often took long breaks when fed up or just too busy\with other interests to pursue. If I had all my time this would be something else, but well, I probably woudn't want to do that all the time anyway.