Hi everone, version 0.35 is now available :
- You can now poorly modify the IL script code (more details below),
- In the same panel, the feature called "Macro" allows to do pre-generated IL script modifications. For now, only two are availables :
--- Unlock Ability Learning for Beatrix : allows Beatrix to learn abilities like a regular character and to use supporting abilities (more below),
--- Disable Cheats : remove the booster features of the Steam version. The speedup is still available but it also speeds up timed game phases, like Hot & Cold or the 30 minutes Alexandria event.
- Fixed the export/import text batching,
- Fixed several bugs in scripts edition (when I say "script" alone, I mean the field/World and enemy AI scripts).
Two notes about IL scripts :
1) It is an assembly-type script, so it will be very very hard to decipher (plus, as said, the way HW displays it is not the best...). I can't imagine someone doing proper things if he doesn't have the source/decompiled C# code to compare with.
2) The list of IL instructions can be found here for instance :
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CIL_instructionsIL and CIL are synonymous.
One of the most useful IL type to look at and modify must be "btl_calc" : every methods of this type are useful. It contains the same battle mechanics as the available MIPS code in the PSX version : damage calculations, status adding, special spell requirements... I modified a bit a version of the these methods to make it a bit more convenient (I changed the names of those "CalcSub" methods). You can find it here :
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/98687557/Resources/BtlCalc.csAbout IL Macros, they modify one or several methods ; if you modify those methods yourself aside of that, the related macro will not be available anymore. I'm planning on adding options for them also, so you can decide if you want to disable all the cheats or just some of them for instance. One of their point is also that they will be updated and the bugs (if any) will be fixed without for you to change everything if a bug is found for a macro.
About the "Unlock Ability Learning for Beatrix", you need to do two things so that it works : apply the macro and give to Beatrix AP requirements to her abilities (and optionnally supporting skills). She then will be like a normal character, which also means that her abilities won't be available from the start. You can make her learn her standard abilities by adding this code inside the field scripts when you recruit her for the first time :
In "A. Castle/Queen's Chamber" (the 3rd one when the fields are not sorted alphabetically ; there are functions with "Queen_Brahne" and "Bandersnatch" in the list on the left),
In the function "Beatrix_Loop", go at the very bottom of the function, there is a line "Battle( 0, 916 )" which is the battle against Bandersnatch.
Add these lines right before that battle :
LearnAbility( 8, 149 )
LearnAbility( 8, 150 )
LearnAbility( 8, 151 )
LearnAbility( 8, 152 )
LearnAbility( 8, 2 )
LearnAbility( 8, 5 )
LearnAbility( 8, 6 )
LearnAbility( 8, 10 )
LearnAbility( 8, 14 )
LearnAbility( 8, 16 )
LearnAbility( 8, 19 )
LearnAbility( 8, 24 )
Then parse and confirm.
Also, I checked and you can use this macro for the same purpose on Marcus, Blank and Cinna (if you give them abilities to learn). Their ability AP progression will even be conserved if you save/load the game, but, judging from the source code (maybe gjoerulv can confirm that, or someone tests it), they will be saved on the ability AP slots of the corresponding regular character : If Marcus learn abilities in disc 2, Eiko will have abilities learned as soon as you recruit her.
The script opcodes "LearnAbility" and "UnlearnAbility" should do the trick for that.
Beatrix has not this kind of problem since she doesn't share her character slot with someone else. Her ability learning progression is saved properly.
About the "Stats" panel bug now...
I wasn't able to reproduce it, but I think I know where it comes from : you somehow don't have the same Assembly-CSharp.dll as me.
You may try to reinstall FFIX to fix that problem (don't forget to copy your saves and such). I will need to fix it anyway because I don't want HW to be dependant on having the exact same files as the normal ones. I spent quiet some time trying to fix that already, though...
If one of you three who have the bug can check something for me :
- Check that you can go to the "CIL code" panel and that if you apply the CIL macro "Unlock Ability Learning for Beatrix", there's no bug (the tool doesn't crash, can save the Steam mod and the works will run fine (check up to the Main Menu screen)).
- However, if you apply the other macro "Disable Cheats", then check that it won't work (either HW crashes when you save the Steam mod, either the game crashes when you launch it afterward).
If both checks goes how I think, then I know why the stats panel bugs.
About field backgrounds, I've tried to adjust the alpha channel (despite it was adjusted according to the standard picture format, which is called DXT5 btw). I think it's a bit better now but it's still far from clean. I couldn't find why it's not the same as the in-game pictures, but that may be related to how they draw it. Each tile is actually, unlike for the PSX version, used for UV mapping and the background is rendered as a 3D model composed of planes one behind the others.
I think the next release will be a bug-fix for this stat panel thing. I will try to add a few more macros as well : if you have ideas, toss them at me !